71 2253 flawsA T0 GOOD HEALTH Pill Addiction Diliers From By JOSEPH MOLNER itiD Dear Dr Molner hate been taking an aid to sleep it claims not tohe habitforming have been taking two night or about thrce months and so tar it has helped in 1t salclMrs £15 Once knew mun uho al ways thn he sat doun at the table moved all his siltcrwnre about an eighth oi an inch No mutter how it was placed he Habit its that can grate on aomeonel nerves Yet he had the very dickeus at time trying to stop doing it why it was habit So saying that anything is not habitforming is ruky Any thing can become habit Quite tow people get the idea that they cant go to sleep with out pilland then its habit Snme oi these same talks it given some completely impotent sugar pill or ospmn still go to sleep it they believn 1t 11 sleeping pill It great deal of still had to more it little hiti in mind ya bane it drove his uite wildjust you can do something you usu one of those harmlcss ilc hair ally can it you hellovo that you TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARR BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY JUNE EVENWG 00 1$1t no 0thqu no Petumatl DAltcr tori11 Pomslt TMAdlliy C1311 t4 illluk Saber 3111 mm St Rm rlblo Faunnob iouuna ram 330 5° onun on Your 1111 owta World or STorgspaen 11poin 599 trfhï¬ui nus twisty tit none 111 11 1wx11ia World or 610Nclnbour svo uutu M1 algammi zaei smart Lamontum zvou Asked rm PM 111 Wuther spon snm nunnv more 1130 11 rrwortto Fm mp 24ml Hm In llencl Well Gum 600 90o Hlovie yum in some srrom Dem lChannll 11mm 5mm sllovio Dihundrrbtrda m1 The Private 11111111 llLeta stnr out llsoccer 111 Ami no SStovtc oMovte sNrr Action Liliiu the min m1 Promoter SUNDAY JUNE 25 MORNENG AND AFTERNOON 100 11mm 5111 rialsum smiun Literal orflrgtn 0mo ur 11 rArncu1um 11in MW 71111111 om 11yu1 7ilorald of Truth muxénmd um mï¬gm gigollademolseiia Hum Elihu mum Tnu 11 T11 Lilo 00 130 me or Lu zr1u1 lor Today znnm 7Christï¬nher Hum Tim The 1mm non tlSacrod ltsor ootou 341mm calendar 1110 7Bullwinkle 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Dream Hwnuun flva we tall iii$3 stigma un 111 £7335 fratme 31 Dream or mania 3°kl1 my 11 to 1111 11m ormn mm snomu unnrnt 1114 In Epcot gt05n1othen Brothen 11May iheatra MONDAY JUNE 16 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 030 icanoro comm 100 zvgvinaow on tn 11 All 71 mun asitdnrin semester 10 mgyin do uNm Hm Vmoeur Flicet en 111nm eneverw alumna TMitivo 1Datailno PM Dtï¬ltovla mm 11 mg Sim 1111mm mm 1131321 1vvWltéxdow on rn mm Salim srv University mt Boone Tad mo dAndy cumin 41 in world 15111111111111x11t Sweep run1 Luau Dohatimed rum ltsnhnitzei Bonn 11 will egos Does Not 11110 1180 21111ny 111 1r zHoliywood mzemuung 00 21 23 grid 011111 11m 111 mo 74 Gm Newlywtd nun DAillrnlvurstty or the DFlving Doctvr 11c 11min Stud um ggouu Eaï¬y ream Zflnpw ï¬fvï¬dgum Iicovin 111 Conflict dForï¬t Rangers sPopeii ma rm 30 7Sunermnrketswup 7hlovto zAnothcr World snmn M11111 People w1n Talk 3411 no 1111 Penn SToronto Today 4ro r1111 co mu 93° 12 so midfihdti 11 ï¬lï¬fg Hum 61111111 Lao FUN MW JNewa weather zrou Dont Say 11er Lugelm lGuldlnr Hoot 11111 at mm 15mm r121 1111e negro Nicki Tomorrow 7Superntnn Show LItl v11111 111m 400 71m ICauntrg Music 1111 2hour Douqu zBasobail llPmmr smut atom ZRat Patrol Milan in Lo Lucy tllnyrido risuper Comiu trite 5pm 11311 as Amu 430 11nuumu rhino gym sxinn 011nm 7Poytan Place l+111irty Show oain Vailli We Willie Winkle ltMorv nxiou ï¬rms Wm mo liFinbaii x15 551 PW 2111111 For or 11 tGultknnr island son my Hom withdraw my Show Airalimnster 1131 Voile 11119 Patrol mm ova 111 inn111m 1519mm gig ocneim zPaaapm Two 11111 sit1s lNewl lMr Torrittn IHnwttchlti 13 11 5110 Newl Weather spam sFz coat 711111on Lum Shorts 11nd FWuthar Report 4Tha Lucy Show Tnntlht Show Enough gamiynatmlrm 3inspenloc ntnlrrot mu livOccuionai Wil tï¬msmm 1cm Moon on son 91111 owlld wiiii v111 21 tiNrwa norm of tho Wank flMovlo Neath lporlu uPllril Horton dAlldy Grtflitb 1Pclany sumo lCOlIiehm Dr CON 1111mm rnuuu need pill than you hon to have it Gnvernmant regulations seek to more lure that the common thusstore sleepins pills inch in the one you motion are safe to use you allow direc lions They do not contain nsr cotits uhldt are addimad diction being somcthing quits diilereot train hohtL Now dont like to tell ple they shouldnt take pill to help them get to sleep when they are edgy When it gets to ho nightly occlirrrocc every night or months on end then want to take another look at the questionor at least know that the person has discussed it with physician There are elderly iolks who drouso good deal during the day and have trouble relaxing and getting to slec at bedtime and tar them medication can main things much more comiortable SEEK REASON When its younger person then it seems much more to the point to ï¬nd out why mtdlcloe is necded Whats bothering the person is some persistvcnt worry being allowed to continue rather than trying to solve the matter or to decide it might better be iorgutten Furthermore it is usually for better in take such pills only when needed not every night Taking pill once in week or two weeks on restless night is one thing Toking them every night is another matter Con these mild pills ha hohita forming They certainly can After titres months the habit in ï¬ght well established would Uuiul you are prepared to keep on suing them lor tit rest oi your tile and hop pro pressing to some stronger think its tima to begin break ing the pattern the habit Un less something is wrong cant see the head tor them so res Maybe ltl lust nerves But in time to start taming our nerves because that much ion isnt good or you any way Dear Dr Molnar havo bad moi polyps removed etuy 18 months or so tor the last 25 years am now and al though lt is not patniul oper ation it becomes morn of an or deal each um is there any known method oi removal besides the wlra than my doctor mes and which Will result in permanent curat Sir you must hold some sort of record for polyp trouble ai Ihough the pesky things otten do have tendency to recur The snare is tho simplest and most eifeciive method know and there Is nothing that prom lses to prevent new ones tram growing except that in many cases an allergy appears to ho lactor you can ldentlt the allergy you may be aha to case the situation Note to Mrs CJB No birth control pills do not cause womon to become oterilo oven alto long use CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer Noither side vulnerahio 111mm 41mm quo oaqs so WES Elias l7 311191143 was out aonomz scum 414 onus 17 4115 The bidding North East Pass Pass NT Oponing lead ten oi dia monds Lets say youre docinrer at six nntrnmp and West leads diamond which you win with the queen Making the slam appears to be highly periunctory but when you lead the king at henrts West shows out and when you then lead the see of spades Vest shows out again This is surely strange kettle of fish to have West show out of two suits especially when it places the slam in jeopardy so you begin to think of ways and means of overcoming the extra ordinary distribution You started with what ap peared to be 13 tricks which were quickly whittled down to 12 and then to 11 and now you must try to get hack to 12 It looks impossible all right but if you consider the problem logi cally you are bound to come up with thewinning line of play scum West 29 5+ om OFFICEVHOURS The ï¬rst thing to do in cash two more dinmonds in order to strip East oi nny odd diamonds or clubs he mny hove iiovlng reduced his hand to tour odes and tour hoaru you ion the eight of hearts To protect him self he must cover with tho nine which you win wilh the jnck You next lead 11 low heart to the queen and cash the KQJ or spndos ending in dummy By this time you are down to Lhrcn cords consisting ot the at hearts and king at clubs uhiln East has the ten oi spades and 106 oi hearts When you now put East on lead with spade as on dis card the king of clubs find himself iorced to return heart You linesse or courso and the result is that you make the slam in actual fact you could tell as early as trick three that you would eventually moko the con tract All you had to do was play the cards in the right order and nothing could stop you Sewage Plant Loans Granted OTTAWA CF Federal loons totalling $310641 ior sew agetreatment projects in three provmces were 11 Thursday by Central Mortgage and Housing Corp The Ontario projects is at Soult Ste MarieA loan of see 667 or alterations and additions to th Clark Creek sewage pumping station Total cost $113000 Buddmtg Havana1 Eat deanitmo beouriost oodmeal hmgrovrhiio Igéï¬redtndnyg DillLY CROSSWORD DOWN 11 Walk slowly Malevolent Anger Crust on wound ti Fragment Neighbor 171 Fr Jake Namelt cakes or Gerdrwin Aviators 10 Court gone 14 Birds 18 Early fratrlcidal victim ACROSS mommy ammo11 souris 11mdn 12111111 archaic 133mm 151Win 18Chincsa measure 11Greek 11m 18Iegislntlva assembly nbbr 200mm 22Peéka 24Glmfllnt State abbr 253mm cut 27Nicha 28Notdeep duck Cry of pain 31 Breathing organ $032 40 Pluto 42 Exchongo premium I4 At home 45 Wind 38 21 Dorothy 0F Ltliian 23 God 26 Harris or thzuto 28 Femula sheep 30Poiy nesinn deity YumaIf lull 31111me ELMsz 43Eadgo mun podgo 34 Each Form or 85 Disern Ferm baxked 48 Downing 5litfln street 91 Scarlett umber OHaraa 50 hnrrie dams BLONDIE MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA BUZZ SAWYER lt gt HI VIMEANIT IDONTCAREWHO DRUMMUMPHIL YOUAREHOUVE WONTGETYOU CORRIGANJBI TURNEDADRIENNE mammava Aennsmstm Ii Beensusnaous THATYOURE Il THATSWHV lt mevsarme msomsso ASBURKE III In no SCANDALDUSI rteHones sumac HOUSE roe RENT SM SORRY SR ABOUT $051M UMMMSTAMINUTE TILL ESTA MIRRORDUTOF gt ABOUI VDUR smLLINo MY NE i5 KINDASTIIF WY CAUSE FELL ASLEEPANP SNOOZED ALL LAST NIï¬HT IN LAWN CNAlRiN AMY BACKYARD BERTIE iv 115 Loucsowe orAcH wrutr EACH WEEK HE CAN BRXNG DOWN LOAD on MY DArEs 5W FRIENDS2 TltltttKtDUï¬tR AND DlVNf MEAN 103E RiiDE JUST NOW WRENYOII MWK ME FOR MR5 SAMER WHO WAS lDSTATSEA IM CURIOUS WOULD Yoti MIND ers THE MATTER ROW DOMTYOU BELIEVE IN SIGNSE