use divisional Allsailurteu itsnusy at T0 ill Neirt Buclgetr Series Of Problsms PM UHAWA lul Prism Alls tsisr lnrdesu renued Weduw dry to some Ina dsts el LbI um iodersl mm but said IiiL all ination Ind til with Ierlrs ol other problem Heidi flood ed ammo otslloru on tbs latest rise or consumer price lddeg Ir sod rsrller Wudaesdar in so peltuil cl lhI rise is tazrrssed food prim be at riaIt portion by but prices told Opposition inder it Hi Staaiieid that Im rs ls duI err week irom tbs prim yuirw board and ii yd cover increased but colts its hoped it would clarity ml tIrI ii dont think it is very ni issl oi the prime minister to try Idd bidI Piumplre iir stsaiieid ro Pilad leierencs inboard cbsinmn BerytPlumotrI Iir Staneld said MIJoa in running liaronItI Iii secler oi misconon ilI sued whether in xorsnimrot will announce an nurse to first it NEON 0P Opposition mentors mailed the courts Invernmehl am what they tamed lad 01 Action on the lia ln cos otlivln lnIdobslIin lit iIIlllalilrs 61W But Premier William sttr deluded his moment nid lot to unilsurruy some slip wig lane at lsilIllsa bud eouidered tbs nutter stood randy plain rotI Ls say as our Wo mendInd dost II the cost at lIVInIItis whole nation at teflIilnn Is heirs mt llfllllclnl problem tau an MAMIon mush Ices No Fraud TORONTO WI Polka said WM my swarm onus on rr Oillihl student trill to 5min warmdim or emu irIvol said film it had bun esoodiod by lbh Ml limbs Eggs lbut thsi no Ivar its raid in has returned ml or idol lhs std in ml stu moose IL Mr mains010 rs V1rgf5mr charges Oi Leaks LONDOINI Sims Km to rds nonm tI vs lor tht international Chomlm Warner Unllll urltd city mil Wadmriay to in vaxstI tum charm cl lulu in Dutch all lines in new ern Ontsr lioioid thI Wand Dil triot iAbor mu that round none now in unwound In from ieaklrls but on tiu trout ends the leaks will beoorns po tentlaily dsorsrsua Income Taxes MONN OPl former orth and former Irnsrsl manager cl warmly mui Co at Insds were tbsmed Wsdauda with oomplrlru to train the inn avoid payment at Monte ttrer bstwun ma Ind min orosidont from my to rm and Iibert lfou Alhiortb ot Orkvenbursl om urirtIni norsi mmsysr until he re rsdin tm to man in court April il llir Service WINNNEO lCll lrsnsulr Limited ct wimloeu wmmv Inrwnced it in putting You turboprop Ilrotsit on its mv is between Winnth Ind the mammoth Ontario oommu no vs The com nid twth rmtt will offer but lira Ind Wednerduy John EVInI at the University at tut yIu and slum ills in United Sister our lusttuilons sound it turned tbs lemma gum in their return to vork overtime Shrpbtuldrng NW 130 Our dials Ibixtildlu industry Ill if lindorln coolness rsaaet up Illa the naval rain at slim as mama wolssrmo Windlass at ship issu bstwres ll months and two years sad some yards bare multisz mum staid rm rates yesn to fialrb Cancer Research PIERRE munsrml minim to mead Isdmorsrodmmt mints cremdsbuuimpsreentla earnest tutti out and wed rm shin Imminent swoon tmnd ieu taotna part at declined Cansds no MnOiler service Mu Sclm tlll minus to ba used on SIi wrung Zn lint in urtim Ind Sundays mun stat es rim tint tax paym ronrtdrr teaser IeIrcb nortbydiio Given Apology soluxrro ld mm Farmers Banneld Uahsrsig oi Pennsylvania political rem mum mm protester noose leelma hers humted Ish metals of were dtrrupted by studruis rs nus million in January III mired written swim rwxhlr on at horn war irom Provident ndiiton duals this same moth Toronto Slaiiriirs CInIdI reportrd Proiauor Baniloid Iulbor oi WIdnuqu that total receipt lhI Untamed dtstluduul from rain of ism products ubsldies odd by tbs agricul ursi sublimation bosrd wss Ichoduicd tn rtvs lecturs rub Idvsnces to lsrrnrrs for ll the or mum momm ill MIX min Itorsd on isms stars were hsilod by proloarod boa In pm iinl lrom mum at students who said he was promotinr no um Burldmg Tax MTAWA Wt Obl NO Mention urVIllvss misbi not to review their on tor rooms of the ri NRDNN ias oa psrcrniltu an rnatr tarlo lovemrot irss daddId this lack iiIrIbIlit um nol to urs gasoline to little her5i mum Barbs sur tourists trvm the United slam xedied Wsdomiay his rurmmr olIudr Bennett lit spots in In intervin ntinirter oi lnduslry and tour after fima mint that the lam rsld Wodnssdsy roveromen coiiseibd more an spokesman tor drpsrt 11100 in IX 55 meal said imam to lug men inland imws tsb tins In lies in and mm Wt itll In QV ion uhrduifdd to aim nest month Record Detroit as par memo umvma WNWN Rut Brim to IflrIct turuiru mm in WM dukue rr Privildekik bmllu strum no 52m unwuunududt WRONNlOPi William om nu mumm fbfmadid um ilodnoldty is will look mutant Ins Mdrgkdu Many Complaints now era In provincial iiilciuyrs moonu tom John clo user silnder actions on meat minister of consumer and Ill be hr in srslrut lodorsi tormentl relHm nit and provide polllIeiInr tor Wrdnudsy tho province tr rr menu mm in rantmutt lvinr In Inmulnrnumber cl atom or durlnr coni rompisfnts about hardnu dir es meetings tribution companlu ts liatomrrrI ths mlnlirlrr In com us are rom Guards Meet mar who hm been sum hirbcrersurs Isles Ind KtNGaiON loPl mecl Fromm at Iubliabtisl returns Inb Kin rtonIru Lsorr or investment rst war he Wedno to reuu resent Irvubia It hit hs cli penitentiary MANOR Milli spokesman for the wards VIrrsdrs bats in Central and said the moeilnr larirdeeut Earth AmrrieI when traumlt two hours and that nusrds from rablerr orroslrs oussus HOTEL 105 DUNLOP ST 7264721 omca WM MON lUM ll AM PM Ill II PM MTURDAV PM Complrls and partial room are dinette tbs Publia so day ouceediues Back ussrulIs II Ill our dentures IrerldId One yrar Irsrruty II to lustmeuts on all all drslursa min IId reilael Nl sham fer reasuiistiaas numberl our char for Him mirror with tbs stbirsi roster um oepsclly tutor in sch uls th1 mod by tho Disturlrt Smitty Tickets available Ill strurduyuuch lb 1914 AMERICAN Morons HORNET Admission $1000 Per Couple Jsekionl Grill Ksrsna Bsrbsrshop Owsns Fins Marsh Archer Motors er phons 72M or MOW Burris Aluycess DRA nannrirlnourv Only 600 Tlrltols Sold irerabsr ol tho Drnturist Misty oi omrlo Ir accredited GEORGIAN STUDENTS ON FIELD TRIP In the Suilpltlro Colin tho Bulimia About rm pcopll our part In Ibo own 31 ducts iirnry omday oohMissal trip to the Gebuisn Ooiien Itudrnt Barb Nobillml vt it 0m Knox Gall and instructors it Items at Moon wood sculpturs bcIlad gallery det ornniird kan Collme ltsatol Whelan Future BusineSS new cm 6611 Ab Harlin Minister mm in mud trme esislr lion be exude Parle to transit Ls the and in who kicludas We to shbaiiu hm borne in speeds mm for d9 ilnry lo the Suntan Isciriln or Rani irmlclpd Lier common Mr MI uid lumen and that they IIJ not but nptry bmuu at eattam plum Ind dermsed poses The ierhtl shunned viii prvrlde better dries rnnsim Mun the Agricudun $3M uiion Art desrlop income slrhdirstaon pronum in bi villus Mmbdlllu ua ankosl bssls Ilth Mr In proviomi mum and mgotiata torturem SKIRTS by tho roliezos design art tier usrtment tor students instruc tors friend and remix lbs Barrie Art Club Geoff has Ptdu IId Dells mm It ilIIry It Drier unti BIL In 10 ms outlines Inssssl it 49 orm his Theres terrific new decorao in town armrmmrsooawmruuont Color iisnuony Centers rumamorous or Think his room in your home Choose roinrsrhrme Pick Iiylr ihcn mm on in to your lltishhourhood Shcruiniltlllanu Color llnrmony Center Well show you whni your decorating ldru looks hire on the Wain screen ofthrCotor llarmonytiuid illlilo profeulunnidrroratur with the mlcrvillm bsuk of deeoratlnrt MN for you Uta tho Color ilIrmony Guide ill to routinn and come your owu damning him Or liynu hrrcut any particular iur scheme or rlecoruilng riyi in mind It will give on i500 beautiful ideas ior any and every room to yourlt ialnf trail and oor swings available at ColorliarmonyCenlrr Center for it tho consultation OillCI RhoryvinWiilianve isplcurod to nmrounccfirnftllo Coloriinmrony Guide iiithorulncougedocomtlngsystun that gives you 1500 profmslonul unmch to yourhomorluconuiugpmbicnrsis nownrniiubloforfrso consultation at your neighbourhood Color iinmrony Center its 11 Service thats exclusive to SherwlnWlilimm rroommcnds as well Is the solar remand male or the floor and wailcovrringv youll need are IllIvsiiIble st your rs tho mvsnlcnl contemporary wuy to beautify yourhome And you ran bemnlidcotot rltliilily Wallis service DIShuWinWlhlu Come in to your SherwinWilliams Color limb iheresno obligation for you and nostringmtamd by Nut on that but ouil get all the help and guidance the trained herwln iiiiarnr rtIlT rrm give yonail backed by the expertise orlho Color liarmonyOuido ilierembrr your dnrrwln William 6on Ilannony Crumb IN ylnrrvhmysu ran rre rhe melrhln andmlxlnm The exact paint oolor lint or tone the Color Harmony Guidd marl ofllra Color Harmony Girldr ll SHERquanUAMs OOLORHARMONYOENIE SherwinWilliamsColor Harmony Centre 13 Clapporton Street Barrio Ontario Tolophono 72tl239l nfkllh1aui vr mum