Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1974, p. 4

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Mildred by Canadian Newmpm Company Limited re Myriad Street Barrie Ontario Robb Pubilshamurorai Manager with can Emeritus alnwnmmm Iraruaieol Inqahontaoteetmtlnaiggmlcoum mm entometoalnitibondnd yeonurauptheinrageoirnus Sgt and huge nooks andrutro comtnuanybei mt However the current price oi steel la pink teotlm to the hot that de mad or this metal tar es the Hopi Stolen at smitten is morning demnrh for steel more steel man Mmbybowhatiere or continued air at steel padty can end to an arena in the wrrent Us energy crisis one has proven that there is short gotcrudeoilintheustniactmost directly concerned with the in indioote there is ample rue pm is that there are not enough pro forthenriil that and plants The various oil companies have been mod the entire country for tears oz to set up new rcllnerics air bustle has been equalled by that oitbe environmental and ecology grou Webhe in most cases success sod the approval oi new sites are not questioning the motives otthe ecology groups But we must ack nowl that Canada needs sleet man plints just as the US needs otirehnerier location oi the plants is the thorny iron that must be resolved is it fair to the residents oi Hamilton ray that all Iteei manufacturing be carried out in enema in tome kind oi an client to kc our pollution centralized era to be ng ouch as that Hardware otinrtlvo inchrde repre pu We think this was uniortuoate elected Diclah This select grou did not seneative tron news use the location oi malior industry in Essa would certainly have tor the city bordering munidpalltiea However the various provindal rnin lsidllu inme the are re considerang poss ible etiecta on the entire simcoe Iounty area The minidry oi natural resoureer hasamouncedito sea the mlilon the In atlons oi nameand tgekddror proposed steel it ti the tour industry oil depends on an unpolittled Nottnnsaga River FBI Township needs mum oi com merdal or industrial mossmcnt and um der the torn oi the Tomatocontred ltagion Finn it lszoned for an industry proposed by Au tomotivo This brings us to two vital ucrtiom rst would the proposed mill arm the environment liani iacts must replace the inevitable though unsubstantiated in position that now before ra one decision can be made And aaoond1 it as spokesmen for var lotu provincial government departments have indicated Quienia Park looks on Simcoe County as some kind oi ma lion playground tor Toronto area resid ents what kind oi industry is the gov ernment going to allow here to su pre valis ion to utomotive pianto establish steel mill in Pm the residents who cannot iird tabs in the tourist industry hits Hayes rted more demand uhilnstrel Show at Grand Opera House tarewlairihtlestaoyerlbatrurnwutodhyhlra mm Eat civil war min DOWN MEMORY LANE means ace Barrie Examinar May ll me Mr Council got into white beat discussion andpzsood resolution trainot socailed cyclone our education pamphlet entitl ed ihe Origin oi Lite winch was dia tributed by social service in iooal schools on authority Boardrroi cation for kilas books Barrio hrhilc Libr my upward trend in reading tastes WM Mllrayere registered only eight votes aga not bylaw to give certain concessions to lukee Flour liliL Kiwanis Chins second annual host tor 29th wont into its and rmtine tor cishnthsolawasoi opinion midnim clicker thieves caused County Solomon Dalton St Alexander rident Youn Olbiwd at Barrieoleoted vicepresident Mister Horrodhoore and Carriege Work erI Asodation of Ontario Cyril like boy soloist oi little hurdt Around the Corner New York City gave recital lost Andrews Charm Barrie He was no died on lam and organ by Ed napnd ardy ch director lllTEBPRETINGTiili rrws Civil War Rages to overthrow Ibo central gov mat in Baghdad win an ll tahliah araater democraey Wt the wimle country But to Iooonviiah thia eiiec lively and muddy they believe tiny nut Let militlry assist ance irons outside So iar they have directed most oi their ei iortr tor aid at the United tinoom the unwrapped peaks oinortbrrn lraq bu begun aeln In the attention at world lumen it movu tawIniI deadly dirnar tar 100000 Kurdish guero tri now are batilihl PUNCH THE PICK OF mum rm Telwt su Meats enu Perutin Sn onmrvvrrlmy Grt ini Alp THE you taro Presbyterlal Womens itil loty litre ltobert ltolaten oi Averdn elected sidontltev 10mm lilutda teay on sod ed ChurEhoggme Ernst liariiriaa won tr tum Beautltui third stra ght Hora Club lidhby Show Jack hilt chinson works nerat man tor Can Iadian GeneralQ it com nya uarterContu um ll 10 YEARS AGO barrio Examiner MIy 14 l9 Town Council put on the Sdzooi Board Alderman rlmnklln Hersey charged on issue oi $138000 debentures tor reposni new school in Oman St era Aiilsn Read oi Mona liilis who will become rector June oi Trimt Church in Barrie was in enta in theology al muting Sc Bay Collier St United Church was rpotI by Public ldey Parit Rev at so or stod atte Anglican ltur mol in Parish oi shanty annual meetln oi Simooe onary Soc addressed Slmeoo Pres to establieh or used in Simone Peter liarvie eledcd pre Adulteuuboiiiorrle tor Aquar year at odric Ea installed one School Old tr hold tendon at King Edward Hotel Toronto In Iraq Nearing Deadly Climax by KEVIN DOYLE cananrau mesa Ionorry tor themselvea and er sales which rewlulely relucea oven to lend In drum to ex arrina their chime and needs The Kurdr however have be gun looking to both Britain and Baron lor help as well ll lvileatI and their ban Icelareeapeetodto get tough have already ertab ilahe lairly eiieciive control over the uorthem Ieotor at tradabet per cent ol the oouhiryand are Ilowiy mottnl into petition when they can eiieoiively threaten the oil in stallations burned by western companies on the hinges at their territory The western governments ap proached by the Kurds are in dilemma Moat at them teel bound to protect the intererta at the all companies llut Ii they were to hack the Kurd in loa irtl mot the iirms onto bevin grave danger oi retaliatory ae Honperhaps iull nation alilatianlrom the liaxhdad government 0n the other hand the Kurd Ire threatening to blow up the all installations unless ouillde help is provided soon The Kurda who have been in rule at revolt oil and on rtnoo tool are dlilure group unread over sections oi Iran Syria Turkey and small art ft the Soviet Union as net as rad Ellie Examiner Hmahaw Managing Editor mar any rt am rana Finals llth Instinct neededyror Mill Decision rather than in one at Ontarios graduated tradinriai areas hind oi 0W0 concern about the post to adverse al iootsotthe mlllon the natural resourc esoi thearea Automotive Hardware dance to meet with select group andarearodentatostatatheirease isbnsedon THE WORLD TODAY International ControldfouP About To Lose Reps By JOHN NIXON Farsipa Allllrl Anaiyat Thomson News Service In thevrnldct oi butts and bustle oi other eras last uao tara enemy trill limb Earl war domestic tnaatiao the remaining Crnadltn pres enca in the international Con trol Conunlnionin Southeait AM ha been torzotten And now the department oi external aiialn la shout to ter minaia the Canadian presence on the portion at the old lm tor In which still lin err in Laos BIBLE THOUGHT Throlth lllth allr Sara It nil mind rtrraath tee9l crive seed and Ila delivrled or child when abs was put are because the ludzrd him taiin Ibo had marked Therilm sonny then even at one no bins as nod II dead so may II the aura oi the ahy iI naili tliade and II the and which by the sea aherI tnnuanen able Hahns Hill 13 FIlthiaIi belevin that lie meant mite oak Put limit in Lita middle oi llil premises and stay there will you soothe iuliiirnent ot vhhhhw Ml Ira poaaibio Werentatloo tba Laotian capital made up oi an get romndIIIonrr an exy born to allegedly carry new termedalaindipbmanattweaaw to the North Vietnamese lines at it or We bav sealed in com nomelv mploc or Carmela liar not met lot moral yearn 0t tholwlorvietnam was It at several pointalo oiant stories return serv ha leima this inner12 loo omeara allyaebed to Ca oe tntarnoua an Blur Sea nudianlocdalmthn and die ad guaranty with the war are Home at their iallowa voiuntaered military taion tion about North Vietnam from their open visits to Hanoi and loadeth whet oi Prods midlmilnmlb Io cret Canadian piortiaey libwrouidayenloroateroai pd the three lentterm tri mentors oi theorizi both be maintained And it there hrtureheed be it oompi W1 camr Manor to lhe Will Wt 1th man no Tba toe in Vietnam at which Canada was In orirlaal meow her was part at the tom 19 Garch eouierrnca which endedlruadrooloniainrlaln lododilna and allowed tor the Vill eraatloa oi the res lw norm Cowmanlit ilathaono nonCommunist in the south That handled paraded turtber ulemrsit in Prononlanv udddlooitheroad GWI your BUSINESS Mortgage Rates Reach New High ViNCENT EGAN BnIlanI and Cameron AiiIlrI Aaallrt Thomson hile heroin AI interest rate to no the mortzeu Junie no ihldror and thidter 0n tint rnortrlte you can almost no interest rates rlalol it you atand atlli tor amomeot Dyan 11 per cent is helna quoted on come ymeouaiity iirrt mortgagee Second morimoat The tmble la that you can hardly see them at all whether you mod still or not udllrmte secondary lrndera Ire quotinl 135 to it per cent lnterert but rate can vary widelydepend Ing upon anything irom your equity in the house to the ra pnelty oi some lenders Anyone contemplating lrltitl oi any kind is well advised to shop around and omnpare inlen est rates But nowhere Ir that advice more invertat nor more often overlooked than til the tirid of record rnorttlaner second mortgage in the name Iugzesta it lean Ir curod by real property but ranking behind the tint rmrl gone in priority oi daim on that pecurtiy Such loans are Ivall able trom ioan eompbnlcr tredit unions and individuals as wall as thrturir middlemen called mortgage brokers old when tales abound in thll areaprobaby because meat of us are re poor It the porrrpllcaled arithmetic lil tolved Cne such truth is that sec hnd mortuane it grout waon ronrolldpte tho iamliyI drbtp At tlrrt planes that may appear in be true in certain eases where lower mathiy palout or lower latrut rat la la diealedtlutlgdtberee la tony Aymen or payrrrent lithe Melledlllllloont mold be In moire ilaanciai The earns applies to the luv rertlon that second mortgage be tired to pay or avacstlon rhapa in anticipation oil nua next year to be used to repay the mortlarr Thai Vlca tion which goes so quickly la not worth the rtrirol lorinr the horns ll you have current that morlrue at relatively low ln temt rate and arnalier you and min It typically hither rate wI atruer item to mahine tcm into new ilrrt mortlare ll rate aomowhem in between You could well end up with hub ar overall interest burden RATED Al PEAK For the thus being theroa little likelihood oi Iny raring la mortnxe rater Canadea bank rate ll at its bitten level in history and it ten the pattern tor interest rater throughout the economy in addition the chartered banlu tn meetinz the heavy dew mean at perleral leanshava Ilrained their liquidity aimort to th limit The scarcity value oi credit is It peak interest rates in Canada are to bid that our market is It lmtiol more Ind more U3 in vertora thur pusth the value of the Canadian dolar in relation to the Uh ii you need Lmorltane loan inday you athloort havelpienty to company your or rety audt as thourandr ai rmail buri nersel and commercial borrow era with mull rely on bank credit aiiIitI pillar one oi thImosi Halpbon Ia rec new sumo WEAPON loo Add to Na domestic and me this messengerboy role to the in rib atdzrablo rpm in lira merit writ mam rne OHM gym piggy fa Lag hiiairter Paul liarth that narni with the Itll gtltoawadandweg my mm lblnll Altair hiiniater mi mm MN gt the malted neutral 100 Martin have always denied the Canadiannude atreratt Canadianrmro eoraoeiladby with Warbtnzton and an insistent rum balnx used and worn Uii Pruident Jo to carry Mm mm In Vimm Tbs warmer or Canada and the too will Maya be one at cornndtmeoto oi neutral ty and some private or aemt ones ii on vrlrht or complicity with beillxereti there curablnaveraaalpred th monetiouinthiaplartic naoi Vieo North Vietnamen penal dartiloaillilnh Not that whatever Seahorn lock with him to llanel or laid here ultimately did the Ameri cansany pod There were con QUEENS Plith rugA WDowner Nearing Record non ouiranu Cams rm Daren nernm News lervler memo Ever since Dan ote Tinemit war tainiy baton to note Scott vise won Toroo iloacbee tor the 00F to me limit Iotualty had to wIlt 5th months tutors be worn Wm he won under alum be in rcbruary there has borne Itd hour Mk mm In um imil oi min Tinirralitlztandroiaraels hum mnny my um warm it And 1mm oho mot bu ment or bean wimp been doing Miami in ill oili mt rraoorotbility the because at thnll loci naughty la melt tJoua lbw lit lltlul It Mom teulnrrwtm and we hm ttatlotru that llll evenual ml is to be really check theta thinut be is Prime minister at Canada it his ohaneer were to be hnlrlgmwbltlfvxd throw bread on on record oi Field iiuoti they would be riirht htolt war deieatod proviry etaiy in not and ain in rare gm Elwyn it then won and hllnlllllu aan wlaa lgeleaiod new rono mum itfffgnm Pat nau hounver certainly Nepme um would be prominent member mm cm mm the cabinet it the Liberals registration in be our gwbl vim if Rauni pneu guaranteed my ma mm mm poteri leader at his part statutory liolldm if be excepted Subscription um daily thEIuie carrier 10 weekly tiara yeah nth 14 gt in my ly sirair copies the By mall utrrelatho record tor longevity Smile titl yearly Sim in the home run The at Can stationary All the niliiilliivtabilhti her ruunnre rune vearlv oi prerent rIl ieaier Bob Motor throw rtl tilW yerriyv Nixon and tor short rimepro National Advertiamy tlliiceu am My mm and tu as Queen St Welt Monte prmocmor ridlnga trorn me an mo Mo microst untilhbdcnthihliliiatetllo liontreal em llember oi the Canadian Prou ploy Mud him um and Audit Bureau oi clrcuin mum 9mm uu mu tionl and active as member oi the The Canadian Press ll excluo Camp wnunlavion He held tvrl entitled to tor re Grcy South ior 41 yep rpm pub leatlon oi all new dispatch ma until hereilred in roar eainlhla aw credited to it or But Iiitlnl in the PC but The Arm Med Prera or Neuter benches la Ipotentlal litlcai and aim the local news pubilab llank Aaron threat their ad therein record the llarrle Examiner claima itev Downer tau Co yrlrttl in all original Idvcn routed Wterinsimooo tlr and editorial material cre llli which rivu him 31 your Ited by its employees and oi service produced in tth newspaper And though he la 70 Wally la Cvliyrlcht llertairation Nuns very hearty 10 mi it would ber galrtl rertater ll be no Iurprlu ll he tr Ititi at lawn2W vmvmu ins dork when he turns to Thla dirtlneiion almost oerr 333 or gr r33 ii 55 in ii 58 at 33 55 rragi Eerie ornzn am it evenre Gaspar do Cortererl WY Newlotniland but oils llaet at can rm LI In was matured by art ea ma to Port Royal rm Briulo took over bland at St Pierre and love mm IN mltrreaptumd mat Dot0M0 liyldrplr1 yhloctrio coated protestm ed at mgnflrmsm 01 61 shot consul ptim mkaer network war allow beheld Itaolrrul audToronto ruePrime Philip opened Commonwealth study Cedar eneeatatootml Bennett Swept Last Election During July By DAVE liLAllill UllAWA CPi Canadians last voted in July election or yeara aro when the Proarsrive Corneavalivea Iwopt to power mine it it Barnett That election two yoara into the Great War July as 1030 and voters tmraated the uberal revetment at llackrnrio ltinl The other July election was to 1m when Canadas ilrst gov ernment was nomina the on at it ilveyoar tum Sir John llaedooaid aoored narrow vie tay to return hia Conservative party to power But he was creed to realm the next year when he waI oriented in the Commons over scamlala rue roundtnl construction ol the CI oadlan Pacillc Railway The ma election was held be iore votinr procedures were rinrplliied by evrlit conund mealionr liailotinl started July 20 bu dld mu card until Oct 12 The new revetment was not sworn in until Nov mi The summer month never have been popular eleetion choices ma couhlryr tr into nun tcrl Only our eicr lonr two in July and two in Auzuat had been called prior to themialoxt election announce me MANY AWAY Traditional thinkln ha been that election tumor in draw lg lrtteretl in the summer ilu ral resideuta are busier chil dleu are out ol school and thou Ianria oi iamlilea are on vaca tion The Irrumrnt goes that thia liver the prolcat vote morI torco and protest voter are run alw bad new or the party to We in not amoet us in llootion motAh pop Eaven June elections the lat eat in me When Prime lliuiatrr Tnuieaupoiird the tint matur tymwln in decade have been October rants next with ipur elections the last in in when the country nlrnnrt unaratod the sawmill Lborals llr Tru eIu remained in nor with tho Imaliert minor ty govern hunt in hlrtory oi hot seats The Coulcrvatlver elected romp ens unit have been held In March September and November Two have been held In December anvl one cach in January February and

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