run THREE RS were Taucmurrtr Queen Victoria rlared down mm wall portrait at aome oi err motioned they learned lb Nil in lbia old lobed heme Ibieh has been ANGUS iSail mrml her at Parliament icr to years Elluuod Madlll lr among riding Progressive Conumtivo mrhm preparing tor the corn In election canwlln lie rem eeeta Pod Duiierin slrrroe rid ine which extent to Annoy in the last election on Oct 80 im hir Iiadlli deleated our oppomnta in atrony comeback The rhilu had been held by Enron llerr oi Brandon who did not seek eledion at that time no Milne oi tirarwton war the liberal candidate and Simon Mill the NDl Ind ardbearer Waiter ciasalson ran under the social Nil lldet and Doug gwaddmuner tired or In in mun election llr Madiu has made regular reportl to con Ililurnta on activities in the Home and these have been read with mini interest lie has irolt qumtly deplored the lovem mente failure to solve irritations and check the rise in cert oi itviu Iorrrier warden oi Dutterlo Cormy Mr Madill rervtd it years in More township council irveludlnll tour yeora as rreve lie was eluted Wierhl warden in two restored at the Sunco Cotm tr mm The adlool waa built in tool and In terrorn ly located on lilchway at the edzo er utoeainr leader rMadill Gettmg heady For Coming Campaign Ai one limb be In returninl olircer tor Dutiertnslrncoa rid in in 196 he became Ornser urlva candidate in the rtdiex ion held by ioranemotarlo lieu tenaranorernor Eari lion oi Newton mum and was elect ed in toes in was eluted Alter redistribution when the riding war enlarged to become Peel Mrrl Slime hif Alla dill lost to Bruce liter iormrr Liberrl arr durln the its Tnaiorannanla Iwint in the tart iodoral tieciion he made lllolil oomoba winnio live wry contort While in Ottawa liir liadlli served on variotn converters its war recretary oi the Program mile on voteraae Ihatra at one time also Imenixr oi the joint committee It the Sun ate and items ol Cannons on employemnpioyee relation in the public amino et Canadq Ind HMS we be oi the Dutterln Sirnee Progreulva Generative Atroci ctlon and an active sportsman who served on the Motor and lo iermrdiato hockey caewlivr at Orancevitle Will Install New ANGUS rm Nntyei rdrd fteen of the ADM dice riot Lieu Kle will lomah ly installed martial arraal Ilpprove Dyklng ill Collingwood COLLINGWOOD Stall Th Ramona Valley Cramna llon Authority ins approved some earth Minx mind or the aectbn oi the Pretty River were NEWS Mm mil WAY MAY ll lll Angus other Lions Club Oiiicers ed Ar thI Lima halihm an smudayjm Jim 21 Bill Illl tun over the now Faideni awn Jim am The dub which he mriad on an exlniaiva both will betamm nod social service pronam liner it war emailed in had Dal Counalhrnvdltouasitsrhrh If Haul in the new in lulled hnriia Cart Avon and R1 Gdlit an Maynard mercury Jack harm recording mercury and mwirmsu will 50 per can than tramp Valley Ousrnatien thorith root rather than too Auhonry baa uvrotod tha er not rent at the lone baa ayrrd pendtan bi mono tor the ant to mm the am kiloIra no at trauma pognm oi exudation oi the lacrotmnt Lrpronrnrnt web In ood MM rich and valey Iidra or tea in me the Arabsnty hnrpm Berta Rim within the town at pnaed the immni worha lAliLstce and worried Eric on them Total root at the project bu to tha latter ol hem and been estimated ll mono Illh Wren ltabaameel or lhrl the llaul lhrea stares in cost wellde indude nailmahd 81 ii vision or the Icvaraitioa all our then was some mansion the landtheieitial elem oi the at the ttrlt Authority meeting river channel and rallcy Lindy Saiurdry that the peeled hid Utilization the me hankr lotidem been scheduled tor construction or rimming dams conviction in three dud at and mountain oi pedu lower total cost it was Irred trim loot bridge actor the to pagingetho if 01 Boyer prov iota cost remaining ataxes oi the proieet Im WEED be ammo lurier by the lull ml WWW elicit runs throuxh the town riia hide Hoot ol lb properly acqulab tims reqth lbr the protect bl been Weird and In eroawriatim plan to obtain tire mutated lands needed has been tiled with the rrdnieiry oi natur at manner As the beoelitinl municipal ity cinnamon will we per mumrivalry rwoltha envied mm mm at government Ll punt bar Ib rod oi the dyi mowed thm rial memben to behirrd to rectors the about at its mucun Ex Mo wal pulled mil compili edtnihreaparta rxmtistba part impedier adtIcoait to the mouth oi the Pretty lilvrr This will Lovoive about 530 tel of bytes and three diversion ml verta tor lingo will be admitstd tor soon the pmlnu its been given prool the NVA Willl the poverty involved Stage two ting up to limie Street dd in mid be lurid this tall and the libel ctnxa to the towna border may be crarted next year or the year after drown an lhI Ivatla MAW oi mill rank oi PM Miter lio airy rd overseas in boomer mu Alter the war he tanned tor nine years and dining that limo on active in tarm orraniutlona $13 gr president oi the Improvement Ar aociailon he was active in on raided the Duiierin and they oomtlea tor the hlaplo Callie Breeders Ansodmonnnd was dimtor tor Morin rattle Honeybee Works Joe William tramrer other oiikon to he installed an EdiSomme as tall Ivrtr tor That may lion tamer Gambia licur Donn Sim Ind Jun Watam as wear dream and Paul Arum Em MM and Fred lies oneyear dream Darin it year oi mm tha Anrm lions club has pun and and paid tor cermlnuly hail Isisle in financing the Arm library donated annual ly to OMB and misled Ieolor MIN We ran tildes ironies and more no Aam Liana Iledical Centre war Io other mater teet mistrnaa tor idrrn also have held Tbs Lion ol the Year award widthievotednnbyaiimn hen and Macho the who Lr rendered as having undo the malt contribution ourtor the year wrnt to hlaurm Wm our put idmia include Jerry Dam Joa Dexter ltay Buttock DWI Sm Amy Fraser Bi Shuitr John Mu Knight Barry Punt Tom Kelly Ind Dela Authority The irrvrorrmmt writs at Al liato III to inhale the lnsiai iation cl Merton in tho rivrr bad to imreaae the velodty oi the water now and errata an at more conduit to hsh spawning The bank aiopea bill be mroded when pose Iota the new rvcraide stops and the ban at Kour location be protected trees and oth er emu lrem the imedate richin ol the river bed and bank Ilopea will be removed AIJHTDNS EllAu The town ol Alliston has hrrn designated as the bendtlttn rnu nidpahty and all thin be asked to pay 50 per tent otthe Author llyI chm ol the root oi the envied This Itll lnvolw as per cent oi the total root as the pro Vince ngnLe on per rent it In noted that Atllalon la Salety Course For Hunters armour blond oi Barrie District liaartere and tiara Conservilen dub are voodoo oi Iale hunting by hunters at all ages awry year this duh arraox tho all mineran Indy war urrird out ior the common oi ETD tins dams and manor bank bum on report on this ctrQ ru torwarocd to the nan iatry oi antral rem nhich acted to approve rim one ol the protect It was in lnamrdattly altrr Ibo pro posed trlnhlinz darn were run md by bioiozJuin the min on the moods that they who the rennin nkratlon oi Ash tumult Apple Producers Fees Unchanged ELllVALE nu rnidsler oi antth Ind toad William Smart bx anraotaiced that he hm the mum dation oi the arm products man lean boani that the lyirrn oi collection predator leer raider the apple maniulon more plan rumin uncured The boards recenuneedatlua one made alter it concluded an BOYne River Project Is Approved By NVCA Medan um medal an asmptahlo alternative the turrhu Calm and lbs reo auinzg rnznrrr an meta the primal premierin anemia reer The NYCA was advised that the northerly has acquired the land in me protect it Alluth the rrruei commie report is been mined by the Com vauc Auhonlrrs Branch oi Iba llamatry el Vanni tmt and tho loo 711 nil be lhstallr rd acroar the thr in the riuf inure NVCA To Assist Swamp Project ANGUS lStaiii The Noiir tutu aiiey amrvaiim Avi tborlry has armrod an near tivI wartime recurrent to gone proled oi was mun to Lbe warrant rev lib my alum ol the out or urinal mum to the omeuitanu wattle on the lixlcr PLtn include or wages tor ll tummy tub rain will moo tor travel my The 31min Stump heat1 in stimulus and v21 by in olive men an area oi IrmaA lrmtely limo am and ML team on the area Dancervalue Cenrrnona bmdora err reven years its also served on the execu tive oi the Royal Shoan club It Guelph and as director oi the Ontario board of cattle bree dera its is past vlecclrair man oi the Notawasaau hr urvatlnn Authorityand ho Iiao en the executive or the leer no hay Developth Ar Ioria on part president at the Col Htrcemid branch nl tha ltvyal Canndlan union he headed thia dlmvifmidiu one club llarrla those and ionic cbecr at oranxoviilo and lion co and bodes oiPrriectiou Guelph as welt as item som rial Oomlrtory llarnilton its was armor elder oi the Westminster United dumb It Dilrlnl World War II he lerv rd Wtul lite ltCAl obtlloihx the urancniile and nonresident ol the choir Tax Credit Designed To Aid Smdll Business ii ARTHUR EVANS lllil Simcoo Centre The retention rurce oi lrrila lion uitccu every person we prom in society Not miy is this true to rthe lured and low in ca mum but with respott to term btnirross luring costs oi moierlala and credit plug high operating and maintenance nu have cut deeply into the return on the llIVrstlmrtt at amaii Mictwine lnnolloa wu tlnuea to hurt the Inuit catch prise driving more and more wit year out oi buclrtcvs hat mint not he iorwden in thaw drunrotaneea it the wry aimlilcant contribution that email Mistress baa made to the Ontario economy litmtbyrnent hpurrslhdicate that the mall biulllNl sector provides deal oi employment tor the Orr tario lsbor tom Tip two moot urgent problems tor the mail out btrsheuman woman are ret tlnn that money at reasonable rllcl WORKING CAPITAL The balm roataina two meas ures to meet their concerns The Venture investment Corporation lViCl is the tar vehicle or net iing more workinl capital to tire small enterprise llovtl Corn panics would able to rue the VIC to invest in small union prises and bopermlucd to dodtxt the amount oi their inveth trom iarabe tnoorne So loop as the runway hit their littlest ment intact no taxes would have to be paid However upon with drawal oi the Investment from live Venture Corporation later would be payable Although the Vic nrcaaure may have only limited oiled urt pood leis adopted by the irderal enuncnt Ontario in dot ed to convince Ottawa Ilrnt the pre enterprises ll agreement can be reached Ontario will Intro tln own money to and ptalnt tullitles or to purStase another delivery truck Ind got arrle Ni wumllil time the necessary leriiietion to make the memes rarity AIAllTB NAlOllliDW SHOWTIME AND IAa trout the people who avayau um ya mm tasrsuowmo rourout Adult Entertainment The small business tax credit will provide tome retioi against lnitatleo and help unalt business in expandtrc or hmting lta uniee whatever may be its molest rpocllte nerd Toto or one example an enterprise which manarod to increase its Npltal in itll to mom and had taxable income oi trooooo This tlrm mud pay 2000 in to ate income tax not by the lax molt oi H000 lmaxi rmm mnotuit the tax payable would be only 39000 To quality tor this anCilm crodit ttrrnl heedtobeoihtibietorthoted eral mull bushtrsa dcvhxtlon mu ulro tax ravtma in tor nvco ry liany tonne are cohalderod to be strong and viable emotion ta tilba hurealmerltlorrmall JOHN WAYNE AS COP IN M40 liliSli to biliade taro opera ens un way or drard mammm will be Mn money ray inn prunial lartilixinx cul tivatlar crepe hut in middle at thia seasonal rush the value of honeybee colonies rbouid not be overlooked enrybarlred pro terror It the Ontario Amari turIi College Guelph th oi our fruit Ind reed crops will not product renunci eial yields unieu they have been Idaquately nettinatod stated Dr mathth ml at environmental of The llooeybea beeus oi ta industry and its requirement tor largo arrmnta el lien and um tar la an art eiiirirot pel tintor la orchards ol apples pears plums and cherries crou lirnatlon with with Vii rties is necessary or iruit pro duction and auilicient bees are rcryaimi to transirr the pollen trom tree to true Even aeti me orl mistaken it ell tax to ra oi $50 annuity These new btrsinese incentive is will maria many ex atiru proprarns in the lilnla try and Taiwan For exam ple incentive and term lows are available to meet variety at business development noedr Venture capital loans up to lion ooo are available to moist unntl Canadian owned biaslhesoea in Northrm Ontario and tiararKiIl assistance can be used tor those who want to do preiunlnary 1w diea in deciding mandarin in plant can eltabitsbed in rertein locumI Ah these rtiorta help in crea ung robs put the two taxizee measures show that the govern meet wants to cooperate with Irnali butlneu in an many ways Sreve McQueen ihe Reivers AclrrnuCemulltarvmauiow WW Mum Mom Mull Entertainment uni nittube vengeancel HundIy All Ibtl Bill For Production varieties Iuda Ir aour cherries and peaches will bene lit as the beer lranrler pollen within the no Orchard nrodmrra now when poor weather at blue com tlma is color to laleric wih bee activity and tdllntalely with the tidal crop Hives at honeybees rlyta in rna orebnrd can mean the dlliIreoca between rornlnomial aliuaaad no crop Proloaair Adequate pollination Ibouid be yole whenever maidrrobic comma or strawberries rup berries blueberriel field can rtrnbrrr melons cranberries or clover reed crop In noun To meet the pollination owlsrd vi their in turn mud quaiiiy the these crops colonies oi honey bees should ha placed one per acre in trult crops and tab to three per acrv to clever stands lion rapedaily with cucumbers and icmalo novrera en dlilerrn nhecs mam he turd oorrtetaiowi hoes Proper timin to colacld Ontario most beekeopera local their eoionler anterior greenhouse mortality ta high resulting beer needed in greenhouses SCREEN VBuRrR iwuuriujourmuo Adult Entertainment lloaeyheea also make com trtbuiou in murmur produe Slots Mm have both male pIriI ol the plant toma pollen lranrier amt Ia needed tor the crop to yield eommcrcialLv it no wild insects are present han mum iiinaliorl trim it at the 33 to he pollinaiod as veil as under Itandirrr oi the behaviour oi lilh blossom is rturt in in pemranent environment can he very hard on honeyber colonies acid sniih There is little lood Available In the bloa Iorns and the bees tight the gill tryinu to escape Because bee weaker colonies lairly bixh ren tal rates are charred or honey Tnore ore also rlsla involved in rmle the bees and the Mir laibiiib oi lnrectieido poisoning and TWO ca moral tralaio ceurael an in the nial Ind Fall warm 1er have untitled lnatrutora not their ballot both indoors and outdoors It on takra this course he or Ibo will uva tile in the luiure This mater Saion ovum ua ually cormrisea our evenaaa ol instruction at the House in limurrt students an the ten mmdrncota tor burn on all abou pan budtiirr our nu tamer ranu inertia We to ram burn travd re thirds in Iaror the gleamvtewol on tolerating and new taken is of to never iorrottrta Alter moiet inr the tho student may 1fo then Uh an examination at ihl department oi neutral resiurres WWW an are the Board We mended the current mirth pt collection ilrrm lees remain student tor bunting licence Med Anyone lbtrrretrd in labia ttas mum rbould contact the club president Jarh Money mum is scheduled to hem May ti and will carry llamah May is It Ind 23 Any one later cried in the great outdoors and particularly coruervation oi the environment are cordiali invit ed to tubmit an arviluton tor lllDWLlG AT TWOlth ADMISSION Aduitl Youth 200 Golden Ale LNmild 736 Mb Noll 12 COLLINGWOOD DRIVEIN latertainnaenl EYNOLDS it turn a4aanA who captain and damnstrale prenatal agreement with the how to patch handia tirema Mal and it ballotlnx against There won live spoiled bulioia ride dl eon Mermrlal llospibi Midlier wandnionbetwcenrte hrudeudomanooubwe Mmmmnm wviibodacaadyrnperaup proposal However Mr lt of these helioi GLIMPSES CANDY mT mail Steven pm my at naming bion vidual Mirmmnindvdw mu admitalum malor Iooiwrubmlnr Ireu Tummy fvenlnr May to The apple mnursien had an last Ito nuaat M9 mi may Wm ltm5mmxtsaft CREE HON mvdeummttymm grill WW aoduvivimrerunisrmst boat charter WMM 3m Jam my the charter mu dml Cecil the hrsl are rotary anti Gran llicKlicN the itlrt rum tbJimuoed lit ore club apormlrd the nerrnora inhalation no Body Cream Madame Rochas BOTH MOISTURIZING CREAM AND PERFUME Atomizer $300 FOR LIMITED TIME COSMETTC DEFT SW Ltd Geerxian llnli Barrie lilyllcld North SMP By Phone Hill