toarrcrdians In haunt Insulin saoxnrr ms to rm not Be Prepared or Food Whelon VTolPoy MOre hndlmnvlmlhal louJIldIlathIotnhoi and hi Aeroot rum we hIII nurseries right in the meld She told shoot in Inner Iebool toms It meeting mounted the Ontario Tersshere alien that two Qt Ind WINE Card or In high shoots woud hm Iden Ices It on oi It Packerl sher 223w rector oi the Canadian hood and Allied Western Union told but members smartly it will be necessary in negotiate with DIuse Lmv to reopen the Waterman have been tang place wins the tinn it now ourtruct tentative oontrset had been ruthed lid undernode unions committee It Canada Prelim be war selected by currmitlee tnhrdlog to an CLMM UllAWA CPI Curbed Md troren not in potted to the creuohitowmrtinl this year the owning brat dent rl lbe Canadian reed Prooeueti AIroeiatton Irld modu in In intMel GIrnIl Nix by drotthmlmleldmh creased prior in own Ire he cIIiIod hi1 Nth caste oaths signal padsrue 5s world thIterlIiseiI ear itll sold the tntomtianri wheel crisis drew nIIny fruit and vegelehle iIrsnars into IhIt Ilrl tie nit ma It the world wheat Iilullhr ll gohil NI year eInned Ind hrnaxn truit and vegetable glider will re high until 1m become ten are iodrod into eon errets with the farmers tIrlll that time The industry he arid iIree thermos oi on one cut in energy eeeta this year and this room increases to tilt gotta oi raw producil MI shoe has gone so In per cent he said Leaking Tank am rm Electrical we WW chenich rrms denim irern Iiian tank on Chl esroejouth de Manda oi residentI won the timer ne labor Fr It It oi the meltditto eierreirtorlde rained coughing and or irritation Most res denli returned Saturday but ieur persons remained in hospi ultn good condition toilidsis oi the iiilnnir envi ronrnentll protection Igency Istd there were no nauseous tumor tail in the netshbertruod Ilr late Sunday attemeon and those still eIprlng hour the tent were being neutrIlised with limestone Ind diluted by rain But It the tank site Built ler rrrlrrste Go the rain comhlncd with the leaking chemical to produce corrosive hydrochloric acid wtioh cradod the intuition oi electrical wires causing ro eted Iberia When the eieo ricity was restored the pumpr rrtnltunethsned Ilid then the electricity wenl out again Pitchers Closed TORONTO OP the To ronto rations oi Clam cloud the weetmd II mutt til the thetzlg to vlrtllrouts iIst week emp oyoes whom litthlru Canadian dl evreuatod cats at Emu Canadlrn 0o Ltd Ind inter national Peokcrw Centred talks the shined to hell Curtain Calls GUM hi lnlsn hudl Menuhin received ibne curtain callI Saturday nutt Iiierheperiorrnedanewworh ltarr Semen oi Torontoat theopcntng attire WWNSLIL on the Iirninue nono Itittu mrhhsdvtl very raid Ilr Menuhin who won or unwanted It the piano by his sister ht Audience reration would do tormino ttbeilsu the Sum wort would borincludcd in his muert repertoire utd The recepth hero hernoi ofhnvinced him one way orthe so Beet Subsidy Willi itd err on some padoa oi onttb wih be resisted lo itrm cents pound trout tire coma eiloctlvo today Agricuh lure Minister Eugene tiltelnh Inoouneed Saturday The reduction Illecte cattle that tails within the tinder 33 Wildimt on pan ne out In It Ingram ogo its Innorntced earlier this was trmporlry MINI tiut is to be dissed oat lust soon II the marhot returns to note met Mr helm told in statement Procedures tor payment will remain the some The premium will be paid to grim by the noise at the oi sale and lire packer will be reimbursed by the government Crash Victims MOSCOW lAPt All res Ions billed in Soviet at me crush It ianirrgrod Ilrport Sat rnday were Soviet citizens In therltlrs said Sundry the touoengirre Aeroot lur boom Ilyurhlnld trashed hut otter tlhooit when one at its one girter apparently exploded wil nrrres saith the plane on litsht la the southern Sovlrt city oi Krasno dar burst into ames crashed shout mile from the end at tho WHY At least it Aeroot planes Ire thorn to have crashed in tha iutit months including the mldalr platen II the Iupoo sonic elrirtog Titm Ir th Parts Air show iIrt June Soviet civil aviation ottiriata ANNOUNCEMENT OPLE Gole Iauenme ramam l8 lllOVlNO Due to our rIpid erparuiorr we In toreed to more to larger prsmiter In order to FOR THE sumriiigr same service HAVE Now tints stricture Wiloh lere You Better nsrt titres miles hit her miles tea tree ssrlics tiIteI Economy CsrnsIcI lnlrrmedlate Full Glu trtoe true true tram Deity With MS Iii Ml Weekend LII its tltrll ND Weelrnd Hpeetalr Start Friday At Noon 76 Eradtnrtl St Barrie Ont Formerly EirrIlI Dairun Phone 7161474 nsUanaleooevrtvioiinNYeN and Elsie slaptotord mm Criticized platen no glasses hearing aids the Horror Licence Ael nut mom will stop at mating funde changes in Horror Hum prro does an lobn Camelot minis iar manner Ind cem Inerdsl relation If we said in recent interview lbs changes will curb amber the Horror ikenee boards poser but It lint blush wont be all that appert imms trust would not see whether the root In serpent would Ipphr to sit board dooielons Al present In appeal to the nonin ootliemaybsrnadeeniyitlhe hoard reboot theme Mr Gaunt Ilro lndklted board would be err odIhd under more Ilallve shot Eight Charged Ellihlt7lllrNER On WI were Saturday with leopitt men Inning borne raid hy Waterloo resident to Ind member at the on tat ltpolice anthem rnued at Inrdiur Pinball AnoclItlur tournament rotth made the mid two hours otter the Ioumrmerri got under warIl local poeirootn Ind rotted tour machines Among those charged were Peter Davis oi Toronto proo ldorrt oi the sssociaiinnt John rst Itii ownsbot lately TIFF Il Calm was held and Oricns Garrie oi Cunnbeiivilie Out tournI rnent organiser Ventilation WOODBRIDGE Ont Wt Builhng inspectors were to chrch the ventilation system It Douhiortrrkr AMI in this Ina lust north oi Toronto todayI to try to determine why so gir It worriesse hockey tournament became ill Saturday The victims were all iayrrr or spectators and oliieia tirrt thought lhrry had ruiieredo horn gnalorl However that us trier dis med Ind the illness was Ill buled to temhlnaiion tat exhausllon and poor ventlia mt 1he girls were trestod In hos pital and discharged Parenthood TORONN OP it high schools are going to leech v0 dents elective about psrcnt hood rrvue have the tIcil iiles lo the job properly enterean on mtg tldhood education wrr told turdry sents unions still total mun TORONTO iCPt The On lario reduction at labor CPU has gritlean the rio iprlheIttztmrrilrrlstryml tr it ess management wWd cabinet on president Archer died as showings sge trophies were Ivuded Sate tottrm payments to new day tor the tap tuner howl Tho icderIlim which renn bersblp at 130000 relied tar redesigned provincial built In to include spoon it saith contra Ind revenge tor dents care prosthetic appli Inga drop musing dental and etho appliances White Liquid whom Wt Itrmn Roberts ct Olivine Din who Wrined oi blindness lIst tlIrrsd aller mowing In Inhalen iqsld tiled in hot pltIl bore srlurdIy Police said Robert and Do nise Richard been drinh log white liquid men bottle in their home the latter is re ported in lrtlstsdory condition in oaklills hospital he miles nest ol here tisiton regioni poiice to ihe lidtdd in In WiNlmR Out 01 th Ontario Federrlion at time and sdtoot Associrtlonr recon mended Saturday changes in OntIrloI odurtien Intern in duding runwal oi the right to meetin with tout PNtulInln on Frigate night police here re ported tin Bartel hloriin hiendon was rescued by pellee corpo IIl Iiirr heirs Ihot twice in the Itormch and once in the leg member oi Tether hien dosII parish rang the churchs betis in wanton parishioners to soilon otter hearing that the priest was meeting with iocIl Mutant in church out rather Hem tried in line in Mr bu he was stopped and stint and was lying on roadslda wills the mh closing in when the police corporal in tanenrd Regular Reports VATICAN CITY Router The VItleIrr received regular Ind mu rta Imm its dlplolt mall microns In Nut MINE during tort and role on mars deportation oi Jaws pro vious toeret doorman lust ptrhii here say But then was no concrete evidence on mass extermination programs until much later the docrrmonls IIy An wupage returns at Inan hurt too letters Ind telegrams irom papal ropresrnlrllvcs dur JUL GER in loot b0 prohibited TOP IUNIOR BOWLERS High angles and him Irtr en at Sheaa barrio lionl tie true Dran Binds teem trophirn wern most gin Terri Minion hi Nth she LEFT Heather Earl high age immugheln Iithdaw senlca try hutnrnllen in kindethrien is Tbs annotation representing room members word row lrrlton It the annual contention lbe mlnktry dilution to in new tornast tor settling teacher contracts In Irhitralor agreed by the teachers nod school rdo male iinrt otter selection by exacting either lhl lul otter by the teachers or iii boards but not rurrblnrtlon at both otters tho tidal otter selection woud into place alter reasoaabie to period at negotiating time has expired end on days Iiter ceiling and grants have been Tho resolution also itchin mrndod that teachers be clIssi tied Is In essential service Ind the right to mm with drnat oi servioos In bargain or it Ilno Iugxeslcd that con tinuing teaobemdrooi board re iItionr committee be set up SHOULD OFIER FRENCH The 125 delegates also passed resolution molesting lhol trenchlanguage instruction be altered Ieross the province be Sinnan with liveyearold hn rgarten pupils the resolution raled tor change in the provincial governs menls grant rtnrctute to there would be more incentive Ior school boards to provide more time tor irmhlsngusge to Right To Strike French InStruotiorrl peak and language should USE BUT TONGUE it is In Isobeitmble danlal the mention surested that my lama she said lbe del pemdlehmiebritllos to in Ideinaaie tunda Io elernontnry reboot dancer not mood It pss pill They also agreed thrt phyre meniIry mole include puisoq exercise period daily each grade level with emphasis on poll UNIFORM TEST more errorhasis on tcarhiog the besie sills tortsnrstr to have two ottklIl no the Ihiiity In leohdrwnurnmet comma seem not to inner Other reenlulioru passed by an included one to ease their ssrtit rates to ensure It edscILhn prognnr in elr tidpotlon and not com Another rotoiutloa Imovod unrated tocel boards pince Among Changes Group Recommends teachers itordanttm Ind school Asso Ind authorisation and that and sterling hroeblrnguege elation in Oakvilie Iald Canada uniiortn colon tor thelelllbsmahilshed lhe Matebureod Mitt shorddbemandaloninrsilrw hicloetosthptorIIchoolbuI when llI lightI In Oasth whmdischsnlunrpicuw strollL At present vehicles Ire re wind to step only in man wine the speed limit in noon Inn miles an hair in more controversial reso lution dclcistre Ipprorod the idea to have the Koreth in ohale drivers training man uIl with each licence renewal then would the to Insucr written tent baud on tho nuterlnl from manual and enclose the test with his rodent mutation Delegrtrs also awroved mention that Ill halithno Ith dents murders pt Ire should be covered under their parentd Ontario lbepiiel Mlm dicg Irliing WASIlel tat Came In law pruleasor teicr arm mineiys native land rights in port NW1d anti are being on proprirtrd wiltwt due proo Canada are not bring Cumming irorrr Osgoodo Hall Meetings exreutlvee moorings oi Tha NRONN OP New irom more Canada will be in Toronto this wool tor must end associated Conrdlan tog ion and rod was aimed by the Vatican under the title the now See Ind 1hr WIr Vit lirm it is the eighth volume oi VIlicIn deanneon relating to the Room Catholic rhurche activities during the Second world Wrr to be published Iimcliorr Press Ind the Canadian Dal Nowspogwr Publisher Iiiorr ttniw events oi the dxday ogrsrri Ire the Inan meet nl lit Ct CanaJar new co operItlvs on today CPI In rural dinner Wodaesdry It which GovGcn Jules Leger will be the rooster Ind CDNPAI annual meeting Thursday and its Iwards tuncb eon the some day At the Thursday luncheon the John hiaeinrrn awards toe rrswspaperlanul Ind design enrollenee will he prcsrrtad 0E exearuvs committee met Sunday and its board mccie today Pope Pius xii wsrtime tio mun Catholic pontiii has biten been mused oi not doing II as possible to help lows tiee NIni Gcmwr Challenge SUDEURY Olit lCPt Fed erol Energy hilnitter Dnnlld titrcdonald Saturday challenged Ontario trernlrr erlirm Davis to keep down gustine prices by rodtrcirr the retail sales in or by soil to ptlce review board tia said the Ontario govern merit has My le errwrro that Ontario residents arent ripped gith dealers on lbe retail speaking at luncheon durirrg the provincial tlborIl Ion verrliorr llr htrcdonaid said the policy oi IhI Progressive Priest Rescued OUlJiNAVAOA Mexico ttiIu ter mob oi irrtuririod tio Il ton IItiiIrrt to the ministry at mostly and room serv man catholics in the Mrrb rm oi Tornlnoo tried to tyn their parish priest tor holding Conservative party is one at we rrrd price nadir challenged Ontario to im or dinner for ten the best way to cook outdoors is with gnawo GAS BARBECUE th champion Party tiost lrinpelre barbecue that will let you nrtl and roost oi the same Almch brmoudlnwk ten II with the Party Nest thetol no tedtoua buildin you can start non ha in rrrtnut thI tut is always there And you or true barbecue taste romhlned with cook up periociiorr on yth controllshie chsvmoiow Fury Heat Theres wide selection oi other charmalow Mdell Ir various price turner All are erIttod tron hery dots out aluminum so they wont not rust Come It and III the Charmaine OII tlrrbecuee todIy hammer ill Film LIIII lllltlepIttthrhti in The meridian proposed by In In Oaktslile home and school Is Iociatlorr said blilagusiisrrr icsdr to greater rationIi ltttdeh standing Irrd it Is much Iasler tor younger pupils to learn second language tnt Webster oi the ll pose those kind vi at the retail rain liir htnrdonnld raid the Lib mi government at trirrro Mirr lsirr Trudeau rated the tIx payers oi Canada rim to it hillkglrl by imposing price levels or Thotcdcrai minister Iddcd that three Mr Davis has trot lotion any action to protect the rrsorrtrolr wary intuensas in IA and oil prices voters across Onrrada might ermt the ram thing trom government led by Its Ilorral tro resslre Conservative leader It Stonilrld laughrstlleiirrwarderrth HUROHMOTORELTO 15hVesanSt Bulllei10512E20l5 hrs t4rmmmIarapLgtIe4Il4 law Idlooi oi York Unimsliy Toronto said Saturday dun panel discussion winding up the Irtrruai meeting oi the American Societ oi national northern treated unlike arty other group in the country inter Canada are being Low natives Plan Native Land Rights In North BeingExpropriated Professor is an Implohe alternative only to the extent they are tilten no choice and their no in etlret Imprinted Lttrrtml iorocrsi an iso clplcnt rrstrinl era that should hsto tor northern Canada at least In trIItthie an impact on the native peoples or the col lecerve ot Mir the lilir century tin boom Ind the fur mnorrty that him With the oil discorerire in Prudhoe hay Irul tha liab reouurt exploration activitytn the ttschrnrlo Dritr toliwrd by that in the Amie island PW anti erIi Ontario rmsumor trom unnec Given the competing cesi turcs oi Canadaa dnrrunant society which values thpveet northern land base prtrnariiy tor lis cxpioltlto dowloprrrerrt potwiihl Ind pies whine native Wile tio said the native want to retain this in but rariiss the necessity tor some compromise But rrtonotary compenssumr VI deep Ammelmltliilommww DON WRIGHT MOTORE LTD sis Huronietio St Colilnqwepd 105 51151 her native consciousness iilaetyie Ire mind in In autoohlhonoualcuiturois those any possibility oi mtirtlrniiy thinking ihrr con he land cisirrrs settlement or more gen cy mch the criteria oi tnlertu ennl standards phnseeidsongoduolot YES WE CAN 130000 1ND AND itll MORTGAGE we are now trusting loans on all types oi properttre in your area Osiidirect collect Prompt Mth merit Corp no Bay Street 13mm evgs 231 tie law tootI any purpose Ontario wide Irrvkv ice Von rough roads or trrilrrleop crs makee its own way For hunters tIIh Irmen Dtllthll driving enthurlhtto Glam tough one Jeep null Irrd howl Let er demonstrate rterrv rrororro Fronth Miseltslugl st 0qu 105 one he needs oi the nonestiras econ my bra beam he sold