In new git nousrrcnt cor Young Swedes in Silver Broom ly FRANK STONE more or Dyna metninth the rink tbyurdd urn Grin mo oamld Mn isreorn playinn Ian nod 31nrdd tlhe atom Tom 1mm Btrrrren lrxihrr fhk In the Silver militia 15 laid The 5am tripped EMEImmy yinddcil is named pinyan In their son inc cemln my drink so in Htldved its world mm mnmon 74 II mood rim hoodamyme mnolmaowolmnoIhichr netrronynullme Snorioor rhea no suitable gibo BIIIlIY on Grove street mm tbonyrillht swim in tho Noptona club Cornish Amnteur Swim the swim by lootsl an on egg Sun it is rt is DEE rig is or ga at it s5 in E3 ii in gilt Am and two mm vluerldtllBItrteY wynne irinlslnl hrrther in oIn coexist Joelroe chOildy the Barrie Til BALM Inkn MW bottle oi Ib maximum doing the edit wwwmrc we nnnsrn onioner WIN roomy JIM wnmu Thomson News lenkl Ingredients woefully mtnrlnl lrorh ventures tht belt one belore but tolled Ire in in the iortnnII lor nuooone ol the Miami uenoue teem One In money toys Briton Norrie who in lolly letniliIr tho with th ntIrotnoee thinnesoon Cook Juveniles Dump Amara 83 3min Alien Cook Iwen lien dunpod Aurora Wod hereby mm It Ealview Irene Eyllork SW llinor lioo HEM Doro Pawn Btevo um stun IM Gard Slovenoon lured lwico tor tho Cook wind evinilo Pmttls illollendr Ind ilicit Boarman edtied paler Gory llcltrthue picked up live Simone Dainty Mme Bennet bnii leequ limit bolween Pet orllelno iltnnticrn Ind Allinton lt hinrnteden will HIM him 27 titlth liomoriot hints nebooi II DIIlchdiioI In mono perilor oliiclalr to do Wodnendoy nletitn echodtdm od nerioo opener lore unlit dixina the ootlent The Cook lirvcoiien had II IIer dropped lIdodmo to iliciimood Hill In the named anlr SIrriooe schedule ummriamm The other Itorri in sircondi tioolnnI comlort inbonrd oi In Iliilinl bothoum whoring violin rumor dmitn pin Those comtrtoditlrl oom rine the beddoone at In lot on enterpriie connoiud In Front Iry end due lor deilynryln miti Mny niton Toronto TonnIhIniu 91 1M Quebocoln In lionIsoIl Poclote Dililitll Ind ooal bronco behind them the inertia gm nuirultlohmorxt lilii Tito Cook lwedlon play thl ltrul form ol their reorder mono Sunday in Novamm Iralnnt Aurore Lack 0i Oilioiais Postpones Series Alterdeth turns to Barrie tor some two ItEnrtvicw Ioconduryrdiool Aprillltdpmnmiils backloDMUMAMUIIII pm GIrrtonloutIltdllvepApril nurtiourzsnvluuouan tins respectively Violence Erupts In Britain On And Oil Pitches TAth union Vio Iooco entplod on end oil the plicll It EIILIIIII and Scottish inoccer matches Wednendny night ltolcreo Cilvo Thomnn not mind play lar seven minutes Eli tho Enniinh PIrIt Divirlon notch between Manchester City Ind Manchester United otter two pinyorn hnd rclunod to be lost all in Booilnnd pollco will dozn led liny tnrin irons rll molt ground It hniltirrre In tho clib sootllrh Cup quer tterdinnt roplny IKIIML Celtic Who Itnrt or mother ropily be nween Ayr United and items wan delnyed lot in minutes inwirilo policoiclenrod tyrnwtln tainrn lrorn behind one oaoatn Alter Iomo stormy ordinnrer do this rnntdi It Mnnrlreeter gunltede loin llnceri Ind cltyn Elliro Doyle eluted in the wt loinvgnutommdvrero orgsrcddl no re em Whornln caliod both teams oil itbe pitch ended in nooreieen drIw with relexnlionrthroetened Untied enrolltr vniuIble point An well on Mnean Ind Doyle held not oil three pinyern on booked The crowd at Elf not started their dinewroynl by boolnr Ind niowrhnndcinppiny tired players oil the tieid It the en WMDIN goal by Dixie Deenn me until it victory over llolherwell and pinto II the nernlltneln oi the Scottish Cup ilnrtn bent Ayr United bl in tort time otter tho ltrnt no minulnn had ended neorelenn Enriirr Wodncedey CheineI cued iln worrien About retells lion ram tho Entilth Plrnt Di iinion with so detory oven Mmiey Norwich In at the bottom at bnaern boldly promlno to once and or Iii urn the int unor Biotiod me into the It his will it th anti Ire cry Nottinr not even the puilme deviled by lluron indienn Iround Georgian tiny lets hurdrrd yonrn Ino In Incrod to the Iportrrnnn who stolen turnrlllo Iillldilll idle throorh out the summer The probicrn in those Toms heuiu Ind Quebeeoln well In yilnlr and Arrows lot out rereoun lortunoll require our on to complement tho out Ind oool nrensn ino turtle has It reIdy bought contrIetn ol 300 players end dull later this month will distribute Ibout hIii Imonp stir tnsmr TALENT AVAILABLE niIior how to entabiinhinl the National lorronnn Loam thin nrnnon wet the tremendous Cenndn Ind the United Steten tongue president Spence ncrved nr sitcom oi oi the Notionni anronu Annotation llnanclni lniiure ol Md Cook Peoween Edge Thomlon Darrin Allan ll Goolr minor wewcon edged Thornton odriosdoy nl1ht at tho Eenta View Arena rt In exhibition oontcrt thn Crnoldord Tioirltls Thur Ml Ind lord lincilrornon enril noored Ilnuen tor the Cook Willil Luck Ind aror Apple lhe tnbln with points tom or tamer with llnncherter United at 21 points irorn it tomes In ling lor Thornton on on In othor ostubitmnnnio tiniml Oooutown sononm mentlnl IvnllIbIItty oi pieyer intent to ltoohe htMollheAnertuby lhwacbuodgtmollbo winning outrun did In FROM LIFTt llront Scott WIRNOQQ lotto sdnwendlrneoni Gore mil Johny Nelson Ind Itwisn Tlenmtrn trlddiet Art Lynn deimn there are 150 ooo Incroue pinyern In Cnnndn Illd over iooooo In the United States lie eweotr to per tent oi bin lesnunn telent will come lrorn Americnn colleges The rent will proboth bo lrorn Brit Inh columbln Ind Ontnrin JIoi Quintin director oi the ootetlo heroine Arnoclnllorr Irnmndlelnly lnoulrod about the lemen reerullinl ptnne No and the terror Iovrrnnrn ruched nenilomonn nlrre ment that Junior pincri would in ieit Iiono lhoyd ba ooilsh it they tid lninn lunlornl or thnyti he dri nlruying lho ttty loundolion ol luturn talent rcrnnnl Chllillc Ilut nonior ptnyere are open IITW Ind In rnlyht be ex eetcd club oillclninnro mo in with lorchntI of doom Ind lloorn Ittouid the nmnlourn nu ordained II minor lorruor by the NLL tinny rueimnro now hero with lid tennou lurt lull month ewny ll velrranr pun not the Homeroom Ininriel ollered by tho now tongue The onrieroi Tornnln ronlor ionrn claims its nu In plcir In us eienn Western Canada executives report dererllann Ind lonr the turn scheduled tryout cempe could hold the gum lntorolt lonr site too ltlII drIit meetings The Nu will comprlre lhln mm It tout Toronto tinn treal Philadelphia wtnrn muted Arrowlnland onlrion Into as ye Slyrtrcuno Ind Iiorlrcster NorrisI Dorollt Ind ltoohetlor Norrie Detroit lied Wlnrn bone ownn tho To rnnto turn lloroiy Kelie it ionvlnl In In onlsrlo cabinet Innntnnt to conch tho nior squad blue ihuo Two pro Irnni which includes yIn oouver reportn John Fortu nun lorrnor Montreal Conodlon rid In Illninr with Nnnnirno oi lmWentern Lneronle Atroci Coowner Ind renornt our the Monitor loani tunon revnolod iuluro iron chines will cost it million pinto Expnnnloo In lowlyenre Iweybut tho limo wilibnn nt mummy inventors or wo on new tprobsb CerIe dlnn end Arnorlennlyooolor enceyi nl in to id turns MIN David Kalli Golde Stiller Glen uwhm Scott Cerupbeil Wenuneriii and IDA TIonr timid belie dunner Ind Om non conch Ire studios run llbotehrr studio Photo Lacrosse LoOp To Have Missing Ingredients supporting minor Ieuoe ro yrnms Icrnnn Conedn lie onn with established competition such on ontorlo no no will eonrdrsionln iron the Prelrlee end the hurtlinth will bo edu cntod In the betch ol lira bii lino Inyr tho lenient onto on two loet Wono Iino worrin on ro Im onrremtnt wl vn un leagues nircody operating in portn Norrln Tho lrrruo may end tllnio can competition loi lowlrtu tho ronulor reasons Closrly thin in by for tho mont ambitious undorlolrins to date In prolctnlonni incrnIro Toronto renornl menolorcoech ilrn Bishop who won novcn hilnlo Arno In the rm with Oshawa Grccn Gnois hornets SitlorIrs will be ntlrolenllaiiy hlmer thnn ovcr nnld beiora Is amateur enlhtil IntI trrlowlt lrmri onset to count The wealthy entreprener rro onus In ntlr remand this nrnIIItlmo orpcrniorn in nrrrion without sin conditioninii SPORT BRIEFS SCHOLARSHIP FUND VINNIPDO OP chol Irnhi lurid hIn boorr ostnb liilr to help linnllcbn Ilhiotes to lurther their education and to corrirnoniornto IncorIn mile stone at 700 career min not test week by liuil ploy lnr conch ol win no Iotn ol the World IIoeItoy Anrociniion The lurid in nest nod to enlist student or It cuts to outrun lira IltIlnment ol oxrellcrlco In player or partlrlpnnt in my Iporl whllo mainluinlnr educational endosvorl TEAM BERMUDABOUND TORONTO OP CInudIl nIlIonIi yoth sooner tonm will leave Toroqu Suturdoy tor ll day trIlnInI lira em In Iiorv mudo The lid payers on tho trip will undercut lrnirunri and pnrtielpnto in throo cxh bitlon rnrm under notlonnl lcam conch Ilciihnrtl Kreutrun ol tnwn Oi tho to pin crn ll will ho Ioiected lor udtillouni train in tor tho confederation oi North onrt Control Amoricon BFDNSOMIIIP PLANNED The Nit honor to mnintaln ponoo In In Iporln rnnltn by BARRIE Strain and Corlhbonn Soccer AIsooI Itlonn youth tournament to be held in Ontnrio in Aunt FLYERS ANNUAL receive llret Ittention Aspirin Illa nubildlro tennis In lllnnn Ihnt my chat the Into Itinhn reruIIreeIIas Til horns runs by one The times Ion tho the ninth IAIN walked Iithtbe hues Iondrd in other exhibitionnrenu WIN TIMI onto trimmed Angelo MM 54 Muted Not York Not In nitilrrnmsgir mu dipped San Pr in Sen Dim Pndren no hliilmhl Brewer re York Vlnhu bobsd Belti nroro orioloe to to out to nloy Bolton lied Son dropped Minnesota Twins 11 Kroner at lloynln pounded Ieun Rangers 114 Ind OoIllornII Anioil delenicd 011AM Al 11 ITTT UM itle Ted streams Ind Ken lulu hit home runs lor the Cnrdiontn over Loo Nuclei Thinm sumo hnd tour hiulndudlor home run viii Bill Mali draw in tire nnnnllor tho Yentou Iuntt cno WI John contributed tour hill on run Ind three chilies lo the Kenna City IIIIIWII over tho Rangers OrIIntIo Will Ind Ynntrnernsli hit toorun home to spark Boltons IIrih win In seven exhibition um Jon Lil Wed like to put you rtep closer to betray In INSTANT MILLIONAIRE IIbitsined with Iltls turnout or Olympic battery CInIdI Inc CHRYSLER moms TOWN MARINE no FAIIlVlEW at Martin tiolidnylttn 72647358 401 ORILL GROCERY HO Dunlap Open 365 Dell You Delly unit prn dnndsyn Ind Ilolideyn Insso LIT Veu Intnn III well Clil Int All Iieedl roooior mi in LctPPB JOINTB Ml or Georg illnu en Iilylle rtnrm HAROLD YANCH HEATING LTD netldnutinl Commorclnl lnduetninl lleIttn Ind Alr con lioninr 7285406 MILLIONAIII Mn TheRodaheIiOeeWhllIva mm onus its an mm out Bone lltlle rimbender who no coco considered the top ItIrter lor blow thine in their early out 1b We Netina Hemmer IrsI in until ollortnin Illlhll it Nil Well Bill stonorrun mud lilo tout remhmdmnls bopoe Mtg out roomorioe oi the munchhis worst with the Em stonemn Ibo use hnidout inst nortor horrible nutrr mar ol lmnishl the eel reoord all son with to woo Iodine Ituble exiledrm Iv eran MT but Btonomnnts but this hit twinnin bone lortbe mITNWUIMM EE$EE it Stoneman Alter Bettertseoson seem trying to urn th Into the st rotntiod loets dunece err OLYMPIC wnznv ncnrn Ind Iii you hm to do millsltnonr llto Dong Olympic Lottory Canada leelure throne the Idvertlscmerts on thin write donor the names it the Idvertiseen won this word hIIuJONAiTtE appears Ind lorwerd to Millions Hitler The Barrie Ex Imlner The lIrIt nnmee drown eoeh week will be declared the winners Ind noitllod PROFESSIONAL ORV LIANINO Darrin Hun mm ttIIitlnI TLCOI eru int Oogttni epslre ITlreI Otlatlerien mils TEXACO Flinn lid It lInIIlt Retail Ind Wholrnslo HAPPY HOLLOW IOO MART III Vincent morn Illtll Ivory Purpose IIW Rm or Fees com te than BARRII BRICK MI RT ran Iiir re MUSIC CENTR panting SHUNT OillIANd AND PIANO SUZUKI MtLLIottAIII TOWN crcrr spurns till 60 FAIRVIEW llD Nnxl to Holiday Inn 7267852 1m olgnm Nilum spirit TilTOM SHIT TMWI Gel Iverynunn Nllll IN VARIETY GIFTS tit Little Aye men oIi to move It htrmu Ind iiokel or worse In Ioddont in the menu Woii more nelon end It cost Git no out All ilii Complole mt ol hookn Ind rim music 10 oil tor louhm We rperinllro in onama plANoI illUIIC nownn or 1mm PAlti nsrenr The match was renumrd with out lidaenrl and Doon end Will in Duniop Arentn lor Unliednllnu Lines rxcluslvr 200 not MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE CASH PRlIES OF $300 AND MINl DRAWN EACH MONTH FOR ONE VEAR 24 PRIZES IN AlLl FOR INFORMATION CALLr TUFF KOTE RUSTPROOFING TMWIIIIOIIIII no Ill Int 12 iiminoivmm 15qu mm mm MW to no she or nonpo FREE llamamedn Ian mm mun out neuron In YO in with one dolune pluI FRIDAY MARCH 15 830 pm BILL CAIN le our entire rm flvltnrl tn insurllen Min OlIlln yl It Doesnt en Open Every Evenlnl EDGEHILL AOUARIA MILOE 00 Till EM MEDIUM 00 Rel N0 BMALL no lron Delivery PON DE ROSA DAKETIY AND PIZZETUA Bertie 1an 72647 7261563 in uunroN Ilvti to Arden moon run run stronrth NEWS REACH 600 ilifeu Itll mom BRANTFORD FORESTERS vn BARRIE FLYERS Barrio Anono DEPENDABLE FLOOR SERVICE Mlttiounlnn LAST YEARS WINNERS INCLUDE LEWIS ROBINSON PENNV HAMILTON DOB EKV DON LORIMER MELVA HALDENI AL MILLER PATRICK DUROE MARC AND KIM WAS TERESA HAMILTON LAWRENCE SWIN IMER LONOPRE IIDUIEIIDLDI 1111 YOUR ADVERTISING TIEEIADE Netlwl Min llinvm new on learn ICE CREAM UNLIMITED rlevone ot loo Nd lull lireier ior LUCKV one POP iiiltt lmll united Ill Duralmmiilh Tiltill 7232979 tireson Ttrtrot Iloidene our trlnu in min Ilun Series No it Tlritrt