MR AND MRS Larry Lalt tour are rhonn milling the wedding cake at the reception oilmving their marriage in The bride the tonoer Geor gina Livingston of brittle 1he bridegroom is the sen oi Mr and Mrs David Lntour at Bar Guardian Angels Roman Cailh rte Photo by James Pauli olic Church Orillia June 17 Oriiliat ANN LANDERS ADVISES TRADITIONAL GOWNS liT IUNE WEDDINGS MR AND runs Ridurd Evans are strewn wtting the wedding cake at the mcptlon which followed their afternoon wedding at Bradford United much Bradlord Ont June to at oclock The bride is the iorrner Shanna latte dau ghter Rev and Mrs Donald latte of Bradford ltw brides groom is the son oi Mr and iltirs Evans ot Brad More Lives Than ll Cat PREFORiA Reuters Joey Verwey Izytssrold Pretoria girl claims to have had more lives than cat lit livu to be precise and to remember de tails trons most ot them Joey has been amazing her lamtly since she could talk with berexperiences in previous ex lstences As she grow older her memories become more de tailed and specific Now she has attracted the attention of Johannesburg imi verslty profeuor who intends toI tst dwrmdfly Joeys mom or es Recently she startled his torlan by giving an accurate delt scriptien of conditions places and clothing oi more than cut tury aao She has drawn objects she says she has seen in her prc viom lives stracbing irons the earlint stone age period when she remembers living in cave with drawings of hunting scenes on the wall to the end or the 19th century She claims to remember liv ing invthe Egypt ot the phar oehs Renaissance Italy China and France as well as twice in South Airtca SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Social notes are Intended to the meeting Entertainment was his sisters airs Zelis Dustin cover the lasers social lilo oi the city District chdlnu anniversaries bridal abolcn bridle parties eomlnxohge parties traveller and visitors are all items ct interest to readers of thin page Your help in news this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex lmlner 7266537 and ask tor Eileen Dixon or Andrey Conl sou at the womens Depart ment WEDDING IN CALGARY Mr and Mrs Jack Batstone oi Drury Lane travelled to Cal gary via Air Canada to attend the wedding of their daughter Judith Ann to Donald Demp ster son oi Wing Cmdr and Mrs Jack Dumpstcr The mar rlage took place in Partrdaie United Church Calgary INNER WHEEL Members oi the Inner Wheel of Rotary merited the lian mee ting prior to summer recess with the annual strawberry so clal held at the home of Mrs Bill Caldwell Mrs Ronald Stem art presided during brief busi ness session Christmas stock ing for the Canadian Save the Children Fund were brought to OF LOCAL INTEREST DempsierBaistone Wedding ford WCTU Claims Evil Conditions iitloto by Faverol wedding of local interest took place in Calgary Alberta when Judith Ann Batstone ex changed vows with Donald Takes Place In Calgary Church Dempster in Parkdale United Leonard Fox at Calgary atten dcd as groomsman Brian Mur phy Son oi Spud Murphy tor mcr Commanding Olticcr oi RCAF Station at 13X Angus provided by humorous contest under the direction at ilrs Dan is Stcard The social mnclud ed with luncan sensed by the hostess assisted by Mrs liugh Gibson Mrs lacir Batstone Mrs Hamilton and Mrs hill let Salter TOURS 30 Ahoilday at the Canadian west coast was enjoyed by Mrs Freda Sbtnner of Eugenia St who returned trom ber vacation by air yesterday Mrs Sbinner travelled to the coast by train where she was joined by her cousins Mrpand Mrs Reg King Leaving Vancouver the trio mo tored through the Fraser Vallcy up In Wiiï¬nrrs inkc visiLing Prince George and Ititimat lo cated close to Terracc BC From Prince Rupert they tra velled by RC terry to Kelsey Bay on Vancouver Island then motored trvm there to Victoria BIRTHDAY PARTY Birthday celebr at Michael McBride was guest of honor at iamin party held Sunday at the home oi his sister Mrs Evelyn Skelten of Eugenia St Guests included Mr McBridas brethcrs demos and Frank and and Mrs Agnes bowling They are the sorts and daughim of the late Mr and lira Charles McBride SENIOR CITIZENS numbcr oi Barriel senior citizens enjoyed bus trip in Guelph on Wednesday wbere they were greeted by members ot that citys Senior Citizens Club leaving Barrie at em the bus load otvoider toil ar rived in time tor dinner at Guelph restaurant Later they were entertained at the Guelph clubs meeting place where can pet bowling cards and other games were played mock wedding skit was followed by luncheon and then the Barrie group left tor home arriving back at pm GOLF PARTY The Barrie Examiner Social Club hold gel and putting competition at ShantyBay Golf Club Friday evening Mr and Mrs Jack Kcamcy were declar ed winners oi the competition Mr and ltirs Barrctt Muir owners of the Shanty Bay Gall Club welcomed the 30 guests to the social time which followed the games TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER DAY JUNE 35 1967 Cuilt And Shame Demand El Dcar Itnn mom am woman in my 705 but nobody would guess iL have been married for over so ycars to solid citizen hose interest in sex went dcad about 10 years ago liis impotence was re liet to me bccausa that part of our marriage was never very satisfactory We raised nice iamily and did my duty but there was vLry little excite mcnt Last year we had our home remodeled man 12 years my junior worked here tar one vcck This may sound silly to you but we tell madly in love We didnt do anything disgrace iul but we did have vondesiul time togcihcr We both know it was losing battle with part ncrs and age against us and he went out or my tile as suddenly p5 he had come in cant get this man out of my mind wake up at night longing tor him while my poor husband is snoring in the next room isnt it crazy that cant have peace in my old age keep wondering what my randchildrcn would say it they cw about this Please tell me Ann am the only woman my age with these ideas You might call it sick but its real and its some thing have to live with Can you bring this subject into the For round of your favor town or away an ensemble ï¬st looks as if it trait in longed everywhere is treated It could very well be this ele gant twosome by Jo Copeland consisting of double silk eta mine coat over White French embroidered lace dress whim looks like pure poetry on the ï¬gure And to mabcll the de lighqu shocking pink color ot the easyriiiting coat Miss Copeland has added tor total gt MARTIN GIVEN AWARD DETROIT Canadian Extemal Affairs Minister Paul Martin Sunday was awarded the Humanitarian Award given by District oi the Ban Brlth Herbert Gray member of Far liament who was with the Gas nadian delegation at the United Nations Mr Martin represents High Price Of SelfRestht open tor discusslouYOUN AT HEART Dear Henstr of course there are other women your age who are still interested in sex But dont delude yourselt into think ing you are in lovenot in one week lady Be glad you didnt do any thing disgraceiui because the price in terms of guilt and shame would not have been worth it Dream castles ere tun to visit Granny but dont try to live in one GOOD RELATIONS Dear Ann tandem am 15yearold boy who is trying awtuiiy hard to get along with ELEGANT FEMININITY look perlw shoddng pink rib tie summer nigst haunts in hon bows at the dress about ders Convenient Drivetn LooHon at 217 Dunlap my parents The trouble is whenever we have diitereuce oi npinlod they take turns giv ing me lecture When my Mom runs out of breath my Dad starts in It try to ex platn my ideas they say Be quiet We dont want any back talk Do you think it is back talk when person wants to present his side ot disagreement dont yell or anything just make an attempt to speak but they dont let me ï¬nish scu icnce Please give your opinion lily folks always praise your col umn Thank youA Friend In Need Dear Friend One oi the es sentials at good relationship is the free exchange at ideas Par ents who speak with their chil dren rather than at them find that their ideas are more read ily accepted The abilityto dis agree without being disagree able is the mark or civilized person All kids should be given the privilige at practicing the tine art oi rebuttal NOVEL IDEA Dear Ann Lnndersl The other afternoon invited friend of mine for game or bridge she said Im sorry but am going to dog shower today said what She then explained that her neighbor had just bought new dog and she was having shower ier him or course each guest is supposed to bring gift have heard or some nutty things in my lite but this beats them all What is wrong with woman who would insult her triends by inviting them in party tor dogtMortiiled Dear Mort This is probably her idea of something novel and imaginative Im not going to concern myseit however as was not Invited How about you Cooksiown UCW Mark Iune Session The Oookatown United Church Women met at the church June 13 for their final moctinguntil September Literature and Communion tions was the theme oi the eve ntug meeting under the direction of Mrs liliiroy who conducted the worship period assisted by Mrs Glass and Mrs Lewis The highlight of the evening was the address given by Grant Miiroy who has returned home from Canadian Bible College tor the answer mouths Mrs amps the president conducted business period and it was decided to have bake sale on the utteran at July Rev Milroy showed slides of the Iamllye recent trip to Expo in Montreal Lunch was served by the com mittee and social half hour was enioyed CALL 7250259 FOR Exist ill Expo 51 CATIIARINES Ont GP 1119 Ontario Womans Chris tian Temperance Union decided Thursday to urge Prime Minis ter Pearson and Paul Dupuy commissionengeneral oi Expo to investigate and eliminate the evil conditions which wrist at Expo 67 Mrs it ll McKelvy of Guelph told the associations annual meeting children are being served wine at Expo obscene pictures are used in connection with the transportation system and the entertainment section at Expo is described by teen agers as The Gate to Hell The group also passed resolu tions aimed at banning gem bling and the use at alcohol cigarettes and drugs The WCTU also decldedvto ask Mr Pearson to designate national day of repentance and confession and to ask Pre mier Roberts of Ontario to do clare youth temperance edu cation week Mrs Smith of Rentrew wasreeiected president of the LONmember association Health Nurses Sign Agreement CORNWALL CPlThe first collective agreement tor local public health nurses was signed Friday between the local branch of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and the United Counties board at health The contract provides salar ies ranging trom $5250 year lot beginners to $6500 annually alter tlva years It also covers hours oi work seniority over time provisions statutery boll Church and Rob Dempstcr brother of The bride is the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Jack Betstoue oi Drury Lane Barrieibe bride groom is the son of Wing Cmdr and Mrs Jack Dempster of Cal gary former Commanding 0t ficer oi RCAF Station at Edgar Ont LACE GOWN For her June wedding date the bride chose streetlength dress of ivory lace Miss Lenore Hill of Calgary the bridesmaid was gowned In turquoise lace the bridegroom were ushers HONEYMOON Alter reception at the High lander Hotel in Calgary the moon to Banft and Lake Louise On return they will make their home in Calgary CALL news at Hr Service Close to nun 159 Bradford 1285517 RUBYS BEAUTY SALON mm Hairstyling Permanent Tinting open as out Tues Than Fri open as PRESIDENT Mrs Beatrice Ihayer Pith man who was elected presi dent at the Christian Scientists annual meeting in Boston 124 amp 12mm Mass descrtnetd mristian Scientists as being interested in good government in right eous laws in bettering the lot of all men Approximately Double your money back guarantee on all fresh meats red and blue brand steer beet only days vacations and other clauses yourRo in proplanned mortgage fromtheRoyalBark Discussyom Runyontwuntmourneedswith BaukerJbtjoraycu gohouse hnnï¬nglflhatswhatprepianningmeans Ihcnyoucanbuywithpeaceotmindsyouknow IhnRoyalssbehindyouellthowayl ROYAL BAN 8000 members attended the meeting GRAND EXPANSION sans Jane 28 July Isl inclusive FREEI Carnations to the first 150 Women Shoppers FREE GIFTS in all Men and Women Shoppers Over loo itcms on Swolal Open urnlo pns daily AM rooo MARKET Altng 44934 GLENBRAE LTD Plumbing It Heating iormcriy Gordons Heath us lllflldlln an new IE CO Md lineups Lubes Motor it Minor Repair IIIIESTONE PRODUCTS 7286301 happy couple leit on honey TRY EXAMJNER WANT ADS SORRY We can no longer serve you from our downtown Wool worth location as our lease has expired We can however give you better service at our ion cstair ï¬shed location at ma Road Webbs Jewellery 7282267 WIN FREE PAULS SERVICE EXPERT Station as iv giv°°n REPAIRS Dart at Ira Appliance Service WES PERRY so 1th st massr Class Mechanic lirea Batteries Lubrication Oil 62 Essa Rd 1232632 DRIVElN SERVICE In by IoUut by Curtom Shirt Sonics liner moan use innu his Mending Itng and arm same rnm cleaned ails Blocked Quality Cleantn house at 0114 an onion RULES Each weak as week you us win Night on the Town with the compliments oi the olrtlclpata ins bunnessas on this advertise meat All you no required to do is run through each advertise meal ammo when will appear in uunzbor or the advertisements each week this letters locating in nama or one or the participat ing business onmcuy identity the businkssreaeh week and send NIGHTLY your answer along with your name Enmwmmpmnr and address to mm on the mom Town Contest Editor ca Tim EM Barrie Examiner The ï¬rst comet my answor dnwn nach WMlK will win Night on the Town nahsee must GOG DANCING be received no later than Friday at the noon oi each week QUEENS HOTEL Meet your Irlends where the action is WHAT Y° BARRIESEAFOODS Fishy Chip Ladys Hair Style email serumhr or meats oi Rubys Beauty Salon One ladys dress and one mans suit dry cleaned by Cottys Cleaners Sauna Bathe compliments of Daincs Sauna Baths Taxi Service compliments of Allendan Taxi Co Dinner Inntwo at iiarrie Seafoods Restaurant Entertainment at the Queens Hotel 1wo steaks compliments at ltI Food Market Angus 109 Bradiord Sir Barrie 728M Jug Milk VCookies Cand Ice Cream Gtgaredes Magaunee TakeOut Service 29a Blake Opp Simona Plans VARIETY SNACK BAR Phone Barrie 7251 DAINES SAUNA BATHS SAUNA BATES VI REMEDIAL MASSAGES UltraViolet or lnfraIted Lamps For Appointment Phone 1287111 105 Edgehtlt Dr Iinrrle NEW WAY Upholstery Cleaners TAYLORS TEXACO Has It MW Major Minor Repairs home ï¬rm Firestond Tires and ï¬ï¬gfld Batteries upholstery Wanï¬lled Accesnsgiis it has hr afraid hill at an 3qu but uses