Tun unmann Heliumqu Iticiuve my Word ternary out Alamo in Suki da OntariollodroyAuoc Idon real It Idion ar the Bank arena in Hm Cxihtdze another to advance to the final min antit either OrtlIII or to fiFlversAdvctne TO Finals EWith 62 Win=Over Brantfordg It Inlthe winner at OrilltI 17 WW HorneiIur ea MAoonabIndDm Md gollshcn paced homer Iliad wtlhtwotoolleodrwhilenm runou and mi noun Med Iinliu Jinneia Ind cum keuy vllodvlthrlwmlrkmter Emilerd Tofml terrim In the nale Ilse or the we Itnldrt yelr gt mm LEAD notwm lhe IerIeI ninth IlIndI at 12 tar the llurim with the EornetI lily tilt the int tun Inter how ever Hy dncmt toe the tier not will pull all our Ilnlm win to into the dull lte pretty hard to nip our atrritht against OriiilI he Illd lte been done More but dont think ha Horutl Ire Walton Miner Midgets Trounce Whitby 92 Barrie Walton lnueence minor mm mulled Whitby Sm day Iitbo Barrie Aron orrnk up or Soludny umu iou Iridtoputlahendzgomtol in their heetoheven undltnol urtra not Gallon lend the way with four rule nob Garner tired two white ler hunk Shane Poemall Ind Don lIrtin uorcd Militia wm Roberto mi um hilt tIr mud tor Whitby Barrie Cline all with plenty otterstle Ind Ilthtd they meant hula Mien unison ICMtd ontholtrstatototthopmo by WM In rctmnd on hot knrn lid Prim ed Oouhon IM his Home what hie long ahot mm the BARBIE RACEWAY RESULTS eArurtuIY mum rm It pond trot mile 50 011 70 BO MOO 530 VII Silver Prince Tom mm Aha Brim Dolly Girl Noble ltllebrn Ind rnnd pore mile Ilsa Monmouth Floor to alto no Tm tieu 730 no Foliolih Finale 290 liirie Hi Alroil none to Scott in be Mtiunboltme Jenny Dannie DAILY DOUBLE Vllldlpddllm cl we mile ttoo Nllty Nipper 17mm too in Emir iii Me com ywn loo we lovely Demon this File Watched nermint Willie EXA ll and led eiuo lilo elm pue mite It Ambro World 110 no 120 Printer ink loo 500 rice min nro newle Wetsoomlil rum ormod node an mat Gus no totem cond noia one Decca loomed SPBIiiSh Lam Avon lohn torei Direct bro Jute anion not peppy uh pretomd pm Woo Ghetto Nothing lilieelinp Iih elmpIei mil Dell Will Deb Direct Undo Dem Double two My Girl Abbelalo Herbert moment In good team doesnt expect to ill throw Irv ape union tor the liner mtg Entry our in the team is mm the ram when now he Iatd In no uat precilee the nine Two the former expect to non BuflbOrilliI llnIl lo eludtnl Menorah John lio lllllnn Hellman led Drilila em but the Were it they come out at their min in pod meo tum DIDNT HAVE MYERS Million attribute hiI tenrnr ion to he ltyner doom WI just didnt hm the playm ldtaiu any one at thou gigyelld Eben on our turn hmtlorde loIlie Stan Wor prodtetn ortllla will heat the in the that became oi Ieorin pom In sum nistztr unto the you opened the Icorlny on their tint ahot oi the Inn on power play It MI Anon III credited with deflection $m$lyl Ihot rum the point mid ltd he Ieore or Enni iord on Inotber deflection It than white Nichollrhen waI in laIlhIn minute later Re In eemd to El the Filer lead whidr they held AM Icon WINNER tn the aneond oerbd Mornh mind what proved to be he Itnner on Another powerplay with Brullotdl N0 Footer otl or Minx lieuy Icprcd loe BraaMnrd with million anointing to claw the no but the Flynn came becklnthethirdndththreoun Inrwered rnaiI iron Nichoiirh en Ind lilncb hildnolehenl lino wild hId been nhInrod outlet in the lee leI with item ptIyIn centre we had with Nichoiltben at centre Mr tine pirated up our oaiI timing the rune Ind controlled the play whatever they were an the toe In the third period not Illvlwins Fareatcrn ahot on 103 Sty raid be we glad to here hIdlohiIhenI line working well llit Tho new thny we prove ed with the change In Nichnh trhou ttnt right winner rem nurse NicoltrbenI line pure up nine Ioorinl potato dinin the tune zihe ltier oderice limited orntn ently In the roaring Hirsute and Jim Marleen aneirta in on three pair tit llun the penrlly bar Ior holdlnr the putt blue line triddod in Mt Mike Woitll pod an Ponml dtlioded rhot mm the point or Barr or third roei Ind Whllb tent in Join PIlhh to replace Wot lleloro the period over meant harmed In rebound tor Barrine otxth mi In the second period ltob Garner took para in trout oi the nu drcicd Ind tired haddund lint Inst Parish for the onry poll oi the Period in the third period loulIon Ironcd two more gaate and Ger nrr and lIrtIn reared one eadr Whithy winnrl oaitI Doun Konru Im rl It 657 vhm Robert beat him on ton IIIot Alltlar thine hark tool me than minute loggeuwgalmim Pat 12 on um Baron Arum Parker tilrl EALmlt so paid um PI mill A100 Mum Anne no use 270 Gm itcrhrrt Time 210 to Ibo Serumm Flight mi tori Kto Waugh en nLIdNuh gum In pain no 1thctm Mop pIce mile on IMHO 340 roam Time 110 to Aieo Mien litth GoldY Senna Doc man Ind poll more Nolu Girlv EMl gm up or our nrtrcr liar EXAcron hndipaurim 13705 itmm 212 on Ind paid mm Attoodnnce this ltoiiiuonl line with BobBaird 14 Whtlbve eeoord nur lrer Both team won keyod or the name an ovidch by the ettnrt put MI by every nun on he ice Although llnrrie ori ioyed wide warm in scoring and the to intrnetlm commit ted the Ihotl It 374 tor the home team were more indiu tive of the play Whitby hid tumble tintnhlna nit plan Ind ran Into hot roelie Kenna llarrle had no trouble Irouod hhttbye rill ant ohen mitmlled rebounds liiil II it or in panni tier lnolultnz rnlrmldixt to our nrro wt to wrn the min rm 1nst Mlpll thlf Whitby piayr host in Bro Flrtt Period Ooutnon neaupre lteldl ltnrrie Coulron on Barrie Peornll tGomIt Alizu I120 llerrla Irzeair Utloot iietihy 171M Pmllier lemnil BI 1M llowe WI 525 udhitoot Hill hWioul ill Hill gallsdry wt 1mm held Bi liarrle Becorld Period Barrio Garner ienrealt licorime 92M lenalite Fennel lim lrymhmter 471 tern hunter mm 00011011 ill on Wont till 1015 Third Period Raglan caution Garner name oamer 061110 Peareaili 815 Dorrieconform Garner An Izih emu ltohnrte Millie Coley um to Whitby 7lil7tlll Casey ll Barrie hinrtin Wood rm lemltiui Goodwin Wii Moot 00 Brenton Mt ltyvnbtnrer it Grit Gorey mo um ill lletiby Eli 07m minor rrrlIoooArnt loztoiu 1031 ill moontr midi Permit it one tinny 2th Gallon 15 Gibb 11 rule Bolt llzi Martin 1050 diam WI 6150 Oh God llIrrlo tn he that or the nale not mm hodwa tar orillil bouid WY mar PHIWI Barrie Acomh til 51yAd Inn ms Brentlprd Reid oured Folio MIN llarrie Item Nicholilhen Elude 1586 Poultice puma Br moo Nldaolllhen BI lilo Nichol irhen Ba ram Yomy Br 50 SECOND ration Barrio km tlhompenn Eli 446 inn 1356 Ponzltier Foster Br 2th TIIIIU PEIUDD Barrie Nlchoiiahcn Iltthcb Thurman 2100 Barrie Hind hem Nich iltltehi Barrie Nicholllben no Slyl 1mm mm Pcnlilie Mom ha LII tie Br 3221 Your Br MM Young Br 00 mm 0N GOAL By lllrrle ll lo 14 By llrIntlord 910 Hornets Win Two Games By rm CANADIAN rngae Brian shortreed Ioorod two pooh both SIturday and My nights to lead CImbrtdgo ilor nota to their IlrIt In vloiorier tn In Ontario iloclroy Anoci Itlan Senior IerriHlnIl Ierlol Ilntmt Onllln Torrie Ontlia look the ant three Hamel oi the mien hut Cam hijtdhn name hack with All wan nt Camhrldde Saturday niiit end 61 VIM in Drtilta Emmi out he at yoil 53 in time tlorrie Hyerl ltrlntlmt Formica Gurida to win thotr headmod linal Iain Al Dollie John Bonelw ltnn Smithlllllle Ilwn Ind Dennil ltrdernar room lather lion maidl min Divert and Guy ecorod or Orilltn houud ay Miltn Zettle noted with ID poomo lit in the MI to rive Cambrldne the win Shortrncde two male Ind one by Kramer cloned nu the Jim orlrimiliii no on my try llnnh mnror Orlliia Millie outehot Cambridge no The Texrim pity the Horneia at Cambridge Nobody In the Iixtll mo oi the mice to de tarmino which team will play EXAMINATION It un ilton ml remanded in ourtody or pohlItrle enrninallan alter pleaded only in pro rco um harm in thohitle wotmdln oi tail lathot lut wet III wit b0 rentaneed April TN CASHI iaon your elm Witt thrillp lieanttlnt ago today V0 one vim up um Same Day Benin By llrrrie lt is on plane in in Bi and Ptirllonahan IIa Ihut nuroatleldrnlam ay ndlmqhddailuat Incl hrthethirdpcriodAiItocb onwhohahoenenutrado anemia also plqod amrIl INDI IIld he wanted emthantatohereldy Mir semicored twicoJor Orin Banu Inaon were Billy two coda newer timer western Lnaoun rams oomurnacriou Emil Men or at um Elihu Mikes smu with Jimmy Ind with Itme unonjnocirrr Ellis Atoms Dorrie minoeotonuwwtheireluihdw Itni Brmtlord Kelhl lhlchiilc new we and no Illared their roommate loam Millenniumoth lIhtobennmlnthosrtuby gym and mint noose Victory tor the Ella bid Wt owed Mil ve provlnowrl Rotary Peowoes Berrie Romy me pemltee won the unnumhlglin oi mu over ortIllI Kevin Pm Ind Dave llyee WWI Ind Mayne line in the cor line Posted remove min nAn DEMIOIT AP ell Brianne winter hII Nodal opening at adult bookatoree ox izod Dmigr Wmidumib at or mnrtthI ltIl been nutritional Mu made the deal which ro the minnow and resident bu lore ouch entervrlm open However tile Woe to rold portion dlnmee that redulrea Iuoh rim to he MM It lent 10m trot tram one mother to prev vent po Win Zbrie Title John Wardbn owed nun we an More more and Bedouin mbeienen tn the tint Ifdlo hie Men end no the lingo ownere no It the Meteor Irene mtowlnthe hi8 Kinsmen Lois Barrio Kinsmen mayor Itorne dirt mtiedAwo Ind oet one in the Iiioill on Hem Atom mml enabled MW lhe one lane woeremrdcd in the mod othmpiomht porno II the Kinenmi gumbo to ammo 3AM Dalian Llnlshcd with record oi nine wine Ind two ion Mike Hollrmn ed tho Itine men Ioorlnz In tho iirnl name Viltll tw pol while Dd hit Donnell lltil mire Ind Peter whom Iincm mKhlm dab now phrl Own Home in the Ontario timid Birgit he Minimal tournament in limitation It rer USW Club Loses Barrie Ultile mot Worler door poewece were Ihut out mm by ru er in the record who their lire Ontario Minor iiiodtey Mil lion Iomlvilnol IorieI rt do motttlon Browning Wave thh Hm Ilabl looury chm orthonormth MIlnSIturdnyInd llldrel the mood lhe now it won the int rune In an 91M third game oi the butoi vo Ierioe ache dried Wed la narrie the Oro Invention ti WW dooleian to Weillan SniArdIy in Ontardnwror llochcy And zillion Ioniltluel 1W ll Pie won the ion the notice it new tied with one win each The third lune tI whorhitod landll in Pioton wtill the with some hookinowlhndnyatepm hill Merton and Paul ntth wit mud Ihigiel or the oro chin to the icon too ttrtlry on the rule trod the oval oi ord Irid hborin will oi the route rm etrtpe SEEliiIIAT Will Buyirom dilemma ER BAYFIELD MALL tin with live pom m1 Perry moon two in OlthI in the Women eameCathry topped Won 14 on NIH by Joe Neatuirk Ind hy DI twain Ind one he hm lldr Kyie onto Ioored new oro yumiua oropoea FROM Inch 27 rogMAircw an Raindroin and led rinnr mm more Mgm City In Win Indoor Sooner 93 we ll wood 14 in the mood or Elm 1hr lint WM wont to Dollian mm won the title virtue at Inearlier playoil over WW cvwlal with Silk dIyI victory In the rim porno Dental Bury dull iinrry Marrioan and in Kerr neon Ion Barrie with Owen Xe nttinl two and Momma Ind Rove Page line one not or common Barrio at welcome waited Ind Ihaodlnnnrtimo in la Mound Ellwood route hlryvr Dorian Parlor we new nunm am Harry unmet Ioorod twice tor the team Jim Durham DehniI swmmneunvuiueeeo lingo tindlcorednli mike loilloEIIt View nyenrrtgllrltloin1 that tho Decorrber to Much mood Swortommewtbobop Your familyb gt first Moro has Ideas to mnka your up on the water itroubleirothunderboitQinnitlonwontnoed tunms Perma Gapo spark plugs cant loui Dirncr Charon and fpulnrHunod otht lot you run all day on tenktui All this por iorrnonnoiewnltlnptor uni ur daoiornStopin noon Mercury Ready to not your iomily loin camiroo boot urnIv Power to do the thing you really want jcrurnai sroiirs iiNDMARINE KINO s1 Miourun SANDY coy MARINE in N0 srnouo 7055265347 7054162357 Inn Then nian with Moreury outboard