Can North PIPESMOKING Hard work and pipesmoklng make up the formula for long life followed by Mrs Joseph Van Every Mohawk indian living on the Six Nations re serve at Brontford Ont who celebrated her 100th birthday cameraman March 14 She refuses to smoke cigarets but it offered one will stuif it into her pipe and light up Mrs Van Every has so granddriidren 58 great rnridchildrenmndJour great greatvgrandchildrcn VSufrimitiA Gamble Hester WASHINGTON AP Stata Secretary Christian Herter con ceded Tuesday the summit ing is gamble and said he is not optimistic it will yield much progress toward settling East West disputes But in this era of pushbutton weapons there are too many chances for miscalcuiatlon of misunderstanding to risk taking the position that we will not sit down and talk with anybody Herter told the Senate foreign re lations committee Discussion of the coming sum mit meeting overshadowed Her tars main reason for appearing to urge approval of President Eisenhowers 54175000000 or elgn aid program Under questioning Herter said Eisenhower is going without formal agenda to the May in meeting in Paris with Soviet Pre Pnorssr wave mostly embarrassed and avoided Continued from page one trgordlaary official denunciation of the South African govern ments policies in state depart ment statement niesday The Washington denunciation said the US deplores violence in all its forms and hopes that the African people of South vAi rice will be able to obtain re dress for legitimate grievances by peaceful means The state department admitted its expres sion was an unusual intervention in the domestic affairs of friendly country There was no immediate re action from the south African government but its reply was certain in be bitter MOM EMBARRAESED Except for lndios Prime Min ister Nehru governmenlrleaders of South Africas partners it the mier Khrushchev and British and French leaders But Eisenhower is ready to dis cuss the Eerlin stalemate Ger many disarmamenthr other is sues the secretary said Herter said he was very frank to admit Im nottoo optimistic that the summit will produce Very great results The 1955 summit conference at Geneva was very discouraging one the state secretary said There seemed to be agree ment at high level which never filtereddown to lower level ne Eotietors he added in answer to other questionl Hester said there are surface in dications Russiawants mean ingful disarmament ngreement The real test of Russias sincer ity would be whether the Rus sians agree Ina workable inter national inspection system ISWIDE outright condemnation Nehru long critic of South Africas racial laws told the In dian Parliament the mass kill ings are not lheend of an episode but preludeto future conflicts Al United Nations headquarters in New York nine African deleA gations called meeting today to determine what action they could propose in them against the SouthAfrican government Moscow radio promised vigor ous Soviet support to the Ne groes WIDE COVERAGE Headlines and pictures of the violence were plastered across newspapers all over the world Editorial almost unanimously blamed the Nation British Commonw were TODAYS STOCKillICES a1ist governments apartheid pul icies for the outburst of rioting Compiled at noon by ngtes1yn£ Collier so am LNDIJSTIIIAL Asbestos Abltlhl Paper Algame Steel Aluminum Ltd can Paper consumers it Dis lb 2m Vs 14 Human any cc Lakes Get Pow 2121111an EA 011 BC POWII Cdn Bk of com Cdn Breweries crn Canaan Cement can Chemical Can Curt Canadian all con Min Sm Home Oil am 49 am £94 011 In can Erin Camp Chlb deco Den Del Rio Gunnlr Hnilln er Coni Danilen con Morrison Lamaqua Hall Nametal antenna on Dominion en Io Am 21 de omnauy Lt manure arose ekcnhzme mne Industrial up so Golda rt 01 uowoone new your industrial up 1111 uplfdsyvliltiittes up 12 nine nu egg tgbkl Eliaoiined ac on bualnelr newt St continued its decline week Ioreeastjt see or cent up acity ruint eunu cent indunry Header continu blame abnormal westernad re main hopeful for ahIrP in up soles once warm improve 51 Reeeni of all mice ï¬etzfnlucfnsider bla favorabi lull ll llfl be on yinx olishlrebeen Welder12 hi rn er and as them fromallinl 5014 ens Dam Found Herdue Farms Hudson any Mia 46 $12 Tobacco inter Nic 2P1 rov mi Club Loblaw Pfd Man Powell hilly les MIND oncoming Mines KerrAddison llflrittmol 1s New Myi Manny Fer 35 Nornan 28 Nor one no Moore Cor Paciï¬c Sena 51555 as has nay1 Bank in st Law Corp 103 sure Shirrttf sun sons Stee of Can stelnbert Tor Dom wins Can Plpe Trader sin Texaco union Gas Willk€i saw as Gas 215 26 28 Ne Hosea 1a Coldstraam Opemtska Qucrnont Sher Gordon steep Rock United 011 wutsey va nanome Lo 23 Moore 0011 cannanoxs able 25 dividend Metals down 49 to down as Avennuns pears old to spark Ian less adornit dluatddmeimn wmz inonr quarter alalnst cents um um age or or is cos operating rule We ed on average creepr quot reflecting largc unused capacity resultinl from ex A11 onpmmm on eye total warid news again in stranc unwno realised part mm dol lnr discount rd tlookeoomi decided lavasa Cnnad an Ste one MineleLd Chirn gt Lac Gold Min swearsunrm Mines in Industriqls Lead TORONTO crii lndimrlals were the main feature amid light stock market trading thismorn ion The 11 am volume was $55000 compared with the 395000 sharu tdroded at the same time yester ay Moore Corporation Ihawed in dustrials the way rising at 19 Mines were in the doidrums with Norsnda movingup V4 at 40V and Dome up it at 20 in senior uranium Algom gained at 13 and Gunnar was five cents at 5830 Consolidate Den laon dipped ii at 10 led by industriais the market lumped into the winning side Tuesday index changes industrialsup 229 at 18754golds off 02 at 3963 base metals off 111 at 15731 Western oils up 89 at 9971 The final volume was 1710000 ILS Juno ails To Paisatéiliié Into Orbit For Radiation Study CAPE CANAVEEAL Flu AP The United States failed today in an effort to put radiation study satellite into orbit around the earth The fourstageduno 1i rocket lifted oif successfully from this missile testing station at has am EST but nearly an our later the National Aeronautics and Space Adndnlstratlon in Washington it had ffaiied to place its payload in orbit around the earth The space agency said pro ject officials suspect throne of the upper stages failed to ignite 35P0JND SATELLITE The rocket was designed to place impound satellite intoor Sarah Churchill Clearly Drunk LONDQN Reuters Sarah Churchill actress dauBhter of Sir Winston Churchill was alleged in court here today to have been thrown outzof London tavern clearly drunk shouting and waving her arms The prosecqu said she was told to go away and behave her self but continued to act in the same way and policewere obliged to arrest her Miss Churchill admitted being drunk and disorderly and was fined £2 with £2 costs She was convicted for similar shares shade heavier than Mondays 1705000 Ford of Canada hematite industrials going ahead three points at while RC Tole1 phoricandlnominion Stem went ahead 13 etuvi and 4331 Carr ado Malling industrial Accept ance and luluprovincial Pipe Line gained point at new and 56 Canada Packersï¬ went down point at 45 while Brown Com pany slipped 15 at 13 Gnspe Copper dropped point at no and Quemont lost 5a at 95s Hollingcr and Miranda both were down Veotztlb and 40 Algorn was up Vx at 12 while Consoli dated Denison was all lo at 10 Gunner was unchanged BuilcySelbum gained 35 cent at $155 while Pacific Petroleum Vasup atnyi and United put on nine cents at $151 Canadian Superior was off ï¬t at 11 hit to make the broadest study yet of great radiation zones in space which could impelii space flight The payloadnamed Explorer Vlll was aimed at an orbit which would carry has far as 33000 miles from the earth and as close as 200 miles The radiation beits extending from 1009 to more than 5000 miles into space hover about the earth with openings at the north and south polar regions Their potentially deadly radiation is formidable barricr to mans reaching the moon and the plan ets Most previous US Satellite have contained Instruments to survey all or part of the danger ous area Explorer ViiI was the first to be devoted exclusively to this task oi olienca last September and for insulting behavior last month DEATHS THE CANADIAN PRESS San Francisco 5Vlctci Avian dario 59 Venezuelan counsel gen eral in Tokyo after fall on stairway Winnipeg Robert Maxwell bhylMoore 38 familiar figure in the offices of Manitoba premiers for the past 40 years who wasoften referred to astha last of the great characters vancouvcrethCol Cecil Ear raw Simondsfsi father of Lt Gen Guy Simnnds tamer Cana dian Army chief of staff Paris Jose Antonio Aguirre 56 president of the Spanish Basque govemmentinexile and longtime ice of General Franco of heart ailsneni WellandVictory LeslieDavid son Welland Counti sheriii for 34 years Torontn Robert Clark How land vicechairman of the On tario Municipal Board INVESTMENT cullTs Crawford and Co Ltd MlNlNGWORKIN caPrrIn The president Mrs iola Mac Milieu told the P1 motors and Developers Association during thezith annucl convention re cently held in Torantohthat min ing companies with good work lngcapital positions should put their money toworir in explora tion Belowlsa list ining ocls exams Howey Gold antral Patricia old Mines Ltd Conwest Explore iion LtdiDomeMlne Gunnar Mines Ltd Li innocent re vabla tion 753 wmbined common and sec VNET EARN INK CS CANADIAN tic Acupunce Carper1 11 year ended Dec 31 1959 315189 704 centi on ins ood preference sham last8r 331 in cents on 158753 shares Bicroit Uranium Hines year ended Dec 59 $1347309 cents share 1858 31870801 L5 centa Canada Wire and Cable Ltd year ended Dec 1959 $455 650 44 cents per share 1958 $503193 46 ceats Great Lakes Paper Co Ltd year ended Dec 31 1959 31899 751 $143 share 1958 unease $172 share Photo Engravers and Electro typers Ltd year ended Deena 1959 $235535 $115 share 1938 30064 3141 share PRESTIGE iusuaiu identlflssyou WELCOMEWAGON SPONSORS drms penage lathe Imainuaaadelvlaflbd youreommdty so an PA 66302 jam ARE evens VHOJiEt 10 NIGHTS SIGHTSEEING TRIPS Churohill Jackson lenere Phone Lefroy Strand Store Sabins out Store Phones Turn your basement trimaranfined Rumpus Room that your fondly will eifloy for runny yeereto come The BALL PWGth co will furnish Vall your topgrade remodeling materials and you can choose from handy PaymentPians including our revolving EliaACount Plan gt Put richlooking Plywoood Panelingin your new tenement rponi Paneling for an average no room as low as ssoo month scans Maaville Ceiling The win nusn age tnyour EumpuRoomiio 16 or 12 24 titles only 13c sq it HANDY PAYMENT PLANS AyAILAeLs PtflNlNGMIHTOï¬i non JACKSONVILLE lg ss 05 SARASOIA 22029 new ORLEANS IvosaNGEIes