an in lost Org run wee Detroit ilgert cam Bill man manual Etn lan howled over by an Bob Mitchell 11 My in American ino Width Jitnior Age Limits Based At Annual CAHA Meeting WINNle GP The oili Zal aodlm the duh Innttal median AmateurHockey Ae eocialloo tcAliA contention ground to halt ihurtday with anticipated iorinIilttrr coin gleted iot Ihoui 17o delegatea As expected delegate ro Iaxed regulation concerning age limit tcr Junior hockey piljtll iriott arrangement tor eenlt Fort and intcrmcdhlot nrid do rrlcpmcitlal neuritis ior nth or rIJCt The maior decision It the itnal Ivlrinn tun that liilirrnrdiete cluht be men the righ to em petu the Ailtn om rile em eie oi Senior hockey lil cy II the intention war red by July 15 are ramiiioatlone to Prork hicttinnon Amateur iiooley Ar twcialion prerlilenr Ihta goggkdea are an Rowen detail to he tinned out but irn me there will he more eiiaha In the Allen Cup plaro next wring thanthero were toting FINAL UJFI HONEY Butrte Fliers wonthe Ahan or trial this reason It rtprr Ientativea oi the Ontario Hockey Association aeiiior oir with They deiealrd Crrnhrook male of British coluribit mmootaiim oi the Western international tiodrq league in iintl eerie that mulled in nancial deficit ior bottr learnt Delegatea also learned that Intermediate and renter cluhov tort money in their playoiia while junior AInd major junior teams ahortrrd proliia ihaie one ol the reasons we Mod change in Ihe ttruo titre oi senior hockey etid mild executive director Gen don Judie bi Ottawai it ite still good Mickeyand are believe ita atili good hookytilt Allen must be Mmioritohertiim mtookoalm recondu DerreilPottrraingtedtorkht Ileld Porter want to undonihathroiviohornoand rened in itr previoua level oi acceptenea In CanadaI M15 A0 113111 Delegetaa completed the tor rnalilira ot Imposing tlzhter control lay oldala tn the minor route accepted ratification at meeting ltlnlvr eligibility to nimmnomreuoiboedt this year and agreed the CAIIA thtoh ropeetenta more than eooooo amateur playera miter declare ttt autonomy in deIang with protauionel organ national In another development Garry Britten loom main Ier and operator or Winnipeg uh oi the Western Canada iiokey Rogue made ttroog hid tor ergmdon lie aald ilorndac Bay an itatlon hu announced intent nr or outlining connielrly agro poal tor Aanchire at the inaguea annual meeting June to to Victoria ihtaider Beer at hu pro Ionnot Cardinal Dies In Hospital Auntie GI Etude While 61 iormer pitcher with St iouia Cardinal otbnteballa National Monte died Wednett day In hostitnl IRAN THREAT SIMON AP lran hat told Hanoi it will withdraw from the lntarnetlonal Omnrole eion oi Control and supervision iiocsr it the uncooperative attitude oi the Viet 0m and Saigon government continues iran joined the eorrnnioolon last Seoiemhtt replacing Canada which will last July bo rauta oi continued lighting elr month alter the Jan 1m courtire lodoneaia hae alto threntmd to pull out advanced to third when hee hain winded ror am called on neohan AP Photo posed trawl sahsidiea to tile dating 11 team in the major junior dmtlt dent of the Saskatchewan Amen tear Meimumdallon laid disentanth gardtog iourth team In the Memorial on mindrobin nona petition tires from each the Ontario Quebec and Western Canedian home leaguu have plIyed throegune raindrohln eert mmuaamnmrturnbaI Brewern Cup Running gt Over 31 rim CAVADLIN nut Jim Northrup tinned DIR Pmn II that heaeheiia all aboutInd we have learn that keep the grain on hillvaikeee Gouge Scott said Thurhr utter 74 riotn1 over Detroit mart We have time THI tho ran Ital Iho hit or man and gun rho hit or you We thould hey the groove on all the time The Broilere have raced into kei place In the Eat Itth running game Against the it gere the Bram note we Are hue and had it In the tourvntna eartee tth IonN We Ianrvnnln the anode teeter and theyve got to trnh mittens said hillaunt utohar Darrell Porter in other Anteriran his nmn Column We mu Qty Mull 31 bingo Whita Sox Im Tull magere and Cortland int diane tamed Button Drt in the National hloo tmi Em edtld mm Pirate San Frendtro Gi arrr heat to and M61 to and Sen Ditto Patio do ruta unettmtl iteda so in ind 1h mlotxo Qihnh Nev art Met Ian WI gonad because oi rain the hall Ie he do Mitchell An er tirr rturu scoat New In new mm eeven tail that lifted Milwaukee orrr by unit RookieRona Yoiaii readied tint one nor by third base nun Aurelio it ea vrtth one out In the aavent and atoie tacond tor the Brum lointn anoint hm oi the genre Dare dulled horna Yollit dth trio out and mod the dodairo rm what Scotte pop or tell bo tviren three 11an near the right tiold line iho Brewers three mi in the eighth on walk Ported RBI Iinglt oh Co IMIVWO and hooded walk to Scott Theh IhIdtIkenIM loadinthetooot month Eat Jones at Regine West been held relt In provlone your rnorotentae hate my 1W Iw lb Till fuller THIS WEEKEND ONLY we PRICES aaxt Ehte ate Pool lahla rm mt lvr Only use l1P Irinde an TV ll Snood Mr do More III 131 only on Columbia ruuaut auto to trailer Ru on 02 leg to Only ml IX Gendron Pool Table Oil rt hum Cedar Canoe nu Only 39 Reg to Now Only 012 Ft Spartain Canoe Slit Odtettry it Ski Boat Ilt it sporkpal moo ms with Evinrnda ll KP It tom only in greater Nylon their turn cm lllinutrg 11 FL DeapV 50 RP IllNd with RP hiereurlaer Llet A93 only 250 Jet 150 Mutt Sell Will We have tattoo Worth at largaina to go thin Wetland Dont be dleagootnlodi or may llama this will be your tut ehanee when at the orient SPORTS MARINE LTD NORTH ON BAYFIEID PAST GEORGIAN MAIL When in Rome doasthe Romansdo Canadian Club More In the cradle oi waatorii civilization they know civillxod whleky when they are one Canadian club in nice to know the world can get together about Iomathlng Around the world when Faopia think oi the ilriut lighten amoottiott wtiltky lhoyt Ink at Canadian Club II ilmtt atllria Anllltll Ceylon rti climliirr Mltitat oimt Oiltnllid mm hurt Ilyamgitllaplnotdan tltlyl ea In lander lithium Algeria imudrliarrtcana cant iriaiidi natal lthitplr inlet itaaea vna Neill Moor long Indie Indore Inland tit tMt Mat newton Iv Colon ltao atlano trill Mina WuItt whim ol rt erto utilitarian Solution iiimiseiiit esprit antsmummi it tuttiitiiittettiiittrititie nomination Kingdom IImltd Suits Uruguay Vitlrvtlt Virgin liitndt tugottatiaatt Ltriihit Canadian Club It iilitllled and bottled in Walktnllia hr IiIrIut Walter sent Limited eth Ital In The ii atrium otnmiir timinmt iiioiaie e6 rarteedtoeeenndtnapaaa LOTS or up title Kid Catalan iorrner and Arx Robertem world Weltemetghi diamrron ehaimari it Photo dour errivu end he paid enamel nearertoe III writea THE EMBASSY HAII tum NI INC ON II Nle amount WEDDING atan mantrva ORGANIID ERIN Mam DISC le AVAILABLE healer CIIIIIII lerrioa Ill All Mona Blake St Iarrla ITO67 president Arthur Taylor raid Ttmday He eald hoaineu oan no longer ha governed by grodt rmtivu alone it trust merit Iill tort towards Noel under an mIrtagemeni of Mr Frank Mllta Cheek the Great Prieor on those claimed his latenth victory againat tvro ioeeea in lord piies give you longer mileage CHINIlls HHS milAMI Guild4 mind4H laid4 HullAl mansten 17811540 hiltXI Double piles oi polyester tor more mileage ehortor along and better handling ae compared to our conventional more me to wit WNW quality Moonrrdort and handling parionnanoo CHARGEX approved tor many new Single mile or biaotr tidwoiia model BICYCLES I0 speed The DOUBLE belts and Douttnbcdy