Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1974, p. 5

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Tower island It the Museum ol the Upper Lake in Welsh Beech become neceunr1 when thowaterleveloltheNottI rocker trudredhend oltbelrlIndlnthebadb onlhelenudlhemrum wield Nanny island with deviation the history oi Great mhlIin the eltdmolc theatre takes mm on the rkbt nrsrmca wang River me ever the put low earl Six hundred ten or and too tour oi end om wire merh gn eri baskeLI uhidr were In rtlal around the mirnetcr Raising of Tower Island Improves Lakes Museum Winnie 13ml Embr Ing the llghthoiue replch Ii the ltllrseum oi the Upper Lures on Mossy Street until recently pre Ion In element at risk ii the WIer level at the National itiver vIII high Mer island beeinto Iem Ind ylrlton till their hot wet last lIlL OniIrlo Ministry oi identication Key To Beet Records ELMVALE Iur bed produ ce herd records attestth lo the mductistty oi Nth Inlnial do Inionnntron only II re liable on the cvwr ivlrntiilcotlon Night on Ontario Ministry oi Agriculture Ind lood mum it hiucortney beet rnttle Ipeciellet point out that there are Ieveral good method oi ldcnllllullon Ind points out the drawbacks oi Tilt Illll it pie pw Ol 11 rider permanent ldcrriliicatltn Thta LI commonly used to why purebred and comments crnflmr however to record In terruption on crlvln lilnesr etc this method requ res hend ting the cow Totoos are also IomntInuI dilileult to read rag mould be readable hum moral icet away we Macin nry so iht rnttlc do not need to no hudlcd Ind predoeeri uvolri plac ng them In Irreu Iituuliou Neck chains and Ice provide last Iui envy ldtnililentlon on mature animals but they in be uuy ornerlily ll limit are tor when used on call tliegrhulnr mutt be corIJnuIlly msti Ind here to risk at thorn Iitontiher The small metal or plmlc our tags Ivollnble are relatively pbmuinm vrry diillcult to reel lrnm distance They1 on be oolarkoled but in large rrde llrotton can reduce their Mr ilc one Tour which are iIsieneddin iiy mch nnlmIII bnrket are good idea but problems can result irum Intertion riter Installation tlli Ii the tug shoiud bI ri ed on Garwoi lhn mot rrtislwory methods it the rub oi the large nihber the which hook through In Inimriu ear itteie Ire eu lly readable irurn distance and available In Iovcrol rim Ind colors Calves run Ibo he ldrnlliM ln IllII way und Ihere tngr provide accurate identi IiNlillll with very little distresi to the ul TONIGHTTUBE WED AllAtltlAV AWARDS pm noun MW neurone noumrovuw Irmaurqu Mill gmumnmnr tilltilliNtiti AT normo ADMISSION Adullr $250 me not Golden Age rimcure iln Natural Resource loyecs bc titeworkoirIlr atheis lry re inches 8x hundred tom oi iill Ind 400 tom oi rock lend space men it cot wide by 40 it long to til foot wide by has led long DIVld liixlson oi Midland maintenance noenbor tor illo lorlenl Site anoeh oi the blin Lvtry oi NIlurIl become ex that in order to prevIt ro erosion oi the rebuilt l9 lend tiller cloth Ind wire mesh gubion Mikel We installed mound the island perimeter Die loll illiu cloth Illowu water to penetrete but on the book How he wild gun pun through llr iludron Some 3500 mum tool at tl we uscd to go around Mcr Bland GABION BASKETS ilie yobion bullets are it iect long reo lcei wide and one loet high 171 barker were uwd and each was manual with too out hall at gIbIon lime etune rook Mr iimboo IIyI gIbIon bar keteere not new method tor erosion mmrel They were br ItIlled Irourld NIncy laIInd Iorno yeIrI Igo Ind have IlIu been used extensively trth Min litry throughout the province lio tIinlng wells Ilong the Dan Vel Iey PIrkway in Throttle Ire Ilsa goblin bIskcts irrstnllIllon oi the litter cloth end bushel we started In early Iebruory Ministry urooyca under rite iertenan Morley Knuil oi Worm bench tried cutting out the in around Thw or bind but entountcreti 2r lode Iolid blue tee to the bottom it was Ibmst Impotelbie to rectum the Ice Io we had to wait until It lelt thevrlm Theo the men got into the wAltt to lay the litter cloth Ind brsketr Mr iiudion said mm though equipped with hp wadera Ind henvy plastic rig In the leecold wuior Im river Nrrent OOH IOIIK We were loud With strong rlvrr curreut Io we had to dc vlre dltivrrnt lechnlrrue tru lnyiiu roll oi the tiller doth The men arterial it to the bd kelr on mm and then placed it into the water In Icctlons it wu manhorrome cold work The lei lowo my the water tr warming quickly tMIIi Mr Ilud Ion rold lie praised the wormI Icrty Ilillen Mike Hell Humid The LAMPLIGDTEII ROOM Fully LtrrIIrd Busineumeel Luurh lerved Ill ll ONADIN ROOM Dancing NIgetLr till In Mon thru Sat WINDSOR HOUSE VictorII St IV MIIllnl um trucked In mm the res had to like turn work gruii vox olro hampered by the Wood end Mr Knit Ill oi VI sagI Bench ior their speedy work The NollansegI itivcr about xix Ito item II that point uhlon barkeu Ire Iltuutrd so they Home shut lengthwise irorn the him to about 30 Inchu below the water rurtIce Win the basket hurl bun inlt stalled the blend was covered with three to our IIICYIN or top loll It total viblthrdi was required tor the into Iqunre tout area The Island re main lobe soddvd in order to get the supplch and imprint on to the lslnrd Hailey bridge was constructed mm In unopened loom street on the mainland to the Island 11 Vasngu linuch lire ilomrt ment will use the new opcnwl road pumping Italian walking bridge NANCY ISLAND vsi ave and now reItI on the ir Inii An electronic tthtre and muourn depleting the biliary oi illlwllig on the Ith lakes complete the historic Iite lucerulrixtlon or lower in land will be oenipieled In time tor the Museum at theUpper Loire oiildul opening on Satur day May in THY AN EXAMINER tied the lsanzl not born rc btrlIl it would have been eloml to Museum oi the timer taich visitorr hlrl Iliidson Mild Tower Island tltch mntulm replica of the lighthouse locattxi It the entrance to Collinguood harbour is connected to NIncy island by Nancy island is to ruier be ensue it was formed by the toll N10 hi Itlt uroiurd the char rod hulloi the rum Iclmncr stark there American ditrlrv the in oi lot it long oilei HN memorial Is lIruI win coninloftvl tho Narma hull was excavated Irom her Tax ODO SPATION lSuIii mints Npyer will It nulls lexI residential in Ind 1M mills to cornmeminl tam thlr year than In to wanlv the IowruhipI total mt Will edutiuim roerlx Ind or mum Costs lovvuvhlp Clerk Ilenry Neu rid raid the reductions lnthe lint iIx rule are due to In creased ms mipu irom nut Canada it Ililil tax Itubiirur lion grunts mm the pmvime which will be receilrd by the township in mi Tolul mtinlciyvxl 1ch In the township or nu in mint which Include the county Ier at $158295 Inil the township levy oi $2196 Tho this rule towards lib coun ly levy ls It mills evidential to rate iowardr the township levy It rnttk Ind the commer tor the 17 mill diiiercnco be incur the residential rule Ind the mommiol rate In that the township getI unconditional grunt hunt the province which can he used only toward do masirg the residential tax rate EDUCATION LEVI Sirmoe Oome Board oi FdIrcItionr ml levyl on the tunnel or elementary advent lotoln mm iiceldentlal tax rate towards this is 395 null and the minimal role is In rnilu ietIl levy ior recondary Ichools $2M Hlll Involve rettdcnllel tax rate or 619 rniILI end commercial rate oi 355 mills The township was leilesl total 0d the rides rial into 217mtlls Henson oliy wi Leta tor nllnl me nor between ate IdsodL Metrosi til mills There Is no vom nverriIi uuessmeni or the top Irnte school levy but the rate II 476 mills Not Isussrneni In the town Ihi this year $19M vthleih Ilmlo residentill Irti iarm osmsrnmt and m3 2v wnmterrlnl outmnan Some 0m ratepayers will line to pay an burrused local Irn provemcnt charge lor garbth pittwp this year it thcy live in the area designated under the UM garbage contth which has been signed iur three Years to new reshlmri first rate or garbage pickw is $11 per year In lnnrnte oi s2 iroru 137 Common rote ior pitti uponeonceklImpcryeu and Slit tor twiceweek Ice up from its Ind our The term tux rvbate has not been not yet for uni In 197 thorote won 50 per cent hlr Neuield raid the on townspr tax bill will be mul to the raitpnyerr between June lug2d ithIbeln previous err in font discount it tho bill IN paid by the end or in and per cent discount ii pa end oi Aim Payment will meted It Sept and It IiiorSc ilaiprruer be them Ilty Increores to ler Nov it per NEWS IiiE MRI EXAMle MON AY MAY II It HfRates Cut In Cleo Township before the The con THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1134 Glut Rynard Soap 17 Years As Continuous MP eoee Idh rewexntatm It mm Dr mum am will soon bonnie blI me mn DR IIYNAID lived to stand AgIlI In ovum the gov2mm luck adequate Mien to deal rub the situation namely SIS GLANCE Dr liynnrd has every enli dme that 31 suied in en rttncd to torm the but Canad lIn gownInuit whenuu In llnnIveI feet In elm Iith lower to eome iamlbes parttmlrly bard tit considered by Dr Itynnrd to be the imior election issue Ide merits the dose Ind err lous Iliention oi all parties in dilierent reptile he has outbnv 0d politic oi NI kION Rob eri Sanllold Ilrneul Al boniunrng the IndItioury trend Ii glvm the pm It be iederIl election RuanI prices Ind soaring east or living Ibo rm rm pv en irequcnt mention to hi report high taxes and Increase In the national debt are among other tutor be Intrcipntu will the theme the mmi oi wins to the Nxt election since they It taxpayers hate to meet the Ilngus To Edenvale Course For 61h Annual Canoe Race ANGUS Mil Dale tor more and Ted Iligelow oi Sun the rth annual canoe me to ty Bay be armoured by the Nottawooaxl us Crowe and Wellington Iil VIIlev ConserVIlinn Authorin tiIrnI oi lAknlield Ion the to has been III or Sunday June mile peddluig me In mo I1 rim we tbs the mad tame PIIIII call tor the dim le bl two lane ll iiirmlN be Mend with the alerting Arr Otto pair ILh Whitt pdu mnmrxng II Item plAy laden Ind Kmntt lioorI vim NM The finish will be It the race In 1911 with time Edmmle instead it VungI oi live hours and minutes Beadi Andy Owen to Insistlng In the renter clasi AusmIrI In rnIldIig arrangement ior the Ind ii JIrnmor oi Port IicNic ruecIIIdIIlstotIventairnwr ellwemnlmenbstmzr with Neil Illtirll III Iwi Snith ol Shanty Buy sewed Dave and Glen Mm oi Bari do were the rst grendinther In mm team In linish Winners tur prls wen Cllttu Ind Idtibtm til Mimi being The WWI rt the distInce is expected to draw Ivm more entriee than the lit Ibo PINCI poled last year Renard time tor the itmlle diItInce wu mIde by lien iieevu Ind iin lleaicy oi lind ray in rm at ibeywuge tim ed It iour utes best year they were Irate win movies IDSIlIuIe non but XVI1 Wm timed It lil Milli Ind 40 CLONE regular ltin meeting at the Clones Womens ll at div mum open Institute will be held May is It tho um pt un um lsion when the run was Iturtrd IlIyex III ean ego were John Dun 1pc program will inslit hi COUNTY lithliinilimlililliiih GLIIVIPSES the stile oi blunt and bulbs NAIIIF CHANGED The new cxvmtive rlrdml FERGUSONVALE lStaIll II the April Min Includes This Flee township rnmmunity June Key preriderd II Doug Hayes lint lceprrsulrnt war known mornings Cor ners in the pioneer ere The name was changed in Ferguwih win by the puiII depIrtrnent In MEMBER YEARS EVEHLTI Stall WMan oi Simeon County last year Reeve iarnea VIIrI oi Tueron tin has been member at the Nunty council continuously Iince January 1961 AGRICULTURAL MINISTRY EINVALE Stulll Ontnrio ministry oi agriculture Ind iood William Stewart but welcomed Hobbit Eaton MPI lot hikitilo Iex some parliamentary In IIsIInt In his department htr Eaton bimsrli tanner OFFICERS ELECTED CHHEMORE Suit Jim Miller has been elected preeb dent oi the Mnoro brunch oi the itoyul Canadian Legion we sang Howard iiorvsun Grunt itobb and Molly Bayer were nImed vkepresldents George Iinnsier mum Ind Hurry $wa secretory rotary Mrs lullh Hayes ptlhllt relations rcrv SIMCOE HOTEL 72890 900 PM TO 100 AM Ii election is called Emaitely ever growing earning cum when first elected in 157 It the lime John Didecbaltr run to power Dr lIanrd Int liberal Indium Ilium bed Mil ib eld Slum nu tor zr 1mm George than mHme Orilh mayor VIM lab EII from in to 195 me Nu prim rruamr Me In lolllnd oibertaberaiioibehreu in Mum imr Irritant rm yer who rue to become deputy We at the House lite at headed the mere mi Dr innaer deledied ir Dob lnyna in the 1561 ndaru vtr rec Oilwvellitl we narrow victory em CnnIdI and in or its to wrlur majority Iir Holcomb tailed omitrr vote BI than year later Thu um about in Hard St 1le In Dr iIyuIni Igarn earned East Simon lr Didenhak rr received It redonerneot be room The Dteierbdtr government remarrmi tor lift his year term but in In etdiori largely taught over thrill Issue with the United Saiei ho III Muted by the Libcas this time led by Int Pearson in close ole Dr iigmrd registered bu third vxtery by wimuig over lormer Peoeisngtnsbcne mayor Jerome Guitar liberal IDLHIII VICTORY iiynnrri made It our in Limited in the was lcdorai el ion Ihen In Pemon asked lor eteIrer muddle Tbe lib Iral membership um inqu by any luv outs rem to Vittory No tor lhc Oriliia airmen em on June xi 19m thin the ruling Mounties mind to include Bertie Ind Vegan Dr iiynard bad won thy mam In no mu Barrie moi pr clml was Lime wuhdelo Ind it we limo el action west Perrie HaviouL Midland teacher run third ND eandldnie in the Inst lecturer elmion on SI 1911 Dr mm die luted we Men lubttll Ind Rich PIikkke NDI to hold the North Simone seat for the Damnslim In the with See tlon Sinclair Stevens MP do leatnd iormer Liberal number John Doberu ln Yorkslrrm well Is In NDP bid while Dr Gus hitters oi Ourn Sound was Victorian In livewa ballet battle tor the KNEW ml which be won let the Weak Lives Nortoworogo Inn WM Into drive from Barrie on tiny as Top Entertainment NORRIS VINES and GEORGE COX Ills Torn Partridge srtmrl preddmt Mrs Irm Nev nlt George Didwcll tnuturm litre Innrr diIgt iriet vim Mrs Nttlh IAN Iliumtive director Irul lire formerly at THE FLATTERS Cull tor resrrvntiunr Ill 705vl530l Gi wt5003 Cookstown No 39505 POINTS lOUNGE NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT RAMPAGERS TRY OUR BUFFET DAILY FULLY LICENSED UNDER LLCIIO WANT Ail PHONE lullll rrrriN Hill Moohed hunted cophie WAYNE Iu My LAST rwo urorrrs Show Time 79 pm gun in unlicensed Ind hie story II Incrodlbiol Adult Entertainment rmrrn riderriuirmiarl werpqudfvcngeancei DUSII to DAWN Steve McQueen The Reivers ACImequ line With Nalkxlrl orient MWMEM Adult EIIerthIrnrpt Adult Entrrtllnm rot use srrowmo romurn on serum shun It Ill llrlrelnl dundIy Ally lb ilrrtrlrtrd Gnu el ttAdult EntertainmentCAN v5 blAilSlIAII LAST SHOWING TONIGHT AT COLLINGIIOOD Adult Entertainth HGIIININB SWORD OF DEATH Ind DIG JAKE

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