minnow nirvana Emarltua mum MILL 1m anon KGoodulIouSing Suggestion From SimcoeCentre MPP Arthur Evans tiCimoooCcntrel could he at in bait Setvital iota ltl made good comment the other day when he suggeded that the government guarantee loans to enable nationalities to ptudnse service and tell land at uni mastoidb iaomcumtn ltr along with parliammtartam in ed that the private home beyond the grasp at even perwnu Doublime ot th proumptcti hy pressure tmni hie oonstl ED nightly so it Ila notmee lo caged even lowmcome my to have m2 yttdtiiw The mumdml landbanlr could cut tho prim ot serviced lot outsidonhly and make it tar outer for prospective limit own it chasm hirEwn5 predicted hnxi mat nnnz Barrie out into the tandhanting adtame which would halva the price would nitan caningable rel now In the SimoooCenlre MPP we so mmber at concern il nishing chmuftt is prhlnm land d1 intion ma variant levels at trotking together on the pro the sari part prior into ans all they have done is talkabout ermirnt ot attemptai mitiona ela ot latiwithniimr EEK While ammonia ink the price ntr Andihe littleally twndora it thorn ever will beany length at the Ortario mulling waiting lists in his community that what goveart mont actfvn there has been proceeds at arrailn pace ion Ha hat by the lint inns in mum Unlimited Edu panamath win my WW a3 SE it Jt Ho ay noN ourth Maa Dunn gear Egg nature in itdma term not and ntnrrat inuret rat i2 wrMnciftwrttt mutu Nara Invite mMMM 45 QivzGemm Farr Pingti is too hard to no government Impt 50 as vial tum in 3mm Conantlieutenant Bank Examlnlr April Angry 5mmm axdhange at ttmt Council between aevv ml alderman over propmiraiso solary help mm mm com on S250 Vol medical otiicor of health Dr Mm has Bern mm and annan Rogers lnucased Girl my Cam wwsmm an his Guide acttvttyreportodby lira nme mm mm 1m Stewart district connmsstoncrp Goal Rmn um CM Mdengnd Mum mmwmmadvtn we Atlhiaiuat tor empre it Mr ml itdtttlcult iotorcsoeahmoum hovornratt with manhunt mun add lrom trawlele ll hutom ru not mm mare ind been ltatu titrei nit mwmi ill Wit National Advellm WM We probably will be htila Quest muddy mn pt ul Tm it It in Inter ebl to it how much at the term at theewnmitteo on Inmnohllu and ailterrain va hlcla il Wed ContemltoyBrOokandlibKirtvyBltlliLNi mm mm to Aalioit NOISE Then thug are thou peepia aha abhor the wire at the ma bum My WM dozen other amino vehirlu But the wtrmmoni Iiii be ytithotli 111than that tit cotade that anon problem la hubocomvtv nop dud mlmmwdm ithadnonotattntitunumber andttwontbe it madedtdalnnlenduna ht rm My In th Andqttitahnklyuld to Dave Stilt 1de Don Fimd forwards Don Bowen Ha Scott and not tang tainted on 11W tadttrea ht junior hockey tilub Georgian rotd lDinii WW minttot may catabiim when Clarke and Clarke company ninth dm Woman glovo taaory in Barrier leather rink at In nlr mam Stan Partridge and Austin itdtntght Georg Jameson and Herman Odbom in at Barrie starrch tor Vnmuver at tome win The Rancher nous n1 sidy or The Pride 01 Beef SAVONA BC 600m Farmer wottMth WW teathe undtrr aide Mary ilir Farmer and hiaturtiiy run on at tho tow tarntly ran ches loll in Mum Cniilmbin 0n indiatt Gardens Ranch abut leven miles trom has in the movinoea muior the Farmer tamiiy keep M100 held at rattle on 40000 acre nt aagebruah hilta mu mutton talca and toast Amona the many problch tail trim tau ara roll plague rustic aoarinl tredr ugh prim annwiea and Anti than time are the van ills who open the menu rat at him and tend gallon ht water rushing dawn thy mountainside Mountain milk with it tiny purple blown that grain in the grain when cattle ran vetcta Id lit der hi the antmala becatm once tiny are hookEd onii the atop rating aaa to poironint plat tack the cawa nervoua turn and malty kiila it We once had emit can drop head at we draya Mr Farmer said ctr tau pve thay tail arer tricked tuna and ogre lVDiLRiED Ul VETDI ttadtera at tttzr unita endtryinl dedde what in do about lhl poiaonovn plant THE Incl hm tnth womanly in acute anal hapemtutaiv muda nl done by thetoderal govern ment whitiuha expert Ivlll WWWithuuMzr But ht in con atant bait to keep the ma wit the vetda Maui araanothar thnat with which the rancher ntuat Una titular pinned aorno with truth net in holding nonat while in decided how to treat tiarrn mania made tip my Kind tor tanthey palm on CSn gm not caudally torn ot margin around And to malt mallara worn and in tho Illil rior antleer laat yea thmzn what aura virtually timaitt conuent The drought put bit at damper on the tnmiiyl toy in tin record 53mm price it otlorthec thwidtoiead al unit Wild Feed grain tltlt year is tab learns Farmer in It ton delivered and thall almost riotihie what it waa last year tn good taint Itor about onetizinl at our bet tarrma could nntie tor tood lry thorium but we had to teed them all Lilia year new qrvn ur But even With all thin ataclred against him Georg Farmer it not about aban OF PUNCH mum it 1mm aymna Trouser Domini Inrh We Dome ah WI dont mmhntuamtatmdnm rant trophy at Midland hominid Storv name mum Em 1W in mo and ttiaaa bun do to Iraduolli MANIA min the middle at tha MI and an atot Even thd in than duh My uda ta aux Wail Thorearethmbnnciauntvf KEEP 0mm GM in ct tint driving Hill with lur huonand MrI Fauna rttna in household km thick uu truth large valetabil garden and tnkza trim with the WhileNay anhool run la til 0er ill Wv Ind mother at tita dail dm rattine tram so to it Even the youngest motley ta learning thl coo ranchinl ratdn call av ery wart gilt incalut Beet Club iter anther aald Smiley la iaarninl lot Last year aha made at tor all her work and unenyelr aha went into tha What ahaa min in not in into the eatt hint neea laid liar lather gt ITINPPBD CRAIG Mont MlFerrite tinntatu Gov must Auden ama hum wan otl niaiil Lite blrimdtt Fm hatched tn yam women yer htrm an rotrtptti ailtotals allow merit Dave Midilmu at ltaiartnutd that Itile the peron in that bar henma quill unwind in tho girll utivttlaa vinyln1 than Study stab so hen av oea amuth the row it are Mull mung wratheithon tht 12 It God thouuh ot mummy on mint mt thrott any with Inehhylna 36 Mid IMy number at mu saw ti Holillde bolauthai ontltaaaenndpartot atrium itwutioinltomeettheprob torn Mr it united 1mm THOUGHT Wtutw Ittiltrn Limits 11 Tom EDITOR on mzumintr llritu my Mbuiiotutoltl wim to tho zolternolntnn kittrl ahonld Vbe MM in to word and It mat to alnel Irina will nvt be notied Wrttm limit in and me nausea and tele lhnunmbera AMIante uNBEATABLE Pia attendant FASayv Chlldmns New Easter Footinar ornrrstrapwirheiasvcomdea topllne urothano up to unit autos and altlnlit lining shit $black or dark brown onloura lndud utwr Boys aoytet tie chilord taaturtng soft urethane porn and tulionnble unit solos Bloc brnwn and colours 114 Including halt alley czhnuslhzronmmtggmriu 30 life anau wearln unlinottlomlaiabinm lining lwhlieoomblnatiortttt including altalzea formsa lottlooxtordvtith double plnioc Styied with urethane uppsrsandunlieoleaailutkbmwn 114Including hallslzoa moo shoe values not available In Minion or Egltnton and Brimley ntnroa Ttnmcttte Fm Hammd and 35W Aiax Burma and Btth you an auto nunmaduum Wsnmvtnrwmtee rmnumwm Wasimtltattlam onmmmn