mmmmlracmmuhin Americans Tie BrdVes CANADIAN PISS Greyhounds pirates 41 nntpeneo Industth theecorn Nm mm mrnnnenlntbom locdusregredthreem gnomesodour xmtuammnnmnarwid to hi to 40 at been In their nl thrt will to Ir he the to they tut go my no New the ls left ot ail btr in so Sell 61 win before end ct Isl ll Bruit Ste Tennis Winner 1106er scomnomn to hand Kingston in recent no at he wedml Terry itartia soared 10 pm In the reigns with Bid RIB Perri NM Ind Dear Minis slantmine the others Eric Brubeehrr acorn in pair or with end like OConnell the other The genre was pinytd been 31 In In mu Hind BlIh Gun erl Palunen two min to pm Cam In NM 52 Marine goals and Rdmli Wed two gut Vi Sirio Ind Gen Kirkhanr scored the other out gull in the llm pillar1 It whirls 17 It Dad saith Ind Peter to Icored two goals each in the genre bctoro 1500 Do It tx tmtopra the Tutorial Dan BIIir no Tbtn mm scored the other or tan gnIlr knit Grad Ind Gcrd IdeTIvlsh mud tor Min om ottohnt My 38 Esle pl lion army victory betorr two Ins nob mull Dave Purlsh sermon and MI Henson stored the other and ale 3an scored three KoriI tor tar with Larry Linn my the other Currliens ll metmmumteudm Icourlnl muwmrstrmdm truee t1 nemmbmu moo mahmmn hornetomnibus pom Monumentterm wtmut htdlere vleoory wuwodh 000 Ind he shared 90 has Murder connim will to iin the duties Willa applnrtlng the notion The omen roll up her lensing bore to attend United State laws Tennis Association orb tournaments et Salt Lth Olly World iiochey Association mmswmm AtmngtbetouttstomTony or Venom who wumhnprodvelnblsttnt rumdbeItovcterenlarsuoo kmdliewzrhlnndmtll Invited to cornpete at Jonson MORE SPORTS 0N PAGE lorono wonenotl Quebec Results SItnriiny lift Weld Imore Tool ht Toronto It Now ao= ESE Kitchener 9L calh EEgt 3gt Fzsnsszszszaa ssnsuszzrmust ===d E1 EEgt qaza==qI um Callfcnnlr unto RHNIIYIRBIDT ere Toronto rhodew Bunnie Minnesota Chiergo Atlanta rtemu N11 Mendel mm tor Anlgeier IDetrolt Clio Mootreri Indian Sis Louis Pitlebtulr Vsnmvor Philsdglgl hnnnesot NY Rutgers NY Islen er Tuner Toad Toronto at IA Ans St Allie at NYrIslnndm California rt Minnesota 8383528831 538838881 my Kiwi nInreI Nudes st Cathariner at Hamilton Kttohenorlit gs thtolb WI tendon It Peterboroiixh American North Division II New lirvon lo 10 Ill Now Sonia 3127 ll Roma tree Ma Dlslllo In gt EEgt Ease Iterchey Brhhrroro inclined limb Nmond 20 37 11 21 Results Sunday Providence Nova Satin Springeld cranium Baltimore Jorksonvilbe New Ilnvm Vlrilnln Boston Rochester Iternltr BIlordI Clnclnmll Iterr Richmond 12 WW 22322285 3333331 noes 55r 35151 EEE nee 82$$83m auazae asgusrrg 5ruuu EEKSSZgS 52 Egt sarong Mormon Vemver CaseyGregtalgIod ruthm mmm B$33g WowsWorth luGibertItretchutoanh Iii tonushmerNeM hangar Sunby end ten in the Errors 51 win over tied Abbots Film 11 Chump Birch Hawks tied run cerium rum mu Whalers the n3 the vutrtee at or schedul which rm to 91 at their last 11 sewer on no road 561 wont detest ever My with The WHA defending churn plone wore drutrhod 101 by Win nlpegdeis who assured them revcs or playvti berth in the Wret Division and estnbllehed club scoring smorch The victory was recon Iron IortheJetsrinceBo Bull who roared his 49th got turned the mulling over to his resistant Nick Wu In other genres Toronto Toroe loot to allch Coo Houston Aerue edced urveland Orutrdorr Ed monton 011m topped Vern courer Blarorr and itin nesota Whtlng saints downed Quebec Mrdlotws 56 in Saturdays ac on surrey Knightd raged the theo do In tested the Nordinuea to 1b ronto Toroo visit Grerr liliito meet New Jersey In only game tonight lowland It Eonston Gordie We let up the tying goal and scored the winner for the leaders ot the Walt Divi sion Gordioe Icn hush pulled lovelend goalie Bob Whitlets onto Milton and let up the winning Kohl that stretched Aeroe cllmnt winning streak to our games it was their Iirrt victory or the lesson over the Camden mug It Toronto Although the 1pm 1111 no reoond piece In the lint Di be now are reor rtted from llhhplreo Cou Walton Loads Willi Scoring is run CANADIAN rouse Wotid Hockey Association rooting leaders Ilier Strode glides Wilton hi Itecrolx NJ limo Ii ILttli Crrlotesx Lawson nemter Cumbell Mind lilnee II stancese 2182 2322233523 322555362 azasssssaas YIELD WATER lemto rrrpie IAIN Bids ma mm Sabres detertrd um bursa mwn lostltiouin Jets Trourtce New England 101 In by only three polnle the ver by mum rink nom Victoria beat rm when at Dartmouth NS Bluerr from conteatlnn my nurmu tied st me EIt nos 14 Pitlwugh Pemlm Vancouver Comm Oougm took in second period on is by do remm Leny limb Ind centre Ralph Brcbuorn The teams mumno the tint no third red Minnesota II Quebec Niko Waltons two goals In the third periodhis sum and hint or the rersohheyed the Ming Srlnu to victor bo iore 1806 Quebec iIns Waltons tint gorl wss scored while the SIlnte wear rhorignrndd poo wmuo ordeon scored twch tor the winners hlo both and oath of the curb MF VInoonwer It Edmonton untreated Ollers emerged in tie tor third place with the Biuere hetero IMO lus mnning goal was provided by delcocomnn Doug Barrio Irons eorarrbio nerr the net with less than tour minutes remain dultd their Nil game In Kahoe in Is Bruins Toronto Saturday alieruocn Iupernveolthertlaot Orrnrtme in herniation Espbsito Picks Up Four Goals In Two Boston Weekend Wins mmsterex theisinndm mmamm NewYertmwtrwiniesinha mall1m poll vo 312 rhythm th hnt riod shnooNolot lb thin the tie animal Athntn Ward Letter we Illegally in tho crease but name hm Wick1 who he Ind been pushed in Bill White Sm lilim ntltl Upsets Feature Opening Round In Womens Curling Competition tuwrx CPI Upsets icettned the opening mm sun day in the Csnrdrnn women senior curllnt round0mm Saab Ivy smiter from tJohn WWW or the surmise downing Doro thvhldd of Medicine Hat no or no Elirrbeth Mac Donald ot Charlottetown delt tented Jean Demetrlot OI Wilml llwb IllartInI Meanwhile Piers 144 The Nova Scotla rlnir was leading going into the tilth log The loss eliminated the liN LIKE NEW Ar arm Tonlrht ur ands Em nomnonetuumuvms WAGWK llonurbicmilceotw 11 melted the Antarctic ice oap timid yield rbutr six nrii end but from then on It was Ili wort WONAT not err your room ILLYAKE munsme Gribcct we minder In win Inr Boston Photo In other ecilon mmm or Now 30 Points E1 THE CANADIAN mes Nrtienai Hockey tenure coor indlu WI WI apostle Orr NM Martin Clark Pha Cssinmn Apt W1 Stiller Perk Dionne uxuuzsssuaa sszsasasaz 33374133388111 EC tied theme in the filth and hen stole 10 wrote on the next Mr ends Kru dmiil oi Wthhlm am back horn an or decit to steel rinm on IinIl three ends and Indie Ieeoette BLIi ll St Johns 85 Joyce Block Oshawa Ont picked up three polan on each at two bi cork Iioog with doubtean IlerotIlnzluto Ritr Proulx ot Quebec Orly 104 The recond end third roundsI oi the nlnmind bonepiel werel echodulai or 130 prn and 530 Buying pitialls EXCEPT THE PRICEI Invertlgrta thI spring Savings on Goodwill Used CIr from The Dollar Stretcher KINSON soon PEOPLE ro DEAL WITH r45 nrnnronn sr PONTIAC auth no1 PHONE 7261385 it in 3145 decenniaIqdeiu grill Ontario BuyLINE Ontario law says Youre an adult at age 18 Au lhthhtrtbdaulspnns musk lawmgmrhwiwnddmyunh tonrnlrdedstou tumulmmebhtormvonoo nmtohur penrrtalwnibenterhrlolrallyblndlrunkscoanur mmymmvwmmnduetmymdrmkwmm Intuit Hnwynnhondleynurnewrupoodbiiltlrsh mm Irma can hurry reductive ImbdhmlLYwmtrsibrmnemiilIrwlthlstddgr hrmywYwmrmlmwhowwvoidnrhusW mcwmhyunbrstddm Free Irwnrelyhee Thoreausemicirth pricegithe main pinchssetAiwIyn shop rrourrd Mdm prices for the best buy Be suspicious otsny goods services or ohrrsther scsrnd too good to be true Watch out for hidden pmmrcks Check out the local ution Indlhe nancirl sinndr businessea especirily withsmforrtllrrr names whr Inn box mailing address Ind have no listed telephone numbc It on advertising messrge is dililcuit to ioliow or undersnnd chances are here is an attempt to bsmboorle you Be sue ous of phases such Is factory to you brute yotrpl so shoppers rsrrly hove recess in the onus rL su BI caretlil when on see comparisons whichare not urbanv tinted torcxam sterco is thebestorr Flea the lowest Compare cheekend rhop rmund before Before buying rhyming check and substantiate Ill unruirsnc eiaims such Is Our stereo ropes Wlil last lifetime Watch out for bcIutilul rhot its the super size Rome bath salon my be mere In lustsrtltm Ind not pan of the facilities It health Or beme elub Dont buy unlicensed can sold without hiness certicates Themwapaytorthecrrungrowtoi9500rmorebytite Prue mechanic makes it rOIdworthy and you buy obtained SIIIEME Bowenwhen ourndrttiendatgnlleeretorena you will bempgnsibie torthetrrnts oftheieese hm EDEN When on reach you mighthsve trouble proving warm The Age othtaiorit cord hulyour photograph onltrnd sotre ot the best the or promo your Ige Indtdcnucrhom You can Obtain In application rom sny 0mm liquor store bove Ill remember that your tigrtnhnl on connect it Ending Avoid 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