linrnu ATTENDANT ing Violattc right Idtusts trial nil during th iulilon Ilm lit the In ed tlria party Irrid at the liai lday Inn Malay evening Mouton Halos AdIm um danic coon oI poly utcr crepe lashlonrd with an re walntlina and long at mini train with tiny cov ered buiiona honor Inc In pliquu iln turd to trim the claaalc chlgn Catherine Smith lIiI cm pink drcn Irin nun twain mmr man It lm FASHION FORECAST Future Brides Preuiew Trends it tion with ita Ioouou plum wedding dry and purviaun Ior oi cotton lace orrr Iaiizla with Koopcd neckline edrrd in late and Ihori led alum Nanrya gwn ldrntioai In lull ihndr at blur inslilnnr Iro Irom narrlca SIyIrtte Ilorr trimmlnrr Photo SPEAKING MINING TOUR tour has bun IrrInud Ior anthers oi Ilia Iioyal Cnnodlan Barrib Branch and vgvr Iilhtxlin Forms ry even ng Who tour will be lotion egby bullet Iuppcr prong thou planning to arr Door McGibbon pre III oi the Bar Bran ii iii llnrlon Ind Don Purge Neuron rind cn Bil EVER Shriawell Insidious nd John Lnr IlUlelA EYlillllONY TEA The iluroni Symphony 0r lmtra Guild hcld llI aprlng tea at the Sunnidale Commun ity cenIre March to Illa cvont marked the begin ning oi the tichri ramlegn ior the symphoma Iprlnu canczril Thar will be three ooncrrLr this am the Groraan Theatre Barrie It mo pm April 17 illq Opera llouse Orillia at Mo April in and in lllldlnnda Scr nndntv School Ii pm May rune change at this dam The Judge Te To Keep CALGARY 4cm lr sun the Druid liltlhnsld oi tho Alberta Supreme Courl hoa Iorna Mtlu or women who want to ho Imusd ui an in inrut in their inltimnds prop Irty it oh should it nr they atmld separalc lviirn Iho usitlt nro pur chased the mile ihluld hate convmatinn ln lrnnt ui viii nItm ln winch lie Iuyar Italini iiulunc i4 51 dear Ir prclcrnlily lIaII ni varytiung hm is yours ear tinJusllco lchunIld rilnd the cur II an unmarried woman livinr with nun In Edmonton who won her claim to hull his Jllopfli heroine the kiln tin stile llIIlI iI your hours when the homo was timed uiia mould pay port til the purchau pure at the hours 6lie Ilwuld imp record at the numbcr nI limrs rho entertain lltr huthnnda clients and their Mics Ashe should twp round oi Iiin ItmcI also palliup tha alarm windows It almvolr lha walks she should imp ii Icrnrd oi the time nor huriiunl Ing ud It not ill like lot oauu it meant morn to him to havollrr run the home Icaiuliy and without ia ms it L031 APPEAL Mr Justice iiirDonnldgIva his advice to it mcctlnz oi lawyoril wivaa examining Ilia case ircne Murdoch at Nanion NHL In which the ll romn Cgith 3i Cdllltltll rucd that ia no on on her attranrrd hurbtndl nri inulncna bird Illurdnrh contendrd that or to years the had con ulinilrd Iinnnclnlly and try her work to tho ncqulxiilun and lnrroualng vilun ni ttII pronoun AND PLACES Midland em out tuluro Si PIIIts United Glurch Choir per iorrnlng with til Iyrnphany TEA CONVENEN The In wII cunvmod by Mil iiulh Dads lira Carol Paul and her Nmndlltc uric res ponIthI tor inviting Iupportcn oi the aympliony Ind associate Guild numbm lliu Ellrcn CIIlIcrnn loom Iilor table arrangcmrnin Guild membara Irrvinr II in ntrirl mil lncludnd hilry Calling Marion trauma IuI 5mm ItulII IIIirlcy lxirnn 11 John Brown IIrr Nocl Sirollcnnon rind tin Arthur Bcraln pnurod lra itom 2150 III JIM lollnurd IIy run Grntu liil Mrs Melchior WHEN OlillAtllri illn liltamnn guild pltoldnl uclcomcd gucItI und prrsrncd rumors lo Carol Poul to acknowledge hnr wnrk in the reorganization oi Iha Guild 511 also thankcd the llurilo liurtlruliiitdl Society which Is raicilrulln III 1th Anniver 11s Wives Becord 5hr iuiiilcd silt hull dnnn thing raking Iwnlhlni mowing driving trucks rind trItClIJIl and lcuins qulcllnt harm lItllnr mltlc bulls and Viarlh In tho mtgrir Iiihorn lug vntclnaling hrundinz Inylhinn Ihnt wnn to bc dint uhiit iicr hushunrl Wits away In the monks tiiill car iiulul lliurtuphrlri the trial Juduca iinlting that ion th work done hy nu roncli Wllc Mid that Ihm win no ethicnu olhrr than that tho Piopcrly lichililtIl minly to Ilia lnuh rituals rv hirI Murdoch hull dons wot EnrlIl Iain ans tntmdrd to com the gIarrIi aotlII iiiI at tho city District weddings tin trlvrllcn and Vtalto all llama oi luttrealrlo ruim nI ltiII pa Your help In sup plying am will be nutty uppntlate Ilrau tel hot the limit umlnrr III 6517 and nail Ior the Womenl llipartmrnt Iary thlI yaar ior providing lhI curricula nrnngcrncnt aihouu ants QM didlull 15s armou cd and Introduced protrun prrlormtd by tlonnln worthan WM played French horn Ic cornnnnlcd by hlrl Kay liIon Ieir Chris Iluntlcrr pianial prurntcd llnchmonlnoll pre tudr Susan illcltrltr soprano hiahiizitlol tho nilcrnoan with ltircilan at American Folk annals and cnnciiidcd with group at mm Al invlilnl urryono In Join hrr in In liinh Lullaby hlrI liulh DIIII thanked the nrlilln nn iirilnii Ill the Guild and Irrsrnlorl them with tok on pit rii npprccinllon Silo ihtn onltrn on IIII Iill stunrt IhI gullnI tltliet tnmpulrn mun agrr Iavspank about the spring canccili Ind explain the dis trtiuliun Iii Iitkttt Anyons in trrestrri In purchasing lltliell or nlslrtlng with tickct Inter picnrn ruil Mrs Sluar at no lint lirltelr ore alio nvoiinhlz irom nil Guild mnmhm The nymnlmny II looking Inrwnrd tn Inolhrraucrmiul unsun WIN Gill MlJlAl LE GltMtr ilDiINAND Franco titculcrI lnrnn liltin zvr Iii Calgary mm the gold mrrinl Iczinwiay In the 1s kilometre namrnr crust unin by event II the world iltl tiilimplnnihlpi Inr Ilic Idlgll roll lioruEgnpprd Mill in tins oi minulol runs icconda NEH WANT AD Ilmidn Cily Pallilnl Mil lnlroducu iron Till Ariiva Sound AlliIll Sicrro Muittpiax tiyainm with Built Iyrr Ind Automaltc hill Sue ilSIt Clinnw loo Wiltll illi Volnut finished unotl Iiy III Miwtmliiii mistrs Iliannci storm nr itpcllktr Qtiml tIlcrt Auto All amkcr luciu llccrlvtl Mi lillo Mil Smaltlrll Mi it lilli Mi Wt 55 ll with 21 Iolllrr ISL ilarrir Incinermuimumt You maytun Mum marriag la going out at all dtnt bdiIu iL JudulnI iron It throng oi yomg IprinI and Islam brimma Ibo OW ml engagrd Iirls part um day tuning marrt iIJnlcg to be around Ior too year IhI um Wagon oi Barria in Impera world Main ior trldcuo heiritnearuaadrvmyur the crowd granI larger Wednesday moi lhl drui chill Boom It tbt lid in Lunmmmylnu mm 0i or It moth nt bridwtovbc vililcd Iti dltlcrent del amo ing items oi luau to any ad glib Ind newlyweds Party Irrangommtrwm to churn oi illsI Im Gem head oi tho Banla Wriooml Waroo trim hoItIoI Mn Carol usintld by WI DIM FASHION TIP To on what to warrior tho th irziunmulma dim par at oua by Smarts oi Emit mm wu coordinated by dirt lrona manly and lit Valerie ack cr Fashion mmontalor wu IlrI Jean Bell All the other dItIllI that In In loieual part oi Ilia wedding day our outlined by rapturo tatim who passed along ad mm anon on photograph invitalloill Id ra uolion and tin boooymoon more Wu also dllyiay oi portr special occsslou calm with In oiioroilapercrnloilonall order Ialten at tho party suncsiiout tor wedding gliII and urcham tor IhI cvupiII new trde and variety oi atriu Ind mlnra inning colon in Ippllanm id and and colored coi ns perm on in Wadi wood blue ultclnnlnI Iron would an ideal gilt or WM couple lls lacowlut at imported rI cooknIra liniIhnd In glare with Italnicn Itccl rim to provcnt cnipvln Ivaiiablr In all ldndl oi but new coi ora and pIttIrna DimlIyI indicated nwdarniv tic much In IIdIOI aim Ill and tolcvlrlool OnI mm III torturrd blur Ind Volt trim nltnvrnntciiln IpIIlIrI Ilia cryIII and rhtnwm dilplly In dime at 32s Girl ilankin was croutritsly Irrang cd litn lunldn drew winning ilclittl or Iloyal Douiton ilt urinr non by Joan DInIon and crltal Ml Mn by Perry Ca wolL All Wrapped Up MONTREAL Cm Anna tiurruy has In Motion dream aid itawrnppod up In dollar hilla dont mind mtkllll limit can dollan Canadaa top In main vocalist told nvwa con iorcnce luosdry AMI it in midi Iotl oi American collagu carnpmcs Ind ll headtnl inr mom told Iixlon mots on American net uorlu Iha oim la to not men rccords in the us IliI said The tour AnnrI liral Ilm the rnrciui rcsllnplng rli her Ityio and intact in it in with th his time dnrnandr oi Ilia mayor US market bhI iI uirnndy known in the us Ior iicr waranus with refi coa lioducaa railocti donned not try Ircta Ilaonuon rm included many new Sim our to mus Wilson and Sharon Grccn uolcd mom MIMI iampla waawin ur oi cosmetic ldt nin waa Inotbct whncr noll halvedprim Mm lllr httillcr who alto told dlh play It ulnca It the party Anne Murrays American Dream John Hutu minted II Ityiaaloctzlc instettla to Wendi Itiao um um Sheila Sutton Julia um um Marrili hum North1 Mil Fender niobium1c uun oi modern htlo Inseam Inland Ihlnrg floor will tmi tva om lid moral pattern at rod hint white Ind Noun The rimdualatlc lamp was top podbyalvdahadowltholnck Ipomcr Anotl rm IrlmA to voucher Irarn WI wont to Betty Ann paintlnl oi III scents Bob McKay was WI Way pmmied Iouchor Ior $25 to ho used to wards Iha oumhau oi IurnIIurI to Carol Apple ate He also pre aenltd polo amp to nor My Coumaltin rnInIl radio VIII non by Karon Berrer Ind presented by ll liuth Mild Cenlttcaiu ior IngagrrMnt aiil IirImrdl in to aim wen Haunted by Wm stelnmd to Juquallna Gillan Mimi 0WD Stun NicholI Run Maputo was winner ot yrsra Iuwly trorn lha Pop prountrd travel lucky win liay riboIch utio non Iv mltunionw Beauty tips Ior tho bridato iio Ivro prucntrd by Eylila Bey Moll by Brideclad Marina NI drn won Ionter mllnnntl oi Baytettoa and BonulI Ir KlNo NURSE Drum Bunch altered cootiol pouruawhiohwlllbohcldtnthu Bloc largo Room oi the Con Iumcrl II Lina Tho courm will be con ductId iriAorll Ind are antitlv Id Oondioilght hiialne Ind PItIoChIiI mum Iuliable tot tIII bridegroomlcd Joan Jay iron rot or ur ea prcuntid by Min llancn ithonda Scott Ind MII lico Dollar Bills on television and on the tab circuit inn ilsa lI dlrlinotiva nmonl Canadian opulIr llnjt ioi making it rm north live bolder Alith Illa has already demand that than II raw Anne Murray in moot com in Hamilton outta bit rt tha Wu gni from maul le IIlll Iitinct ihmutll All than rum am than the llyllil her dc Ihmatl Buihllntr Pmil voice as aha tntkI oi pm in tho US All thorn talk will bl Irertod with wider vorloty oi rmgt nrr rnpcrtolro has been prnndod inxn country and easy linuan to lnciudn buck bllwi blues and frilly rock or pm ection ting am on the ion Iuriaca idIII tor night driving cprIcIAus med with irill oi lace Ind sunlvpcpllnat thI wIIiIlinc Ilcr short veil oi Iulio lliiialt loo nccrnix the line at the bridal gown IExImiucr Pho toI IRADIIIONB VARY in dJIA rentcultures throuthout til norid Above tho dtlicrm in bridIl inshionl are llIMIlI by Dobbin ubcriy leil and Orlta Saul who nrIra rrd Iillt ml the trIdIllona IndIIn urddlnI drou In ours It linr wedding In Ion Doo biol tunimrr wedding dress at Instr cown lhe our willy rounded necktim trirn WE MAKE IT EASY AT Firestone srpIIEs upu hi do hlItIlro hitsday polycator crepe iaIlurrI no baring on quality hour or wnh root ability at tho rgg lulu Mlu Itarlorla Told sun chit at the dmtiooaL iluld Opens Optomety School WATEIUDG Ont CPI Jamu Anti Manolo Its first oliin union On tailoa rm minirtar oi adieu and sadvtrthler school at opionsdry hm 1y llr Auld war laatmlnuiI nplmmcot Ior Fm Wile liaxn Doris win was unnbla bo pram boom ol emer cnc lcaiaIItInn Introduoed to deal Yak CMDUI India dirpttoe llle IND ssiouulor srw Insrittsn iorlhoinmouafltesfoe STRAToSTHEAK 57814 Blarkwnll WHITE WALLS ONLY $2 MORE TIIII with Iatioatirn in is truly Iuprrbripiacomontcholco Four tounli pllos oi provan Nylon Iunnpth and campuiclv nnpinrolod trend provide long milanpa nnd oxaollrnt traction on wet puvamont cueormntowrnics FORMSIZEI so WA murmur HIM amp 0704 HillH F7945 medium Lighted Diol ELECTRICALARM CLOCK Compare at 6898 Mary ranch Iillti Iva tllcreinre cn titlrd to hull inlrrcalln all her Inuunnnt swirls lnv ciudin thrro quarlcrocctioni It land Iluuraird Ilai ulnar ru limit Iinrrlai With Extendlil Warranty lindng Tums AvailIhin II III III III mmt