monster muurnnmmnnrmmumnmrr mirror NOTES Senior Citizens Given Report On Provincial Organization Inernixm In combed Unilld Senior Grim is 55 gear an hullan mum rt fin Orb Paris in rose At that STAYNER liliEli Gilli RECEIVES BUBSHRY iustqenr dinlem mire eon rink Super la than ardent lormeriy ileum tr undeni ll the Georrtan usoenceiredaooiluebnn Irononiormeriy attendedCol college Iohnol oi huran in ury iron the peatdenl lion literpod Collegiate institute Barrie hits Donna led ert untold 11in llth Gmrxian Oilloge Photo Ihd Min to ll the uert eoeahr hire MM tor the diatrid who rtatod that Producers Whomrhrimmm MRhllprrqulirdmklo In Milk Increase hiceleereaeea on essential rm iur milk production have onesumerI lust effective meme become all too lemlliar to rrilk that 1600 uid milk noon in the Prov producerI hlr MARSHin imwlllronlvveh rahiandthera rtseth eddltlenai $132 hundred la olietda Kurt nor petro weisz tor their or watt productr hydro quart and the remain Ieedr hinder twine iIrm winery and built cents per qunrt will in mnerIIh have placed milk to the dalrler and other int rtmlaininmmtno inc the in up new dralrman oi mtailo milk marhrtln board Coorxo lie Lamb Itated the wired themes in innn oortr Ind el urnniim to hilt production eantrbuiee to the need tor return to milk Mm nrw nos hm WANLIAS Fourteen memen and live vlrltora attended the annual me edn oi the New Hoe Wi ll lhs borne ol hurt lerrv loiiur The mother mmnted on laltn Italysmrart collect hirr Elmar introduced tom the Nutrition amenr ruptutiona are the wine oi the or oi the Womena lu Ititute and outlined the proced ure marl It Willi at branchlevel must be iorwArdcd to the din trict no later than Martin hire Jack Cameron are reprat oi the monk served at the bodily tournament The branch racehod also or held Reports were given by the com producer in vidotlr rootprice veneers the tplsartltional discount hav many cases been dropped elated ll rim dairy inn aa rum rI net income declined rela the to other types oi arming in lm In l1 mme decllne in milk am WW ornduriculturt mom hll hielnuxhlln noted that in the Food Prices Review Board warmly 1va in Mandi it we stated that ol dairy duots have hesen nudt icssbnl 41 our ll bale pricee tor virtually ell other iood product counrr allurer hm In Lin other types oi an Duntroon Session random are beln made here or the comb Sim West trict womena lutituto meeting day May un Dentinuneasy oi Din iNO beach the district order lutlon which inoludeI hranehea from Aveolnr nlna Comm Clemiow covert More Cueorrian Jackr Dbl Maple Valiety Pine he storhamoion antler amnldlle Sumle Zion hhilee the Mn Alfred Watt Menarid and New Low Ill The 197 district rneetln In NH It New W01 Thorn were re rerlatmd del enter at the New lowll mutiny last rprtnr Ind early indlrationa point to tuner at tendon lor the court not lion The diluent local Inch ea have been boldlnx their own elections The district election will he held here hire ltlll oi Crorrlan Womens lootittno is the district lit relhlloiu oiiicer Moro and Ilternoon be held Oi Groundhogs WNJSM Control oi rroundhor will he diamond at meetinz on Wednesday evening A3111 at the tour nullity on Cmoeetion Em limpahip one mil north oi itizbwry 39 There are may wry ol erad icating maid box with tann er using doze guns and ll tor ran For permanent eredica thin the beat World to too tablet culled Phostaldil which Lt DWmooN sum Pro whlohlatohebeidonihun inrlrlrlntlmeaniesstrtwith manna admittedly over so Ciuha inhumaniter Theyhpooeallhellsmiato reech unlor citizen emry where and to provide attivtllea emutic ILIullom Ontario and Provincial hemrtive rem Met with the help at all resolutions rmlge nelionnllrsvel hi Komnrnent he mule retirement year more Ema old are oi moo in tone and housing poor and costly with coalitions now and penahn oi limo oiua tort oi lile intmm together with Element tor those who qual ily win an achievement throuxh lame oi the USO as was the promsd Iuhmitted tor hospitd and midicnl core which mwiaireoto leovtr ellundii mull emtivu enloy in their work do plie no remuneration he ItIted it is nice to know thnt when people rcooh one or they can re tire with aome amulet rerun ed the National Minnelli lty take bit easier do vol lnlcu that oral do llltio tra Lelllng that wasnt Mia eeri Muller hit Flair congratula ed the Allimon club the bruntr cllli ior rtrr munhershtpe in small nine moo tee per mem ber to USml lie explained that only the not they do not have to pey nut hr olllne mace in PM on they have funds to mohair all that is being on tor the bmcllt oi all my lor citlm in the Province nigrrsldwt Sam lg emo appreciation nu Ipenker an meted the lite opening hm tension Mia hm tour allowed and retrained nursln with Dill in over elm per day where radical care in reqrdred in tamed to or Tottenham Free llaan bouncer alimoaah Lisle tau rloobley Weed Control For Com Fieldr com Sign core probably inx to be more lmoortnnt this year than our More ior corn growers it was pointed out It the South Nome oliice oi the Ontario ministry or arriculturI Third Lv is no year ruop pm iobd end water to weed instead the crop raid More Irnporinnt This Year the to use Lilla treatment you ehould probabb plan on pre emergence with anm Mach aa Atrulne and Leora or Atra nine and Hidden ii the wentbcr la really bad it did in advice to row em You can lull hack on mout operation oi Atraalne and oil alter the cop is no not you had better have plan and you Get your fair share of Ontanosrnew $300 million taxcrdits Emilies pensioners roomers boarders the handicapped and others will benet Ontarios new Trix Credit System provides for three separate credits People who own or rent including roomers and boarders may share in the Byperty Tax gzredir are age iron the term oilice had better have the material on more and the rich treat tour gmmmrort placed in the grounding bole rnittee ltn invitation It ALEYSNNC Stall mlmwwwmlfd are Er Mahala limmrt now $75th the Cellini to on or Mod53 meflriblcmhllgxeaodedm hy drr These mm Km ml corn the tall With it proo and ihcre wont be any dive Ir able reuunoi about trod an way prizes tor them either hire Sam Alienhad Will Minn ourrtrnn have been mek venous gas and kill the rorunli mhuehel rro new it wna mentioned that entitled Try Zler Mine in pinna to Glohrlto the 60th 1m ere should be dolnz their plan Soil and mo lmorvwrnentR hlra Frank Kenney conducted alum or the lonnlnr oi Simone iarm otnce Muted mow 50an bu aw content the winner heir it the branch this 7mm Jim tlo ml WM film mild be the basil er calibration nu lvellnhle it COOKSNWN memo fixludfoflg oi protection tor most elds it iho larm oiilte To calibrate comm mm The was suggested mixture oi your sprayer clip the unit over mhgnlllmium Cookrtown rlchealion committee mumm Atrezine and swine 19 plant nozzle guild rim tiled mm lulm Put president lira will be holdinr next Mint Allir the course ctrtillcatoe will Ht 15 the nu People who ll out Federal income tax return mayshareinthe SalesTax Credit People over 65 may share in the Pensioner Tax Credit Even if you dont pay incgme to this year please be sure to ll out and tile both the THREE sinsnrioNAl les FRI SAT NNlGlll sun hiON NOWPLAYINO Showtime pm SHE CAME T0 SIT WITH BABYund ENDED UP WITH 33 WP Wainwlmtwhmmhmi oronln Fedegrl income tax return and the Ontario 33 net Tax edit Form They both come in the week protection Is there irem lain The unit then road oti Blond Avril 29 We ll will be isrurd to Iarmera derlrl gt 009 Jone hesiirfliiillhgi 22w million attoclaiion plans in to ptirthanetbe tablet Sale $meig 3d3wl $2312 pefimaifaltnviilrllvm ggn1peyou dcnT idenL Mn Gerald King recond will be thriller advanced hprgiibitgtoutfam wbohave mm mm mm mm mm rm pages an males cunuNG mounr dont have the equipment or lion Schedules llama Smith 5mm mumphiev WW leumlCuh wmIpresentedlowlnnlng rink rECUllsElll COUNCll about an mmmm and amend elected tor next win nnmv Stall Trairneelh willllwoil Slollon nnhgrygygmg an own my on my rivem 76 Reeve ll rennin in Jim renunhrnnch mil wimfm gill motion on Monday Avril llvthem directora lire Jock Cameron will it mmJ Mr mu an cornmttleo litre irnuk ream rrniur murmurs Mn Archie Wordless auditors WATER au1 1w hire Borer Atkinson Mrr It om Newborn Hmnl WA Agricultural Society Garnet Ben Convenerr Public nntrtlons 0n wm in given hire Alex may resolutions mater med hire Elmer mm man ml upmammpml and Canadian lndlltrie llirr in the lociotl It Jim tn mu ch on hm 5m world annulment am will Avril Minion eduoation end euiluroi neuin mum spurred Lilivliitou tier him Woniesr ilrnlly nrrnunrn Stall Proicr and conmmef ll Mu mm will may on MUM mmwmrmm MP the We MB own Mle we WWW cammu dim WW Itameeln oilll Km Kem 0mg than hide nixhteApril tw DUO pupulardemand Smnngm zolllBEllliyFOll resent cm ADAlAWYNllHnlMlllclE Dmmmm mm lanai ullmmsm 31 um Filllllll rimiliilnmwmtllm Lum mm mm url Sum rut Mon llllo 11 lintrt 51 Elli mm DONT FORGET DUSK To DAWN SHOW THE WEEKEND