Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1974, p. 15

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Oilers Tighten In 81Win Over II mum rmo no they tool In possum domed Nu mum Wm In amt Limit MISTTAT mu Flyers Beat bl third plan III III Wm DIII Iion mg no out and 0t Ibo Idle Winnl Jill Tbeblm In the WuthIJIII Ion SM vital to on ID limo in Ibkb to mombome torrtlmd kwIJIZtIWilArmrd cLbde tn mt muslin ieItI at tut yrtr by ChicI Gounod in glued on ITIW no the WM0 motion Iliad out no III 53 mudlidmtunx 11 Start Gerry comm 119 lathe Ipolled wartttyIIbutthtth my gut Mm and Ind Houm In dud WI Imng Saints cummun win mod to Wm Edmonton Olltntmdo It my loruill dirt TWVMIIIMWW noddlMIrWafldthhJM Islanders 21 By nix CANADIAN rum odm Militia so lud thm innit bill tin thit run cu rIdt our li not ADS Tony Domini Iotard No 11 one mm mu goal in th Rcood period ttlmIt mi oowt ol th to otittr mu tin cottqu Hershey Wins Filth Straight By rtmcnrrImm mm my II with Izbt mini mm Mott or 1450 oi lb nal third Mm Mail Wt Jack Vtvha iooodIy Om tho Baum have been not to mp um Ind viii Emumnnh yuan mm mt mootinxtbcn to mow fit lead tn the mo titration tho mule llockrylmm gt arm Bum watt ml It the limodad rmrk the period to lead the Bonn bdm mo Int In Jubmdilt Jim WM Mn mndtntcolortboboonio to fltmbllmndlwllmu million outm tboBmm 394 row Cmtty Sobdnrk Icorcdtwkior FIND MOIST ND Duert told burrow inr bo tbo IttriIco to lind nloIIl HOCKEY SCOREBOARD lly mCANADIAN Ill DlvtlloI 80m EEEEEgt ==z=a=rzaso 55535 zznsg Eff282833 St Mill Toronto Philadelphia NY IslanderIi Boston Buiillo Detroit VIncotner some MW Montmi It citlcaxo Detroit It CaiitorttiI PittIburub It Lo Angola AtlontI It LIInMMI World Eut DIIIIlon II ImiInd Tomto Quebec Clovolutd Gritago JcrIIy Wm llotuton hllnoosw mnmtm ltlmlpcz Vunwvtr gtLos Angola 2315 Ram TurItIIy WI MI Angola aqupur E5 EE Egt 28821 53382 ansuss an ileI 88 238 ourum 388333 Huston Mittde mtpr New Brand all Tortilbl Lou Mitten It Vmuver Winoiocl It Cortland 53E5i EEEEgt moon Nutrition 174th whom room My Kinhonor It Prtcrborouglt Soul 510 Nitric It Call Irina Amrrlrn North DiviIlorI Rmhctter no 101 PM 81 Now limit Nov Scotlr It slleld in Baton Scull DI S7 33 b5 II Egusu 5339 soggao lO hiod 10 E5 EE Ilcnbcy Cincinnati liaitlmoro JM II Vlr lttll NC 18 ll 19 ltrlttlto Tum Ilortboy Jockaonvllo Boston VirilnlI it GInteI Tonisz NoVI Stotln at Cincinnati Boston It llcrsboy Itodtrdcr It Now lioch Springeld It Richmond S3558 MORE SPORTS 0N PAGES 20 Egt 2223 8322381 Inn Harri um bad twtoIl toxth tot thI plum Ann MI Tim SItntI no link claim of Itrrhnilnl than Wed DlrI LionRodin Amt drlndle as they lost their mod In row llllf In than ttobutcrt Itrrak ltoutoo Ind tho Saiott by HM poan Salutr MINIml thIt Houston brad in tho man when Cord Wale uvrod mo winning ml Waltons Load 1311 Points In CANADIAN miss World Itchy MIIIm mm kIdm Ittzr hadnt mot SI too 11 91 ll 83 ll TO 13 TI TI 16 WIIIMI Ii molt NJ Hm ll Carleton liuil latIon lml ll little ll Hunter Combat azausauzurzs ZSSSSKBSEE Peterborouglt In Contention Iy rm CANADIAN PM NM Poth mod book trio medial In It On tIrio Hockey Minion hutor merltmiqwttltIHwin mcr ostnwn Gonorok The win wt Peuttmwdll maid in RI lat mm Ind mmd the to vdtlh clam ollttl idle KIM lltmu Ind tbm but oi no midum st Comm Bluk II glued tm and Douz JIM md tor NW uItn toytrlonoanotyootwlthn month motor In tho me llltk Frost of lb goal It mcmoh Ibo wrro outsbot Tompcn Ihmd In the lint gated In which niem Tom mm assessed elm malt om came tnlscondutt totIl at it mints In wattle wII handed out In too must Tho win Itongod tho It Potrrourwsh stiller In Osb Iwn tart Sumhy In other um Toronto tlnrlboros ddtrttd Olllwl while moon Ktd tmmd lllntlltm llld It Action noun in tho rlnult ittmdoy wlth mm It Peterborougb Ind St Cllll ormt ploym host to Sault StI Marlo GroyhoundI Marlboro 517 Tonmo wcrocmu OtthI rarly to load with two quick uorlo boron tho lint period ndrd Ind outmer tho o1ISl In the Iowa to minim the Root period wdo Imrtlmr John lonolll Illko lticEttm Mark Nwlu Crnlt Download and Brad VltIon round or the ttIrIbomI who outhot tho 57I hm DIlo Tim Ind Derek Smith rootltd tor ottInu hasnt 33221 tbm cm hIVI Ill silo donutIon Gold Doom lIrvtsI no Klodmhik MEL ninthYukwa lan CPI Girl Toronto the only Cour dial to Wtidpate so to In tho hoIdIIn Indoor mils cbarrr pionsp lost III lintmind Tutttly but be any entry Ion remotan more volt BM in Ibo pivots GUIDING PLANNED TORONTO ltlt Thll Idrrr mer six mums wanlmi by the Old Gulch ol Curtain ll be bold ththwt tho mlmtrv tubule homridlm In Allt bermcountdoth tbmnlt Nathan Dots Liquid lllrncb lnvex Iytmer mu PHILADEIMIIA FLVEIIS paltht My uh Mll Ink rlx In the II mmmmm tkrtkrtmllmim Burr Loses First Game lion It Imus mottn by Iitb in row Iohnslon is Out not who tonnectioru trvm mun Ind driwltcd to Bob nmm 33 MW pond comm ninth in wound dim methadova wot drlawl urn HE ihngnmgqm lll today liter phy till bohind 5mm mun Illl be rrqutml mom said it in paid all EMMY lW comm Ind ml tho IL mun now tbrcemtr Wedt ot ml which was being Redbirds Cnitl Muted IIn up ed Johndm the NHL leiy oi uchIodlIvIIII alfnyer RDNNIIIIlIVI iur KS BnmlpkmiIhbtnrictmr Ibouidhoabtotodosomctbln Tomato Juice VALUEILHECKD MEATSJK Tcndrllnlri Portion lb to III III Ml mnirvcontbcttehlshn mSIIGmMrdimtin LuthoilrpotuLtltFll lo uh bk nick Is Dan tot Tbnto the best yum tvo Icon Burr piau in some tlmI Iolil Don lthtu at Toronto coptxln oi the Conrm DIVII no team Iltcr Md KIlo oi Greece outlastrd ilurr b1 imrr Im mmod to bo Davk Orpunm Lut car but did not inmost Pontoon enough to play in emu or Canadol tno tests III Iorto much more com tloionl Iald leInn Ha has done tom titlan to lmrvto his ground Stroku it mm to be cute player Nine with were viid Pots nurvmh oi torooto tould Glittnart oi Amtrth and test bottmn Kiel Johonm oi mm nod mntbrk Pain of Idmduio My aim on tuv nu mat to tn nineooint domain one in the Knob mm othIr Itttn DM owl to improve his warm 5163 Cuuollon Ill 01 In Coffee Mute Currtho luluti Fold CI Skimmilk $l33 till1 OI Jul 79 to Fl 01 Th 39 LII Tin Smlrt Shopput outer our FRESH rnoouca Swlrl Juicy Seedlru AGrIpolrult 8for89c min unnrhy tIkrn oped noon to cum tMt Im Lu the Idmin to pin virtually every Iroe We dont omtort Hm in pronto ml lo do ewth newbie to as him We ltt him roan done on the mad Ind or Mil to nuke mn he doesnt low in much might Cool by Slrmn Nolrt Ind titll Rubennro tho mm their In Paulie il Orr liaise min but Clarke Pb Sittlcr nucylr tr Park II Calamari AW th Dionne Ibo Bt Itlyl Mm MARGARINE iitiurbuinn Prelrtrrd IL For IIbrloI Feature Nmolv INSTANT OFFEE APPIEIUICE tint Burl lllthrwnt Tiuue trntuu Punth mu Sin Nil Nil Vidal VD tit Ind Gill his lllLt Ibot for tho Bruins Esposito Holds Wide Margin Dy THE CANADIAN III F1 lm STRAINED FOODS lor$l iEJTLOIJIl FtEECY SOFT ENER $139 ll 05 ll $205 thith lmutlttktl Alltll Fl 0t 11 WHITE SWAN rolls 37c EBBLSZHSBBSa cxasssaatny 23382233EN orWltIIW 431 110 65 49c DETERGENT $179 lTHENCHANGE PM 55 WITH M15 mm v3 No turtle III Colorv Stalks 33c Enrol tuck tt Strlnq Figs 69c llrm Gtrrrt No Lb CIbbaqo l5 unto Pot llrady It VII 33 89c lb WIN PORK lIrnlly Iuk Ourtrr Iollt To ll Churn PAPER TOWELS 2rolls live our Park 59c lIatml ltrwul Slu IVORY SOAP Futon Weirbl It ll OI Rollin GRAPE JUICE 68c Efllttnl Alon timid VIrIrOrIl in ti or nos FOOD or $1 luittrol Brim Svlld hllI Melt PL 01 JONAFISH 79c IOIN CHOPS 99clb CInIAI undo ll lmen llmllrr Size Team Your Ontario TURKEYS 67 lb Canton Vrtl Strrolrtl Itlnlllru BACON SI 09 lb EIIrx Mlltl Stlwncd luqu NIIIKIII llrInd Lb or as 3313932 rm um um 5le 99 to urnsCountry out Cottage Rolls 59 53 as Tudor Tuly Root llvor 95 hour lruoottrtl 01 Bhouilirr on liner IImlly IItk lunrlt Mom 99 tomb Chops $108 Siriach Smut Shoppm wlll Inlay lltIII EROZEN FOODS mintan cum Porch Elliott 89 lhbmlulo mum In Stu McCain Cakes 89 min Klnr it or Mr Dlnnorl 79 lilmtiiul ll OI PM Mmronl 65 llIlrry trotunt ltcd Ind White at OI tum Sliced Bread aint llrEEmbMs REP 55 Willi Ooon Thundoy tr Frldoy Nights till pm Chooto yllKE NEW EXCEPTTHE PRICEI lrmrllgIlI tho Spring Saving on Goodwill Uiod CIrr from Tho Dollar Stretcher BUICK ATKINSON GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH BARRIE PONTIAC MS BRADFORD ST PHONE 7261885 i4umI4il IMP momgmnfmmaamouw

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