waxykw WNW MM alAltI WENDYS comm WheniWomeanu auto sum uund ounce llerrle on my ll It om WEEKEND cowamort anilin to ltdI wed Ind In nlleod the ccnrzntlan AND AIRS MM Ber rItt ol ll Own st Barrio will be gums cl honor II unity rectpllon no Knish ot Colurrrlmo all into even lnr The couplcrrero mor led It Si lllIryI Catholic Church llama mornlrrt ctrunony on April They lived at Grtnlel unlll Couple To Mark Aniverdry Who Needs NOUns We WENDY atone Every ow to while leonre IemI mum that grow we nellze IIlll put mmood to which on women Mon lIII rudlnebookbyc unto into not Ind one the mole thunder nyr ro cIrdLurl dlltlalliy In mllIbom don btrreen the rate LI that women rpm 0mm eith out norm ll two roar Ire do lnl bit It wort one will toy to the other Iulrlhll boot In tlde the blazer borrl wblch youll llnd on the lap shell ol III mu tupbolrd Inuit lor tlil it mvrnrt In the other on In mm And then It you It thorn tn IMTITIIDCI ln loan at Iouru Mr MI ll ModIr correct In Inn obnemtlon not ever unllo In the land will Irmil It Speaker Explains Telecares Role In mttbriion III mum It tb Aprli Innth at tlu Eveningarch at 51 Andrew rernony on April lo mt Formly Inrm rrrd thI couple moILJ to llnrrio Bromine SDI WIN Lilo nukrlllnd Immed rrtelo no our lunelI who Ipelkl the notrnleu loom NM INSTINCT Perhrosttr became at Ionre bulcyzlement oI tnlnn mt Ill innate do molt tremor boIlI otIoked tooetlrer on Ihe trut Mun In men 1m every men Imowlnr mtIlIbovllltobeputl II It nlil ItllbmllICIIIy be elected with otherI lien pertlzultrly bbobnndr Ire inclined to hell the boon Ind Htohrn II II they were lodge llry alien true In ldeeot where tblnp Ito hpt am though iqu luv bem not there lor NIH Ity htrtoIrrd our ourvdtod to llnd we ornate chute ruler We here nod ll Ior my lure To be Mr here no on the be on ln bl eriioo Eu EIIIIIMBITY rrmrtloned the puny In the book In him Ind he returned lint must hate him IarnnnI very like rm men lh Ilrn rerouted um was truedy loot norm HWlInOlurnh HI emitted IAI headlon ol Meuro Ind apltlned thIt rnluntroro orvvlde zthorrr ur bo need Ionian nuke lbunrrlm rm drntood proprrly Ot come no an crird lndunnlly Ill only mm who run under blind us end thatl only botatuo they line to have everything Ipelltd out lor them Women underrrmd each ther parloctly by ruin tho berm minimum words Thcn perhaps thcre rhould be more Iromtn mm mutual to that um you point out the thin tndrr thtro tht doesnt work theyll know ruclly yrllIt you Man he Ield N0 COMEBACK tourlnt run at quick ply to that rrmertr Ind ttn ho tlnlrhcd me orooerly by rhowlnr me rle oi paper on which he had Milton romclhlnx Id told to my Ikcp It you ran DXDIIID to me Mill lhll means Ill me with your provloue polot be uld Orr the slip he hnd Wrillon We aged me more all In hot and with my dlr nut ruzmn vrenono mantvitliorI Ittbehorrreol MrIlrod utlmcr oi litre mt street Arm ImMn Inhl Ielllmer 0t Alma Ind her brother sentry mun al dell Michlnn XIII RI utlmu glut II the home at Mr Ind MM Putt Thorn too at mire thh not MEAL mowrzn Mint DoonI later my bride elect III goal to honor It kliakn Ibower Ind bullet din nuheld Ittbebomeolllre June IIIcDonIld tho Street Tho Mrtun yer ulmd by Ilrt John Starmoo oi stur ty Day Rood Oulddty nub It the bridal party Im blltI llIrllyn SmIUI rrnd tlltm of the bridermmtobe Miner Clrrlt Ind llrn llurritr Guest Includ erl Irlrndr nnd nolghlmr ot tho bridooled and the brldtgmn tied MIrc llurrtcr cl Dorrie The nodding will Late pluo It the Vulture Cun DI tho Eort em canon luster gnu Shlrloy Hominy the Barrie Venture dub Mr erzl Bitter Bonn Dire or Eastern earner union In ntlu llIrgrret Key brr birthb llInIe dub In delegate It the mnlmllon The and event will be NIHIt the Wellington Courtllotd mmeeuz mt CRAFTS BALE TEA 5L Geomor Church Allundrle under lboluderthlp ot Prim ent Mn Mltohell will loom tor on Art Ind Creltt ante Ind leI ontlny II rumIla rm to pm oonvencr lI Mn mu Rick ls Amonl roevrttt tram cnltomoh In sum Cw nlywha Itll dleplny Indmll their work tin IIIry llillt no lrI to lurk tlrr Jon Mbon run um rrcrruum nutter Mn Edith no Ind Mn llnrbtrn Anderson Zlen room converter II llrI lobn liloGownn ml the General storI table with bomde Item will be convened by lire bld Kayo vlcotopeovlo Iricod to tell to Voltrnlzrrr The rnrrrrlare ol Lyla Mth In borne Barrett roamed Intr Itohle Theyd known each otlrr er Ill inelr llva who tram elm llilr beckonundo end their Iiml In Hie Im the ram Their union has been nort ln1 pnrtoenhlv Tiny have Ihar 2d nod bad tlmu worltzd In Ind thelr murd bu been duri tlro Ilitrrrbon or run long and happy mnrrloie may um nturvhy Ind 1mm Der rott enchanted you It quiet IImily ceremony hold St ANN IANDERS nunJ Citing who but mmlrrtbd ount Iltr It two Anemone melt loud tat our old mu III Joiner lter Ilzohlt Inheritance nd re In Inld moral tlrrra tin the promote that the to Iowa ovcrythlng to Like IhlI tart ol III II Ihnd Itop ll Iy Aunt Nellie bu been Iltlnz trouble or rrto when try to tildvllhwthn boy Slut ltnt Mormny An old to lnnlto you do thin or In Yesterdny when he IntentlorrIlly willed Inn at mlllt on thotloor II he wouldnt Iuwe To out It made him clean it up Aunt Nelllo Into omrnI tor llrn Well btt oven with moon em rrol man but do lrI lion in dlulollno when mur loned lhII to my Innhond ho mil war ourrcrotlntl or com hoI not ormrrt when Itre don hrdlrty work ro ho nln ceremony MORNING WEDDING hold bolero noun my thr bride AtFamilY Beceplio Tonight IlIryI Ullllth Home on April thr Iole lilr nrtd lllrI Putrtck 30 mt Titty nrro morricrl lay llumly who tanned on the leth the Inn Dun Sweeney It murr lino ol Votpro llro bridegroom the Ion the Isle Ilr In tholo dIyI worldth were ho Iddoti thnt rho thlrrlrr todayl out our rut tlunananhltoICnlurrrthIHIIl lhlo urnlnrr marking the coup In our nnnltmury The bride war the oldtrt girl in lumily oi ll daughter ol Ilstcr litre John OIltllly Eur worlr tour hour shill lllr arihberuon wu lntroduo ed by Helen wrrnch Ind lhInL by Ileitn Brown 00an the barium mrlon llIr ret Robertson pmldeot and one tied Memberl rllIcuIted plant tor the Old thinned Tu Ind DIuIr yhlrn will be held on Nov 16 lluilt Morley will convene the tee room Belly Walton tho kitchen with to convene Audrey Anderoon Ind Ollvl Doll Mroslunattr turn to chill ol lltlen Emu Ind Nobel Cnrrvbcll Ire Edward Dorrtlt DI HIG lrll rlr llnrrtltI only Iurvlvlnl will uttcnd tho lomlly rtcoov lollorlna honeymon lrr Tur nlo tlr nrul lllu llnrrtlt did ocrurrrl Inrmlnll Thry larmcd nt Grrnlol or many ltorl uulll mi ohm Ilr Barrett told to lorm nnd movtd to lltrrlo From ms until rm ho work ed II nutrtl at tho lrovlnctnl WOMENS EDITION Aunt Neils Remarks lDsiroy Discipline homo Ihe murt rrrmln llIlllI whrn you ditclpllnc your boy Lot Arr Irrrow you tool that hrr romnrlrr nro undomlrrln you The woman It ntlomptlna to curry tho mtdI luvor or your ornpcm and you thDilldlli nllow moor woe wormed mr tor kill my atom Ilro rurtrorr tlid Iollly lob Flt1w lIII mo what to millnlled III Dnvrnnurt Dr Tell Aunt Nlllln that Illa wont to vlrlt in your Drnr Ann Irnlllltrl Our nrrd mother developed on intention Tcn rlnvI lnlcr ho trId to be optng on again Allot tho uoorul common rho woo In oomn tor ttnoo duyr We olmott lMt her My brothtrI went to rue tho Iurxoorr llow rb we no obuut IllMu ln Ilnlilnrd mu lIIri Your nerrumntlon thol the mono ooorntioo who duo to what you roll launy tat may not be correct It you wont to rue the Itrrrtuorr how ovcr caninnt ywr County Maril Inll llnrrle lloIbrcrr retired or llvo yoan ENJOY GARDENING The thlrm In llellwlr InIln toothy lI rrIrdorrlnz ntldillcy on In turn wolllnr tn rrlnnt their yu rillrln nnd notler urrlem 1th horn ulst ol corrmtrry and enjoy hovlng people drop In to vlrll Sowrnl counch who have bttn IrlcrtdI at tho llnlo Mr or many yorrr allcn Itop by or Homo ol cuchre Tire crlcbrnntr rrlIo nnnmltto the company at thtlr grandchil drtrr and humlly etlmlt than to no gruerntion rnp We truly to toy our lumllye company we can play Home card or lult III uround rrrul chui they laid Mr and Mn llnrrett have one dourtrtcr llrI Noreen Empty nml tour zrnnttchlldrcn Lynncilo vlrrzlulo are and Rim Emmy of Darwin ncnr ottown The will all be It the rocmllon ttr ovenlnrt IIIIMEIIIIRR III Thorn era the Golden yenrl thnruood llrrretl tho couplo groo they both rcrmrrbor the rlirly tuI when Ilnlft In to make It lllitUt They rod tIIItkonl In tho early MI or writ Inrt troy wclrrhtd Ilr HIGHLIGHTS cum mortars Wonderlnl one It In lo Inlay mr nIII IyIIIIl enliln auto Inde duh Iotlvltlu II rumye Ilrld III II onhllIlree on tile It The edlllon lllI contelo rd port my mum wornInI room In IIIIIII Ind tlto IIrv roonnlnr Iru WI lnvlte riubl to tend to revertr on Izllrl Ilnn II thll pnblchtlon ln pIrtlrulIr we would lllrI your report In myth brIrI eutllrro ol IctlvlllII Ind north end IvrmrnIry ol cumnt re crnl Ind IuiurI prolertl ert mlrht IIIo Iorrrment on model mix conduct on routlnnlnrb lll Plrm notI too your non IourrI ul mombenbln IIIH llrt the rm uerntln nrenabm Women plIy In tmnortonl role In tnelllo 0th tour onltdent rIn provlI In Intentiln In of lull he oIierrIle IIt rein ltII Ite IlrI vrojorte etc or inclu CORDUROY came nIeIrrIe ol the oulrlltetion reoulrernenle II III thIt Ill report beIubnrltted not later litn And For Inlormetlon pleuo CIII LOVELY PIERCED EARRINGS PILLOW COVERS tun no way ol knowinl whrrt Gold and Silver colored 14K gold earringr 09 transforms for Spring and Summer Anmicd styles and color Assorted colors W0 FOAM LATEX Guod value the wornonI Idltor II 1mm Blknllon II or Icvtrr Writ llut you llvo through there tlmrr Ind mntrnt you Itrorr uer Horton told tho lrrldo Among tho mony conurntulot nry mtunllu receiver by llto ruuulo II InkLer lrom lov umnrthrralrluloe unurInd AIM Inger no urlnt with In oltlclrrl hlooulnn lrom the Pope tnl Society lhcln orynnllntlum luvo Imnoklr phytlrlnnr who ratio or on Inmtirrnllvo jury ll one at thdr colleagues uttty at norltgmcn or rrrolprur cc they blow tho whlnlo on him lnrompotoni rlhwiolnhr party on tho crrIIrn omitI WNW MN mm Ilcu ml the weld doclzrrI want When coolrlnrr on too oi the II unto mnlro me got llllllllcl do not ererrtl over care In thlI Wilton thrryrI mlly od over PROTECT DONEUIIIETI Couldnt trot try to reveal Atltumorr It food drink nrtd rug wart into tool In love CHEESE HIJI UNFIIDZHN CreImed totttre ohqu Ilrl r1 ho VtIll hmuro whrrt It to thwart lt terrrle to rewrote nM dnrnnao iI ICX 0rd 300 409 CAILIIIPJ er mCIS lhI Gentleman Uohor oi the mock de whole Ito oi olllco to to than Itlclt ourmountnd by old on melnttlm order In the Gonodlnn Scooto 0rd 2100 In 2600 FORTRELCOTTON POLO SHIRTS strum lorrlflc buy Good value non lti Strnitor ICINIVAI Illon lro WALKEHS ARGET SA CONT ES 5A URDA rllslc ll odor oi btrnllonl OhlererrI lItoAIle 5c am CP 51 4t mTllrnilo Crlllo tor The Toronto Star 54 DcIantr for Toronto MI lrorludIoH URI YOUR WALKEHE OPTIDNICHARCE ACCOUNT on CHAN st lorwrcnce Centre Toronto York University Thontre Dopnrtmout York Unlvtnlly Theatre Dorrnrtmont Hrrow rrorrcrorrs Ilrlln lorrule mice at onlrrlnlrrlnx and lrxullorrnl lecturan toploI lrtdudo lilluw MerlrI nrul Clowru btrolrramaro 11w attire Movurrrerrt Design Costurrm rte lending to belIrr nwrociutlou ol tlrrrrtro and MIDI LDtl on bolore and behind the emu GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE THREE WEDNESDAY EVENINOS MAY 15 MAY 21 JUNE I974 7r00 IMO PM IIIEH 0500 IIOII THE HIIRIHB nurrrrr Arrrroro Berry Ilncllntor non EIII Urlo Kmdo lilurrIy Inulrr norry lllormnrr DIItd lrnnnruol nrrd Coelmno Society at Ontario wlrcdvr Adar Wuror Drumr Instructor Mn HI For murmur rumU1 Telrohonor 10 72MB Ilrt on run loolo coeronoor lcorrinn Foundttlon tor the lrrlonnlrrr Arto un Irnn lllulthy IIVNIOIN to IlUNlAll er TIAIIIIII IIHIUHAN rrrvv Mltltlr ONION CHARGE ACCOUNI my