PubiiIhed by Canadian Nmpepeu Company Limited 16 Beyold Stml Barrie OnlIrio Robb PubllrlnrOenenllrtenaper walla Editor Emeritur inniotrl cournl has voted unanimous ly to seek lotslo llinudpal Board Ip Il or the towndiip to borrow up to 00000 to finance new and expanded recreation hdlitles Ibtal loans on the loan unis uh repIid over 10year pert been estimatedat $288628 Repayment of the lam Ind interist mold involve townshipwide tax levy unease at 37 mills in 1975 The loom will be sai 1934 due to In tidpatcd increase lr townslnpr an be ed down to 24 nulls nuIl ta mesmtnt No one like Increqu taxes at course but this would seem to be In ulthle way nancing recreation fault es un der the guidlines at Immihlpwide rec reation poiwy ii proposed roleot doesnt make townshl plans then the council the the power and the obligation to refuse lin Iense under the Indrl mistanct it should be noted thn the derision to levy general tax increase to finance recreation facilities has not been made ving innisiil ratepayers the opportuni to object Any ratepayer op pored to the scheme can request an Ontv Irio Municipal Bond bump to voice without his or her objections Councillor liob inckic asked that the motion authorizing the loan be amrnend ed to include policy ItItemcni thIt MONDAY MAY ll 1m JPAG An Equitable ways To Pay For ReCreaiion Facilitiesl Ina ed It 33 luv aside to be dreamed Conmurd drillith to raise high oiihetotaliunthne POLITICAL ROMANTICISM Bethune As Symbol HInIhIw Manoglnp Editor council would Apply 82 or 33 towards meation project tor every the eomnnity group or red ll Entirpibe interests oi time this IIa not determined latcr We hope thoroughly that the nial 31 group pro on nt It will receive irom council will required parentage ed to ensure there is real and substantial demand or the pro out they ll rcsiden Ire promotln is in am dont want an Irena or base all diamond badly enough to adieu out me oi their own money surely that Is Id to moon growth to don grunting lurid roected on WWIIde basis Another tliorrvy Issue lnntslii eounch will have to resolve Is whether existing debentures or recreation Idiities Il township taken over raved DOWN MEMORY LANE NetliI and lire llaroid Brett lira stan ID YEAR AGO IN CITY Brrrle Examiner May ll WM Today George Dangereld president oi romp Iny oilidalb opened modern now auto motive sales Ind relvice centre It 231 BrIdlord st Port or public leaiurcd personality Tommy lioedoun Din ertlelde iermer 1an were on Coi er St Firm is ant or Generrrl hlolrm Chevrolet and ldsmobiie lir Dangcr lield native ol Kemptville and student at that towns federal agriniiiurul college iclt farm lilo Ir youth to go into car business In Toronto lie came to Barrie In 1945 to let up CodieDemo dealer Ior Chiprater lie on tidied in entertainment by Hunter at BC Country Mm will Royal Victoria by years Domld mum narcmmzm Imuztnmww yea nand1 my manned orerwee my Artha Johnny Kubinic of Wind sor witd outstanding amateur pres It by provincial sports writers head Rick Fraser Karmlner editor tonal Hospital Day observed at liarrieri conducted nigh him euro work RViiVquIliarIei junior Im senior wg lilgtiirghtmhrst ilotman Is this en or rou lormcd 105 try omnnlimtigmlitlcligi gt hlrr rI one Ir tire Ernest Bllkey hire Rom IlodgerI hlrr Jack Ponder lira hi Thomas Niven members this year are lire Charter lllcv ley Cohen is um Shock Manager ltrt were won emflvgon by Nat and Queenie Park at Jet lilner limes predicie ther oi Gary Iiiner allelar man war their dad Steve in eIrlier dayr Hell be Inother Corby Adams recording Imetary Now playing at imperial iheItre Die Beatles Come To ibwn At Huronia Drivein Sodom Ind Gomorrah At Corridor tadult entertain ment City Council debated wrvice station closing houri Lora Ilenrlebry chosen Queen at Contrat Collegiate Gra duation Ball presentation oi owers made by 1903 Queen Karen llare Kempviow Bowl monI individual awe winners honored at annual ban uet Love presided lrop or Al Broadioot George Le Gear Dave arleant Cecil Sharpe Steve Sam Poole lloy Symon nrenrGIdlaIziiIItIIIenviiihylziollr Frank Danny lircDonaid John Ogden lion lvinierburn John ltiIloney Doug ltluc Donald Clerkson liotol team won play offs North Collegiate students chore Kelly Stewart II Graduation Queen with Janet llchende and Carol Spark Id princesses ducted early workoutr lor Barrie Plaza entry In Senior Fastball Coach George tiller eon League at Ilelwas impressed 15 at slioitstor klbd re seesaw THE FRENCHLANGUAGE PRESS ilrlI II Ieiretlee oi edi tartalr on current loplrl translated imrr the hurli lIngngI prur oi CInIdI Quibee in Hotel Simuilia rigour necked tripr Prime Slinirter Trudeau to Ont Ind by Oppoeiiion leader Robert Finite In ikoivitlvieru Que diced erloctloil vibrniom The Canadian political uene liar rested on inunda tion of minority governrrwrt Ind mtontly riIing prim tor more than year in in am 31mlth id tilylleid urcct Ernie Ontario Telephone 1mm Second CIIIr lirtl liegirtratlon llvrher MM Murn postgr guIrIntecd Daily burden and Statutory liolldeyr excepted buhecriptiou rater drill in rIrrlrr 70 weekly lldto yeltr ly single copier lie By mall hurle t1dtoyelryl slmcoI County 100 yearly lirlrnto Ii CInIdI moo yearlrr All other rountrrrI um yearlvi Motor throw nil troop yearly Nettmal Adverllring Illilres ti Queen St Wat Toronto IM I710 Gill Calhcut Ely Martini Ilcmber oi the Candun irrIr and Audit bureau oi circula OIII The Canadian Press lI ercluh irely entitled to the use tor ro pub chlloo oi Ill newr dllpkh rI lnthir aper credited to it or The Arroc otrd Pm or neuter Ind aim the iocIl newI puhltah ed therein ilio llIrrle Ilkamlner clIlmr Co yrlght In all original adver III rig and editorial materiel cro Ited by ill employees Ind re produced In thlr norrprper Copyright Neglrtratlon Nurp her man miner di rent dayr IllikII ragin in reveral lien or the It rile Icrvioe and budget Ive been Idded II by chew the two motor partIeI held redonel conventh In the two largest products in both cover the Earth Ind upocielly their adorn have tclt ii merry to dlrptay ready norm Lorrn in tot reassure ET VG Of ridden the way nudeeu Gmloid will he In the next election indicutionI suggest ho will not repent hia line at work dur ing the teat election when he piecedl lumen the earrrpagn the rule at II head Ollmzlid Prime on no leehr engaged in battle in Quebec lighting ninnlirld Item to bring hi loreoI together enoum that the two central producer Quebec and Ontario will run ply him with the Mall he need in gain prev in 0t tnwn We run Iirervly are that tho unrervouvu will concentrate their rliortI on otonomlc policy wildly regarding lrllutlon ihe privileges accorded large corporation remain lIll wnr cry oi the New lemo rrntin Party In perlmi oi in ation not the end oi the public Iervlee Ilrlkcir Ind pre Ientntlon ol Intlrxoteerinz lcglelItloil take the edge of NDP urnenirn liber ieIderI room to wort in much II the NDI public reaction toward rho party which precipitqu In clecllon ti riikr boome rang etlcct irom Lie called In the pulls the ten An election rail opcnr lire doorr by which the pull bringing on the election mil exit II veil as enterGllieI iloyrr trim so lrolrhlvlrrrI Neuvel liItIr hen irirrie liinlrw laiton It lnidnu Innotxdced that tile gnVIrnrnem intended to intent ledotlon Igalnit ea eeislve with by Canadian companion hut about every body lauded Ilia ldeI But iierh Cray eon Iurncr Ind corneal IriIIrI nuniater prevented the irgih IItlon In the Comment we muckIyIIw it was nothing to uthdedIbout government liar not outwit to deceive Inti body in cloning the nirvana things to Ippeau thIr New Democratic Party not to avoid Icarurg Canadian than near The legislation is Io lame that It rennet reaoouIbl not sound Ivoriava to the toilet oi consume in In rrnergcruv wherein the gmrnrnent decided that the Irth oi certain prode had nice too rapidly it eouhi declare the mom to be un der the Iurudletlun oi the law ice your The evidute tliur INIICIIH that tlw government lI adopt ing rilwrrnurutory WWI but to put the brakes on pilto moreover in itll crmrgency agreement woul have to he loathed among the CiiItllltl lhnt II lerlotts hundieai ihir II how the Tru uu goicnimrnt Intenrlv to Ililrt eilectivoiy Ind qulv ly ogrilnat ination hir Gray the IgglliutiJnI aliulher her raid the legit ation will not be retroactive Ind that It iI bitendcvi Iulely icr Iciin we liable Io have nalionul Imprct on the rim or prirer be allowed to ap be hird buse It ready built should be taken over by the it the loan is There are too many qu lying actors such as how mud Iii ritu owing to nuke general rule on this matter How ever fairness would Item to dictate that group in thtrnfnsitlon web as the stroud Arena Boo preach coundl and state their view on whether remaining debentures should IM 0K YOURE OK Dominant Campaign Isgsue Threatens To Be Ination qu wrung UilAWA lCi InHIItDII earned the political reunion of the minority liberal govern ment imtI threatsnevi to be the dominant burn or the emqu BI lid lilting prim tor Iood cloth big rhcller Ind energy In in tormtlonul pattern thirdlug the Canadian economy well inude in more my edch oi the in million olBil eligible earx hailotI in mouth mrr mat wov about 241000 more line on Oct it itll when the int rnalonly government Itnce 19 mud to Inothrr minority Illmnr rests have not arid the election muillnery lIcli utilrh may need about rte mil lion more to operate this time Jeanlune Iiamei dried elec toml oilieemeyi the gencrIl eleottorr will cost Iboul $21 trill lion WNW Milt 2135 million only in month ago He cttu ln cruiser im paper end printing Ind pay thereon in tin dry irom in deputy retung gains PARK more than to per cent highest mention ination plaguet the minority liberIl mammu almost mm the berlnnln it war the lrvrue the oppnsl on tired in hound thI government ior more lhIn your rod stated mater iador In the NDP dccblonio withdrew tin bIlIneeoL wer eupport lrorrr inmo ltlrnirter Trudeau over the budget The when said the budget WM not good mull line Irmtlon while the govuni mart add it war willing to it on election on III onlitnet ll pdky lnitntvu 91 or cent to 1m wn running year It since the Korean WIr pol rJrkI Ina m1 Would he in leaderth governrnenttr dueItodr Conunva Mada llobert Staneld who trrmvd 50 April ll ruin his political lemme In lIII tlrlrd attempt to wet libv erIl gotvrnment David bowls whore Dam rratl predpltntod the eledlen need more Icetr to ronlhiue rmvlng the party down the lung mm to beoomlrr an alternative to the we tumI bl Juno 71 and la in MI mood nnmulxn II lender perttu He The lourth leader yearold lteIl Danette lr lIeod Mill on pending the bard ol hie sodIi Credit where mdlluebee rally met menu prevtneIIlly lest Octo HIOTLIOIITH LEAUEIII The election lIghtI lour pollticIliyeeIion iIIdIrI rad oi whom might be in lost minde in that role pending on rewItI For Mom Elliott lnideIu hi the election tcitr unow both hie guvemmentr peltelei Ind IlIl personal pondertty which declined Annrply in the tut varnntign rum the duly helditr oi tool The now im rerultr do clded otter come weeke oi lth return and rerormia ed the thinnest margin mw Ilnce Cordedemllon end now in vole oi lid tor the Libeth to is per rerr tionrervative t17 NDP 76 Soclll Credit lild I1 per cent then There wen im liberate loi Conservatlvoe rocordhigh at New Dunocrntr Credd and two independemr it Sadat Double Law Coming For Sunday Sales D7 DON OIIEAIIN Queenriark liurren Thomrne Nev nerrirI lOlloNii Government paltry nIl Mutiny rulnll enter in the rovian now being eel only it has Irltil icornid that the policy now tr bciors the policy nutrition on lmtlre It then Will have to go heiore the paltry and priortilu tnIrd ul cabinet lintrun who THE PICK Uneven1irumrumour in in other words the Cnnrr dlan government in crying It it rendy to intervene but not to churgu Anything Cannitiuu runsumerr will continue to roller with or Um government to dad on real intervention to combut iniieilon ihlr legnlrton mn tIini nothing but ngIt pre teeeionrpllrloan theorem ouhlrict Itrei end iollowlng IhIl mum it will then be mode piMlc Ant word now II that II it Im vlvrI the conildcrIblI mn lrrrverry It probablywill rrrvive In the nbuvn IXltIill II will bl qtiHo tulltllt Tuugirln luvnr pl rritricted tulrI vibe to ill we given in In OIHIIOGIU Ipeoeh iremler llIvlr guys will duyr ngo Lesu or PUNCH ruiicu Drvrr awnair Irving ta irrprrrll ilrrrI dryr men the The premier didnt go into de iIIiI but he made It rim that he iavored noncommercial Sunday It poIIIble And tlilr la oIoIr lrtilteItIorI ni reitrtrtlonr ilut lint tht the restrictions will be tint knpwn yet lioilrllorGenrrul George Kernwltcn provincial Iccretery lur luitiee held public hearing wovlncr looking or While react And one point Iln erred which could have Ieme Impor lnnee II that In the rrnallcr Nnunlrnltlrn there wII Iltllo legllllyl ior Humiin selling while In the larger ccntm there were seetlnru ol the paddle who liked lhn convenience ot It lliir oponI up the porilbillly that we may hate doubly IIw with WJCIIIHI being allowed In IIrger rommunltler while bring banned in ImIller rent trel Ihelliri III II into or not Il Iunit vrrtninlv we Ire going to MD Ionre iurther llatrlctloit linrl probably lame prrrtleIl iorm nl enlnmement it unlikely icr ItlllllltD that the large IunerrnIrkIII will he Ilrmd In remain ltpNI Iimoro Ind more oi ihcmliIvI been doing Radich Natio is ii is egg 25 at Ir go ii 53 sit ii thIbeeu that Pm the hIttIllfn oi leerl nthe given equal if rarer political Irtorltlwllmreta yep Idle In In the pron Inndvinl veteran til 55 tilled strum maawIum oi Ia lional km toilets Earthen Mlhettbem Ityle Wm oi the thorium removed 33 rum gamin Ind bmom and In nor oldvlioe tereIiJenIl Briuderbouid be mm in our bie odll in httrinnt ruin the have Inmrr for armed lorecI during the Second World WIr Young Idhll Ill made up wbu political born In the out yeIrIelthecvivitIiu alrbinaiouir the nut struggle edger the Canada Could or mph to in vestigate It ilnreo Kidd Iritwin Ilhlttt hzr received 010w Idoab ill rows deep in NI trim in Canada The echo Ind In tollecluI boob Ind eIIItv oi the Wailie mediube Can no not himlst It Ill but newintol lshed demands ior In end to Public CIOIIJHlm In CIMdJ oi the term to write book Ibout the kind proposed by hriibh Nine Conlnunlat GIrneI to Enron Iona under siege during the Spanltb Grit inr other young CIIudIInI Irvi Milled by Camida Comet Md oibcr Iourccr to remit the Lie rd the lilooinpn Yet II Ind unbelievany with rrlrc ruexxa to lied ioeorda oi the martian Rings of the brim national wittntcere who audit Ilorrgnide mnlih licpirhlicunr Ind Corruruiniila in llIdrid in the late thirties MEANING OP IllllIIUN Mitehtdon ilelhirne In mid iiIlOI curred Ir man thingi There are two twin hire rho rewrite oi lie pothoiier by trlond Ind Furnish Iswclele Ted Allen Ind In welch new one meambcd in Gilda Spain Ind Canada by Thronlo tencher Roderick Rowan 1here have hcen innumerable MAltltm uIyI In schools across Canada mm inspired loader Ind Idrnlrtdg lindenJ inlk hero am end umbippon at iietiuuie Canadian blIIne lhlI tamHy home In Graveninirstp Ont nurtured with Canadlrn government bml llwy have included Corrununtrt Grime diplomats item Century Iodalirta N0 NNSEIWATIVE VIEW in ConIdI oi mt there be oounlernlling polidceirurnan tidsm on the ri political rOIIJHVIIl rn luv had become Man lddfltdtilg to or iiiM mitt liiodcrn Tian It in peril rcloetr the rule at the Co nadian In building the mittenr are ItIIe The $04 lied lied or mod em Torin Chill In ideoloni int wwziimm Daemoch of Canada order Metunt thence David leuiu and my itl not the Wattle breakaway lrorn the NM ere ideologically rlowr to 0mxervalim in their view oi the nation tntut thanto the eontinrntelist liberals with their lntrrnuttmnl corporIlI II Ioclellonr wtw low to he rejected in Ihaky political Il llanre But the crrlrlrnt Ind rorent Iymbei oi the Canadian lldlcll lel II Mluuio reincIniatid rind Spaniel Civil IIlat likIlI tuoteti tr unre Iwilwwggetur riridently rectal lat Ind Inticapitelbt Canidliui state which Ir unlikely to mm to pasa curious svonv Lotteries Played An Important Br non rowerIN TherI ltII hm Md deIl ol canbovmy about the legality oi lotterler In Counties iiowevrr tome important lollcrlea have tIken piece In 1701 lurid In lrlneo Eil wIni lrburd er Illocoted iiy lottery held In liendmr rig lIrvd llie nbwilemnerrhlr plagued the blend until lned CInarln In ml ltiouy Untied limplrobuyeh lrlr In the llnritlmer end On tnrtn were ownnicd lundl by winning hn rtccdv tram huir One oi the most exciting lol trricI tor Inan took place In ild mooted hiuy it 1912 The Hurt unnr ilny Co war glvro Lula nrm around II trading pom when it void the Northwest to Consla In llil ihere win bind boom In lid monton In ldnl even though the CHI trrurwontinonibl hurt been hnili through Calgary lots in Edmonton begun trading very quickly The timer dl Jasper iyllll lDlllI Itriletr Iut rohl or The pioneer nlerchuntv Lamb and Hunt got unmet lot in BIBLE THOUGHT an making the Immuxm at number togethvr at tho mInner or name in Irut truth In one unnlhrri Hill In qurh lhn rIInrr in tin rlity nu preaching Iirhrtwr tnzzi Envy porion iltPtII Iho imngt oi God Hill the elimi thlp ol other Clxrlittuns lmllow the example oi lciiiI we llti ittlltlm liI urn in in illllllh on Mlkloty iiri lirilvr Ill week Role exchange tor pair at with That wu only the MOM oi the boom By 1011 the Iltld wnl he Co decided that It would act iiiotl lotr br Its re rrrve it was Milled Irrespective home would drn rum it hit my unit thiM who were lucky would be obit purchase their property Iiel in onler to give everyone thence re piece It the lottery ms to opt Iccret until um lin it when It would be tillvhcd by the Edmonton littl II lipwever Invert operutm were rrblo to ilnuro out here the lottery would take place Ind lwgeh In line up outside church on the night At hlIy ll iiy the time the lorutim oi the lottery wov published more than L200 people were already there Ono rnun In Millpnlllllvn Iold lle pinto lor ll0tu while are other In rill purlllon was glad inlyicccptlrss won lie inlereslln In tllillw vhut thva loll rim Iofth ilTilHt MAY ll EVEN luMCllllilllllnlll arrived Iiillytmhlillnltlll NE prdillon to en lure lvr Iiival toilet irum hoqun rillwork began on Item rill livr Iliu iitltil oi hlnlilnrl 17in hlnnli IIIIthI ut illitl utlh Illruri llirn lupin Mill rI It tvumev lnlmnrixe look it line In mile trip iron Ilyliwn tiltluwu in King in lllOllllrnlptg Itrike becannv Ilium or liver Hood in height In yttrium CanIrIlII noliSm corpo em minu Ioventlel Tollradial brand oi Caer dim nellonellrin Mom In