sa shins NEWS ROUNDIIP orrnru 4Q 2m dede work For soivos iii is wag Itbeoemotllcklnlceln aimmmut Gourd not Mei were both in men peso through illoinlonnalion TWO Solidimh Jenn chrctlen motion the In lnnuur 1m Mich Seven CamdlIn IhI Ieehotnod lor went In the norm North escorted hy the U8 er MIS Iw Ihl ot the Iouon hId heekd Ichoduled to revel Alb Kicoldlolih Uh dinghy corye oi mince IIId he Zrrotmurteln when till lint 5N yerPlan 50an Sharp yur urine new dbeovery IreIIrllrxrthImthoartru marltrim Building Code OTTAWA it eme more no no 0f northern United areas one threaded do ti cIondlonAmnl Palm Amendment mnwnrmmm homage Auxnun aim mm descend Authrlwlll valhnweiln Ineeelntedh the ministerthegiltonloon Iorne residence reqrdremenl Ior pension purposes Keith Pm tbThundtr om mo licewhy Pullman on em Order Reversal omwn OP mm en med from rel IIntco Idhdutbr ha lewd In British OolrnnhiI who was dotml pension dupite the penalty give novan Inent unployeo tor six years ounico minus In IrII too mm the Sound World WI hII ordered reuvmerul at In or chk 85193 Thendhxdirntor Ab ommtm Muslin bolt also ordered that Ill Iystem divinion ol Polyur Ltd record ot dIIclplln Irtlon nl SIruiI InyI 5t ol the tint roe Izeinet RolIndJ be ex purzed tron the record Mr Jemln In IdnrlniI hIiorwlth the lame corn mtIoIooerI oliice VI pntod In 73 lilo mm It mother public arm to receive putmam tornIn urn Iod In drilled II In In mtmenthmkeroruehwyor 535 the site In opened Tax Evasion NIAGARA FALLS Dm Mid Smith 70 of Kill In Full no lined 330000 In Mamie mt him lu III mm tux erosion He was lined 93350 on ergl ol ht charm making oe estxwmmtn on his loomno tax returns Croat counIol Douglas orcan urn Smith world at about 8300000 Itll had never tiled In Incorne in re wit to 19 The Wet wmrvmiodeothemdtolI mortgage surrey by the mo one department mm who for the niang Iratan Pom Co In new York Ito Ior to you and now mired 011 Pormalrons nun GP roe lint moith or modeoll rum Mrmi rumor moot noon Idem Inld IhLI be In Indication tint the important oil tonnaqu kt Al berto Ind Irena lurlher north extend Into tho Arctic AMI Bland drillm Io in had found only natural In Northern Maire Minister to the noun mum Serviced Land ST JOHNS Nlid CPI Banks ol serviced land In needed to help check the rillu cost cl housing comervotive leader Robert Staneld laid hiondly WWW Ind nor vrlt open up more Invited hurl he Iqury Iovmhoneee It It We loo Ont condominium develop ment our Iold two Idler Joseph GYIM Mei mInIxer ol the divisionsaid In Inka Monit sole wen doubler prolee In ting hot amount IlIl martei exists In medium lli lot rumy low iriirir 555 will Serigg in man nunnu Anniversary OTTAWA Gt Henduylnthecommouh ammummmpu milkingMd londbstrahu undem Itnrtllhernnrltodbylu dhl dblomit swarm meal ll ynlsqt Nwhmmlm tor addin the lion olIIl mue ested CW3 the Wilminl or DIM limit ll mo ummiuu Wcl Didmhnkuuldmmloy lily lo the court II thI WINWWMLAI mmngljm the province one development rtthu III RWMWMIMWV 5k Giveno and John Rhoda ministered hm Columnist Dies NEW YORK lAP lLi Boyle 63 who urnd The Area Ion could claim whiqu heech ot Mml Woes below it use liter myiimmwnm youre doing your own return VIM cIn Mmva exponent deduotmovlng nut lollemployed Iromyour Income In new location In Canada plouolworkimn lull Third your business or employment It your tonne IocItlon must world at Ioontlommvodtoenowlocatlunthnie Iiloeetls mllncigur oyourrew Ionandoemed Inoornetromyour new omploymontoroeIIemploymont Don IttItnIIIrr thItItIrnovedhrrtdIdni elm InoornI Ilrnynn tho conned In tummy then you must have Iiopped location Icontdmctrn Inov one IhItIriohtYou rynustbliwwoihl hum Honnruohoenteum Ire elm rules deducted Mryiromlnoomoeerned Ittbenew location VoumInIIlrnovodlroInWInntpegtnCI mtwhutlontyumedemwhllolncuouy clllllltnm mt mom no dollortlmlt on the amount deductible thet nulrr thing however to loot moving oxpenm may be wonmoretnur noomeoomoo It the new Iocellon tnIt yeIr our be carried toward Ind deducted the noxiyoer unlm continuity Irrdexpemtvoly charm Ire It you men the condl oneme be thin to claim fully notInmuroammumrimunremmnnmm Immmunoecuimoutrn ItIIithInIxtyIIn Th lull Ital matineme mytpeoslblnhmoyunhemvo dildm whichyouwonrllmbu or piece by youremoloytmonnct mm in III New dlxdmadnldtheoccr is go ii hunchvuhernelreeelved Irenlmoeolelehtd when heronuedtoxlveevl neeIt whldtnuny youotooumttcedeductlonrtmheldswhrettomehm mmutlplbloondwhoromd moonuuroltmhwon IIlmIng tor ovlrra Btponm Intm clip titlI Id Ind Emlynhere Iremrueoondltlonsyou mimooitobenbleto mthuvornwod Inordoroooernoelnrymeaenor moving you mustboet IeoetszlleI closertnyournm no at your new locatioan Iblo Irthndmemmooat mtlunonty correct But nleenesucheethooneobwmmero minoom rtIorenoe move the lnltlllunlvnollhl W1 humiliating In which de mun IIIIt Ind Inrm old norm CPI the toluldumovudnim DEBENTURE IN them let celled Moving Brpenses It Why werent iItIy Included with rehrrnt Simply boceuso moving expenses any given owl to email percent ottexpayora end Itwould oosto reItdeal Indwoslo rent Mlhsgtetdmomlomemnthnnwpw loueumtmku IInII Nomvyluttt Imovedlnorouiol GenerIl minim tIorsomoItudenBButthItIIII IIinodln thepnrnphlohtog up Do nIId MIMI tor Moving apInIIIr Veo Although you dont have to Include rocelptswmn you lilo you must have them younolt In use they are requested WhItyouveIIldtttInIItItIllll dometitre condition mentioned tint now comet my DIInIctTIxItlon OIlIce tor the pamphlet Markham doth thy horrl can The Iddrefo Ind ohm number below wide AridltlltlllhIVI rohletnIi Folloqurll Aid Inytitlng youre hotelearebounn hootreetiyndtmdou Itaoonrn return mwrpdldmoetolmymwm mumunt NoAnymovincu run oIIdIorbyyourIm onenortor oIIlrnod You mnymormor doductenyollnlblo expense youremployer dld not pry AndluetlmltloIneIIoIhIo Moving menu GammMmstoxpemeslnnrmd Ind pIIdbyyeuto myoumllyourlomltyend housohold noodotoonowioCItion olyouv rotumlto celled Vou ontolthoclolmyou co mrIIte onyourTian PI or Deductions and In In the no on entitled Deductlom ltornlotol Income TMTMI you Itmn toyourreturn Rhythm taxpayers VESTMENT CERTIFICAI WM moan unlclnal savings 810am mrpnration mm CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE oomnnrronv Iiyou moved in1973 forem loyment reasons and paid an part the move yourselkyoum net InewdeductlonwoahhoduoedeollodWovaBroemeI eabletociaim enses1llr could you dotll them WIwunbutttvmuldteke IIoIoImunWhiohlewhyI wellehlo Item your District notion Dilloe It lists and explain Ivorythlng vory eiIIrty Ahlghhoolnetthepunphlehhutlttondo IIIIIIImIIonnoy You donLWben youre ettlno Iorm Ilse ItI belied ctIIm tor ovlng dovmmdllmdmomullyouhovmdo IIIIInttrolnIonmtlotI ImIInItlon In Guide You Iio Item 13 But youll still have to nottlto pornoltloi rpamohlotyounkioreilM none Ind everythlnuiebrukirl TIlll Ill lgpmodby orwrltlng HF kthopeo II ItyourDIItrIctTIxetlon Oltloe eyPro lhIrotohelpAnd ntodtn Inning IIIIIInrenIinogettM pomphiotlndltandllll It Linen olIeI Juettho ueuIl request to chock Ind mohockyour IrithmetleAndtomIkeeurI th Ind correctly Ityou Inmrtlouroswotuiiy Riv Rmnuecnnada Rovenu Canada nation Imp PenertsurmlinhtIr Robert sunhury minim Bmpeople pnlomtertrlt over In person And tnIII line too it youvemotletmndnml pmolomwim your Income drop bytor me help FIoeto buruidohllmyomobeet umnnmluerrwrtonm numuuuyoumtymmd wwwmmtoiinuro urnomt Webhthhmrooper Fromm tutoron miwmmell try to on you much Iddltiorul one I3 ooninle In print Ibcor Ipeelllo prohleor mllWM no woume lhal IoptiII Ilyouto Itlll oonnmd eIilVour own ournorrmtrnn Wee number bIIWMd on MBMIYI IqudIyI phone IIMI III oven or emu who or thhIIddrmIoryurrm WMIIDIMIdIomIImn WW lawWI Dietrlctlmtlonotcobhm mmItwhlnyourodolngyow lmurdtuumoellthmtotyou own mum nIroqu Min Mackenzie Bldg36 Adelaide Strout East Toronto Ont M501 43694500 lionOitloorExolIIrr rorohlern uruunuoeuroumnenroe In InIonnItlotLtAndywttIlum mannermrmnmrr moi your letter II quietly poelhle mrebyeurmmtblstrlettun with Iny minor or mIlor tune up until Ilvrtt rs rm nltn you In Margin MERCURY Solos um Ltd uIn we