It tII nit III el net Int Youll be all ready or the holiday smart tutti 1956 go evryIltere mmgethers in pretty stersucker ttnpcs ct double krill Fortrcl belt2d Lttk top pulls over cool solid llNN LANDERS Reader Puts Faith In Good Nutrition Du Aim Land am likiyu an allude ct enrrll and liml of pen tulle lo you utth PKhltnlxlf innm stbn They llEECnllt tllrlr lN tnzx nt Il1ttll ihttr lllatk moods apprtlltmloil ml min cmn lmt nt ltttili tt used angry Anti sultilln You cnwurnzr that it uh protestihnnl help clemman Cc tn ti wwhintrkl by in tlw lll dullt you lull llmm thr nu The mat Puw ut 31w We dewtltrl Nltllll llll=tlv nltlo ulllnlhnril mint in ihtt MRI is lliat tllttr dials mu Ilcllrtunt Jun cur nun Nl ln kern runnln thn ltllnlflll lklly ntett Vllmns mmmis nml pmlciii lnltt dntlurs tluttt thin about nutrition he mutlcnl schools the tin Eltkcss in rtttl at hrnltlt Tllly tench pm mm llllW tn ult mi and till it tul ul pills instant ol UM that they rat mllrtlintis ivmt in turn bat llinett and tnnltt nitrrzg Im palm cxnmllu ct person hhn has ltlullll mil health through mxl rating teppy In Pittsburgh hear men thnt Wt nulriltttn can make whale ot tittttrcnta in how it ptlfon an The body and the mint are In my close alignment But Vitamins tillle and min oral lllll not loin Ilimrl imp dopresslmli nor can they tllttl up person who lt suicidal Medical wheel tlo leach trilion especially IllKe obesity has been llnktd with the blunt killtr hurt disuse But its Mllesllhlhttcd act that the person it nah ballnnd nict doesnt need Itorebounhl win tnlns or In at those other inder lch llIWlCrMnl that hls lid to Iiit by the car color short The good look in 61m Luloml Jacket Hlll saftdtoue mite cults inn pxrlt pockets meet its Hutch in or animated pull tut pants tutu its call Dur tlmtur nnt tum EVNEY nr lll ritua Eil ll Nrtlnnitt sitvilli wt in youll lie in deep lrnulilp um mI thttlns Uiv uhn chm ti typical or lltnru pulli Tlllltll potttve whit Illltl blame nltrr tittm their vol killed Kttptng rtl rFIltlltlly an inwitttinlcnu vi there are 111 units nt unite ru tn uh thm llllK or ml was Iullllntz lwse tttltrit sumo tttthltlilnll ma ll ulty no inn llrlrr tnmuthimt helttluss what In ltmnl Ihip not try lu ltxnle the IWlltl ul We animal III killed Ital nnnit do on lime In lllt llllr the net ttlm altmtd Anti Mint about that rcerun nth animal hhu now lies 1rltl on the slrccl W3 he ltl ho ch tns liii tritium mth lhn trt he paid or it It is cempndinnate permit ltllo truubes himltclt to help someone Elses pct when the trimr not Amuml but the pawn ho doesnt slttp and Iry itu itml ltim linultl nttt ll iltlitttl llle real mun it that lot and mu timers mttst nutlll thr rnawniihiinv nt hcplnx tliair ptls sale at home or In ten tht mnwlluEHeniltll Itit nurtmn gt um iit 01 mum the olltio trs the initial mimi htht But two mm but mnie right in clttlilN mid And unfortunately thm are loo many symptoms ct lrv civility and downrlght rmclly ttvhtmvcr on looks these daysix Conlldenllal I0 loot MI You cannot prevent the blrds 0150 mw lrom ying over vur head The 51A medM it VlIY bun cu nl lame In MI lane at Mu Court tmt Outlet In lknirel itvv hm tenet her pm patted tux Nitmu in tummy thu use read lty mu MIL at UItn Fnlm Imam 111 mayt Wm MKS llultrll lliv We at ms ttln at Smnimln Park Membt NM L0 61ml bum ul D200 to lx mime Ad socHy to ml rhldrm can to It mm esmn May om Ml plains mal mm In allow scrrt iti mg to attend immnn Funda Utm the lerturmr Am summer limit pmftlciors luau at the lull Firm rtth lite amused titstrata yl she sad mmttu ot ulvlrh 55 ll rutwin plan Hlll till May Court momma lllt Klilltlam llrsi Juin Iitm ton and John lttxndr nut MM thJ the prmvd hmwt primed under the Saint oncl th the May min lth ct Bani and L5 Rustin Cllih Both clubs tutu In nor oi ampmin the project investment The Interim Commlf red Isell and was rerlvwl ht steering Conmttnn hum lw M11 litBride Joinrd lli lK Jim iddnnlm lnl lINtrt ember Jennifer RHYFMEW Irene Jctlmm and Jill ll cIltd H500 each as tnitlsl Jury on I111 Kan Gary htcttmy llArnd Tim lo Tank Rmnx Cmmzrlee Illl that imqmt lc pmceutczxi Th ll tim up nnstttti esthluh ml IS ale Iunh mimnlttt phier yrv tttnlmillM Mt tnlttn 1inmm Eventually mini innitn lul tie atwlnlui They will be emrmrml in run the allsln the Mme Insdcm Mrs ltnmsaon drama the msidt the Importklt Chapter Kiwanis lutt Gary COILkey th 3L1 tut hintinnztm tn the met in lllr Mrclllkry spoke lrriry 1th lath In Jmuul luv nltLmS lle mtmalu that twin Klxui HIM this Is ovary imprintn And Unit will Null INd to amen it ll Nutd Cl 51 055 grams mi lrlmduis hm al lV lrtvl HVMD It Ird thll mumrent llm lll ruvr rrt It the burn llilur nest Include Lte art will sun vertv or the resin rn Gin lark Wm lll It special evrnt mir krr th rim nt the Neiglr lVlWl len or llt tummn will ll smite mceln to the Country Club on rmdnislr Cnammn llrst NalHi anll prtfalm sale it rtmttn amtsiurlts tor nimwu Mll litrtr to be hold mt June It the LII or ill annual Mds Mi Sole lm btnl st of Sqtlw May Court Supports Project To Establish Girls 33551 tut mum Itntra ol LA tum Prlm pettom by SJJI Jlet Mud bet1 men by Matt mom In TED TO Am to tens Lidren the putt rrlMl GREAT FAMILY TREAT IARRIE letDEl THERMAL MY rvive PM Mum Md III to LIldtll IIL ptbnnd MI Ind thud 1th2mnllw um butt LEAN llVm mm until the di 42 awaym 254322 makl million or the people but you tun Slim than mm who ull them Arid tritnd ll building nuts lilyctu hill Mtlsletleylea Only at theTetleyTea ticket center at the East Entranceopen from 10 am to pmOffer Onefree admissionto Ontario Place with one paid admission and an English end ap from any size box of TetleyTzaTwo adults are admitte for $150 plusthe end iiap two Remmder Onefree ad students are admitted mISSIon to Ontario Place for $100 plus the end flap Will one Paid and an If an adult and student E95h end ap from want to enjoy Ontario TelleyTea box0nly ati Place togethenTelIeyTea tllaleielTea booth at emu snglasses sunglasses sunglasses Polarized Sunglassestheaters klllets Tinted Lenses in variety of colours Photosun the automatic sunglasses It will pay for the student the East Entrance Offer good any day from May 18 to July 131974I atomic games 7mm winingm st Mcdlcll Am am iii mutt ll