Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1974, p. 13

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eI ie WWIIh ti lull rm that itiru thildlle your Pride mo Doe And Michell lumber Photo Grove Street IWojmait PBtlw tin Anne Bibkr bu been drown duh parent oi the per In itArrir ltlrI nhler vrAI chosen lion dryereoing Ii Irnooiinghetd Itihebomoolmeitmterbr Iipuieid ludgee including Don Mimi Sime Bounty mild ml Aid BIrbIrr Prom Simeoe OnilitlyDIlliltt IieIiIb Unllx itev IcOBrion mulled lor the AriItd by llelen corneu proud ent oi lbe Bertie Pnrtll Wilba out lArtrierI Aliodntioo beau Ir ol her healthy outlook on tile IndlhewaIheLrIbleloW Iirr one bu iIrrtliy el lounbonmnd two girl And All IN netlie In the llYWCA The lm older boyI Are Ilsa omitted in oil and the oldert drt In NIT IN to kindly include Ellebele in We lo PIuiI twins RAW Ind VIIIno it And Girl They Iliend Iiillcmt school lire slider to Active In the PM with PArtnerI Amt eiAtien And work on the obli dmtI ertirilier eominlttll IiIo Peoria three nlrhiA week It the motion itoeinurInt II iinIneIIiiy and ruin her rlxn ultras ebtldren lirI Editor onlfooe oi oer Ettath ivrrrvs new autumntrio illuiim thfSlsf JIinder Box The Cent Arid cnrdboord In to Ideni Ay In rreIlIiig try orl children Ald ltlhnr done In excellent lob oi creating the Ilniotphm roi evil Aiid nomth lor the pill The Ilnder Box Tho which hill been In produo on since the int oi JIn unry will bo perinrmed this weekend by Litiiol IIiiI Piny eillt the Georgian College on irldny Ind Silur nlngs Intl SAturdIy bile iteidndthn rotor Ind Adm In my production Are the and props that them it Inoitter world nn with IoeIl trotted liiio tho loyerr budgot bilngr out the II oi Iii genulty Ind lmnginnllon gtGeoil iteid who hor been member oi the plryerr lor Ii or Iovrn yea nor in rhnrge et IeisJur this production rind llyl it the ilret time ho hIi noiiird on this port oi pro duction No no helped to this Job by oiher membore oi the pleyrrr toiw Glisennn nail litiio Smliv ey inlr hold we there three Art In the ploy roven IepIr Ilo scene Ind 12 scene rhIn There two tot bod tl loot Itde end leei high that he describe AI huge pnlntlnrl lhAt Ilretcit Ieroir the blot oi the lingo The blok droph eonelri oi two Ill loot high plow oi convnr ihnt Ire put together to obiIiri the to II eilect0ne Ieene Is lor the other street lir Reid told that there have boon revert to people working on the Acts lenltn and con Ilrudion Berldol ennvn bubdrop the member inioi ntlirsetdoslrn tho med Iix by eight loot eArdboIrd linu hinged together to err room One ride oi the hinged lieu has been pointed to erento the Inner more the other ride in the dunrrou Irene Weve mod cardboard this time became it ll hier to move Alore nod much lerr ewensive llr lteid IIyI come irom Plum the no and onion theatre ro ltniitr llox will be we rented It the Georgian college Thonire Friday Ind Sniurd It Id Srlurdny It pm may be ohtIlned by eIiilng Idulu $250 children not SinglPdrent 0f Year blunt problem the boyl twang AW tbunrelvee Ind not mine run Ironnd to do wine at the hrndy note but the em Ibo Ieepo Iehedule oi wort tor out oi the child ren Rte owne her borne on Grove Sirrei lid on been widowed for nurrber oi eIn hire Nice Pr receire her word or Slnrie Parent or the YeIr It the inhibition bIn Ind dInoe to be held Snlu Iy April it Townhouse Plan To Committee v35 it aggg 55 Mort mu kimono to Lm Dee 2t rum Ind alter benednr mrumznr Hill union wokesmnn IAld lerml ol the Want Midi to in admin Ii per In to DR Ii Illa mblimm oi tittotsInimrintho lint yerr to maximum oi moot All lento Ivorhnvnow mnnr tour but pay nil receive no exirn two out etlective nerd bet II III lob rules will be Intros unbo eistrt per oer with inle Idltnirnmt oi in rid mxlrnum at to echo eiteedre next July linen ItilbeAiueeniIInbotrinew In in All men In lieu oi eorl oiiivtngIlomenmt III In mo moi dtlving eoenlrtor will be nrpilod to minimum olzo out on hour vuAliono will be improved to provide tor three violin utter rlve Vonru tar Iiter ll yeIrI nit to more roman by Eddwdll win item on lioelov amt wII roirrred to he commit ted by Borrle mod lorA Ituihr tbnl tolu mm for Mumto Nile atom or the dovebomu ii to All the Mum oi single owatiiu Markdown or mm mm Ind tIIvt Wm in general the inout In to would Md mlm to slow oi Ibo Barnum 1111 Inn to win trollie iito NIilitl this The htivloinl ddrvunyl could ptoiido The dowbnment Idded Iiu eta noted Individual its em to 91 acres on so per cont oi it villi be landscaped Perkin rpoee pros med AN 110 FLUDILIDAIION Qty muneii hnA no Iutiwrity to Inoetlon tho Iddlng oilhu orlde to litn to water In Irm unless it In been Approv ed by it public reiorrndiuri the general government committee reported to until llortdoyt motion ihnt ilwrtdo bo othicd to tho rityI wnter will re lerrod to the to tire tor eon Iltieriitlon It the inst eoumil meeting it we moved by Aid lento AUDI IiIi Alti iIul Wurrngrr CHILDme Itio Slrmoe Grunt lleoltlt Unit villi holtl it Put child health clinic lhundny illIrch from to pro Ii bi Georger Anniicen Quinn Burton Ave Dlltrloi iii in Porous RSSOClllloil vlitlliom iihinluegn oi Dll emmoMuoUtirt lnx trie durinr hie rpoodi ottlto utilit Ii mooning otttho Barrio Pro Sroxrive coolervrtlve Wo mrnI Arroeintlon Nerdnlf WI lhotmno IN over some of tho stItiIlro with too Ieyior inn Add Dr no room mtttwtAtutunt um vtutnuu iPGSimcooNorllrl loliowlril the motion Mr lbonnon will in in Ottawa thir Ieokond to attend the PG Innuiimoven lion thinner Pbolo GUEST SPEAKER Secretlry oi SlAle liu Faulkner will be the rim eponher It tonighte InnuIl meeting oi the Norin Simeoe LiberIl ltldinr Associntlon ni lho Guthrie III The dinner neeoting which rote underwa 330 pm wit rho include the election oi Issoclullon oi licorI lor lllll New Number for City Hall Eiledlve limit to thetele phone number ol Ill citv hnli optimum will be man The lrrmer Ilnrrlo Putt Arid lloemllon OommLulon is now hoortn no the retreItion dmrt merit And will move on March in to city bill It killer St from prurnt premises It liil John St Also movlnn to city hull rm to Iro tho enginnnrlnz Ind the plnrinn Ind development do irrlmonu end the woilere ol ice The mniiing addict oi Ihe litroo department end the uel litre alien in nor too Iiinir 1AM iitl Barrie Art Club Artist To Speak lhe Dorrie Art uuh will hold lil limit meetlnn Ved rte limit 20 It run in tho lbroiry hill on titI rl mem rrlrrluliui will give it doinori nation it neer color rtddtutc oi irnvlerl Nor mal Urivrrnity oi lAiwon the received brood mining in Chlnruomrnlntina oil painting wnter rruinturo Gilbert enlllrrnrir Chinere poetry and eoliim chimlquo ought um and reload ribloeu in mi row Iiitl it norkl lieon exillUlicd ther in thoVAug tint Solon lire Eng parilel edliitoelmlluronlnmvelvwe oi AriIIndcrAiiI Ind wootho iiiivonli Club oi llrrriol Elmioi Annivemry Awnrdtor the boil outer tot it crinisriiin BUSINESSMENS honour mint The Milan lustmsrmens Donornlttro oi BIniA held it mainly dinner meeting It tho eminentI inn mu From led Pint itineuh dun oi Toronto murmurs chairmn Murray hrii til wnnr GROWTH itiirr rinsr Ilun errbi president oi llol iyvood Kitchens Mirsisuun but rpenltrr brim one soloist at tho 0an Gearge FIrin oi tumbler Photo Housing Development Proposals Put Planning Board In Quandry ght mike iroin devrll opera Win told oi ALI bouan unliI put Darrin Pion slnx BoIrd lnI quIndry Tue Iy We lbordd utehihir our goon rm tint boIrd mem Boost ltotmrn aid We Iheuid know Ibo direction rore rolnr Weve to Mike on lentlIIIonI And our ninth re orid member domes Gren bolxh kyrrepnthixed with Mr itotmnne vionr Or else were going blind hA nid At our tut pinning bond medial were Inked to could er mutual Clo houdnr upgd Billhlll org II Em es lot oi II recrontloiul Gar rounit townhouse dIreiop merit on AdelIIde street by msklli Development in Ip ed mutiny DArrio Finn WY whidrwreeornmeoded thIt IIiuhill enter into Alto pint moment with the city eubltol in tidewnit provision end rationing he done lor rthliily latilttiu including winning by pooh Were got to look II the north into red the tire and POIIN services no Public Ut llltle cornudssinn Ind Hydro bun timed eonrern beuute oi rIpliIl rosin WA to do ride how tut Vie no me Aid JInreI Perri nld Aid JInko min laid It In or the board to the hind oi housing tnliI whether sin gin lImily lornldetrcbed or multiple dweiilnr units llul the bonrd was letd by pl Inning iiimtnr Ken Peck thnt In dovehprnent exmdlng to to murt go mono the lire And engineerbig depertnienle mu roll letting by In enrineer At in list bond meeting iIn presenting Alili we Asked to priorlilo tno mu at 0000 one ice each In Addition to lem 11an Mi It bl lnehrdrd in Its plain ibn developer lnwuer have piInned tour iin INI or moo Dunlap Street Motel Proposal ToBe Studied By Committee Minn motor inn propth by Bert lntestmertlr nu ruler rod ltrordIy by Barrie Pinning Bond to in min committee lor slutty To be Iowtorl hi Dim Street Wort nod iiighivnv too mould moot oi two riveetoroy bulld lna Illll oi the nound lioor IreI would be motel uniII 111m will Illo be pnrklnl Apron Orinimlly mtuurun Ind dining mingo were planned tor the devoloomrrtt but they hm been ieti out oi the cur rert beeruso their imiuiion wind not permit eul Iiolert parting meet the Pie voiopcro Mid iiovtever Men the reitnurant IN the dining lounge Aro ielt oi tho plan the developers added olrht more units to tho orlrlriol to limit Platoon Waits Eor City Planner tinniiiouro dovelhpmrm pw wool in the mtheosi oomer oi Little Avenue Ind Bayview Drive was drierrod by Barrio Firming board until city planner is hired Doienlnr oi the Kropoiui wu requested lucsdry lim Vnis ley iloidlngr the doveioprrl Pine Valley It proposing total oi ill multiple ininliy housing unite bated on tho den sity oi lt unttr per Acre Sin le iieniily residential room or been owed tor the Iron in question but Pine Volley Wild like it to be ported tor mutilpr lntnliv dwelling to nle with eonln pattern to Ute ruirotntl irrum The riotmut itiriuder two play area butiin mien spice to the tooth oi Iito develop ment more it rehool Ike lite en and commercial nrrn to the north uuuunlrnn to sum ITV My MINE DI door on bomb tanninme Won ooh on um It the Dliill ioiIry NLan lun cheon meeting tundny in tho DUIlmu MGM hawgray motor inn more my riwnsirntlonot mninulA MRID monitor the pruenlItionI ingot planning board one told to provide lovide Whine lor deteioprrs niryor Doritn Putter nld the taint numer oi unit certriniy causes eons eern Sevren rod money should look It them mtutlui Were rumored to ilxirn to tiny end we dont hm to de cide now Ihe Added llon ehIlrmnn tinyden nich Irdron HIM there Item see id Implications deem the oath rIte Whni type it priority In no rotor to vae regarding the dernitntlonrt Mr itolmnn Ask Id Were in ouondry lion cairn look It thur mildly committee oi ot council would no oi to decision melding the hir tor oily pirnner Provo Adelaide rTownhouses rouIre leer each tiny nlIntla we mm my hnsidll laid rovhlon oi two honoroiinro oot lay Irons centrally nirred it problem ihir trnlirzillen Ind lile to rlooe to the slope within development So who mine up with tour pin loll with the sumo lotIi lo Little Awnue ARI lllr illnndel IIIil think its niprrior to It plIy trees think were III the requirmrrtil oi good develop moot Become oi the stone rnnin board rerorrtrnendid tIt not looting be done lor Itnbtiily Mmr Porter Id ol the hiring will be reconnet did by the reneni gore eormnltiee to commit whole tonight he oi lb tIlJooI quested tint dereiwrnea Al be gd until ty planner ll Council bu binned In ei pee eont moth rate the but lor the then Perri holed the question hear to Ad mlniaier the eight per rent growth role And not Ibo mutt rnte per uebnlrninn oh son ultL Mr Peri Arid the board bern wth Ibout with eetne on ere opment WWII Jenn Ind it bu the ob lien on to not them rowed right Any Tbe huie ho Iolgul thootbe rAto oliv bond in not In It to but dent the Ito min uio the our Approvalngjpardzmnm Ii Thodmloprnentpmoldlb ltl unit by Fine VIIIH the Iouiheut corner oi Atenuo Ind nnyvlrir Drive ra units townhouse dew men It Biyiiid simt and the die noad too unit by tom ybeo n8 wiopntenir It tho northern comer oi tinytiew Drive In to units by lrlueo in menu It Boyth Dili Tower crescent in units runem no xlonrnenlroriAelnldeareoi at units by Knoll iInsiilli Agreed lo nidewnir pro niruetion on Donald greet vision requested by the 56 units by Net Develop in bard SCIENCE nun WATERCLOCIE intrino croniey rim do Goldal cttlznk Simclloboei vietred broom once em to laminar utter dothlttr protect At the Met tin ionooie rIudIotI toy metaln heuwautui4mu an up merit en ilolnie street

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