Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1974, p. 1

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lironrr Inhi tlalmnluot with the our Irhnmmnumrm ghtloo quantum BanIII ICSoverIUp IAlooholism In Plant We lino wurronhlot produu Rvui chnrged Onllrlo has more than mono Ilcoholia Imrdlnx to mulls bl studies by the Ontlolwke lion RescIrch Fotmdatlon DA Rtleod nrorolhrnhnllotlhere We have sometth In corn morlrbgherldesmhhcir depergency NO 9m John Csldwell ur narrow mount with the MRI WWI the Burle button at tho In trial Accident annnlhn Ano clrtlons It dinner mutiny morn Manifold ii hlr dri wmlmer pleaded ity In Berrte pro or summing nur Itltd It Ill lairuod that Nlln ldpoulu wIs stopped on lttxh Nov II It ll0pnr IIlcooce Ind as EXCESS MINI Kenneth as SIM so mmnmfinmua 931 Ir who incident on Shot Sam lnI trio proIIincill rtIiurl WI to chrrpo ol Britta vtllh blood alcohol con Itelrt In errors rt 06 per cent rnpson was involved In In 11 Dry Road hflnir It Follnn ohservld mun thettulldcr Ignorance nArrrzn Tuesday Ihntmrny employ rriher surprised In turn that alcohol drug and thst rtmhollrrn II by tar the rest est problem or drug dependen co in the work piece Itllhotl rnlnlmlslnl th uh tuners or its increased moddruzrtnthopastyerrs In Iddod It run Imtht to ronrrmbor that whether we Mo trem the number of 99 plo rttoeied trorn the demo and made by tho Imago olm Thomson res en nrhrerthnhmr test whldr mulled NM almhol uh tent at 15 per cent DONDITIONM FBIAME ammonium end one year on probrtlon were on Bomb Dione Ritchie ll at no Ernvllo muI she plesdod sultryln provrnolsl court Made to ohnr Ind three were spore will tll re oar on oi clxIretioI which they took Doom tho Ih gt Ronnld emu r1 otltlt Woodhrrrtyo we ylvsn worth Lions discharge with on yerr on probation uhcn Ibo Ipporr ed nesdnytn hurls provin clII court on Much Cow end up Iound guilty ot the thctt SEnshaSonahly Cold Weather 50 Continue Through Friday mixture at run In clornl 11 Iorooast tor the Barrie rexlon shroud Frlthy he Mnto weather ofce In raliinr tor en overnight low at sderrecalorthlssreaendn gh Illrrsday at near 30 do we rIUnseasonnble cold spell not Ignited to end helm the week Synopols It will be senenlly cloudy tn rontlrern Ontario to day tynhlle It will be sunny and cold tho north sunny ekles ore to coast across the province hut iumeralures will continue Io to It derrees below normal Patcrborouglr lake Ontario northern Late lluron Algornn southern Georgian hey Mostly cloudy today Sunny Thursdty Jtlgtrr todly end Thursdny to no tom topght near l5 Sudhury North Bay northern Georzlnn lily llrtihnrtnn Bo coming cloudy wllh tow sunny Intervals this morning Mostly sunny Ihnrsdny IIIth today Ihdgtlhtrrsday It to 30 Lows Ionisht near Torontozlclondy today with Intervals mnny lhursdrym Illth Thursday our 31 lows tonirht tow sunny today Ind Mr l5 lndror London llunitton Lake St Clair Lake Erie sortlhern Intro Ilrrron Niagarar Cloudy todr with tow runny IIornernIdI heal ITALIAN IIIIEAD wItheIrh delnn pine LARGE It ill 50 MEDIUM or in not sum torn Intervals Sumr Thursday Him today Ind Thursday 35 to WM tontzht 30 to 25 lemuarnl White River Stony tortsy with tow cloudy Intervals Sunny Thurrdry lliths todsy near to town tonight In to or below Hutu Thursday on to so run saw our Today Tnhllht lhlm Windsor to 25 Ssrnlr so St mm 20 33 lnndon to as Kitchener an Mount Forest Is an Winzharn 15 It Own Sound 13 Mrskoka 15 Hamilton to 2h 20 Toronto ti Trenton to Kingston 15 Peterborouih Petawaws North he sodomy seaussszusuussxaan lIll IMMEDIAYEDELIVERY NerCR BARS SIRUCIURALS SHEET DIR70 CR GALV LAYE PIPE IUBINEROUND HSS REINFORCINO to which the lndlridurl ls Iliro led er trons the point ot view not to society Ilcohollrnr nunt bo combed the pro blem oi grutmt mnlrrrdo He said that Industrinl Ind cornmerdrl rnsnrxm usually hr procch which can oren conic most or wkhumnm olvhlonu sum no II tree and mommy rttttud es tornob work Holmes when snemloy Provrncnn com nuns ot two Itereo tape nlrrcd It sure lrorn Mars department store Ind was remendrd tor sentencin WW Larry worm ol nrnI onto our tlnod $150 Ind but his drivers home tor six months utter pleaded witty ln won Itto dnyroac Klotlnrpelreddrlw Ins OIbllem was charged tol lovrln In Irrtomoblle eoddent erch on muniyllord 30 In maIIowuhm Abrenth Ilyror test morninlstered slice the Incident revealed blood alcohol conici or per cent IMPAIRED Plul lIIu 19otCFB Eon den was lined 3150 Ind hrd his licence sus for It mouths Iller ho ended ty In pro non rt to rv n1 ads we char Iollowlns 3250 property unnxe rcddcnl Feb at 050 pm It Cln Borden hmthrlyrer Itest Indicated Ittaer hId blood nlcohol con tent et per cent MID 339 Dennis otrrenco Barker ot Ann was tlncd solo Tuesday In provlndll court Barker wns round Hilly last month on chem ot stealing 811 has at potatoes trvms mess hit at CFB Borden pmenlellu report revealed that Enter was on probation at the limo oi tho ottonnl and had not comvllrd with In order oi that probr lion pay 150 In restitution ssvrrr om JAILI Seven days lnlett along wrth also ne on charge ot tarl In to appear in court Ind two line on ohrrre ol curring disturbance were Ievrod alnnt Gerald Gardner 22 ot Scarborough qudny or pro vincial court lho court loam ed that Gnrdocr who pleaded sullty to both diaries was In volved withIhve others In HEM Oct 19 in the bar car at passenger treio whim was Iltopped In Barrie He was chm red but tslied to appear In court to we tho chrrze on Oct it Or lrostnienll Pene Ishen sit ltlliutgynghlbubllzhm know shout them furnitum visitors wlr monts Phbcrairradhdrlxhert Indllrwmelban rm WWII IEncourdges Continuation Of Problem eos health Ind wort pcrlorm IncI Ire bolh damaged It the same Ilmc end when tho ex salvo or Inappropriate use at alcohol or dun Is Involved esrrhtishcd menrrement proced um Ire seemingly abandoned or torpollen 0U 01 SIGHT Bocarrso ot some taboo which peth In our society teliow workers and in many uses oven the Wror work lorer er to keep this dangerous condl tion or of right 1hlshrtllo mrehup is cost ly to monument no trouble soms to tho unacrvuor and tho igloo steward while It IttIIII eocourrres the yea to continue with this dungbm and disruptive behaviour unealdwoll uh thst by NIL In In cooperation with mm ber ot employer erranlrrllonr Is Marlo the tornrdntlon has round thrt realistic Ind upto date approsch to tho unrillve problem at erratum scobelnrn can rrbstnntlllty mm the Inn at human luelinx Ind pro lekv The tire rnd basic stipula lion is that the employer consid or Ilmhnllsm health pro hIImlbIs shown the shaded mime to rocciv riclmrra Ind honllh benefits and he treated the same Is other sick people kFurthcr emlgeesbczahrlrse nuance no rd the use alcohol or other dnrgs should required to Ip ply for trerlrnrnt hi IIld ENHANCE JOB Supervisors It all levels should be Instructed to conlrnnt em ployres with drinking problems not shout their drinklu but bout their forlormanco tnrlures They rho make clear that absenteeism lateness accidents and performance tailum Iro endangering the employees Job At the same time the em ployee should ho Isrured that It treatment is accepted and tol lowed Ind lob periormlnco re stored his lob will bo protect ed hlr seniority will continue nod ill riches and henltb berr eIits will Ipply Is they would to employees with other health problems Mr Caldwell stressed that early recognition and treatmth oi Ilcohollsm can double or trip to the rmrnoycos chrnccs ot keeplnz his job and recovering his health He told lhandustrial Accid ent Prevention Assoclrtlon members that employers Ind nnionouldalr who wish turther Inlormntlon about the oAltFr pronram ol employee nld should contact him In care oi the Addi clinn Research Foundation ot WHATS IN YOUR Arno WHAT IN YOUR ATTIC If there are any momentoes at early life at or near ents we would be gratetul to Old photos letters guns household etiects at that period 1814 to 1856 perhaps you would share them with the students and come to tho reconstructed Estath Ontario at Ally St Toronto 0r trlplrourd tho Historic Navel Illd bond nan mm It questing IrtI nlsn mania for tho whoo prooerty with will permit roo units Under pruent booing It is allowed to build l1 uriis II it Linear hunger mum pro Mr Fllllll Illton told ot Another person Ina Ill not Uh down Ind now this dcmli Regarding the school prrr hoard blur ranre otthe Questions asked by three Ittendrnx the Theyre hut herrrul not think the m1 problcm Is as mat Is it Is sad to be Board member nest Rob rnIn slid the 53th pod one In the prIbllc runs didnt mind Johnoybce would he showed unrrsunder present zoning regs Italians replicable to the propos td am the sdroot problem Is Problem uld board rhnlrmrn GrIyden llrchrrdsoo But rs it real prohienrt the propoud development Is In the northwest corner or th tII Avenue Ind BIYVIE Drrvs on tho Arts at the armor Hun onln Qrivoin Theatre The 100 units on Ippronmste ly ro ncres at land will bo In live clusters Four oI the pins terr will tour Bryvrew Dnve Ind little Avenue The tilth cluster hill me Glide within the dnveiorment Iron density unit per acre liI rnoro Maud neigh blghoodlld Miriam Weber dth It We mo to than each other It ow the lot cornera It so per cent Androw Kern mm to or lit hayiield St and Doorld lino old Corinth ll ol 122 Bayiield to April tor untendna on It joint char Joyrldlnz Ind one lornt nt Insertion It stolen automobile humor wril be rentarccd at that time on tvm Inrther duru ts oi loyndint rod on one at hearing were Itll there be property tor powerboat wu the developer be vrrllmt to no ritico some Lrnd tor tho expan sion at Allandalo IlelKhtl schooll Sydney Elm 275 Igor lntendent DJ the put the county rdml board plmln But it MI rnmasrnuy Minot to by with tho restraint record school tor the ma Is not arr rble yet Ind unil theres no out rchool there will be pro blem When the pun eomgs belore tho school board II have to turn it down Inou Idml lite ls Ivnllahle hk Richardson ssld tho Med dovehpment at least ol rm single dth ll SimW lot was Input we get mm to will deternnn our decision Mr wehsrdson told tho xath lid ltoss swarm lrnIncI eomrnrt tee chairman sold We dohmolschoolsltelor the schml board on molar road no city has the moral collu rron to orid one Ind think ihnt problem will be resolved so were remanded in parody About people Itteoded tho hearing cesllprili Winn ot stolen nrrtomo bllc Wello on that date will be untencod on Iurthrs diar eDl loyrldrnl in nu youths plorodui gun ty In Blrrlo pmvrmlnl relt Tuesday to III the chrrree Adlt dinonel outstrndrnz clinics or ainst Costello In to be lrnnslcn red trwn Inother court and will he horrid It the earno time IrtIrn Ieit rt unwise to Intertere wrlh nsvorvrzn CLUB corn rronss Tho Barrio RevolNr Club house Ind route in wat Eli Ill opfnmhomlest rust Ves mum is man ve on In berywihtbebonmnbcchlbs Imxtakunimatlhollol Willa Club numbers In pleased with the hm ol Photol rmlos uni lxmlu It the sly Sentencing 0nliprilZ3 For Several Thelt Charges threshold Barrio youth wls moulded out Ody In Balm Murcia mll chss day will April tor sentenc mm the preparation at Minna report Patrick Joscvh Bumble pl 322 St Hum 52 plomdcd IIIA ty or chuteInt the undnr $330 one drone r1 hunk Ind cuter With intent to commit an rndictahle oilence and torn dur scs ol brook enter and their Tho chargm nroso out ot scr lcs ol unidonLr In which total of $150 was Lotto lrom tho hm kcrs Milk Store It 150 more St lowered Jan and Jan 23 The two Lhcitr occurred hen Iorma cmpioyeo ol the or himselt to unity Irom the rub box The rst undone ocorrrrod Jan 11 It which limo no In and was tnkrnnnd the which he kept ntkr employmn on Jan used it in company rrith another person who writ taco diaries In Elmvzio provincial court to urg tor Ibo store alter closrnz rm In each can Brndbrry ro mnimd outside the stone while tho othrr rde cnterod to store AM ioIlowing BmdbrnyuI HInrllton was helping girl drrortrorrr took the nrnney Inn worktnz st the store and helped when it was hiddrn In swim Some good things happea 65 Am Free Health Insurance But you must apply for it It becomes tree as soon as you or your spouse turn 65 For both of you and any oliglble dependents Provided you have lived In Ontario tor the last year Phone write or visit your OHIP Districtomca Ior an application form Yodve earned It Important Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP Tho OHIP District Cities In your area will answer any questions and help you with your application Toronto 0va oNrAruo MINISTRY or NATURAL resources Historical Sites Branch 1110130 roo OUNDS MESH AIL nu on IN vnwroULvl wrure row Iooxur STAIMAN srechToI 6t DISCO ROAD REXDALE ONTARIO WINNING 25 Math st Free rDeIIvery ronornosnc nAKEnvANn Plleltlt Irrle Pins 71 2135 Yonge St 75 Altrsrt SI 52345451 Egllnlon 48241 2319100 lonrion IllsInean Thunder Bl 221 Queens Ave 65 Clry Centre Dr 200 South syndicate Avo 43345 2752130 6236i audbury Kingston Windsor 2953ondsh 1055Pncesss 1210uelioll Ontario Men Freon Millennium 43758111 546331 2537560 Ministry of IIIIIIIH

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