Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1974, p. 5

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is It mu the and to res laud llrst it iM lot tog with tiers Chisholm CitiZens To us Inkantes eI willow trees Iioel its banks and the coins slimline are concern to residents there turner no they toot to ran scene in the scrim to remedy this situation com mittee no been iormcd to to vestigls out rinsing the banks so scent trail can Restore WillOw Creek Banks MIDIIURSI tstsiii soup oi concerned eltisens hers bsrs turned oranniittre in inves tlontI ass at tmpsovioa Ind restortna the Willow Creek waterway which ows tiser in community timid Plihll has been cieecd chairman oi the com mittu which tastes to clear up Ihcrtroarnbnnssosscuiie path csn be laid all with pis eises Innrklnl the location oi halorlc ltes aim the mite pibllc motor will be In bounced rrmty to site Ireo re sidents Lehmu to air their time o1 wnys ot nvcmrltlnu the erosion or the Willow heck vvsierooirse HISTORY BRIEF hirs liortao error has cd brid otniininl the story ot Willow clock Is one ol the hlinnt liistoriml Association briets whldi will be eoniolled mattrmltbrts year this his Ia the resultol um tnliewirl it mfg by anor Ls in in Iuneyor namld Senmri Willnet made me lots oi this stream now known It the Willowuln his notes Willow thouaht is vae derivrdlks name rent the willow trees which srvw pro tuscly storls its banks in the loser musics at the aim India the area row known as theth motile legend tel us this muses war at till the britlsh solders Isddted with the too bl clen inu this portion at the lireum round it such In arduous task to cutthrouzh this thick lrthh thIt word oi their eiiorts was passed on buck and iorth along 74 Crop Outlook Is illliston Topic AIIIaIbNI Siam situa tion tor South Simroe in tort will be the topk tor panel diwii mhlchdulli be one or the sport as tullsimeriinl It Alliston commodity centre torrsollrlrovvl xihe ys prom III at lwo Iris courts rniritrvot szr uro In lood styaii will he introduced it this am Protester it lutkenon ot the department mp science Univeiaity ot Guelph ut discuss rind Situation it The afternoon program will start with report on the or tlonsl tertitirer torderem by Dave Brubschsr Dora itlsOorqu odIte manager oi North Well linstoii OoOp will live another report on the lcrlilizer Iltiiltlotl iisrliicids situation 14 was the topic chosen by Itch Chirinlm smlsmihe Ont Irio pesticldu not commit tee kill rt in the panel dis cuislllonI sprisediird to Itsrt It NJ pIn will be iroiessur rui hit Mueller hit Andy hidllvish and Youns ilsllvery FREE with 90 0rd OOrIcntIi nittwars Opel DIIIIL Iltln Inld ill ht Isd lat to IIt1a Hood llllo Ins to pan Mm he entire route train the dock ing area on Lsko Sirncoe to the curious on the upper takes Thin this past oi the route was idetdilied as the Willow our EARLY JUPILY IIDUIE The Willow termed pIrt oi In lmpnm party rwta which saw Whaling minim being rails boot irons the lower end oi Kunpurlrit Bay From there it we carried overhaul alone rilnemrie portaxo to starter drool above the Willow Neck ihla depot was lIter identh lied In Fort Willow Front tboro the seeds wen by canoe or barge down the Villmv to the Norman River and then round throth rteonian Bay to the Upper tallies garrison It to llrst white not the area throun which the mu rtowa was eovued with in sin ELIthirth lam Ito sorbcd much or the deep winter snows Ind thus tshls It very hlsh level The hlsit water level crsItd untold turnbu oi main iprm which owed continually throu lhnut the yeIr 1th such streams as the Willow had year round water levels much hlithor than today Because at this many oi these creeks were quite nlrvtr able Icv small comes and her unto the NchiiIys tor the lndtans who trpvclirdJn the area The Irridon oi thvl early settlers was shown in their zeal to cut and clear the land and strip it at its valuable limb The result oi this interimte ty has been quick runoll pt are user each sprio which has ruined misstve eres and iowerlnl the wster tsbie REFORBTATION PROGRAM This rendition becsms so tsrsnlngly apparent in the lms end catty moa that wise iureceina moo began an extensive reioresrstlon prol rIm desipml to restore the ixlnsl tonst cover thst hId been rsscd by sottiers Iscs And lildhurst became the cen trsi rclomttion nursery tor the whats oi oontrsi Ontario Pioneers romiogwlrltodidthis srrsl scorched as on is or in would sues lain ilnivind rsricutiurli com munity Tints it wus that itidhurst cum to tile II this particular point on the Willow Creek For Is all srist mill operators knew ihzir mills mid ibe located where there Mes In emote drop in elevation to provide the rtlirit source oi water power required to turn the hose gran iio mill itono Coridl ions were Ideal It the liiilhurst section oi the willow will AT BRADFORD BRADFORD Strait RrIdlt lords loDE denier uch ls hearted by Mn ilrockjvam as recent will mark its no mumpsy nest your Toslxht and Thursday Academy Awsrd Nominee Entertainment Iesturs It ill and Iran Last Complete lholr Ills COLLIER 81 ilAltiill to IllII NM ssls kept the Is between what is now known cs the bridle un FindLIy Road and the CPlt trestle innhcr drummed thin is drop at Ipproxhnsteiy 15 test scrim FOCAL POINT Undoibttdly the mills built on this creek beam the locsl point ol the new wmnwnity which in turn aimed and encouraged other enterprisins men IRJ owners to make this location their new home hetero ions it acquired church school Ind most mportsnt IisrnI lildhurst his mid little stream litdch ows through the cernrrslniiy stirdin iittlI mer than pass lance irorn residents was ll tact the very lilo blood at iho woolly to their loseraihers In relied choir ieiiod trees in toIts null ponds rhitdren swam Ind babed in it dreamers lelt sled It tt lovers strolled Iians Its hInks indusirlIiirta used its er ml the mnnumlty and livestock drank the Cool rim wslsr The cairn shim has been er retell on the banks ot the creek in the villus oi hiidhurIt Li meniall in the curly pioneers ot the ooIrmmit but elm stands to remind rc dents cl their heritage which is closely ilnk id to the Willow MINESING III cLUD MINESING tStitill the Minutes tii club will met It the hierw II hall int Mday momma limb to to nor snizs and mnkl plans for tho mamas so Whats nothing con SOPHIA LOREN lrll Miner Photo Horse Trainer Is Optimistic Altrr saddlins the winners at the Queens Plats Ind the Prin ce ot Wales Stakes last year Gil Roontree is the llrst to Id rriit he has tough act to lol iow but hes optimistic lie is currently coodillonlns mhorscs rill word by Jack stallerd in preparation tor the Ontario thorn bbred in sessons whic even at Greenwood hhrch an Rounirca has an twoyear olds in training and is oi the opinion they are hotter lot the last years crop Things look pnlly coed he said the twoyossolds Is group an man impressive tnIn last year Queen Hill hall sister ot Royal Chocolate has shown speed in the mornin Ind liner iin the Iirlt ion at Amber snerry and colt loch load oe itoysl Mists last years Pints winner has Oiled out and trout Ter who won the Prince et Wales ales has It so put an welshi 0d Port doesnt change he needa mud he eslrirmnteriE Rowntrto expects to be in sec lion qrernw with lave buok Jsmrullah some ot his IWOleM ltr stallord hourhiJ maidens lotIriesroid by lmorrssite culled lrripcrver ss that is read to run he re pelird Site ddnl start as tuoyearold but had ends and three thirds leIr READS COMMITTEE ELMVALE isms Don Thompson is Irishman at the Eirnvolo maple synsn testivsi mmiitco which is maltina Ir rsrlpcmonts tor the annual sprim evcet to be held on Sat urdov Amt so OTHER DISTRICT NEWS STARTS TOMORROW SHOW TIMES and DOVJMVE WI 001 VACATION FOR you WESTWORLD hLgaquR RICHARDBENJAMIN AMES BROUN ed iatroeoise nghlciitiiuirmufbumsu mam Adult Edutainment tssr sucwmos TONIGHT our sun will MAN or is MANCMA APPEARS ON PAGE possibly go worn DISTRICT NEWS lull WWAY mam III Iim Idorgan Rink To Oppose Hughes Crew lit Cookstown Ml Jirrr More Ind his crew at Dave Mu had Dian and Penalty will meet Hudm rial in one or eight games Mail is the mens see lion ol the We cazlin dub as marshy evening starch ll and with ushes are It COUNTY GLIMPSES WOMENS AUXILIARY MIDLAXTI ISLnlii The mt menI Auaillary et litres Pm vtulsu mi min mi retinas media on Thurs VIM April MUTE 51140 1mm SM Solth sinon Dishid Womens truth lute was orme at mett tute held here on July it mo old motor show branches irons Stroild try and Smith Settlement were repre sented DISCUSS DEBENTUIIE LEFROV iStniII Members rt Miriam innit Community Centre will meet with coumi Wednesoily mornlnl is seek approval er $500 debenture to ilnsrxe the project Muslin stall will have remixed the ballnzs ct tbs Irri uIry canvass ol rItepayers in time tor Wan discsmton Charla Rich Donna Fsr MortoHs srd Bestoitho list spoclal 99 each PETER OTOOLE Adult Entertainment 44 44 hing Behind Closed Doors Happiest slim the Whole USA Trormtlte Pat HorvmdltdBayN Enlrfaird Dinky Yonpe Ind Stools man Psi numb and Miler Door Ross ltJ akin Milk Git1 and Burkiu Iuiost Keith Rokuon in another game darn it Motion and the In with Keith John lands rink chh also iodides ll Davu ltetia and Bill Dorsey Itll ploy Alsin Al oids em Ilryloldr Ray and rm are with Ar bold 11 club prudent itshert Dorsey will skip liarsey hlrlaschlsn ms in Mitchell IKIJM John Danis mo Turner Baker and Groin say are with Owen Dcla Harvey and his curlers Romano hznt and it June will oppose Paul Trot ters rink in one ol the rather on its late dm McCam EJWdbrr and Mair with hotter hill Dorseys rink is Daiir lamp and Jacobs will play Ted Strudwlcss new in mother isle rnoolmtrr lr sIn Dermott and Ham Davis ith Ted Den Caner Ind his rtnt cl Robinson Hopper and Poole Itll take in the ire usi rist huh Samders it Murphy is Derniott Ind Horsn In with Saunders tiIrIy hose and his crew at Brown hLuIil and Drrrnot vtll oppose nob realm and his new oi Dorsey Dori Eiiues and Johnslu 4H Clubs pl Elmvcile main Sail Thro EthHidubslillbIrt mannedrcrthsoewtcrmu Memo tries norm tails Istry ol scleuhun sad toot binldsngbervsnhloralathatvh ilkvumumdbyGerlld Orr swan am anI prucmuia tor wrth Sims Will Conduct Vote For Apple Growers unrvsu Recommenda lion in the turn prodms man krilu board to arm an ex pression oi prorhmr opinion on proposal pl the Ontario apple marIetlax modules or chants in the NW oI cob lethal nmlurrr nunse iced has been accepted The commission presently cola lscts tel no Ieixht basis per huadmlweight tor iresh processing and lulu appcio res pediielv The commissions proposal is Ioi limit in at so per Ial ol IniI trees with prmisiora tor exemption at new plantinxs under the are oi mu years All rowers will 50 lists basic rsemotion rem the first pl 1m lees Balloting will be conducted In April in minLitry ot uculturo and lend oiliccn It poiLI to he announced All When who were subject to lint lies at or more tor any nI loo crop ears is 171 Wll will be entitiil in ballot Products with auxin planting Ihidi would generate license ire et at least in when in lull produc tion alter makiri decilrltion to lists IIIect will be enliiiod to SesSidrif bicarbonnltbnbllu Itsnsoee It Gullsis There Ibo will be two Hi riub meetin II Shine on Fri lurch both slated tor pin The can Ht held hlhrr II Ems Int North Central club will most Vva hail The HI with Ith urnily envhuiud is In It Do ily Dotnx 5133 as It somwmcs omruoou stiii xn arrtlh his iourth year Is Nottawsssgs stove Dix mu rle prevtumly de non and councillor tor yams its succeeded iorosce wm Arnold Vsnclss hold la the township council Ior tho im stereo LPs 627 each Botrack tapes Many more LPs and tapes am available by those grunt Country Westom nrstsnithoso some toroitnl nn Groetost its Lynn Anderson Greatest Nita oupor LP special 99 ouch Alex Dodo Reed and EW Weemn Fm WW Wit Winmwn Mill Mam special tow Sayvotto pricosl Johnny Cash Greatest Hits Hank Williams Greatest Hits Vol special 99 each Renee Greatest Hock bl Roi Hits attain Hey 71 term Ind was returned Inla I0 971 ToitlndAlit one Chortle Pride Vol Court Road Budge oriuvrspoe tollhcmbrtion UNIaltitude Woluvmneaostmdm

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