OUR TELEPHONE For Nut Ah Tell WTAMECMWI lumber to up for Inclusion ot mum Denis PA 67 can YearNo 71 AT scapular Convicts Hold 19 Hostages BULLETIN NASHVILE Tenn AP Robcrt Rivera one of the two hardened convicts who held an estimated 15 hostages In the slate pcnlkntlary since Wednesday afternoon came out it 1220 pm today NASHVILLE fcnn lAFiA hardened convict told reporters by telephone from the captured deputy vardens office in the Tennessee State Penitentiary to day that he was willing to sur render himsclf and his hostages if his partner would do so But he said the second convict was refusing Robert Rivera 25 serving so years on an armed robbery charge and Charles Raymond Farra 25 servinglife for rob bery had been holding 16 to hoslagcs three of them women at gunpoint since midafternoon Wednesday livera told reporter in telephone interview that he would surrender if officials would re lease Farrn from prison or if Farra would agree to the sur render State authorities would jmake no agreement to release leither man We can hold out here long time Rivera said We wont hurt the women unles we are rushed We havent cursed the women We can wait We might be awful skinny before its over but we can wait Rivera asked to talk lo one reporter on pool arrangement so he could list some of his griev ances The convict then llslened on an extension phone while hostage listed them Riveras complaints included Procedures of the parole board in consider parole applica tions the son merit system Huck of proper medical attention sanitary conditions at the prison lack of educational facilities for inmates and the use of paddles for spanking unruly prisoners ment on the complaints Rivera the permitted one of the hostages awycr Byron Bean to speak by telephone to the rc porter Bean caught while visit ing client said the two convicts were holding is hostages includlt ing five trustics I710 Powers Agree On Six Principles GENEVA AP Delegates at theSoviet bloc and the North At lantic Treaty powers tentatively agreed today on six initial prin ciples for the control of an East West disarmament treaty The two sides remained sharply divided however on how to go on from there The six points of agreement were defined by French disarm ament expert Jules Moch on be half 01 the United States Britain ftaly and Canada as well as his own country Russias Deputy Foreign Min ister Valerian Zorin welcomed Mocbs definitionbllt avoided all discussion of details AGREE ON THESE Mochs definition summarized the points of EastWest agree ment on control principles which the Western delegations believe emerged during the first week ol the 10ltpowcr talks These were Acceptance of the need for an international disarmament or ganization to act as the enforce ment organ of treaty The need for control of every stage of agreed disarmament from the beginning to the end oi the process The continuation of control after th completion of any agreed disarmament measure to prevent secret violations The need for full participa tionof all states in general worldwide disarmament treaty This would include particularly Red China which is not repre sented at this conference The need to control the ac tual cuts in men and weapons made in oompliance with the treaty The needvfor verification cart ricd out by an international staff of inspectors llSReiects Claim By Moscow Berlin Is Part Of East Germany WASHINGTON AP The Unllï¬dï¬tates today formally re acted Russia claim that Berlin l5 part of Sovtetycontrolled East Germany The state department produced documents in English and Rus sian which it said clearly indi cate that Berlin was designated as separate area to be jointly occupied Thedocuments were signed by Soviet American and British rep resentatives in London on Sept 12 infobefore Berlin had been captured by Soviet forces vReportets werehandeda photo graphic reproduction of the orig inalEnglish and Russian texts which spelled out the zones the The state departments action washn effort in advance of East West sum alks on Berlins qu ture to naildown the Alliedlegal right to remain in West Berlin until single peace treaty has been signed with all Germany The state department aimed its words not only at Moscow but at representatives of the East Ger many puppet regime who have been contending in recent months that Western troops are illegally in West Berlin Soviet Premier Khrushchev has becnrhanuneringarthistheme in public remarks claimic it backs up his demand for converting West Berlin into so lled free troops of each would occupy dcmllitarized city LIONS TIGHTENV BELTS Actual Sixtyfive cen World Refugee Fun The Lions dinner meeting this week Was on the cheap as is evidenced by President Fendleys nap hialcodto ourzuse Bagge Lions club Presidentp Ch cs 1R Mac Fendley sfm befofe minestrone soup and Emmi He eats the simple far on which millions of world so neat Hilmeaj mt rte lgo to the Story is on Page Ex Prison authorit had no com onmeut tel last Dec 23 strangled Steph carvedï¬f her lard des Ormeauir printed in CHEDDI JAGAN tusclling here with London hobbies charges that the police man handled him while he was be ing interviewed outside SouLh Africa House by the BBC The broadcast in which Jagan gave his views entire South African situation later was suppressed he claimed He added that during the inter view police dragged the re porter across the square and chucked him in front of taxi was nearly killed Jagan aa lifter London Fuss LONDON on Two members of an official British Guiana del cgatipn were granted Vbail tpday on policd charges in connection with demonstration against the shooting of more than 70 Negroes by South Alricanvpblice Thoy were arrested Wednes day along with other demon stratars outside South Africa Houscthe main South African building in London Jai Narine Singh and Linden Forbes Samson Burnbam were charged with insulting behavior and using insulting words They were granted hail of £20 each un til next Tuesday Meanwhile Cheddi Jagan Brit ish Guiana trade minister said he would protest to Home Secre taryR Butler against the brutal uncouth behavior of the British police during the dem onstration Maanels Lite For Beheading Girl In England BIRMINGHAM England AP Patrick Joseph Byrnertodayrwas convicted of the murder of Stephlt anie Baird 29yearold stcnogralt pher found decapitated in girls hostel two days before Christmas He no sentencedro lifsjmpris Thevallmale jury utBlrming ham ossizes took only 45 minutes to bring in guiltyverdict They rejected defence protestations that Byrne 23yearold Irish laborer should be convicted of manslaughter on grounds of di minished mentalvresponsibility The crime though one of the most gruesome in British cri inal history did not fallwithin the narrow category of hanging offences Baird admitted that he into theBirmingham YWCA hos anie while try to kiss her then éadWith kitchen knife Byrne was quoted as sayiknghc wanted to get his own back on beautiful women for causing me nervous tension through sex Stamp Will Mark Long Sault Battle MAWi CWThe post office 55°F announced today thatafiv cent commemorative slam he issued May 1940 mark the 300th anniversary of the Battle of the Long ult About 30000000 copies of the issue will go plinted ped it displays the profile nftlhe sword bearing hero of thestruggle Do bluc on light brown backdrop of the battle scene Grant Bail To Two be millan and Eisenhower will hold kniédSgt Joseph Pack 24 bishop of Canterbury hasex families ii oAccnrsslou pm WITH Didnt Consult Barrie Barrie has been neglected by the CNR in its seriesof public hearings concerning the closing of the rail line from Allandala to Mcaford it was disclosed by officials in the City Hall today Hearings were held in Angus Coliingwood Stayner and Thorn bury to discuss the closing and no complaints were voiced by any of the municipalities in volved NOT NOTIFIED Although Barrie is at the tat end of this line the city was not notified of any hearings The CNR will ask the board of transport Commissioners to ap prove the closing of the 52rnile run The railway lost $40000 on the line last year Macmillan To Visit lire This Weekend WASHINGTON AP Brit alns Prime Minister Macmillan Will arrive in Washington this weekend for talks with President Eisenhower on Russias latest nu clear test ban proposal and re lated matters Announcing this today the Whitehouse said the talks have en arranged in move to ob ordinate US and British posi ions regardin the leSt bantalk under way in eneva Macmillan will arrive in Wash ingtop some time Saturday but he and Eisenhower will not get to gather lorrtheir first und of talks abut Midday Details as to just whens Mac thelr taiks later Woman Shot Dead Spouse Is Charged PORT MOODY BC CF Thomas Ralph Simms 24 was formally ge Wednesday wrth the murder of his wife Mrs Beverley Grace Simms 23 was found shot to death in the bathroom of the couples small house Mrs Simms body was found after Simms had drivenfrom his home to police station and asked Coast Lester to fol low him to the house There the policeman found the body on the bathroom floor Will be announced 34 GUN KILLS AIRMAN PEASE AIRfFORCE BASE Nfi APA zovmillimetre tail gun accidentally discharged on B47 bomber Wednesday and sovrsr mmmfli Nikita Khmshcbev lcï¬ presents Pre sidenl Charla do Gaulle with model of Russian satellite in Elysee Palace Russian interpreter is at center WEST ASKS Fraiico+Soviet Links Sought PARIS CWNikita Khntrh chev ealledtoday for nonpg gression pact between the Wm and the Communist bloo Khrushchev told some guests at luncheon in his honor that Russia tears no one and could strike back at any aggressor But he said Russia does not want the world situation to come to that and nonaggression pact would heinpreserve world peace Khrushchevaddrosaadtha luncheon through an interpreter after conferring for more than two hours with President de Gaulle on the second day of Ms 12day visit to France The Soviet premier said Russia does not want to force wedge between France and her Western Allies The Soviet Union and France must be united in the cause of peace be said FrancoSoviet cooperation does not call for giving up present regimes or ideologies he said The sphere of cooperation be tween the two countrieshu no limits and their interests do not clash anywhere Before the lunch Khrushchev 1nd do Gaulle discussed wide commence we lhe South African government today banned all meetings by persons of any raoein threemain urban centres until June 30 Public meetings were outlawed in the Johannesburg Capetown and Durban areas under the or der The order was signed by Just ica Minister Francois Erasmus It does not apply to religious services and funerals but per missionmust be obtained from the chief magistrate in each area before meetings of any other type The order was diesecond ma jor move of the day in govern ment following clashes between police and Ne groes this week Teams of police earlier raided offices of the African National Congress andothcr organizations throughout this racetroubled country No arrests were made but files and documentsAwere seized and individuals searched in several centres Thecrackdownfolioweda dec laration by the African National who was testing observed as day of mourning for moretban 7o Negroes killed by police gunfire earlier this week Chief Alba Luthulf banned president of the ANC called on Africans and all othersectionh of thepeople tomark the day of mourning fnrrNegroeskilledin towns around Johannesburg and Capetown Monday and Tuesday SERIOUS MEASURES Prime Minister Hendrik Ver woerd served notice in Parlia mentWednesday that the govern mentwas studying certain seri ous measures meeta threat ened ANC rest oncéoampaigo Tension continued high today in the Vereeoiging area south of Johannesburg and around llanga and Nyanga near Capetown scenes of disturbances this week Véreeniging had an air of tangible gloom and depression according to Mayor Craw and nearby Vandersijl Park lined up to buy firearms which have been selling at the rate of about 100 day since Monday ForWJiveNegroasappearedeinr Vaaderbijl magistrates court on Congress that Monday should be charges arising out of riots in 0N FAMILY PLANNING ArchbishopDiscigrees With CctihOlics Stand LONDON CP Th Arch pressed strong disagreement with the Roman Catholic attitude to ward familyzplanning saying that birth control in some circum stances is positive Christian duty new Most Kev Geoffrey Fisher highest ecclesiastical authority of the Church of England writes in his diocesan journal that there are number of permissible methods of controlling the sire of He takes issue with Roman Catholic view that the only con trols married persons may tise are ab inence and tlng sexua experiences to the sale in the rhythm of the physicaltunctions of woman sn itlias been seen to be an evident Christian duty in England las elsewhere that parents should be wise and controlled in the plan void as far as possible putting an un vlair physical burden on the motherropany unfair handicap upon the children or any unrea The bottom left hand corner of ï¬estaianréer mediated or some time past family planning may be and in fact is positive Christian duly They ad to suggest rather that it sp only from fears of overpopulation or in this country only from prudential and so desires Catholic oman hop was reported as saying that the church ofrlloma did not demand that parents should have the largest family possible and there were circum stances when it wasrlght and proper that the size of the family should be restricted If it be thus recognized that there is aproper place for family planning then it is necessary also to say that this Christian duty for parentsvtovdiscnve con scientiousiy before God what 11 iii own fam life that place theorcbbisbop added He said there need be nodil ference among Christians auto the policy noannaraoos however gitfma roorp for differences of opinion of restraintabstinence andtha safe period Both of them are clearly entirely afree from any possibility of moral blame And if the thumb ofRome wishes to approve only those methodsit has every righ to do so are ther methods Christians have every right der theinand decide how far airjudgment it is legitb mate and scernly to employ them These other methods can of course easily Ebe employed out side ma iage altogether and it be too often said that sinfuland evil not because methodisevilbut be causerany exual intercour out side marriage is evil you Christians an as to the melhnda which may properly beemployedfn planning the family iThcAchurch Romoaflowsub use were ordered to stand trial Rarity Sharpeville Monday laser 0an trickle of men want to work in Myanga wheré road blocks were created early today and policy patrols reported things are cooking up AboutsoNegroos gathered is front of the main Capetown police station without their passes government identity cardsand demanded to be arrested Police took their names and let them go Similar protests against the passcarrying system sparked the clashes in Sharpeviiie The proi tests were suggested by the Pan Africanist Congress rival of the AMC Verwoerd toldParliament that the African National Congress had announced it would hold tier resistance campaign the the onethat had led to the no Princess Anne LONDON fReutersPrincess Anne swiil be one oftbe eight bridesriiai aflh aunt Princgss Margaret to An tony ArmstrongJones at West minstechbbey May it was announced by Buckingham Pal see today Anouterlwiu be the Hon Catli erine Vesey sixyearold daugh ter of Viscount and Viscounless de Vesci The viscouniess is sister of ArmstrongJones The ages of the eight brides maids range from six to 12 VENICE AP Venice is call on Prin ce Margarets honeymooncruise Buckingham Palace announced Wednesday that the Queen is mess TIM wzu learned Great was woodIShrpy rds Sponaon of Harold Walton Lara Engineering Lt Montbea tight111 millennium shaping up as the rnajoerortof range otlatcrndtional problems in private meeting all the Frenoh presidents office in ti Elysee Palace Despite availing 18hour day of activity eduesday the 85 yearold Soviet leader Lclimbed quickly out of his ear and seemed little the worse for wear No formal agenda was an nounced for the Khrushchevdc Gaulle talks but the Soviet pre mier made his objectives clear Wednesday in three public stato menu Some Western sources in terpreted his aim as To wco France from her new ties with West Germany and re place the ParisBonn alliance with close FrenchSoviet under standing To press for German peso treaty on Soviet lines To hammer away for din arrnament on Soviet terms To weaken the North Atlan tic Treaty Organization and the Western European Union to both of which West Germany belongs FRENCH IDOL What heiadway hemay make highly problematlcal De Gaulle maintained courteous rc aerve throughout the opening day of the visit but showed no sym pathy with Khnishcheva talk of new danger from Germany The French president is an amateur at thejonierence table and he is stubborn man convinced of in wisdom of his own judgment De Gaulle aired his ownview on Germany publicly at ban quet in the Soviet leaders honor at the Elysee Palace Wednesday declared his bone that the Germans unabounded ambi tion which had twice menaced tho Confluent fpthis century has disappeared He also disagreed with the standard Soviet line that the West German government seeks revenge for the wartim defeat This did notslop Khrushchev from replying with reference to the presence of this threat of revenge and of calling once more on the Woe to agree to peace treaty ti Gannany clearly on Soviet terms And he repeated his bid for French Soviet alliancefir madein his arrival speech wi the words If our two countries wantto collaborate in field so import ant as preserving peace in Eu rope which has twice been the scene of war we think the Soviet Union and France can find oommon basis so far as the Brit cial problernsof keeping peaoe Ill Europe are concerned Bridesmaid For HuntMargarét Wedding lendingthe royal yacht Britannia their Westminster Abbeywedding May The honeymoon itinerary has not been ahuounced but British newspapers say Italys romantic city of canals and gondolas ia likely destination The manager of Venices Critti Palace Hotel said member of QueenrMnther Elizabeths house hold had tentatively reserved the hotels royal suite for some time in May He added that the exact date was not fixed and he was not informedtbat the princess and her husband might use the suite FLASHES Invite Mac T0Visit0ttawa ozmwa CPiPrime Ministermniefenbakor has invited on Minister Macmillan to visit Ottawa unis British leaders sdieduled trip to Washington Will permit it kend if the CbriSten Ship litifCollingwood VJ