eolvrd lit hId teboth churned urine his tiret Supreme The EN MI Cl the PM when In herrie the Eu reuse than oi Ontario here with the um at In beer them at me minl an Anne nun Jnitxn Iverd Doshqu III abroad In connection Ith err Incident Involving In Arms no men on Any as rm Dceienr Ier pleeded not to the mm 55 mlautre te eeth the the on them From the men Jury pend to pro re lnrna elem cIIIed lo ergo mm Itlon tor jury duty Dolenre Omani Noel Batu ehIlirnrod tor revII III to ten didetes on the huts they were not lndetlereot II the one be tween hitclieut end the Croen He questioned thorn principa ILM their prhr knowledge rel use both tint heed Ind throth the mete poIrIble tene Iiy relernsth to police ome ere Inked them It they In not those men were men andAn In the er We to he Ind he Arron eet eslde In emptory rhIiIenre Youth Sentenced 0n Charges Vernon Europe Venn 11 at St ammo St Ill eeotrno edtoelotelollwoyeereleer dry detlnlte end one per Indenite rith Commende tlon Out the serum he eem ed It the Onurlo correction II inetittdl In Dnnrptnn VenCo III ernlencesdt In Blrrle clel court MI elter hid COurI Anoizes gin been Egg eggs EEEEI his EE E5 75 evens SE been turned villi Feb on Hm dunes On ot Irmed robbery he recel lvo yeere less deg denite Ind rherm or hreeh enter Ind theft six month concurrent end on ohm or telllnl l0 Imer one comment ems ARDEN lldt tooth hibernation dinnollbeyeernlvu were mmmmd Modal Community Cont PM Citizien Oi Year Named In Minesing Community Ituel ttlneslnxert otlheyeIr She was Chosen doling the AmiM In February by bul maultee Kt to wider lnlvlmnle who but contributed most lo the com tntnlty JIrn Scott Chairnun ot thl Enovtucm count BRIEFS has lemma Ith or sixmonth WWW drIV Inr prlvtlexee were headed down In Ilerrte pmtnclel court heedey to him Bentley 1701 81 taunt SL Bentley wee unteoceo on ohm or Inn peired drlelnl ol which he hrd neon tome mills Feb Is them at lIIllh to milI Iitheeeeneotenmtdmt In withdrewn Iller the court heard that Bentley wee uneNe to re member the Incident hentley hId heeneh Feb on bath counts nine In Irel deot In which he hed been in ceded Dilly court Inoeeruee bu Ibe ee oorllre Chem Al IIIring the dent we re WWqurmr It the true FINE TOTAL III line We on chem oi lrIuduIentIy ohlelnlnl loud rend Ilaeot Allen Ichem oi author disturbentemre imposed on Willem Prlnne re 01 30 st In nerrle pro tillm Tilt til er The court heerd thIl on In so It 130 Itn Prlnnle III It henhurer It the titer tere licrtIurInt Ind iheh ielt tho rertIurnnt without pIylnx tor lL Iie returned IAIyproxk meter tzso IIII end In re Iutod service It which time he rud tout ertd IhILstye Isnxuen In trout oi to null It the no tIurInt PAIRED Norman omen lI et or st tree lined mo site will In eutomstlc suspension ot hlr drttlng rlvliercl otter he pleaded zulHy In Derrte pro vinelel court Tuosd to chem ol impelled driv nr 011 ran tree eporehondedh Much It urn em rher rer he wIs operItlnn hit port uhlle trIyeIllol outbound In the wett hound lone oi Collier street breetheiyrcr test revealed bleed Alcohol content or per cent MOO FINE Seniord Ruben Gelihrrer l7 ol one harden wes lined not limit with In eulometic rust pent II at his drlttnn prlvllep eh lathe potadwoi tiltlrce redtnllu or en ru yen was convictedln Dorrie provtoelel It pm Fountain let the Iceue but wee Ieter Ipprehended tol loelna In ltmsiirotlon by city police who warmed Fornrteine demered on on pIrMnI lot In the city HEAR Nm SIM YIN link Mien Iran the IGA lien on hmleuler street cort Thy Gordie Well the Allendele illeoe residence Om In Derrte protrlnolel court Tues day hirett plerded guilty to steellnl the sleek vetoed It uheirvmthetorehnlheet ternoon Jen mm WIPINIION II at Ito Brtonrd St mm to dry to mo of rlrtv hie licence was eurpendcd wee cheered Doc It 11 mm eiter he use stopped Elke while drivinl lion We Itch street The courtwnr In tormod lhhi Goon hrd eix pre vIous convictions tor drivlnn while under eusponelms or tile dis uIILlied On oherge ot tel to produce root ot in eurm coop wes lned In ed tionII 9100 CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE Kevtn Aunustu Smile ill at WIuhsushrne we Inted conditional discharge th one your on prohetton ln Barrie pro ttnlcliinl tour Tuctdsy Ilatter rd If thttt mgr Smyllo wee Apprehcerdod outelde the Towers department etore Much with Item lee valued It to which he hid teken from the store And tor which he hld pol Plld REMANDED Detid low to oi Port Ito Nkvh wee rerruhdcd to Aprll tor sentenclnn Ilter he wee touod entity to Berrle provin eIII court Tucsdsy on eherre oi drivinl with bloodvelcohol content In excess or oe per cent minty wu st Merch II Im Liter wee ob served drlvinx errettcelly Iioon illxhwey too hmtheiyrer test roveeicd bloodlkohol content ll per cent TITO CHANGES Mloheri VIytre itsribeeu so on to Sunlord SI use linedlllh on cherr ol Irwin the Reno It In eocldmt It on chem ot drivinn with blood Ilcohol content In encees oi 06 per cont Ind prohibited Irotn drlytnl by court order tor period or nine monthri WI who pIeIdod IuIIty to both ohertu Berrte msindel court Tuesday eel Inovlyed In property dInseee Iocidutt Jeni IA Bl rm In on DIN meet it Iott the scene bu wee nded um polite NEW 3mm ll let no me ohm It truth It test revealed hlood II no otconuotoruspegcent 10 BI SENTENCE tinneld Mllh olIII Woodenidge no rvrnnndedvte lurch torseotenelnl in Iter III II court nrudny Il IIr Mod willy to chill ed the under mo Down one of Illedentr out Ichoel due to the Yeti emu leech erI Itrke wee wroheuded outside the Team Mammt eiort Meroh with two stereo tapes veiued It tilin which he htd etch front the store Ind tor which he hed not paid use Im Jemes Albert Iltelre 22 ot North Vencouwrr 30 wus tired stouln Barrie provlnelel court Itterdey Ittcr he pleldod xullty to thorn ot parser elonol meriIthI illelre Ill Moped by police Much tor mlnor trntilc vlolltlon while Vlntor Sanitation Inc Boyshoro Estates THE INNISFII CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WISH ro EXTEND THEIR THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES ANp PERSONS WHO HELPED TO MAKE mm rerowrNrErtAMA SUCCESSr DriveTn John Davies Construction Prose ore DP Gothons Liquid Disposal Alvin Koll Trucking Ind Loading Thompsons Sailor end Servko Wes Hogg Gmgc Comm Limi ted Sndlon Ind Smtt Motors Sender cove lino Youngs TGA Webbs Solos and Service hire F0 etth trophy to hermedonrhyeertothe hllnodnnntltr She Ilsa receivedu slim mongrelmanna the Hindu my MA Detroit She mini my Forum ot rose and hes hens the Womens 111 mine In one DIM preddont hire Peyton wee converter ot Tour Toronto Men not To Face Charge Toronto seen here been CAIN by Bertie CW ml with oral enterund Itler xueetnwod It It pen evening vet Willow met by he Bernie detednneot at the Next Pro vindel ice Brien parole tIJemer Thomas MD 10 Phil Cliltnh Fnyston It htlnmirx IInII brad Med thematlretrntrxbtishuithn Navy The my Miriam In 61 curator at thl hlhoslnd Neutmuh kitty end It at present curator at the Oomty Nrcdmulr Iihtory Bonk Sh drink It Lhn Bor Barrie and District Association tor the menteity relerded WALLET MISSING mashing heaven and SIM In on hills wee mew lost by Werd I1 and Munstequ Reid have been same In cotltu nhmolitetto oi rr cit Drire Arte wvhhmlem vinelel court on him It to me the ohIrp trIveiilnl south on Illrtrny too when mire rot out or his ctr the Investlutiltl ottlcer ob served pIIsAlc hnlnprotnldlhi from his poehel re Idrnlt ted titer the hu co ed the gritty to question end we Chll Jooe Marine Doodye Sandy Oovo Acres Peaoh Halves WA lPICMA Othge 239 School Site Purchases Among Topics 5E5 Egr tr hint in not smarts ILIIur em or the order dtIcerA rrerertion centre on Bloke STAu 0qu he the It ordtnrlor errrctsrye Lin rity round we told by Aid Ross Stephan thence comet lco thorium bud LI SILT Withstand diet may no rtty will Ippiy In the senior cltireushumu or commit Ind soCIJI services htinlstry or so oer rent rub Ildy UH mill prnse elioceted one At sto plum told Aid Jet Lek lhntldtldnkthnmel tIIlhtIlrttItIIonoot IKIII Ind error The tinm termitth hudrot trorn to Dec herlurks at mime Itxl to Coffee Creamer Adehwy Danni hmknblalidem mmn mlmdenluredlm Iadalnme to cum rnmmnmm thlroltsxnmenduuandhhi Preach lanyard Anton1 Malignant ollehlt Huskies mm owr Barrie Intern moruniwrbe Itll bstommtw my the podcdhtahndcm SIM Ilia presun er Iemlmmhwto the southwtern United Sateepro xedlchernllydenlkleslni beheme temperatures to tidy UtLe moment In this miserportetinthocext In hour It It Kernel mostly etmy In canto thigh Tixndey with tern retiree Ololsdwhh EwdnormINIyIOdneIrnor thuredey Throttle my end mid to Ind Thunder winds north tf Bin today Highs todu Istanbullede highs with 33 Petrrhoroush northern Leke Iluron eIstern uh NetIn withern Georden Bey many eon today Ind mindv rtotb northerly IS to 25 Add mum mum Plum eheAruhrnDut limitinth Ind tag to Snrnle 51 Thomas Audion earthen Mount meet Wlnrhnn Olen Sand Mlth Ilatxtllon Ceth Toronto Mouton PHMD SIM Carlton Ilrnrntn Marie molten White River Gerehilon him Sunny Skies Will Remain In Area Through Thursday Tempsmum Iiii moderlle rude loner en lo honeornonmlonnnnhyu Wham NW aauaaussasussuzuusuuuzn IS IO wmmrnmmou link SI Berrle are mom Choice TAELERITEeEEE SALE titIm eott egsmsssau umos onnexm MELON men some AVAW nnnanumtretzasuausinnkxue At Meet tgfi Noel under new menroement oi Mr Erenlr Mike hnelrtety redeemed uewrume THE EMBASSY HALL IYIIIIhII to IIIme crrvrrvzwng rut Mam nmrmu mm Imus Intt court menu on cherre oi impaired drlvtnr The cherre wee iIld lolloulnn property dImIIe Iceldoht North Ii Mt pm It not Bordon hronthhlyrcr teet tndlceted th llitr had hloodelcohoi con ill Mr Ml lINED em line oi em wet levied nelnst Doneld Normen Irern oer to at Guelph elonr with In eulomelio suspeneioo ol hlr drlv prlvllozee Iltor he pieId ted unity in Barrio provinclel court Tucson toI chure oi Impaired rlrlny Tremble wu charred Ilmh It 530 pln otter the on he wet or eretiny Ildeewtpod another on on Dunlop street hrulhriyn er that reverted tumbler hed bloodnlcolroi content oi l1 per cent um ACCIDENT ICENE ilrure it Fountein re oi Driller St was Ilned trhu in addition to beln prohibited by rourt order rom drlyln tor period oi rtihe monlhl tor ho lyrended guilty In Derrle provtnt AL court Tuesday to charteot leaving the rcene oi on ereldcrtt In wtht he tees Involved The court heIrrl lhet Ilrttnteln we the driver oi REXDALE ONTARIO vehicle which hit rer teed In imnt oi as trimaran WIIIye Winter Sports OKocts Brewing 00 Blade Roast industrial Water Supply Weetltorol Electric Speedy nhnsrnlsslon Cycle Sport in Jones Construction Dohirioon Construction Don McLoud The Township or inantIl White vcrosscutnib sast thho Alconn shell Gas Station It end ll Plumblns mo Heaths rum ntrtnecm Boneless Shoulder Roast 09 Cross Cut Slur Business Illechlnos iInrtdy rrnrdwm Tyndrtios Fnbrlor Pauloyonna Sports Wer llttD gt rent strrttv i139 CooltetIHam wiclr Genorel Stem Sutottes Bonuty Salon mUACIMWlDJWM Andys Grocery Ark Eden Nursing Home illorohnntls Vericty Gifts Galore Davis Pher WENII Royal Guest 99 In 197 Sunny Mom to 91 l77 SIItitl IMMEDIATE DELIVIRV MR Ar CIl DAVIS STRUCTURALS SHEETI IIII PLOT CITGALV PLATE PIPE TUDINOIIOUND hr HSS HEINFORCIND ROUNDS Ir MESH NAIL Itt AIOVI IN venom mu WNI EON IOOKL STAIMAN STEEL LTD 60 DISCO ROAD esooutl or we no Intel siinaer smartest ODUl MIDI Celery Stalks EI 29 16A SPECIAL WWW OIIION Kleenex Towels macy Droon Rotrlxorntlorr Solocte Mens and Boys Wear Comptons 10A Kiomrne Gonorol Store Town cycle end Sport Dlsonn Goncrul Store 91d iron Kettle Spoor5 General Store Sarah Coventry Wilsons Itcd Ind White Orolg Ilunter Poultry Penn Boiio titre Store Top Notch Variety Aloomt Smelt Der Rolling Pin Bakery Village inn Thornton Dud Martin Construction lnnlstii Lions Club hotters Gringo Bella Vista Contexts Stroud stem Sound end Mrs Jackie Collins ll no an rmgtAIIM MARKET SQUARE IGA CHRISTIES IOA FOODLINER wornucr AND slowestm 11 nut to or rm or YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER emouo