on Oriental Cults Called fAEClSY Sell Counterfeits Ey mm comm AP Religion Writer rtwxonnim Slosi eitheoriwtnlculltlmme ImdilbuIndItnnw pinimui Ute Iethmr pdondepertmmt al831 mle Universkv iI mute m1 dlselmultle the poem Ind tailor Wilbtdv melon tor Armthn mm Idded Theyre not only utperlleiIl timeMm peg dittlnttt as nice ltd eeey theyre rurietture oi the That It Iheui our runu with the US mIny oi Item in hunt lolloulnu llbIrIli to Whorin on Eutcu religion and Inthor ot moral hoot mu Orin tnl phlloeuphtu Hid preeiloee in or run un euy loll Ihnteler will entail on Protesictnts Catholics Opposing Oppression GEORGE CORNELL AP erlllun Illrr NEW YORK IAli no man Write Aretbhnop Iiel tier CIrnerI oi limit moire rmtly ol polle Illvr Mw Flu hlI nominal and It the religion oi the world do not bring murIl Will to bear upon ihou mpnmiNI tor turh crimes humInlty will no lmsrr trurt my weak in the uume oi The mhtnthop premier in Norway with PeopleI Pen Drive at $5000 tor hit Itnlnie on hehIll oi hu tloe Ind nomidmoe uml to he virtually Item will ehurrh leniiuw in hit out inue people to he beeeuee itI altered iron mm and pope did It to inch thern oi the nl eornlnr to grips rlh their on reitIlout Indie tiou Ind hadnwnd ADllEJlEIIS LAZY Tlheyrp loneliectunily luv he said they were it dished to plenuINy to Into In than some tort cl hirer It gives them cheer to re ed in WIU Itnse perientet in the Best Ire re minted in reentl Ddubloiny The Odin Robe raid most at the in the us Ire not Io rented by inning monastic mam in in apt Anthem Hindu nod llud dhitt reliIiune otter In doorman Imotnt Merrill Ind prolound indiume literv alum Dd modes oi thing but the Americde rertlou diliute it tor merohnndlntnl WI What resent the way they tmrlorm it to make It pniIteble Ind not Fennel up dlndiy II the only me matey demerinr rein to the erizlrel mm lie nil about donen lend top unlirnitiee lure urelltot pronm ln Orientnl phllmo IpukeI clash with mtlitnry re plmeu not within at Cotiwltm int PMMIDII to 7am Invanrnent teetlet South Anni pertinllay I1 Bret Ill Ind Gite new it thawing up but lbem out in the United Staten in the tint Ictlctl oi it kind the IdmtnietrItlvo hoard ii 115 Catholic itme nu ulleetri preroth oi hu man right in Chile and lira rli Ind urretl the 115 turm mrrit to mate it couldnit Ihl eondlilunrl on ehunirr in liaise polirliicp CIT PRIICEDENT the US hithope euld 1h noted in nulkinrity wi Author in mile nod Drnrll New York Citys Highways Are Collapsingz By PETER KEANE NEW YORK tltrtrterl An old mexirn IeyI tint New York with grout town it they ever rot round to tinislinu There in mlotn damn that they ever will limitless huma Iionx to the rhythm ot entwiner uud Help on on the ethlIhmudeei lier ot the cityI Iiryeerupenr llur It Irmmd level the lmlllc lciu ltl wa tiuouph mine told oi pothoi New York Lilyr hipthyI Ire celtrpttnr Thin winter no pntolwp crown have been but ilililll in the oracle creveee Ind chasm whirh open up duliy un der the puundlnr oi wheel and romeo oi ieo lint tiny hardly Min to tone mfllll lWho illblritdlcpom new on run we dry durtnii the January uww Itorlm No hlnnhnttun dVClIlloletr DIM Madison or Filthll tree oi eruten There it herdiy eroeaown street without hery oteel pinion covering emit until the urowt pet Ilounrl to thing tinm HIGHWAY COLLAPSE it took the actual collapse oi ttrrttlt nl Irterlni highway in December below it not do clued heunieun not closed truck driver lumped lur hlr iii In the root pm way The til inner Iurvivn with norbere thet moire iiiie Ihlpe But pri vute em to been hlultd unto Iidewntla when the driver timed lulu In unexpected pothole lho West side llithwoy co which hnndiu It lent halt the totem at doliyeommuttr lrnt tie into llnnhIitun was eluted Iionr two oi tin hurtert Iedloul in lrhrunry Tho om lotuurul thruutlt meldentinl Itroeir while engi neer examined the Itructure lor renal lulzue in the Iup prrtt Alon excimlve Centrul lork Smith puvlnp pivot wuy to wood It moreth goes on benuth lrn ri refiner rrpiy to Arman the they Ire dr lnfUtOiliNtmlth undinr by uylnii they wont to be niro their etlorit are not oin nxxied in Iuothrr it yearn hittudetl however Itin more deviout intent behind the cliyl poor wail nuilntenunce Curr lure never wei tume in bettieneokcd New Yuri and lnorutuee in the tl toll im ptml It nlmt ovrry bridge and tunnel lnlu llunhntlun ore belnl toruliiered II turther tkterreni llle ally troll corn Are tow envoy poier with mer eilesr elite uncy For the return nl hit on driver Icon too mdevei lee Ind ltnthor dIyt euro in wivnlp lot code anywhere up to it SELL JOYCE LETTER LONDON tlieuietl Letterr And mmnertpln or Irish writer Iurnui Joyce latched newly $2100 ut uttcllon lhurntiny Moot oi the in lull told anony hiu won tinnnei horn you ll lnrtnilniim thte your at new mouxlyuwet bourln by the New York dealer llorne oi 31 hit their desire In mall Ind ml student thI iield wild hm mhlu with Him tutu NOTDRY 2AM Bhultl Li Dir teeth ch IO indict what it nilxi trInemierni medt tattoo ottert ton nine hut Ireetly mertllmaliilen Io II to nuke tow dunmdl on he mu Dogma ut the worr itcLIIiy oi the will he said most at then enter tepid Ind been written Irma idioI zlrln when the malty weer lie all Iutheotic Orl Ni elm MD II LtrnI 00mm Nomi lIil oi the on realm Went BImot Vt Ilitl Mdor Onto dont momenta their om ihcir loilew Tho pawltrim cults hue aweIsl themth the United Slnu Inl Connie In new the muliest oornmtmilie hmtlvtr grtetlelnx punu lit trivln hmloeu he InLi llo noted to Imple hi the it ershnI tell $1 million worth ol been Innuelly tie Idlel lir good in tome memin that the protest had the bee in oi hitherto In the 1ng South American totin lt we INrtoric Ietton IIhl Rev Mrlrh hltuln head oi the us Catholic 0m term lain Ameriom Ilivl Ihn noting tht the US hioh Itchy wally maintain diplomItie Ilium Ibout lore rlrn mime luiltor tlctlulre wire recently mndn IiIolrtndnx trip to Chile Neill proton truth the child loed enhipthere it the mileI mltilury iontue olertluow oi the nitrite emrmui tier let Pmi Snlvntlnr Allenle lui lIli Tether htciiutre aid in hit report WHO 531 Wm cried bentm inhmtdaimi lint with no poorlbllliy oi lludinl work expelled lrem univereitlee Ind rived ut constitute tutti er politi eul mama III told Ilrul Cardinal 51 mat oi the Menu DW demure mt her kept low protlie heplnp the problem rouid be worked out quiet hut in top mutton now ls he man will take Iilaticr liltnd ATTACK ltlltllllll llraiil Cidlwllt like With the booking at min iy Protutnnt lenderr lent yerr clothed wordy with the mill lIry regimel thereduirinl it men or nustco in timtk ut Ipowoe in putorol eiter entitled lluve llurrt tnr Cries It lily People Drurilion hiahope tell reltglnul wonder eheurti pceomilkrt rumm IloIL and economic ex ploiiotion mnirlnd tho rlttl richer and the nor mum Acknowlodxlnr preview occ eientIttleIl rilenre tho elerle told the church in the putt ol ten wad equated win the dominating melt iieioyinil the mmh the people to lltr erutu tlwmselveo but It met no tumor in no The document like lndivld uIl rriticimi oi llrnzllt ortlm hy the Llnerummi but won clrculutnd privately Altimuh report ot political inmrltomnentr torture and other unwell have come lrnm Ilrntll time the milllnry regime took over in loot the mliilury heart Gen Erneetu tonal ha been teen II ol letan wtlbility oi modi linti ItllNI Some church lender met rotenlly with allot to tho rem rrnl win in Luther in in on wind pl oerwrrhlp Pretzel Relumedlo Origin Dy GEORGE CORNELL AP Riki Wrier NEW YORK tAPt ml mu mrolutrd dim ei breed the prepel we in iu nelson that burn tut win And theret more Iloot to re vive the enzurn Paints tor God the name oi the trim not in Phoenix Artl to tilt pre iii Hi per twee Ind rpiritnti mug dlap Easter the Idea in eInpht ou ire meuioutlp here Into your Ind old Ihl Gothic Ind hoe eIiIntI My llulene 3r leak til themgtl mu the Netti Ind restore it nil rloue use amrim new matinee II In ll oi Christian tour to no lIm on It the Ilnrtupnlrllot on Alh Wednewa erpiIlI to miidren the RUM with at the trel to rent it on euh ItI etch dayol tut It the muted meal opening with prett prim recaliiu IIr Chrixilnn we or lite pretxe KONG in lpurl rIn us we Iy we too my he rursnded by the deiy Ilrm 01 there pretrelr to observe the halo neuron oi unit with true deletion end not wiritunl truli 1b nretuel purh comet It time when unite ointment Iro more open to tnnovltlon new tint ltornIn CItholieluu mmlulory truUnl Ind Iheu nmu ironr meIt Iii throun the period on lined Instead nl tocnsin routines ol dietuy lmllIilont the rim now in Catholicism and also in Protreinnthmlr en pollllio proIrInu or wirituni Irowth turn rpodIi Bible Iiudy Ind retiriou retdlnr Ind memorin lo ltd there in Ar tor the Ielt originr Elev Fund Vrlaer oi lol ton lioqu Catholic whom no lie history oi ehrletlIn cut it wind Iurpria Ritel with umber oi Orieliu lolpnyer he lined ill lorrner ruler at cm 199 As Christan Lent Symbol Ipritinl meme lertenL HI In the tan line mud he no in the nth elm II mm been 11x it zenith eny oi Izur our Ini ut Ilse pent ooIIdII but new or rain min lien in tent in Delta linen it still the the torn el in purer It mindnp In Out um tI lime ot prayer we who Welter lie mind the idea ol net in the pretnel rmiun elm II Itlll new the breIdn eroded everywhere and llm allowing ovodmrnent own In tom the atom the tulip wet utdhllthed in it Ind yearn el no or with 01m have yin ed nothing lor the lndtInI Ito nid the temp in not uteri to ill molly uw Ind the led erIl overnment we to return the had It the end oi the See nod World WIr ELI milliIry ntllelIiI Mid wuh rttll in needed lralnlel centre tor rentin unopt oedeit Ind meme Ihl it Deriinr hm Id mnldi mm It CFO melon the We tor Western mid return It the trip to civilian not mild be tun HUI military ONLY 3A8 IN AREA in one at the III eIdot tum compo in he aid There in only rtliu rean neu Clnlhnm the undue tntniuI Alter uni ltwoddln vetrtpetolttnk ngIeIIOweiISoundurCrB In tune nian Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AMELIA lllt TIN SUNDAY MASS IIludIy 1M pan IIIM live Iiil Inn limeaura IeeI WIDNIIDAY EVENDiUl Illt Inn ltluI preceded by lIrtth Devotion Iill PENDAer Mum it no 1x30 pm need church you hunpertevmeen lnu lnllloyou doAnti church dun piveyou thin mounlnpwhenllglvee you In underetendlnp olGod At ouuervlnlyoull heurIBlhle Lessonthnt plveeyau ucInIrJiun IdoI cloud end new CHURCH or run NAZARENE inspiration grilutlatlu your Iongln Why notconte next sundoynnd one it churchlnntluelwhnt youve been noodlan CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Church HervlrrI Ind BundIy School In ill Collier TrIilmon hlrrtln Second llrdnertlIy ol melt IllIItu It mo pm ltrtdlnr Itoom Open Turn Wrd Thu 24 pan Thurr lrlomt pni Corner It VlneeI live it ltIrrlI PIItun Robert linden mom llll llAltAMU BINDER Gospel mu 6le Il Inn Ind pin TRIS BUNDAY rou Ana mvirrn Io menu iUTHERAN cnuncn A20 Steele Street Dllril Rev John Klein Parlor tlul uni other WORSHIP SERVICE 100 Im ESSA ROAD Pmrrterlnl nml In RI It lute It It Net 10 Telephone motto Mn til Martel GaulIt IIiII LII MeritI In BUOWINO all DEATH Btrrlmeet It the Indn Ipper Nnnrry IIeliittet Animate Ml IIn met School Inlet to Trent ST ANDREWS PRESIYTIRIAN CHURCH Corner oi OIeI III entry ltl nitnltterr liIv BIIIIII Siturt hlA ALDII Ornntrlx Cu VII lleniert hIIrIInI lVInhlp li Inn PALI SUNDAY anIinu II Sell It Word lIroIdrui Clint out um nun Men In um In It the rum will It mm in In In ml to no It tat NIIIIIIIIA would 1mm l0 III were it plIrtI FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH E23 Crthnrd AL llIrriI till Inn lundIy oean tor the our lImlly pan literal smite Wedmery Iitt pan chrhtlIn tirein lieu Rev lVIynn Dunun TINT Ceereluy lit4m tire DonnI linnlhrrler Friendly lVeloornI AIIltI You Pennykrtu than Ominuullnl mtuthlih Dmelrlr MILKmum ll Ln Merlin Womb m7 Ch nude III II Nunery IIdtitlu II III Chum kneel tor Ill nu Wednexdu nae pm Bible MIA III Prutr Bretpate llama II Mkellml uh THE DAHAI FAITH melt MeetlIn IIIu lill IPUNODOAII ROAD HARRIS 1231 Cello HeineII me we the METHODIST CHURCH lutleld It DIltoI It Cert BID IA ID Inter APRIL II III IUNDAY ICHOOL moo Il MORNING WORSIUP mo pm IVENENU BilYER GOOD MAY SERVICE me put Gupel sin Futurinl The JUDlLAlItE QUARTET Friend or the tumult Welcome FIRST CHRISTIAN uromrn cuuncu Pull ll rm ill MilII St nIII new WORSHIP untilan llzn ll lemon 1ka Bum Mm RIN DICI SI Gd 11W Clit IM lll Mm It In CHIC TOO In Til LII UNlTED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Benton Iirid Al fl Glenn Or llIrrle SundI It lMD Irn 100 pm lltlACtlllO LIVING lRlST TO DYLNO WORLD Futon immune heat TTCIM tor trIIIpartItleI IUNDAY APRIL II WEST 0R0 BAPTIST CHURCH lTrloemeI yen to their SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE the Itdur tkenpetiennl intro and It tilt pm lIrtor Brown PASTOR FRANK WUEST AND PEOPLE OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Ill St Vincent Start IiIrrie lNVlTE YOU TO WORSHIP WITN THEM TOMORROW mt Im Bible school moo Inn PUMOSCIUL ENTRY 1M pomODD ll EVERYWHERE SO WHAT THE liAlClllllEN QUARTET will provkle mutto or the Event Wmhlp llonr DAllRlEl TREND DULEtnELtEVlNil MISSIONARY ulUIlCli THE ANOllCAN CHURCH ST GlLES CHURCH It Cool Street Unit Tunhl Lorne llem MIN Ctmmtnillll no ttetyc Mob not not It It itJPl or run lone plum el rm PIlutI ST EORGES lierlol Ind ttnIville qudIy lrnlen lite lloty nonunion III hlurulnp Prayer lteeteri TRINITY CHURCH It CIIIlIr It IIY JIM III letter cm Ilnil AIII PALM IUNDAV MI pomRm rmmInItI munenumm him Iro etului MIliiltI II millaetnllith AIMInt Iiunlrn IIII NIIIvInIIIIIv Itmrn HOLY WIIK communion The It it tine nixlone elevated expr way Bonita ruolufglun tllthL unnnr yvvivirvvvvvvvvvvv HI WAY CHURCH ANNE ST 400 HWY It In menu and II an Communion It hurt in ISUNDAY scuoor 00 em lALll IUNDAY 7pm IllVly choir Cpeeitl Alriu 1W1 Illder PuterI lieum ThmI Good Nun TeplIhi ymwulod Drove It IIII It Owl It htlIIIierl Itev Arthur atom COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH lll COLTEli tNIiAlt CITY HALL moron win rnrrl PALM SUNDAY The Lerdt Beneluer 9x10 end ti on CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Iton III Imit dimlI VWUNTDOWN TO IIIran lit Im PIIoIlII DreIhlIIt Center CIrcl deheol Ind Cudmnlon Out IIM lIlrn lnIdIy Communion no lieerv lion It New htemhm erhIrd Green PIItor lie Ernul Smyth VltitItlon Yeti In in la worship with or thin Pltnt lend PALM SUNDAY IIM Iur ItloreinI Wonhip Retention It New hlrmtrrl lilo Inn Clulrlttn Edneltlon at it uni II 11 up whip WATCH vACTIVE PAiTH lleteleelha King In Cehll lV Ch cmlnlu WellerII mo pm none not put an lleIt Thin Week ruler Green mil AvIlIIhle noon WWW Airmen omnnlr In to amlllt Yeur PIntteottIl Autmitiiu pl CInIriI Ctinirigliioh Cultl United Church uunrow AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Iillnlrterr Ilov It ti lnrdoI tnetu Itilo Lenten lorviee nuclear lIrueI It Will Ppller Emerita Inner lreo pm hum Theater oervioe reinnu are rueu hover tumorcumlwnuo Remember the Crutl Good IrlitIy Drenlrlnl ol lIrrId liOO pm Church Inherit Noll un lid 1th wt Nerve lacilitlel AIIliIhlI Ermpne lleleonn