Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1967, p. 2

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INQUIRING REPORTER ASKS What Do You Think or Barries gl oscns Peel St Bar rie think its terrific way to celebrate Its once in Jiietime celebration We should all be proud at Canada be cause its great to he Canal dian We definitely should celr ebrale the occasion think its wonder lul mysell alter all this cele bration wont come in our times again think its line fidea to close olf the main street for the parade and dance Lots of little towns are doing more than the bigger cities BETTY JONES Stroud It is great it seems like good way tor Barrie to celebrate birthday party and people in town will got to know each other would like to partici pate in something like this had the chance MRS GORDON NEEDRAM Steele St Barrie think it is marvellous Its time people did something like this its just too bad we had to wait too years to do it its just nice to be Canadian Other countries should get to know us Centennial Celebration Plans MRS ELIZABETH Mdle LESS iorsley 81 Same think its lovely thing as peciaily tor the people Certainly weve got the best spot in the world to hold it it will also bring in lots oi tourists IIERB SIIANNON Stroud it is an excellent idea The rhysical litness aspect of it is ertalniy commendable There hould be some concentrated flort to continue this type oi endeavor in future years It makes or good town rela lions REG TUCK Dundonaid St Barrie think its very good thing tor the town We got lot of people in town who dont know Harrie very well and its good advertising Ive been here over 50 years it be out oi town that weekend NORVAL CALDWELL Shanty Bay guess the street dance and parade are all right but doubt it Ill be coming There are too many lives lost with the traillc dont like driving when there are too many cars on the roads irunrea unseen Sounds oi Music at Expo Alter thevisuai excitement oi neing the extreme styles oi architecture oi the various buil dings at Expo the element that is the most startling is the lonnd Expo sounds at music est the mood and temperament oi the many peoples represent ed In one day visitor can experience as did the ideas personalities and cultures of many ditlerant countries heard German songs from the beergarden oieriooking one of the canals sung by laughing studentslhen ducking out at the ram into the Venezuela buil dinga livepiece orchestra was playing music of this country saw capacity crowd almost completely hypnotized by the hiltidad show and in the beau titul building for iron can slriteted of blue tiles with ros lthSIcttLtY SPEAKING Music At Expo Is ascinating es and vines handpainted on them listened to six musicians playing on ancient instruments and accompanying the dancing oi six iluid Iranian girls FASCINATED The following day was Molda vian Day at Expo and ob tained seals in the Soviet build ing to listen to an orchestra of ten and several vocalists And was quite lascinated by two men who were authentic gypsy dancers So in short space at time saw and heard singers dco cars and instrumentalists from live countries and also exper ienced the music from the Eri tish and Czechoslovakian build ings and several hand shells Many oi the buildings have small theatres seating two to three hundred people and in others their national dances are periormed on their display floor In the Iranian building for example square padded stools were brought in tor the show and the people sat corn tortably in the open square in side the building while others might be viewing the exhibits near the walls Comparisons are inevitable tor the music presented by all these countries was folk songs and folk dances It grew tram the roots of the peoples The show irom Trinidad had an un derlying strength and rhythmic insistence that was startling and had great impact Irans show had silken sinuous quality that was quite distinctive and Moldavia wild abandonment of tempo still with definite persistence of rhythm that was exhilarating SIX DAY There are as many as six shows day in each building poiutment of Charles Mit chel as secretary at the Ear rie Agricultural Society was wrtcours new Secaernavmr BiiitttiE llllit ing at the society Mr Mitt dieil left is taking over from Elliott Coles longtime conflrméd at monllilvlt1° watery dthe was who indicated earlier this year he would litre to retire when suitable replacement could be found Examiner Photo and those are free to the pub lic It is not easy to gel in however The lines are long but the times are scheduled outside in some cases and some shows are listed in the Montreal paper the night before and the time they will be presented At the Festival Theatre at Ex p0 international stars are con tinually presented But it was the folk singing and dancing that found most interesting be cause each country was obvious ly putting its best ioot forward and the shows were always au thentic Trent Canal Is Closed lit Washago Trent Canal from Washago to Port Severn distance of 20 miles was closed to navigation last night because at high water Heavyrainfalt oi the last few weeks has been blamed for high ivater levels on Lakes Conchi ching and Simone which are about five inches above normal Prior to the closing down bound boats werewarned they were proceeding at their own risk Water in the canal has been described as high fast and dan gerous David Bennett sup erintending engineer at Peter borough said more rain and north wind could mean flooding pf she Holland Marsh st Brad or Sparrow Lake is about to Is inches above normal and at Hydro Glen where the waterway goes under railway bridge there was threeioot waterfall last night The Black River which has no control dents was blamed lor the high water in the canal system Elephant Iund Is Within $130 OIVObjective Donations to The Examiners elephant fund this week have brought it almost $20 closer to the goal at $1100 The Iunii was started in April to raise enough money to trans port young elephant irom Thailand to the too at Wasagn Beach There is an elephant there s14 ready Indira hut elephants need the company of others their own kin To date loms $1070 has been received from our readers The Wasaga Beach Zoo is ap erated by the Upper Canada Zoological Society public non prolit organization Donations to the elephantlund are taxdelt ductiblo Barries Centennial Plans Are COmpleted nmdibig Is in read for Barrias Currants celeb tion out weekmd Alter many weeks of work the centennial committee under the diairrnanstiip of Thom K8 is confirmed that the points at the city and dutrld will have swinging time as they watch or participate in the events pisnnsid to mark the nations mil birthday Only iridescent weather can smell proceedings It rain falls some events will be held in the Barrie Armoury includ tag dancing to two bands and periormance by square dance Preceding on the assumption that skies will be sunny and crew NEWS HIE BARRIE EXMIINER SATURDAY JUNE INT Will Start Work Rebuilding Fort First phase in reconstruction oi Fort Viilow will begin Mon day when soldiers of the Com bat Arms School Ease Borden start work on powder mage zino on the site The school is undertaking the reconstruction of the powder magazine at the tort or cen tenntai project Interest was revived in re building the site about month also when oiilcers from the CAS school approached the Barrie Cliambcr of Commerce with on fer The nineacre site is owned by gt the Chamber Colonel Greenleai and Captain Dallinson of the school will be in charge of rebuilding the magazine PLAN CEREMONY Chamber oilicials civic offi cials and representatives of the CA5 school will meet at the site Monday morning at it am for an informal sodturning cere many The Chamber or Commerce has set up Fort Willow Com mittee with Roy Onyschulr as chairman and members Arch Brown and Sandy Coutts hlr Onyschuk said he couldnt say when the rest of the work on the site will be sLarted His commitoe is reviewing the work that has already been done and is investigating the possibilities of grants and subsidies to an eliort to decide what the tutors course of action will be lie terms iort Willow worthwhile project and one the Chamber should be proud to tin derlake LOCATION The fort is located on lot ll concession ll of Vespra Town ship about It miles lrom Bar rie on the west side of Highway 90 The Combat Arms School will supply the men and materials or the reconstntction of the powder magazine which will measure 24 by 17 feet and be about seven feet high Reconstruction on the site has been limited to about hall log pailsode The site has been excavated by Dr Wiirid Jury of thellni versity oi thern Ontario The location oi eight log structures has been determined It is at the west cnd of the ninemile portage which starts in Barrie at Memorial Square The fort was used as supply de pot during the War of 1312 by the British to maintain their wes tern posts The site was purchased by the Chamber oi Commerce in the early 1950 An historical plaque commenorating the site was un veiled Oct 1961 by Coutts chairman of the Huronia and Tourist Committee of the Chamber of Commerce Peter Head manager of the tourist information centre on Highway too says the fort could be very valuable tourist attrac tion for the city cloudiess the committee Will actually laumn proceedings with queen contest and cro tenriiai ball toninit The queen will be pained along with princess and both will moire an appearance at the dance to which the public is invited Big day will be Saturday July Dunlap from Tor onto to hlnlcaster will be closed and convened into mall abutt ly beiorc noon From until 1130 pm event will succeed event to draw large crowd and keep it entertained between and 430 there will be bicycle mmpctltloo dancing exhibition by public sdiool pupils square dancing canoe race in Kempentelt Bay centennial costume par ade and band concert by the Barrie Cerural Collegiate band DANCING The sdiooi dancing exhibition which will be interspersed with accordion music will be held between and 230 pm Alter the children have pertarniod members oi several square dance groups will take over They will perlorm themselves and will also invite the onlook ers to participate The conunittee expects to make the centennial Inshlan pa rods one of the big hits of the day it hopes that hundreds of People will converge on Dunlop street in pioneer drew im nel of judges will be on hand tour categories man woman couple and family Mrs Wendy Hints one of the judges will also act as master oi cerem titties and will carry on rune ning commentary as the people to select the best costumes in The Collegiate band under the direaim of Allen Fisher will play ler approximately an hour and half it will include promenade music in its pro 5321 during the costume par iuguinn of the day will be parade oi military personnel and floats starting at 530 from the air grounds and arriving at Diuilop shortly after pm The parade which will include how dreds ti men and many floats will be divided into tour sec tions depicting the various phases of Canadas develop ment There will be floats in every seaion starting with the year isnt and ending wids the present Once the parade has passed saluting point the men and trudrs will disperse but bands and floats will remain on the street This will give the crowd an opportunity to hear concerts and hoped the tloats There will be two dance bands on hand in the evening to play at the Five Points and Owen Street Dancing will mnuncnce at pm but there may be break at it pm to permit the crowd to converge on the watertth tor monster fireworks display The display bought by the city at cost to $2000 is expected to be the most spedacular ever seen here Sunday will be day for prayer and dedication Iost oi the diurches will have centen nial services In the afternoon at 230 there will be theoifi cial dedication ceremonim at Centennial Park which will in dildo choral and instrumental parade in their oldtime finery bonuses Reply with brief resume of past experience to Box E53 The Barrie Examiner music iiltEiil flPPtlitTliiilTY Ages 25 to 45 married preferably with children training program rugged requires hard work long hours and intelligence No travelling Group insurance life hospitalization furnished Liberal pension plan provided guaranteed salary plus ttOYD GOHEEN saucers ILLIARM POOL DILLIARDS Open Sandy Atternoonl 7189061 50 Dnniop St on service cm at like it In RoIIl item oLubrtcuon Sentidnl eneIlI Repair not line or Texlto modem itrestone Tires OFunous Hlvfllim Oil names TEXACO lee Bradford out to can open daily meiosis sunsy Phone 7254140 masses resonant scooei The hissed thing in lawn and garden equipmaTt at TOLTON EQUIPMENT LTD miles on Hwy 11 THE HOUSE or anoAntootu nuu COMPANY LTD 67 Contr st Tzsuu NORTH YORK CYCLE Estes Service Parts YOUR ONLY AUTHORIZED BSA DEALER IN BARRIE Corner oi Essa and Bradford TEE3641 Also NORTON MATCELESS peeinltstn In comment mountain FLOOR Mlchinl uroweliad colored and motlllte boldestd floorl SIRICOE CONCRETE FINISHING CO II All Tzeosso Complete Small Engine Repairs prim strstton scivice Denier MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE Ill Burton Ave Call 7251485 itunwittststntsstirvuuj lShopHere For The Best int ServiceluProsiucts Prices 726311 and menu In insanit ment or an exciting new tilt Mic BARBIE HOUSE OF FASHION IACIALS Tsunamis DINNER SPECIAL $9 Hayfield cannons menses General Insurance 12 Donald Street emu Ontario Telephone 7256085 Todays high standard of living demands quality in all things they products or services Services especially are important in the modern scheme of thing what with busy schedules and more leisure time creating paradox in our society but eoristantiy de mending more oareiul planning Its doubly important that people who render services must be experts at their jobs An amiable gentleman Who fits right into this classification ANDERSON who has General Insurance Agency hero in Barrie Mr Anderson has good solid background in the general imance field and be fully understands the needs of todays active fanatics lie himself is married and the proud father of seven handme children three daughters Judith Janet and Katherine four sons Garry Robert David and William nantn to Mower notr Tillers 7234111 IIAIR STYLING SMIJJILIIJI in OSttort so vim we Tinting CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLING Barrio Plan Itoill DRY CLEANING with difference and the big difference In SANITONE Try it and youllnever settle for less WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD DriveIn Service IDIBnyIieId 1285531 CURBING weve Graduates nthsz treatment olelead wIrI vies 04 on teryou TINA Full Course Dinners from as STEWARTS RESTAURANT Well Floor it WES service BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE 24 Mlnie Ave complete mobile tbl suns finest car buretor and tannins BARRIE TUNED CENTRE Corner of Anne new Phone 1251190 coccil ltlenn natty Business hIens Luncheon sneaky Dinners 7284510 cvcre SPORT TRIUMPH OTrinmph OYamaha Sales Service It Parts IBSA OSuzuki Hondn oRepairs to all makes AREAS LARGEST SELECTION 89 Daniel 1268111 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS Dont be satisfied with less than OOhlTLETE COVERAGE OAil types at insurance CHARLES ANDERSON 12 Donald St gt 7166085 Censnlc wut To Phone 7284351 STOP AT THE 400 GRILL VARIETY STORE Stuck in Special Amcheon Menu vWide aesortnwnt oi groo eries elite novdtlca books It tobacco McArtItnr Ltd Corder of Anne Danton

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