Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1974, p. 1

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Fillers Off To Crciribroo iii is he in El is 33 use new so liml series who rst and la Ouhroon the air rims pnon unis nos nu drunatai Wester ism in six games no spam in lggi to Ill FEE Filer is sit 3s til in BY it wenmrnronecasr anaemia gnu care must jenny amines Advrislh mm mbuxmlm Sly Ming is All our Department to so to details setPlzt Oils Year No Recess can be chhllme toryouogmindstomeupt vtst RlSiliG so his sentence pithInewgsme1hesechtl dTInItlllllcrutScMOlimmd one Thursday Former r0 eess activity photographs see In Western Oratorio WDON out to slriioe by more than M00 non medical hospltnl woieers el 13 western Ontario hospitals Contract Grounds MONTREAL CF All Canv ada Inmurxiod early today all air truiiic at Montreal littor netlonIl Airport will be grounded when nu helllc non rollcrs walk of the Job or sixborn study session It pm EDT tcday Ml incoming transatlantic fughe to Montreal will be rv routed to Toronto en airline spokesman said linlell Alrwss and Eastern Airlines rue will try to tonunue oversees schedules bl busull Worm to airports in New York or Burlington Vt Meanwhile in st James secrete ol the Montreal local oi the Tratttc Oontrol Arso ciruou said most or the iso controlis who mun MontiNI airport wiu select the tentative contract nzresnnnt between the association and tho iederel treasury Fred Ater the liontmal local chairman broke vtltli ngrtemaenl between in Ition reasury and romled details oi the tentative agreement reached Wednesday scheduled tor noon Thursday was celled oil when provincial minktry oi health oillcieis agreed to provide the hospitals Study Planes oeive interment saary in crease retroactive to Jan threepcreent incrtme July and nlnepcrvccni increase at the beginning oi 1W5 lion one up accept that when we road in the new papers that theres going to be sopcrvoent rise in the cost oi procesud ioods over the next year be sited REACTION NEGATIVE when the tentative agreement was worried to controller on duty at the Montreal airport Thursday there was en al most sportnneous reaction against it he said No other branches oi the ey sedation baa decided Thursdoy lo lotion the Montreal local members in their work stop gelo begin at p111 today sa Olilcinl muiLe oi national voting by controllers on the pro posed settlcmcnt ere txpcoled to be made public late Sunday in Ottawa The association has threatened is national stnko at midnight Sunday right ii an agreement is not reached by mil tic said controlicre would that time lob Integration ill llir Canada Leaves Some Of Men Unhappy whom tori Al has ellriilnaled loll Cd modern amons lli male and tomato ight attendants and mm oi the outnumbered mcn mp1 The elrne ncgrated ll my isle of in 2000 Im no men light nttcndans Wednesday under contract signed earlier lho Canadian Air Line Attendants Association oiliin two separate is us were maintained 33 in top if oraurumum one we etc mid Prank Fnblan dill Air Canada section can mm was high which mm min 0111 it paid the same salary as purrcr but In noting purse was recgated to shorthaul lith on Don airmail The male pursers got the MM international lights DO and Streich isle which pay pre mium above the register salary SOUGHT INJUNCTION Ii group oi the male attend Ints went to the Supreme Court of Ontario last monh section an lnluacilon to prevent emai lamallon oi the seniority lists Dut the application re by in sinus iiarrr The men in their air blicailori thatmthwgy would into with extra tends required to give the worch Sistinehour increase This increase is the same amount which MW Metropoli tun onto nonresdtcel hospi tel warriors received Tuesday sterling proposed strike Wednesday Slnioy Martin deputy lienlth mloister raid the ministry ocssid not deny the increase to other areas oi the province Iiter the settlement with hier Toronto notion The ministry provides more hen so per cent of the midget tor Ontarios mo hospitals Tito increase will come in tivii stech over two years Attch by the increase are lanltors orderlies kitchen Ind boeiselr is rtett and dietary sides registered musing as rlstnnis This are represented by the cal no oi tho tendon IndI Dis IDNDON Unit local members oi the Proiwsional Association oi interns and Resi dents oi Ontario said Thineday an announced pay increase oi it per cent retroactive to larn oi this year is iohsh It tempt to pacliy us in prepared rtaiomcnl the doctors snld they are concerned that misunderllnndlnl ro pgnilni the alleged rontract settlomlnt has been made The Ontario Council at MA mlalitralors oi Teaching Hoopla leis sold earlier the 34 per cent increase would be made nvnll ablo without prejudice to all in terns end rcsldcnts who wish to accept it llowevor the council said it would notexcecd the govern ment limit oi per cent Negotiations between the two groups brokn down two weeks WNDON CPi Energy Secretary Eric Verley sayr provm salety records more than any other latter will de tormlno whether Britain coop erntr with Canada in the he lure prediction oi nuclear power or incl some pillar syl lcm Vsrloy Ilse told the Corrime Willy rights to the warrior and the opportunity or tho pro overseas nights Thursday the government or make decision on the mid WAWA UP gov ernment will hold the Progress slve Conservatives and New Dunnertr mountable on the cempnign run it they loses an election hrer Commas deals with proposed Intivgrotit eeltag legislation Prime tinie ter Trudeau said Thursday think theyd be very un rise and wed glediy use this Irgurnenl axing an election he told Rpm outdds the Commons The people are pretty ad prolltccrsng bill We not an Ilih let oi posturing NR election curries trorri bulb opposition par ii they want ll they can get Lrs lie said opposition llls have The crunch will come next argued for inqu that the guv Imk likely Wuiricstlay or eminent should give the nod Thursday when the Ilrrt non prlcts review board power to eodidenm trio is taken on the end gouging end prolltoerlng new budget NW up bring in bill which The indict to be tabled lion Lr going to precisely pmnit or day by Fineriee Minister John to not on recommendations Tumor will alter the first the lood priecs review board chance to challenge the govern And they try WI dont want merit on condence issue Ii SyriaIsrael mntmlncrlhoteby hummus ot lrlct Building Service Workers Union Dirtmt wens It one Medan hospital range irons $233 to $318 an hour ior registered nursing assistem end sm to are an born or innitors Johns Ankh president the union division or the Service Workers listemtlonal Union soidrlhe government decision is really llrst step to get bet ter and working conditions tor porters hn Ashlee said the loinrange replication of the latest settle ment menu the day is coming when hospttsiwrken will 0le prpdeoeorlde settlements in theirpage Mani Both the Callahan Union oi Public anpioyeoe Ind the Serv leer Workers lntcrnetlonsl Ire wortlnglo create shigle unan tor Ill nonmedkel hospital porters bribe province hlr Ashn laid Retroactive Pay Increase Oiier To Interns Residents Ioolish ego whenthe which said it would not enter into binding agreemean on behalf oi its member hospitals The doctors statement erdd the increase Wes unilaterally credited to their association by the bospltnl administrators and is given es minimum to which tulirre settlemczt woidd be added it must be made clear that this in no way represents set tlernent but to the oven whclming maturity oi interns ind residents is sinister but loollsh attempt to pectly us the nsoelatlon said The association has been seellnl In increase to 510000 irons 51000 tor interns increas ing 01000 or out year ot post eduate trni lo max mum ct 015000 or Nthyear resident solely Records May Determine Ii Britons Will Buy Our Reactor utthln eeverei wetts lie was speaking during debate on the overall energy policy to be inl lowed by Britain tor the res minder oi the century Canada has been pressing Bteln to micpt till Candi his cleer reactor heavywater syrtom which uses nIlinol ura nium endisinmmyweysem ill line to typo genesotor ens phantoms Mhusv Marin the lights HsmkquSStale teryllm mirage Ilfl bereailer iomonhoureot But he concednl that Kissin gor faces march mm dilllcill tor mulll rem imam them lferdned settlementsand new ma bind degree at erth The otildsl denied any sug notion that Kissinger is tsybg to inpose plan at his or and lnsbtod the minty is not cangag even in per cent oi pllintitavlrsgtnlkedwilhthelar AMMURG Ont OP Pmnicr William Davis said Th night In Alberta mile trelion Ward for In tri crease lo the wellhead ce ior cabaret gas was tied lilr Davis speaking at Chamber oi Commerce meeting in this town is miles south at Windsor raid tho Ontario public does not reallee the impact the award llo said the governments energy ministry was studying the word and the impact it will have on Dnterio consumers including the legal Bind oi the situation The arbitration board ewsrd For Tendering troyraiser About ase longshoremeo emotion at Montreal Qty accepted 811000 oesh oiiers end in so turn tor their resignations spokesman for their ens pioclofr the Maritime Displays Association MEN told mm the otter is aimed It redec ing the umber of men on the docks by shout 400 The contract between the two maps stlptilates that long Ihoremen receive $600 monthly iron ii there is no work arel Iblo Lu year the sedation best more than 560 longs me by on each mirrors than tram quit HENRY SINGER since the NDP said It may villas today drew support torn the minority leenls Election speculation hit peel Wldnesday when NDP Conservutive Ind Social heat MP died the enliomilleclnz bill week hadtydnttod and not worth passing Prime Minister Tiudcais strum Thusdey appeared to be wields An attempt in go make the oppositim hack doom and hid in put opponents on the ddensive ii In election is tome The amtrpiviltmrlng bill only one oi series oi new bills expected to be still on the Com mods order paper the time the tint nonssxd cnce rote comes bill to set up the hig Iwalted national pctrolm con parallels was introduced Thins dayImtmnmoresre will deal with The womnl rights wheet attire the SW Court oi Connie Ind hauling This and touring bill cabinet power to rarity roll then back Ire iound too high and cases tom companies ems pmllle ovens unmmL Talk or bitan VITAWA CF ll Nile cclvrblo there wont ho July electors alumni the odds heevlly iavor it and it this hap pens it will mean that menu mental nmourit oi highpried convcrsatinn has gene to wasio lit the last lcw works around Parliament thrludincotl oi July circlion has dominated nil conversatimns livery party has had organizatimsl meetings all momsyear lEPs have tallied about it in caucuv and 41000 ayuar cabinet ministers dis cussed it in their meeting this week raells be said lo now have in the corridors little else is enough Ilemcn to gain dc hcord irom ans in tho Ptlll dsion lrom the 94m menlary press gallery there is conversation about the forth coming cnmpmn 1n otiices secretaries are talking about Davis Lashes Out Al Gas Price Rise has consistently opposed an Conservatives amendments 115 Football at netsrel as to the privele mom Fade borrocoimerln Ontario by me Health Minister iiiarc Laiondo dile says that indications now In Canada Pipdines Ltd to pay the Progressive Conservatives on ml per 1000 cuhlc lost by Wm Wm km NW 19 and 71 cents American lootan leagues out Nov 1975 Tag its Alberta not Cm Th many in Mr Lnlendo said in en lnteh it view Thursday night that car Vim wimp My WW lier opposition by the Ooh Go Cot sorvntivos to the bill has mded Union Ges spokesmen said my may will pass easily the himeso could mean err ew erogo 5100 year addition to the bill ci residential con ourncr Mr Davis said the arbitration boards sword was way out oi Icconing to Union Gas Co line 250 Longshoremen Recept Cash Resignations hie Masters Married the prob early election Ind has been com slslcntly optimistic this his viow would carry conceded Thursday that he is pcssknisn tic TALK ClTCllES Anti its not question oi ls sets he said its question ui this soilgeneratan election Psycholoryf humobody btxlns talkirit about ulcctron everyone else Joins lnend boiorv you law it the whole thing irreversible Prime Minister midtou has been malnisining his noelcdlon rtencc Even late Thursday he was saying the govcrmncnt docs not expect In imrncdletg campaign but aides close to ism dor Mgardlcss of what the Drum minister says before television camerns his assistant on ricarlv thinking at how best in gear up the expected campaign Will Support Bill Lalonde this session it tho House isnt dtsolved or on election no minister who remarked that Canadiam can seo es Wrrh dmrrmn laotbnil in they use on television my Sunday in October deluded the bill on line grounds that tho Carra dtzin Football ungue will be mar 51 the World Foothill algagire is not banned in Can CAPSULE NEWS Soviets Pressing For Crew Return Moscow AmThe Sovict government is pressing the tirin ese government to rcturn the Soviet helicopter end thrownan crow thst landed in Gina on liardr it Toss reported today Edith Irving Released From Prison BERN RentalEdith lrvirig was released irorri prlson It ions on declining Ihl trut noarby illndelborik today When she was serving twoycar sen MANY OFF WORK and tic lo the 52 Lawrence vcr loose or her part in tho lloward Hughes emoblogmpba hour prison eltlcial said hire mine so has spent in mantis lnprls in the mined Sluice and Switzerland or mod and larger oi the Low longsborcmea Ind depositing armour put some uncured at Montreal only one Wham mm oam In hank intended worked Thursday The other arm Cellist Has Permission To Live Abroad wwwmemvhteh MOSWW APltllstlslav Rostnpmldi the iamod cellist hss groups rhlpptng agents and received pormbsion to live Ibrood ior two ears and will eve Itovedotlng companies In ior hinders in two weeks Irlcrids reported loyday They said eltosv pounced it would slap heavy mtg teriltonmrytonotmmhar across Nimrod wile moo Galina Vlsine will loin him in tendon later ism Md 3116 in or to Iwrt linen Heas Return one The 1ch was to amount in WMUGH Gilli iAPH Mmrllilon oiicr tor the roe tor ends in contain tum domed newspaper heiress Patricia Hurst ored rmnth by her terrorist hlrhrappcrs exotm toelm In traditional pray IF

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