mummuumrnrmnrms Edmonton Opens Agamst Scunts Irina corner mm IWeltl Inst norm m4 us our mum Abe Issue rmsl 0min um smug Jun Eamon Iiihbe ixJLe wont ensue Siam to been rm World Paley mm HM or some mm the saw me comely ms all may linosou 7mm ms am Is mu my but Iadslpiwudecrge Mont SrIIe mi now was sol 1er cook 71 trim 0mm Theyll meet some 551 or at kwrdimwdl labo stronger uaoe he Nx srsmm pr lour goals tum MilIn MImmmmsmeeLntwmwhm Tested to one or lo one an Tin rereluuueo um rreeuLm lei themwk on JIM unt lemonum W1Mm rsert too think they hm 191 In mouoemn 5r hut mm In ubeir GUAMNIEED Lon tree or tennis meMm 49anth mundane munh IIIMIHIMI hmt tartoLm ha vets nmmuuw 171 Lithium bhmauttho Inn West Division plnolh ISIIJLI thin the Rail lu somultlib wmlamu unm none ter rutrm r1 lotAldsovuu vtrflrPl SIle Ilootresi York museums burgh In rank our ma non Mudn ban been In roost Bulm min 11 Tureen Maple ml vies New 65 oi the season to Nun own he won therm orLI dermaly schoole hoc levy lourulmenl WW Ivith vlmri ever WImiu Marlboro oI LEFT IIIiEil our HOCKEY on the winning teams In Film tlmrl raw Steve Drape Gerry summon Glenn Sorgooor Brett liudxee Dears chpIalnI Vlnee III Iy Tilt CANADIAN Pills Vim Curricle no going Idle style even Ltmzlr Urey were rilmhrtori sexml ween underwater71 rtIt In the NILIonII In no The Cutukkl In mth pim lite But Dlttslo dtlmml Angela Kings Friday gt beiors I551u hantowo it rite IonIII lre virtvv Irv the Comm to can lair hclr neuron night at Ire AIIIQII In the only other Irntzir lrl STANDINGS lly IIll CANADIAN HIE Nluanll ICIII Illtlllon WlrT FHA Boston or to Is su III III ionlrrII II 21 turn an VI Inger 39 LT ll HI Toronin It hurluio 1t Wroll no Illncomer tumour In iii In Its sI lVrII onan 35 BEs eoegeoeee zoeeeee 82222 EIgt 23 Idem Angelo lttlnntI 84 Mill SI tools huburdt llrInosolI Illomll Reunite IrIdI Vnnmuwr loo Angelo Atlanta Coulomb demo Tdulsht manager 33 is 888522 mun ll Marina Drlilolo at Toronto NY were at Delroll Minnow ol NY blondern IVIrLcooIer II lo Augeler Mandy mes Ihllldelphla II Puttbrrrgh tum linedy Illnnositn It Philadelphia do mum ll Minnie day Montreal II NY Itunurn Iuront at Dalton Detroit at Chth Bl loule II Mlllla Wellm lullnlIUoMl annhroolr swim Ormbrooir wim boriolwron furI on anucke 30 but In Style day Allorin FLme1 dtlwted Clhlornil Golden Seal 929 in the lost Melton oi lhe trqu Iolroduleu In unaided mm tent and six Sundro In other lune torIILnI Doe ion Drum nm at Montreal 0o norliun Itutnlo Sabres It To ronto Ilrrvlr Inls New York lime Il DchoIl lied Wlttzl Mrnruote North Stars It New York Islanders clucaco IIIctr Ilrreiu It SI Iottls Blues and lthiinrkltrhll Iberl It illu Lrgll Irrrxulns Ilium II lhl HI and Ill mm In Illerooou mugs whllo I1 nlthl Mammal VIII the mum at New York To nnto ls rst Baum Detroit It video Id St mule III DIII lIlo pnovrue PREVIEW Irvvlrm at both East DM rlon pioyoil leiIn will be seen Sunday when the thy the bruins nnrl the Con rm ous Let Donald Codson Ind Kerr Dmpe IIIradio Al Moall comm Am Browning los IIstInt coedrl Jimmy Foulls Dean Edvr Iioobr Thur 1lh34th=SircIightWin not the llama1 The lode will return to too tar um lay to burn our ounrtariml ptnrolt witLle tho Ionizer travel in Itnrxml needle coed IiIny Nelle reti stove WIMringlen my Imtmndonglrotfu Wm rIerirI no set to EARLY Irmmo they boll In the nu eI em ImI tom cl those were on our our rt THEY MEET AGAIN Oilm Sarina It mutated up lullL this year but In sudden deslh to decide Ibo to the woods Thu ovco their bestalomo division unwind WW mod run In the modem Paul Lug so damn Sums Three other mu prsyorr on the weekend wltt II lotllll Pludl Niriusr lIuLstan Mm sod Phat mrmi wmpcg Jau men in In weenoweng lo Angela Coclnoali NIIIIU Honour HtllIII In on Angola he Deee IN Pittsburx Sm Irmelsm Norman 1015 MN Pltltrl Gringo Kennel IHII sl IMonLRLI Ilento Illl III pm New York ISesver mot II WWII LCuItoo Not 1135 run Pittsburgh tslwe ttIst III Louie that 119 lill ritual IIIorrison llI III Ilnlo Inocrsur Ittrr luring In Natiorul Hockey uuue Ierr the Sam pride IIILia I93 TIA Ilh Fr rents no In mists hr ur JOHNSTON MOTORS I1 Eu no can It sort more out New under new momgemonl oi Mr Funk Mllu Rommel limited III Minute THE EMBASSY HAIL MAIIILE NR BINGO WEEK NIDIIN BANQUET EXHIBITIONS PART since Sim tau been liken rent digit mlu our GoIlIr Grrnunyt New Extend Whalers nhy has to mew elongate It Minded lGIIlII IN hi Im WKDDLVG MEETINGS MEANle RECEPTION DISC JOCK AVAILABLE Ballot Carri1 Denice IIr All humus link SI Barrio 7264967 Moot Runes ploy II PIIIII thphll Noddy end In In Irs lure the Hawk hr Oilnun In otltn mmln ML Mic Demlr Vennnon Ivlleded Ill Kill NI ol the mm or mcouvtt to they domlmled the Kings throughout gt Ihn 1h Crmrtn med III tlrwalllnlllilmlvro Mil Deldrrunhl Moo rlod pool which loaded the Flames lo rll mildl rnrrrtle Onlrarkl utter you womm eve mow Lvrll be luvkin Ind she no pen on Inter Mum the want an mire pcdorh llcr wriwmutce lulled to Inspire lhI SeIII ll they closed out the some rulltr Izxnme wholes monkII Meal IIII III KELLYSSERVICE CENTRE Goodyear summer Tim Norri Itoeb Free omittier no hIIInrinl Lvl BIIANW BAY TU HARRIK 11M PROTECT YOUR NEW CARINVBSTMENT VLIzING VltaliLin nroleou your on Item to with catnplete nut Inside and out fractal oi III vu nrrlbk motII rurlncu plus exterior paint ruterlors vlus ruin resistinr vrolt Ireiorr Ior stats Ind mirolstery GuIrInleed wrroslon pro tection or In rs All your nineLII when ordering yurrr In or lrlr stun elrrel tI Terry errmu SYMCO AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES I5 High 50 BIrrlo ATTENTION 7268i Elmore BOUND TRAVELLERS THE GrowsGATEWAY EUROPE nooxs ARE NOW AVAILABLE roe liclore you book European escorted couch loIIr inde pendent bench or II scllnirivo holiday risk your Irnrcl agent for free GIanrIrulcuny EuroIr not Its l50 pages lung and Iurs 900 holiday departures lor you to choose rorrr And OI spcchrl iIIlereII In Ilrosc piirrrrrhrg nn brrokihg uhnrlcr ight before we rlo ask or the GlolrrrrGrrlctrrry Europe Chrrrm liuuk Iluhrn Galcwny hnvo nrrrrngcd hundreds run rAlliIIlIIC Irropcrrrr and Independent holiLIuys And there is no 60 Llrry charter flights to connect withthoir adynncc booking requirement Waltonom LilJill it Comer on ltuvrulrrvro limit II no lru CllszyGlobur rump lluoh SomethingterriblelslrepporrinaInCunodn and everywhere else lorIhoI motion were ger trngmoreondmoreaccyslomedlolhin snotlastrng verylon Wo accept has loci ol it Sh rrs seem to II busier Shoes lull ouorr Iosler There are light rs you throw away when youre nished wrllr thorn lumiluro lust soerrrs to be nolled together Crnitsmnnshlp it would onpeur ls lost be coming cor outoldole idea any boiler Ounlll Into oin down wtrdhsktlengnoltlowi lake cursIaroxonroieAcorislhesecond Nosl expensive purchase alter home that rrrosl Canadians make Its or big decision and it cosIs lot ol money So youd sure like to Ihrrrk that Its one ilorrr that would last Yet how many or your old cars do you sirll see driving around these daysHIr Incl how nrorry4or5yeoroid ones Not too many Unless theyre RelisRuycus or Volkswuuorrs Ihero are over QOMDO Volkswagens your old and older driving around in Conudoi AI thirty or lorly thousand dollars its not unreasonable to expect Rolls to lost indol Irrilely8ul or more Ill0th oithe once why Volkswugaus oi all the olhor cars In the world Some poodle think were truly In spite ol the act that low things in lilo are made the way they used to be we strll rrrokl outcorsthewovwe usadlo Willruklnd ollrrsnrre thoroughness So thorough that the editor cl lomou American motoring magazine wrote cannot pretend to understand the Wollslturg rrrenlallty Which Is understandable Since we hove never understood lire nrenroiitv oi planned ob eolonce as It relotos to large out at the auto Industry phrased by nolcd businesslrrorr oulitonorrrurrg others It slates Iuclxlmuln sales volume demands the cheapest construction Ior the brloiosl Interval that the buying public will tolerate irrcrodthleisrrt it But roulrly Just look around Our reohly is equally unreal But In hide ntoreconrlortingwuy llslorls wltlr the way we polnsloklnglv mokuFoceL rem the nrorrrorrl Its rst two porls come together it start to be poked eagleeyed toslcd and roloslod by group ol ihettrost uncompromising poopilrr the world The 8749 VW lrrsrrecims As il lhtri Wurenl urrauglt IIreir Why sh the average have cor TIINTSINIIIHOINST And ll Oosntiooklile Ihmgsare getting work In turn ls inspected by overSDO Inspectors who do nothing but Inspectlhe lnspoclors When it gels done It gets donu right One reason why were not eiroid to lavish more hondwork on the Super Beoilothon exists on Times any other car in the world Big or TIC In this throwowoy sociely we also throw things away Excepltheyro portslhut cant meet our almost inhuman quality standards lot example Our shock absorbers are made to absorb on ocluol 30000 II they lose more than HIV the ouldnl Cunndrnn lo your Materials and worksmunshin thol are the best money can buy Warmth and service or Where are they new the need them Our madness doesnt stop Mlh Ih way we make the cur It extends right Into Iho way we service it We call It lheVW Owners Security Blanket and again it grves you package uuhko any other Inthe world rrrorrlh 20000 mile wnrrarrly irrcludrrrg 24 month 24000 mile extended warranty lor Irrlernol engine and Ironxmission comparrcrrls electronic analysis with low lree checkvups ex press euro undo dooler repair guarantee II worrorrly repair lakes overnight rlI uteri lend you lroo car by cppolltlrrlrrtl lur us Ion asltlokos mechanics who work on our cars are something else again It takes at least three yours to become one iheyre Ioctory Irorrted and when theyre Irol walking on Volkswonons were working on Ihenr AI even more VW Inclory courses that the entire shipment being leslad is thrown outl And on and on It goes Ior every lost port that goes into every last Super Beetle We crozy maybe but the only way we know to make soruethrng as close to porlecl as Is possible Whydo they kee bringingout MWWIINIIIVBII Is something wrong with lost yam For III esl25 yours wovo done sorrretlrhrg olso nobody also thought oi doing We didnt spend oil our rrronevwerklng on OksWeve worked on the works Who wants to be driving cor Ihotll look couple oi Wm Bid in couple ul yours ortywuyl And the money thats saved by not re tooling lor lrlvolous new styles each year gals poured rlghl hock Into the cor So youll lirrd lntolllgenl and desirable things on Super Boelle that you wont llrrd on marry more expensive cars lIkmAsooledbottomMcPherronslrutironr suspensionJS wheels Ior longer llro Irlo Nog oIive sloerlrra roll radius II causes the Super Booths tomove sIroIght ahead as yourbrake when one side oi the car is riding on Ice or snow Peri that are lrrlorchnrrgeoble lrorrI yeor TheVWSLIperBeella we send them to regularly so they can even Iurrher porloct their lochniques and knowledge iotolly or our expense When you work as hard us we do on norlectiug car you yuri rqunlly as hard at periocting the men who vork mr rhe curs 1h ot It It It hilt villain lligil so little when you soil It Sirorrgely enough one oi the nice thlrgs about owning or Super Beetle is soilrrrg It Since Ilroyre built to hold up doprecroliorr is held down In sense the older II gels the more valuable it gels look around and chuck the prices ol used Super Beetles Because they rarely look used the pticos ore generally high Quite olton your old Beetle will be worth more than some your old cars that cost Iwrce as much to begin wrth Common sense again When you make sorrrullung that losisoverylhurg oboul ll wrll lust Which might help to explain why more Booties have been sold over Ion ntlllicrr than any other single cor modol In the history ol auto monulocluring And why more OI thorn ere slrll on the road ll youre looking lot cor thats proven Irron eetuully deliver what it promises year alter your drop Into your nearest VW dealers end look very ceroiuliy ut the Super Beetle II nothing else itll or loos roussure you that semebodyn lllll around who believes making It lost comes that Kerv JohnelonMolors Limited SSA ROAD AT GOWAN STREETIAlllllndrdl jnllin rnr swim21 rirrriad 74 331 In tar1