Sheila Drislwe rlriir ol in nsrrie irting Gish won the iilrani Walkcr Tro in lb SI Pa Day sixil hcld It lhe Barrie Qu ling Cub ESSA Rand Abate lhom Id MTV Bristow simin nith mainler oi her rink Karen Drown rimship Jun Mann sound and IIeIlt cn Groli lead Rinks onmvrl In were from Midland Szraud mil Olohtown Thaire Mood Changes 1311 Time With Show iiari oi the lcmiainc person mull be balic HM and yto restore order ohm this is titsde to atrIigh In tidyup clean and spruce up Perhaps this why um implanted hyilsc sight at the theatrr cacti morning altcr cleaning Ital has rcstorcd II is its normal appearaan There it Walls oulct clean and dlmiyrlitrcady tor wont mr will happen the next lime here It my special lulr In niaout II lor me In air oi yricry perhaps because we 111 uzxnr iiiCiui people will Illcnd the next ANN LANDEHS elated oncem II AIHIII Ir Ann Landrys wil gr ramming done today My piim lircyx rinziiig For nearly Year nnitnl lor II In rlnz Rutit rang so uldom it was lli we shock Tlv ram min ins doorbell Alrnoct mlnly hunhsni was buried car 11 and MW his lrirnds ma pcsiurln mo uround the clixdr itmw It wont last 1on2 inci have to not this oil my mini morn was uerybodv uhm hc yiccded lellnral lie was was liiii nun Thy slid they Iqu onto or twice and not rev tunit III wasnt one to ask Ia vols Ila would ucvor Impose on anybody And he wai good coin mo Ihcrc was mm Hody during thoio Iait months Iiicn he dczpcrncly needed to peopch sound hitter Annits be cause am Pleaie run my ici Irrllurthrse uh kinw someone In It ill llnyho it will hclp 47 It too Lilo inl my iar Iln alrnsiure TIrIse rar NIL Ilzres your letter II lino llloe Iits lollu wear It Dur Ania Lllllilfll Im gu certain thick who ills or Irom ms in study period insihc Ivmre nirincxbdoor mic sort ol Iikcii Iicr and have been wanting to osk her ou We bocame pivtty good 1mm and mndc up my mini ld get the nerve up in Invite had to movie All ol which strange tcclhlz come over litt Without even thlnhlnz alttd aiuithnr chisk who ritii 1143024 lmtn me olll know why did ll hsSdIy knew this othcr girl We anl bald time than lti 132 lo tail hother Sh aurpris ii ncccplr Ibo invitation So now built in Minouch with Can you cxpllln uhy did this only thing It moku no mooiii iiiymry us Is dillercnt tlte rcacllon Is dillcrtrit and that malice lha pcrlorrnnncs dilierrnt LTSLE CONCERT iihrn the Ihcalre il lull or how exactly how many take In the whole Icrne wank lnr Instance dininl Ilsa tiscyhad inllnderi psyifiolxicdl twist kind pcncrro Me on lluamdycs Theres plenty oi limo loit in hope you do soon mntsod no must be prcpIr od or large or null crowds But more than that Is the lccliog pl law suit like ll til it be mama or lsliurc will it malts or ioia money will the icehni cal details hark Iiiery time Ii ditlrrrrii cicn RlLll Allow that runs inorc than once Manse the Iiidlen Iland lhcra somctimes and Last Ireaky Youre still young irila ask lliu GuichtDoor oral licar Ants LIndrrsi Your ml isms are lattiqu rellcctinn at what ls happening In Ilie world They pioilde irrclutahie csi dance oi how times have changed was Ilnick by the Iciter rhythmic but was the lcI my succcsilul roncrrt the theatre was packed with young people iiiid the stage was pacli id HUI electronic equipment and Unto Itsoli time very picassnt young men The air rcierbcralcd with rhythm and thc audlcnce clapped bands and topped lots lo the music it nas marvellous Ironing ol rapport and entertIloment The nest netting was cum picta cmirast but Just us In irriIInIrsi It WI the church rs CrINiralIoia and the uncle almsphetu Ind changed In place oi lbo sound equipment the grand piano nnd choir rlacrl curved around the Itiige in place oi the determined coils harmonic sound oi urch niuslc Inciting lo arsnd cil miix oi llsridclI And the Giory ol the Lord The theatre Idaptcd lo the new atmosphere lustas eas ily Ilriiost as it It were liv hint chameleonan in III Iy to take on the color and lullng nl cadihappcnlng Now it Is back to It walling tnlc rcsdyto adapt to the tairyisic atmosphere The Tindcr Dori Alath to the vlolkvmiicol VIIdy March as the country music oi theCarl tinn of puppet plIy and de liclgh April and tho lasan Iion oi is met play ssd de monstration April litany diilercot Iaccs many uiilcrrrii moods lust Ilka woman SOCIAL NOTES Irom lhc mother who didnt think rblldlers should he mid loi doing chum or helping in the house She said the kids should know that II mambo ul thelamliy lbcy were ex ptclcd to pitch In and no rel wards nccd be than iccr islnly scrce when my thiklren ucre small hack in the 2103 money We very hard i0l0me Ivy We had lour children and gate them llKll DOC wllh lbo iollowing slips ulatlon inciosricnd on what ever younant 10c tor pencils or wr ling paper lur school it for charity ncvir made any connection between the zinc and re wardout noted uith Inter csl that no one Ihlrkcd his duties always tell lliey wanted to rain the money had given llicm Irs Ed monlon wise uomnn Lospnctniiy dcr how many parcnts today plant this thought In the minds 01 Their children Ilrlr Mrs You sound like likcd Ihn 10c lor charity lynnri EUROPE no HT TAIRICKI DAN at Patricks dsy dsnc villi be held at the Royal Canndlsn Mylo hsil St Vincent strcct Ihlserrnlng Prius will he warded to lbo best stressed cou Iii wcarliig costumcs In kcep with ihelrish celchratlon One hundred and Iltiy couples will Illesid the event lluslc lor dancing will he proildcd by Jim Phillips and the Doc days The IMllli tor the bistch sup per Mil include Irish Stew Friday SI ATTENTION THE mans rising iorrrortrriiopiiicrs nnnrsvilie Toronto Driilla Caledois Casi la Salad Wham and DosIsa cu in Iriincr Pbotoi Decorator Shows Wallpaper Scheme llrs Doonn Doroisis Utmoll Him inutlngrdmned to sysr coo com schema lor the homo or oh liu ratlbs March mung ol the ladies Auxiliary to the iisnle iiislldcrs Agedtints The irichan held at Lake vlcw Rutsurant 11m new merrbcrs were welcomed in the dub Angels SImcrsck Jane ornch and icon Burton Guests attending were iica licFrrland Dde Moran Nor ma Knlmen Joanna Gordon Doris Blnnie llamarlta Rich ardson dinette Gsrvry irsn crl Garvey Disno liuilclt and Michelle Cnrlopy The April with will be hold at the Rain Ourlln clm who Barrio inyar Pan Weseenpr ulspcIk on wov antagonist GuccilLinei New YORKiAiai Wrik hooked Goad rammed sail or rs WWW Moi ihe Laiest ckiru pants drums and hombittrimmcd moon The look has hem lmltnlod Ln III prion mm the shoe with the cold rsehit across the instep to the red and green striped diaaltiriy on luggage Ind pines Down tho ilrcot Tuosdoy GucciIoolilrin puma wore sell lnr tor ism Real Good puma run lmm 100 to 5220 Womens shoes irons to 39 However the llrmI business has inemsoil Mold ovu In the last live years Gucci has to slam In various countrics snd i1 lramliltcs Ir tho ilnlied States and Europe Alllunm other covanch use consianily lounging Ilylos In Iicnctlc scarrri inr smhlnr MW Gucci has contrasts in carry the homoahlt shoe tor 30 years along wlJi other in MM styles fOthrr illml look Iur Ioine thing now betnine they dont hate is insisqu ilirnlclo who upwisum it pronto snid Dr Alih illvl scnlor mom bcr oi the ltallonhaxrd firm THE GEORGIAN GUILD is planning on holding till ANTIQUE SHOW SALE on ThurIday Saptamhar Idlh plumber 17th and Saturday Sapilmher 28th Armoury Inquiries Phone 71605 UND TRAVELLERS commum by st llIryI lIIrcli meeting hold Took Moreth Good Luck To StgPars Day Spie the Blame Stone It the SI Paiilchl da it some fine curling wssut they also luck hylyimllomInnkoiAM larid Sister Elaine Dion religious consultant or the Ontario Stir Irate school lriastccs Associa thI WILL be speaker at the dinner Iponsorrd mitotic Warrens lupus Tho annual dinner VIILi be held IL the Witch loss on April 19 Morning mass Pious tiers discusstd the St Marys Church Hall Amelia Strut other plans include In em ing oi cards and tuition short on liay at pm lldicl con toners Ira llrs Cliiiord Kcu and Tire Adrian Gcninls NAMED CHAIRMAN lira Jchnllcann wII Irr maintcd chairman oi the nom slin wmmitlcn lor liia new ramlsled by IdrsRoss and lira Root Frill litpivlho CW1 hIrI loo sis iiigal mentors to six Grove Shopping hereinBarrie bolsnridier mesday balloons for the child InsMavor andh fricndlypeople Thcyjual cant wnitlo nhowyou all Dolly Emusung ol THE BARRJE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH ll 1m Sister Elaine Dunn ToSpeail lit Annual Communion Dinner rialhmay cruir lad oltiiailarrieuir 0mm tin Sand Mhl theth climac usdxydldllabalhhil Barrie Dainty Dun rurilngscdlm Mmsnnmmhibaiht drawnu5hlriyliaahasld Ibp Gloria Gnham rice ngyPnlarirlIemodandW diTssirx lend cithebarrie mwwmw trqu sawed on Duncon hallowed lhc consolation pruI went to LADY DAMWOPPEM let their names stand or posi lions on the treasure Timbers were notified that Ibo lilicrialth Sodal Action group Will meat It Central Unit ed Well on hisrcli is It 130 pm Mrs lim Iaourn wlln vol bloomn will Ipcik on Inntlon oi Women The CIIL encoded cowist IaionI to Mike Walsh ol st Illonleaa adon winner ol the regional public waldo eon teat lie will in tbe eontat It the oceth lev el In Toronto lhrce new roe wcra wclmrvod liiI Aurel unso ta oi Montreal m1 Marc Hamel oi main Ind um llsry 2hhliiloia ol Toron An is discussion was held reps gilha Illll rum II oi lho Miami what chang it Knocks Chimneys inPropeiiyilevf is El HE Ellis 333 er in is 85 TE gzi it it it or as El at ii To E3 aizr it tag an 55 31 iii Rankintar Rusty Day int men troniihauut am st 1313 suing Mlislay nayn $61M NW mutual Ibo Iutoid on on lucoday intuition It the Vanicr tixaaiIn or Romeo not dance to cam mega while Icriinx son Iericea so Levi not hire in invert in timer lives Kunpcnlelt sinner prior to II lamina weekly practice session Barbara Landau council st Dahioy Fart School Direc roasttr 1mm Toronto said toi is Ilargs Drmr iiisinner told tier she will has no mm ml to return to prostitution to airp lmnhdpgumn port basalt 73 It In Until installation dinner It the home cheque brie or Shirley Nowell on April turn to her old Mandi whian probably means lilnl fix again lln Lin II Mid the first oblique should waiting they suit ti mon Blonds entertained roddenla at Thu group also catcrtalned members and Iriciids It Ilsa Barrie Domini Outs Ind Ip pesred ss xuesta at the north door AI It is non cslloia coiturII Societys OsnteiiiiIIl Ier turn can not made bInouot held at Central Unlh unill woman Item the ed mob placa CREATIVE HAIR STYLING The LaieIlStleI to imp you looking your best on with be mad toth the orgsnlutlou About common CentreBianch At the intersection olDuckworlhnnii Grove SlawtsioboexnolJustoouldnt Aboutouropenlt Froml mTllLl0 wilibo roses Tortho iirst200 Indies romoollco rind lightrolrcrihmcnlri for everyone In fuclworo soninf mlleo Wednesday Thmlidlly and FriduylooDotrytomukoitl About ourmanager Is my Points Sb harm utTlieFiridemadlanBank unpleasant andrelinuiwpossihleWeoeiihn WWW wideohoiooof Winonle AboutFREE Niclte1Dollass Yeswaie vingawuynNidrel Dolloriioiho Wmmmmwho 0pm aoooimtswithSZSmor more oetislimilodtooneper poxsmandiavalidunlAprillat Sohusayl Abmstwhateyerh onyourmlnd Ihebetterwegetlo GLOBU tho Inciliticsi wovo SG TEWAY EUROPE BQQKS mnhmdhmm mulwyourhunlring soon Ints talk IIIIr liig What people are till they mollmcs soy or exactly Ilia npporlln oi what pcndcnt beach or selldrive holiday nxk Ilill travel agent lorn Ircc GIiibiiiGriiriiay Eiiropc llmik Its 150 pagcx lung and has 900 holiday ilcpiiriurcs or you to chime Irom Anil oi special intcrrsi In those planning on booking chniicr llight bciorc you do ask Ior the GloblllGlclly Ifiiroyir Charm Rook Glnhtts Gateway have arranged hundrch nl iraniAiIantic chartcr lights in connch with their European and Indepsndcnt holidays And there is no 60 day advance booking requirement ovelwori ll Collin lit Dolntnln llirrla TREE Romsrmso Inst ITALIAN BREAD with each driuss plsu LARGE 90 incl 50 MEDIUM 1100 tile No ARIALL 32 Im ucilnry PONDEROSA BAKERY AND PIZZEIIIA IisrrtI IIsu vinaiii The First Canadianm Bankeriiiioritreai Got your in crimymiaimr Europllionlss iioisii