or pxmliill tumours futons Civic Reception Plctnned Aelrie reception is in the arts tor the Dorris llycrl rrii rrotun nithlhoAilsn syor Dorian Parker sod be working out the best rnic seoeptton the eit Its My tone on the lineals sho though date ltrna and place has yet to be romeo DsY Parker said the city rnucll um sitting doom sh the rs lxccrtiilu to rmn eullsbn reception Parorrrnld shaissrork mg to Idioum council tonight to meet the ice at the arena srbaslhey ern Dorris Pledges Mciyor it so like to express no rsrbennt pd either and con tone to mangr Jim Jlmpuirmr the one yerde Darryl Sty ti oi eoum all the play ere ior their achievement Shoesidaptredslsatsoin the wrka Ind evan shousd be down It the arena tooled and no shorrld all be very proud oi them The rivers will be lnlVM at Terrnlns Toronto inter nstlonsi Airport tonight at Mo pm otters they still be pirkcd up and burst back to Barrla The bus should be arrivinn at the llarrlo Divme two out and use pm Support For PCS SAUDI Fi MARIE Onl OPi Giulio Pretrtlcr Wil liamtbavia told cheering party lollowen chitin the weekend thltho ll pledtinl hia total eqr port to Proximity Csa IIrVItlve Loader Robert stanch in the cannula lor thMy iederal election 11hr premier 21 artsy attiaarl aurv day to about so daleuies to Wyatt wlm oi once on northern problems while ltr Staneld waited in In anteroom oi Saul oolitto think the nest Moral altclt ilnn la mxlal one ior the reels oi crasda end tntrad srnmrt llrbcrt Staniicld he cost Ot said He has the capacity the intelligence the integrity to be mat prime minister Tbeolnrlnzinxtcneaheios induced hit Stulleid who had own in three hours earlier from an afternoon eoxagorrent in Fredericton The lateral opposition leader related licence Minister John Turner eaylne the ledcral budm oi last ruck provided mic some to one an end to his short career lie raid hir lrnner htrd chosen irresponsibility in being evasive in Parliament about providing dolella on estimated revenue oiln hoped to rc eelva ions the budget ll toil cculone ta torpetsiione tons NDP Key Phrase OsllAWA out Oli Al umna his oilchIl rume doesnt open until inter week David towlr oilersd mice at the New Democratic Sunday Spoultili at nomination tneottog or Ed Droadbont who has represented Oshsworwhltby einca use Mr proposals on to amend over the elm natinml compoinst prleore viow board wlih tooth Ind rieo system for tone lie said the rising cost oi ilv lna and control oi inflation are the key cloetlor issues and hie partflil product rnrrnbar oi oi solutions to the prob rr no em drains the corrtpllm sir lotLs leadintr the party in his locum to II na tional louder dusted oil tho NDPI tending demand lot no Il priwrovlose board with power to investigate and halt or roll back snoop is ranted prch locreasos The party inn loos aid the resent lood prices review beer is in eiioeite became it has no the it on CONN ADAMS ill oi Ban rte 0nl Piyorl drink ehInv Allan Gap sum Pressure Intensies For Nixon ReSigncttion WASilLNGmNlm PN aura lor lrcsldot Nixona rcs lrnation lntemiiledtodey fol lowing chem by senior waitstloueeldetluttheroiu concerted cumulus to mixture wind against tho nltcd States ave ahetahl be trope and sent ior trial in tho Sculls because oi Welcrpato and odltcrlei sup dr night alter Danie donned Grierth 30 Royals to pruidull irons use Iliydrieotlty Wlolpcrl contin counsel Prod BushINii said hhe inhlte poison lleuenhaa bccnbesie no yeah has committed rem mm the to day mlrl enrapornmms ncgo tons with 12 yiddrMMW more uncuthnvhmy more that those were share land on tin up litmt nu iormer uses it is clear that mortal certain has been made to cause those to be publicized mu he said in television Mervin STllNllELD SUGGESTS SLOGllll lTS ll MESS lOli LiBElillLS WWW OP llobcrt Staniltd suggested cannulcn eloran tor the liberals Saturdsor its IIn ltrnt micht be pretty good slosan ior our in iriends the national Dorr setrativo lender told delolt also at the New uarasukk Corucrvailrs partys annual Melina Ask them about ination lte mess Ash than About it restalls oi their investigation into the lulaa oi their policy lor the Oormrrlsslonite mrea Ask them about the id orai policy on homingits mess IV mew Trudeau Breaks Campaign To Receive Honorary Degree DURHAM NC GP Prime Minister mrdeeu came to Dule University sands to receive an honorary degree and trtma Minister Pierre nu dsnu ot Canada icoreroi Ind North Carolina Storm court smiles on man tall Illh the hind oi praise lilat he could welcorno at enrnpalsh Wars Ines bolero Canad an voters risking his tint sortie lrorn Duke Unlwrsity President Ten rv Benton trith bolero lnI deau end mites sharp pore museum title was da otiswa since eaiilnr the July avncrnl election mtdosu spent to some six trourl on tborIin soaired Dole earrw propel the built University cmnooncornont exercises Tru darn delivered the more assIsa Ian natal ilo urged the rim gorilla prose the trotids volopcd countries to adopt new othlo oi shatin and responsibility ted over ten punch with members oi the uni vorsitya Canadionetudles pro grams Trudeau bowed to the roto col that vi tin polltldah avoid controversy about both his own and the host countrys polities llo mentioned the we Louliy ior oxctrrplar behavior by persona in positions oi trust but mentioned no homes Faced with alluding ovnlloh from the Amber torn mcneorncnt audience end lavish tralaa horn Duko President my Sanford Trudeau er pmsod Imiilnp regrets thnt hes oetsse el ultimo mtrainu during the cocth Irn oireid they treat be able to use as nvuohoithaiorrTY Islrnisht harp wanted it won the tint honorary de trons iorolm inrmity Trudeau bar oomptoi though an aide Ilhi he has rslt eelsed at least so oilere from Untied Staten univorsttiee alone LAII ONE OONTDDVEILSIAL it me his that speech in the United states since obit to washlnrton live your are the mud comm speech by Canadian prime minister elm hotter muon dW Vere ur Anverllcana in limio Di bomb inI North Vietnerrr cone horataint earned lortncr president ll lohnalnl straits atetram tomcat uuzbsntt said sonom tori motiscr m4 alter midnisht in the trot and rm because at brain tumor incessant the had been wortlnd In In mus the run writo BARR ONT2WD nitan mun Barrie item bum the an Idea sailor um narration 5th an nth rte tnry our aehrook 30 Roysle tolntn the bed oi sesssn serial tho Wen till he brinm borne the Allen an to Ontario tor the Kit lime to Simon cushy lor the second tirmandtoBarrielortheiint time Brings the Alan ass to sim eoe0wnty the more In lob losing the OrtJlI Terriers Ihe Ion last year but the Barrie deb test one Mice The Firm iron on the road and altbout their tans to support than mm lestplace ilcish in the Ontario Hockey Association Sco lorA In the PIA 61 season to the Alien 0c the rm hm come leer nay only one chr remains irons the int lion oi the senior nyere cspteln Corby Adams The Fliers Ibo hsre their that unit Jim Short saith the chi in the some eapadly Doen tlaotsph the years most has managed and Wm washed at times DE IN CANADA Aithotuh the sets have non the Allan mp ior the lirsi time it isnt tile lint time they In tho best senior team in Canada No years are in their tint bidlor the Min 011 the Fly ct lost out to Spokane Jets but could still lay claim to bring the but oil in Canada Thu year the There not not Iratn etlcr winning Lhelr third OilA Senior pendent their sec ond one dilmpions and their world micro Carla title This time the Ports mud ni WWW on on enclav is one oi the boiadnxi good team but piayv deleI ii WWI chIth Darryl sly srid berm us the series even started that ortvlotuly this po oi mates ml hum Crenbrook wiuid hive lobe good lion at eiatihcr the wheel $333kva the take buioiooven up scales it Photo or high yerlrres yer can only charaotulu this It maliflompolgh mind against the prelim by any means lalr or loui Control Freeze Wwiihlm na renter seya Nixon once called Ethic MVADNWgt 35 ml We radian laisor Connors enld terrodlo ultimo low bore at and um under no Mum Wm mmukacmz will leaders oi the labor organ three wuerrus M0 iratlon be willing to Iocqot the those Jews down thorn who control trrcae itderei Regressive more misuse clamor ior my hit mwvlcwmitl Tho Viovielol hit MacDonald never give up eho totlres later lhia week Ii tho rooms convention hora SixPersons In Toronto heinatoarent lilr ltsoDonald told rrportero that seniors leaders will not even shout the question oi ware and price controls with corn eervntivo Jolltlcisns who new are canto grins lor ihe July icdrrol old it We dont believe in kiddie the troops and oil it eottld be Is an exercise in hypocrisy Mr llLeDoneld said her tour slritiren and hardly friend died early today in tire that destroyed toursth in the anh oi North York ilre olilcleia identied the murwrrrssn renaoouc ertn toksrpupwhitln Michael and Sean 0M crosses in living costs On top menus old Ind lohn lleilaster WWW mu In l1 snorting contracts noisyth The North York lire depart should nepotlaie ior share in nteni said the blaze statiode lhncroaed national prcdtmlvliy III workers will have to bargain ior pay incense oi ro to per sinsclure and Q0th reread bioekinle stairwell the only exit horn tho second llocr where the children rim sleep lrri Witnesses said the ritlhirrn appeared at the mondiloor uoluw oi the attached row horns and ortlooiresrs eisoutrd at them to tune No girls end buy ndctl It the window in In torrvnt to emasb it out wit nrssaa saw iiiom mulled to names Wayne Maki Dies lit 29 NORTH VANmUVEii an Vayno Held who gained notorirlp ior his part in one oi the Mr vicious stirtuwlnriru duels in National llodrey no history tiltd in mrital ts lisisl til was iorcrti to roiin lrorrr Vancouver Cenurh in lteliens finish Divorce Voting itOllll AP ltallnm iln lshrd voting bode in iwoday rolemtdum to colds whether lie at this into lrylnp to their touia catholic owniry sill retain or mine and Ted iroon then lepoll the rim tote ttinu pressure clodrleltsr since the ism tisierwntsn rvltit Doctors llrulsrc divorce decision way became tnvoivrd In the ugly in snteht bring doen the powere etdent in an exhibition remain silent oi Mes Mariette ahaI on MATH FOIICAST Gltldcddwhreb NWMLW Maui an hnrorduailkmrarsm Indicated to the early gasps stamina rating lead in the series alter the Finn tontbsopener lbt rm has bad Ilth hard Miron and gosishensbothrookias sadne exam Kept Me Ills Joined the dub pad More the rennin sea son was ever starrrd in one game nth thm esta mill Hinds Mhold actorn scored the lilhill goal in the filth lame Iitrr rookie litYin Dave Nirhottshcn who plIyrd his hn srdor hockey at the are oi la Iith the Whitby taro lope and was reunited its the rum in rode this sense proved valuable in the plailr even tam harmeer atth to problems runes 0N AALi Three players added their harm to the Allan use with he more alter having played tor other Allah has teams Darryl sy was member ei iho Gall Terriers phen they Inn in root while Corby Adams eras picked up by the Gait liorarta in rsvo Allotar lonlie Ernie lliilrr was picked up by the oriiila Ter riers last msoo All thm will lei their names on the up as unit this year lion vrlih the other players on the club 1hr Flyctr vent to cunhrooh unit and stayed unrt Is lbw had all season Iith no pistons trout other teams New worked behind the senses this year as in other iinemate Paul rtrgsn opened the In and deserve credit lor JERUSALEM AP isrseli his more ltlsslnccr reported plum alter ninehour visit and to Dammit asytnn Violante The our president also said out orpor od irons the stern oi tern akmlon and consider tioh lo detailed and complete examinan oi all the elements oi dismxcmcnt lint Iltcr ssthour motion between the us secretary isrooll lenders authoritative ls rnoli scum said NLutagrr told Prorsster Golda llrlr and her aide that the dillcrrncoa be tuvrn the Syrian anti lsmrli letms ior an lsrnoil ulthdruwal on the Golan ilclnhta am as wide as helm eithoiuls the Syrians aro shoving new trill ingnm tor errurstion toms The rooms arid Kissinger dwelt on iho alternatives to uisorrmrrnont oudsrstly mooning snotth Mloenle war lltst lsrnetl irdormetion Minister Shintos Pom trxllrsird hla gov ernment Ls not pmparod to case its ken llo told reporters dont think that arty change is nestled in lsrucle bode Itil The lsrarll cabian was rolled into session today to discuss the latest outline oi the Syrian posi tlooI and Nislnnrr won to con ier utih government leaders rent trn dy ii the authorities ALLAN CUP iinl Ir Birth theirclloru prunotlnx senior hockey in Dame President lian Blillhw lllni Paritisiso Bob ltrmhlo tirn Bertram Arnold licgier mute Borer Neil Glenn Innis De Gratv lhti Cain Jim liasleil lselt Garner hill Clark vally Common and the club physi cian Dr hi Welsh and club shortest Dr Don cone Raw Webb Ind led Sturxrss portal bani all season in to dressing room tooth2 Iher the plains and their Mpmmi The senior more here brotrrhl in Danie lid llrrt national hockey rhomioarship elm the Junior It more cross the iissmrisl cup in Nil GAME REPORT AND SUMMARY SEE PAGE Eitilif Middle East Negotiations Gap Still Wide lsraelis Say ailcrwerd its returns to Syria oi muss norm Bank oi Canada Increases hate UllMtA iCll in In It lormvl to rrstrnin halocnlnl enemy the use oi Canada and his rnlsrtl the hunk rate to per cent eilrciire today The increase oi onehsll oi percentage point loikma month oi rapid session in money slurva and In volume oi hank loqu outstanding it was only month ago that lho contrcl bank relml the bank rate by hill percrntago point to all per cent surpasslrr iho hrmioi rrrord oi eight per ton ior the mini boar rsie The bank rule la the rate rharml chartered hanks ior loans Chartered hanks horrovr ills frequently lrorn the central bank but the brink rule is an important inuence on the rest oi the inlelsdinie simritlro Tho latcsi chance Mimis trhnttc month at raio Mill loan activity The rule the shortens hanks chem their host mtritms CAPSULE new Greeks May Seize Cyprus Papers NlmSlA tAli Crueka Int nonspech vsrnril lrtsl dorrt lluknrloe today that tho iirtstk ruilitsry Junta is about to oierthrow him The situetlon la dramatic and any tlnvrton into one has rrnrruily runs to It err on lrorn tail to pomp tho trtrrlltinp oi the latest inchesis and do not hesirn to moi uillr ell lilo menus at their disposal so the indcrrrltdttrt rirlrtuvlnp Aiiihis Researchers Develop New Milk KINGSTON it Aii lrh iinlvrrclly cl llhodo lrltrrd res mishaps said today they have dnveii srri nu inrxponlva News thrt may meta milk tlirortiblo ior ml icrr oi ncrsrnrr nits cant drink is min an enzyme mime rrarmhrrs lay the have rhsngrd lactose or milk armor to two simple sugars whl can be digestedshims and grLtriote Export Markets Needed Cndieux VIiSllthimN trill hierrcl Ordirur in utr speech said today that criteria sissy hove to increasingly markets ior manuiaciured ponds from those mtrkcta It pINcari concentrating onhcr raw materials Royal Party To Visit Brendon WlhNlPEG Cll Princess blarparsi Ind lord Boudoir otter weekend at itlrmtng teeth IIDM trorn iormsi ball rthdav cola Lions that ihroovrili cimt vls the west ern licoiwoa city oi tirerdou today Canadian Chosen Salvation llrmy Heed IDNDON UP Wilmer dances Wis oi the Solution Anne to Canada was chosen today II Arrwe nest world leader Wlsornso native oi llorstono ltsrbot urn willeuoocedtheeurreose larder Erik Wiener oi Men otter Wicme retirement My