Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1974, p. 1

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TOIIIIIIDOSTIIIKESWINDSOII mmolmlm new nmstm murmur IELIPHONIS Graham was lair chum Murals mu Ill Ulla $112 lunarundo auto Examinot Barrio Ontario Canada Thunday April 1914 WEATHER FORECAST WWNMLM was Ilia mm for Manson II For Copy CarrlIr Norm DIIlIIry 70 Wultly ll Pagu BUILDING thus hm not till mm It to crows lo curd runny II yvljltgltll vau rtrruhm President cargo Ponvirluu wn burtrd Itorin aitcr church Irle In tile corridor It orIIIIlorI ls iIIIrIin Iho privan olghlrnlirrrlrr Mr In retardants wur Iim Itlr Iurtrpldous tlsllnl with lvla rhurt eulogy try Iutnl ll Pumpirlou had mtrnlry use In Orvllitorr it mllrI In Paris anti rrlrl In note riltcn to months ago that ho antttl to be burlrtl Ihcrt Doiaro the burial lolruiltlotil Iduw CIIIItlr IIlltl IIII associ tcs In llvo four In Wm hrid Iimrrlu unrral Iorvko In urII IrI ucrwltuxo with his Mitmmm un mmo Innlshod brulnen tho Cnmmma lm Martian NILIonII tallwm ilnnnrlrrgblli ma tho Sonata anuvvrrrg extrusion oI tho Vttcms LIltl Att IVMI Paisagoal tho VIA bllicamrr lming utilcimr by Gorgcs PompidouBuried Today litter Simple Funeral Service to toss to toss tuosttngthtnntorhltlho Thornton Iroa mm III IIIn uncommon that tho srnat and Idam wire Ippaovrbol In Daisy in mm Iracu Ii nnnclng bill rw Introduced limit to ms was coined wishes Poarrpldous coIIIn was Import mly with tho hutch Ilug willrout iImIIrI or wroatlu Tho oroshorr mo Irrorvy II aim at the III St wat hold ngolmt back4 gmxl 0i rruclurt mm charriI tttrmh lurrpltlou had led thIyICiaIIdo le htr lmmrdinlo loudly and mcmbm at tho Ircnch gmcmmmt IV Irndttt tho Iorvlco In tho chmh barely ooo tort lrorrr lira Ports rnarinxnt where Pom Itldur rllcd tlhllo Iiro iIIIi rilrs tor III rcxllittlt were under way frth Kglitlolons mIIIooIIvrcd tgtitiIId Iocno over bls rue mrrion but rclmirmt Irorn rrIIlr lng patrllc Illllllllllr roposed Health Ditciplines iicl 1o ticollcsu vi Dental Sur IIIIIId Wcuuctriuy Ito wri wsilhc primal llrulth Dis imp Act inlroducrd in the mic Irgltinluro nlrstlny wchavo bLtll Whitlth ltiI II thtw yonn IIo ruld III In crvlow he not would Inrorrrorrrta IIII rIInIt Irgislallorr conccrrlltrg IIIII OMOHKllNs tIocIrrrr lured IIIIrIrI Intl nhununr akaruw rulti uuu uI tho Turning HouSeMcly Be Dream iilNN tCll UIviDIlvI MINI mlrrlrlor tiocurt utitrrrrrrlr hops tor lira av Iv Irurrlly cvcr arming III hurrrl My lltIIIllctIIrrr til IIII vmlst um ttosou NI Ilrritlcr owns Ir wutorlmrrt trust luaua IIle with IrItnIo apartment W31 tint pronto morning on 1000 your now havu ninth to look lor iu In tho way hunt but hu lune nturullal W5 rum to this My aim They Nil Mimi lslriy deconl tifilillttclataotII elcomed By Ontario Dentists IGIIIIIVA Icru llr IrIrr tram prrtltlvnl ul tho Orr thu ucl will permit thrurlirro to InIIuIIu lIIIu lilo medical urrtl piryrlrrtl cupacit dolliiai Ila raid II rollogo now lIISptdl dentist is no longer carrablsui oonlIIu his praolt lice disciplinary Itlca II the ony mortar The now Itl would sllow such Irrmlirlrs without Iublcttlrrg dorrtl Iathalprotcu Dr Zairarow said tho rollm will IIIIIIII Iubmisrlaru to tho tovcrnrrrtnir rociul Ilovciilt Itorry Wm 1th pm may mm Ibo lIrt union itoyal mart at tho VLA blli making It law some about tvm lmtI uttertinal roaring Tho bill month tho Irt aoo your to Mm ll rm Ithad brm ottrorlulcd to ex piro last Sunrlsty but the gown mtnI Irrcrd to In cxtrnslon It lho Now DormII Um orrcd to Ida toms with tho Comervalues Io ricth Ibo mlnrxtly thmls on tho ism TORONTO ICII litmirw prim III MrimpoliiIrr mu coritlnuo to war and tho To mlb ltml Eatllo Dmitri hm inward Ilm blackout no DIII Front PogI ChIilIngI How about danmIa lob dualIla Is no It Yawn aIn IIIIIII rommlllco Illcr rha bill III torch lnimlow hlr Ilarrrlirrnttn said hi Nonio anztrtmrrrt Is one which any mount homo tumrr oouIIl aI Irrurlrrt lilttw camr could at Iont to you TAIIGIIT IIV WILSON As rtrxlmt It lilo urrrrlurr School at Brownies otItr the Scotva World Wnr Mr llillltlll IrraII studied unritr Ionro nilth Irtlnirut Armin rxtahiy Iirliislr lrirrro itilnlstrr lILrviIi iiwiltlll Ilamldlnrld tIr liurllrmarr IIIId ho utont Irnlnwarlmli and his uriladrbulsly ls Itrmly In cunt no comm lTin tlrspirrtonltw In than ulmvmwar Mia Jonas Ilg rim Ira IrrlacaII viIlIIlns tr to do their best MK IItmt controls couldvurtngo Itss privabr Invorlmt intIIvIIIIIIl homo bItwra said ma hortroi Ilrlost by dabbling II IIL llr Imllrman IIIlIlOIItado Itinlbotlltwolalmatng rrlsls CANT OWN HOME think it Is visit when lii uho on coming Noni highbrowouttI mor Irrrn 11 the homo ho IIIIo In III not Isis III lomu at MI having ItlquItl them House Okavs CNR Senate ApprovesVet vrrnrnsot Im un Iblolom Ithlwwmoiiotua Board imposes News Blackout On Multiple Listing Service CLAIMS lIVESf Isy om mw sum as is Im 35 tbs root In one at Nil Mor Outing aw it It In all not clear today Ibeibar the dunno Ins carried by Inudolbich who train dildala laid bit Mrorbyalima Itorm tbatbroIIthIiodr ag1o nrllcsanbour PUBLISHERS na BIrrIe EIIrnlarr III INth am May by Ian urinal and rumoursy per marl This IIIlion III mud ly ll umber ll tho kick manquer IIlaI tour an Initial DU th Isa It rm Iln yntrrdly Irra ot urrrmryr orchid Inducrng ercrns gBill mmr um Im ltklrm In um no out railway in pm rntyukr umv at III dim tom oI blli laat rook Iolnprm lbaOumtotrsrtuhttl pangs nuonotrlawom Ibotmrr Ibo ot Ibo 8m Its paws on int dilatation tho art no till extrusion was passed by tho Olmmrm Iho VIA provides loans to qrralliltti war vrttraus tor IhI tutti turns at Mr or givin the bill llnal trading mu an approval motion callingI Ior mtrrmlttca study at post tmpmvmrtnts to tho not loam nvailablo Inter tho art how not hm churgtd In nine years ond lrsvo tort oIIothlnl or their original wrttmtng pawrr mics limos Iur IIs Multiple Listing Scryloo bust The dollar llrrrm II Irrudo Forte mlrht tool tho iIroI III mum all board spokes man Worlnmiuy lbnwvcr Ir maritot may Io leased by Loiugo Ltd ray that in tho tint quItcr ol mt tho Imago qu nice oi bout do or now III tho Motto area In 0715 an lIIcMIu oi $3200 over tho sumo patent lust year III month tiimJ tor lut tlro our Ilmr tutti vamlu cro virtually minox Irtori III towlywrnntotod hours twicch and apart mnhtas Balm Irca awry says tho total Volvo ol tom ltltl In Ilttm In tho tint ouster was HIM million the at 47 per curt Irvm tho tunparablo Itll WM trim rotor on uhittr ills tom mLtIlan ll six per out rather thou the tin pcr cont char ed arr tildtullb litmus torment to per Int or total or shelter bowuso pmpla for tho Imst part III Molnar Mlle litalritgqv ory or pcnny IVII In IIbrrrI Ims raid build orr aro not briltltng Irerm any more in pronto who cant $1500 to mm your Pcoplo making less than It too III raid would IIir navor be Ibis Io Illorrt Ihcr own homo on not tr ttmo matriru about 100 no how suns plotgum mouthIt will bring It aclr ilan Ito realm at poorlbtllty MPIvvmo Mahdiutteri IbI Sonato dirt Int Iowa or uvitily In tor tho pro is to malro aorrro tlnamtal lltt Icon to on Mr awn imam Inut Tug negtrio Exam bar pm tly bad pr ration diluted this paII Mnary Irvrm Ibo paper In Iblr to bo oabilrbrd dud aim ll Inrulsd gmllnd an IN saw llmm Tenanty bond Ibo 100mm RCMP In htrr ma orvilco at MMMnmy o1 qtmlonubls Mil Igt krillrrIIII and having II mm hm In romth Menr Solicitor 0mm Mirnale rad Ontario Solkiwccnrrsl atom Km bouilrmctl this wool tint Uniltd Rain rrimlnals and money to Ontario to be laumlomt llm Vrmer Ialtl III In brim vrrw thbrotluy the mom oi Iuth murky Invesan hm Is not known but dtra examples in ho Laundoreti Money Said Invested In Many Toronto Businesses Tortortro torimn Iota manna main ptnuuxlmlaotate comm trorrr US loatdng to wit como tut Then Ion ll other parent wand hazing nor man Bid in critical million Ibo worrrtr Ind rtect Iruno Wilding was will in II hail 91101 It om towed In tho dlfa mast Hod III Ina domi by commercial domino am mitrrroco today Nit hid Gordon Mon nu tho mm mm mlvod WWI ILorrrr warning STATEMENT nihrl rudi II Ilnrd meat with lb lath whirl Md III II III would Ibldo by the nu rsIt maltrt daring mthaial ugdiallou mills In III annual Im MICM IverLian Iron man IItIl oibrr Ictlur IIII ldIM lard by lilo intran Imphlcal Ulla handgunL In roars Plbiilit Ild Carri Mull tor the area Ilkldi tut bra Rot iron Tomlin to IRI pro nlrial path dotaamrotr WARNINGS lllllMDCAST our the IIIamt rfnrrn no Iidrly break on Ira no and tcltrisiar at turn It large print club across the rm born the nIIIIb link Islam It the Lorrn as uhool dorm the ltmt Eleanor Sui vo It Ins insidg the In rili laid them II III artful martial rmM Mild the wall rorrrlrrg damthen Irr We tolling on In at mo III lty knitting Iprdors lllld throttm Ibo We min to dctNmine the cam oi tho traaedy Police tortured oil the am Ibo the walls Ht ooding mi to main mu mitt lbrro Irro tl Persons taking part in tho mixed boosvicl Ind Iblut other Wotan to dliim theories on tho rm ot tbs mi km ban III am cart SII it nitric ii nlng muck tea MI ltl lint mid Its out Ihow MIMI rrrlatd norm Ia buyhgw atbldxoml IILIIIbut Incnot the whim ml to tho Ml mute tho Innuonmmyu an ItlmUtItldn po3 lltvarar Idtothonroua priority Dorm ollha mmryIIottuo Imo Animal Gunmisaioorr Krnmh cm bl tho Ontario Per Cent Ontario Tax Credit Predicted in Upcoming Budget mom to Donniri hiacDaruid Now DmrocrIlJt IIrty tumor at tho Ir Iqu lot Toronto Your South amid the Ontario budloi to tsbkxl ii will Indus Iho mvinc II tax mill to thrco per at Itroux rrrditnowilom pcr Nut at Immo tax extmotions minus two per cool at IIxabIs tutorm My unbound the last Moro kill an portions IroIII acma Donodn rumored It MA traderer Tle Contro mum ParIr OrtlIlI on tho IIIIt do oi Ihs Iliih Ilt trust Ontario Rumour rial sales tax Introuts to Iotrrr It per cent mlnmuaumu such tax au mud mutt IIIer tor the atrrno IIIth in 10 Wuimn wcttr oi tornmt you Moro vktimr wrro thought bonva limog tbs Illrm Alma tho deal or Eldon It tho Nikita torrttnLIsloIIcr iioslai ofcials WM bihttr dad Donald Uitie SI prmnnri director oi tbs Windsor board ol Wilton itth Aliza ourtcrcd Dd WINE Ski lMihd owner at tonal strptnmrkl Dr James draw maria Firm It yom dict Two lieu II rite and Ale Dona to In mom MAN unmutt In Belarrzrr at nearby LI 51119 was in crilxal wodrtion The rurilng rink was one Windmill mm entwin lulu Monoumxaom TN Ibm so It Intuition summon to tho me marry Irurr undia towm around tbs nutty Ind Item Milan Int in It Tin rlelrIttI also mind actual Irnallcr our in he IrrI to otlrr ao Iistance Emy anllabta polrca attitu Wu rolled on Ibo tint and inhmi on him to luv rw Initials Vidal tbrndrr In light uog Iiorm In hmlru mm It run It the little with II no to to mitt In hour mlber ottiro rs Willi Ms um bathed Hm In mm It Ibout pm It lvdmm all would Ippollr tint tho Macide swooped to tho groutd Ilr my Iuno mm tho bulldtrg do mml to that ttro IlrtntIIro clotod WorSt Cmagkr 11 THE mm mum llrmsdocs struck an area lltetthlli from GeorglI Io OII Pmlmd MN tario lat thIneoIi Ind early Wm today killing moro the Ioru tho uvnt tornado death toll In ball cnlury anr Thollsuids ol iitltlrits and millions ot tiolIIrI III darner roouittd Irotrr tho Iwirtm that bit mm oi cilirs Ind towns leaving Imoy In Ibsrrrbl Ital the tourr limit In myaltwtlrmwmlo was dom ytur rorrrtt prodrct rrr ourpcrsuru Wm Ly mm Him and am than to wrro homolcoo in tho community mm or Mil to arroagul trIpptd In oiorturnttl cars but lio rsiJIIItIlrd tho may IIIIVE IIerII um vmmm Iront Ill III oi Dotqu will In Ilwwt lllms durinl tho tunthy prodlrtrd boavmulpmrnt was unnblo In molt traid cost Ihc nomi trot Iivo ourrsurrottro Iovcromrnt tho vehiclcs 270 million mm with million last your mum tho rtrcots to tilt ltholr neighborhoods MI tit Ilnryod building lovcllod rIIi Ll ideal Marlo but InHallf Century way can and trucks uponth by tho Vlth wind Ihll Itnrck tho mtduwtrnr and southern United Stairs Ind Illttrntd rIrriiM rink In labor OIII killing right persons Kenturky wand to bo tho uorst hit vtth TI known dud Ind btuutrods oi Inttrod Alo bvma reporttxt to IIIad Indiana to 1bnrromo so Ohio to Goon III Iii Ontario rlrtrl North Carolina our Michigan mm lliltioLs too Ind West Virginia one Barty today two Iorrrsdocs hit the town Monday Bridge WVa about 50 miles Iotrlbrast ol mum IIIIIa out person and InIurIrIg mm olhcrl Worst Shun 15 Tho rumpan cont rnoro IIvrs than Irry writs of tornadoes 1an limb I3 195 when tulrtar tut throurh three In Icstrm Itctcs killing I589 Tho him tornadoes In tho mlme Bil Ill cm assassin DWlNNlNGTlLM Ivrlkrblo mv Bolero and llIrrio mmnlli trusts Artant wlnhm FROM WI airs presldrrrlt itlario Deane MI stouort light tru mnllb ternstlohal Riolit in mm prim band in route It IIIIIIIIr photo by moralan

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