physical actinty and exercise Enough oitha right foods Meataandpotato men this means you You also need to eat fruits and green vegeta bles cereals and milk Every ain glo day And milk loo important food to be ig nored by any adult desirous oi achieving health and tness Nuirltlonal tacis about milk No other single food prondes as many health factors in uwcilvbalanced way as milk it is rated an excellent dietary source of N0 LESS THAN FIVE essen tial nutrintrz Calcium Adult bones and teeth con time to need calcium to stay in good ahape Protein very important health octanNotmnnypcoplerealizethatmilk providcshighqualitypmtein Riboavin Another factor in main taining adult health Vitamin Milk is an excellent source of this importnnt vitamin PhosphorusAnothcrfacturncedcdto milkd in addition to these ve milk contain 3323tirihlrmrrrsh gt childhoodhutthroughoutliie irummumzunmiuiuin itliiii This is why milk has earned the do acriptionoiNaturelamostnearlyperfect food And why itiaso importer thlat adults realize that the too it mi Enchant him LLAL Geit it back inioihe Iguk nab All you have to do is make room for it aomewhoro in your daily food intake Youcanaddnglnssoimilktowhotovor Relax You dont have to revolutionize your way ofliio to enjoy the extra vitality that milk can help provide Laasz4 you have for breakfast Or take midoitcr cu ml itllvitiillonuiilioulilnril Ilizcnl no gust remmber thgt oyerfw my iswhat it to cotoge cmos on mi of interesting things he could do with some mt mlk can help you get the mm Too few men realize the nutmtronal powers of milk cxmdriwMisdismsm out of life Yes you man who thought youd long as food and the resultmg blg contnbutlon 1t can Every glass of milk you drink gives the outgrown ind of solid nutritional support your burly make to an adult males Vigour Read why milk IS needs mm To help you have stuminu to zip through lint ellioelFrt left over to enjoy the fun parts Guide to Good Eating Natures most log your vitality level therefore can help Dent oiNutritlonUnlvcraity otibrontoi nearly perieci lood kriiililitliimy Milk as Part of an acinulie Vampire Ogra Ml Inn we th uro hnaevor comou withnoourco Whittlth ician getstough Heatthruiilnting um tii HeelihVeltnreCnnada1074 tion than any other singlD flog nmnn with soul no dead that he cant think Forfmllteriniormniimtconiltcl You didnt know that you youve got plenty of company Many adults OnlaneMiikIlfarketinglinnrdbrcnto This idea is wrong and needs correcting No one over outgrowo i110 need for milk to the health nndvrteltt oitho xwghnks it regularly No man myth veg under greater pres ee mans 11111 n0 themust parts of your tinyv1tlr Vigour Mi M97 ihiriaMilkTheAssociatedMilkFoundotiuna Milk in just about the beat nil round package An extra resource of stamina to draw on male mess pr FoundnliunlofCunudal970 gt oimorenutricntayouNOBdriIIbeittrDropM Oroipepiorleisuronctivitier Livesthero Nutrition Canmtmlicnlions Division think milkis only 01 Children ThroughoutnllndultllicmilkContributes Increased vitality mean increased eIrIinent sures than the North American mole Ours PWlllus Willi dont exile milk ani prohnhiyyhcfnstestmoat competitive toworkmiraclesEspeclaliyalone Milk can helpaman society that has ever existed Rohuathenlth only results from sonaibly In ahort it takes lot out of you incrcns balanced kind animmugh 510m Enough gel more out Of i9 Made mmntauearuw am