Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1974, p. 1

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you mo Lining yr ImamA Sr mama arm Examinrt Norris Onhrio undo WM erdr ll 97 Taum tilt rerHoNrs uranium may Ml mutt In Murmurs hY Nvl 0t lithoCopyAurluHdetnrchWnUy Illililimimrctt GAINS IIIIr SUPPOR ho Brooms tumors Mm Streoiadnoi all and mo 17 Imm hy Ilm Whey Board TORONTO it bill de rived to mod the hidindml leach Itrixo In York Count us to come under scrutiny to day by mutter oi the Ontlrio minim and location oili clnln lnwlmt In the dispute TMPOU GP Avnh nil mlnhlm met hero lodsy tr dis NH tho oil embargo Imposed MILD tho United States hut Odobrr ou Minister BnlIld Marlene ism ol AlrlriI molded over tho whim llilbtltd by top lrlns Just prior to the nut at tho micron Ill lino nonmunict tlons txtween lrlpotl Ind Eur op rm tut ha mottoma Oil Embargo End Topic Of Meeting uncommon ol nine Arab coun W11 Teachers Talk Before House Bill lnirodixed in tho housa My Edursllon Minister Thomas tolls wouhl for the 031 teachers hack to work Ind mad pIIleurher Iim Ind other contaithm Issues to mmwlnory Irhitullon While the home begin mood ltnadppml in principlr oi Ihn bill today bosrd ol edu cation otlldnls and traction Ill be btu Mail the walla anchor point at mntrvrmy Until Mdsy It least ma Sotily York trulm mud to homilnle tho rllto chiming It Is mmgcment right the nth dottrmints how mm tenchch school board nuy employ Ind Illods nortv In and learniox muons Is tins Ilzo Ind teacher wort loud The portion oI tho bill Urdu tho leathers hack to nor Ina dudes diredhe murqu tho Mani oi Motion to robin them Introducing tho bill rhla ho hoped Irvlid end thn llrih that began nearly le weeks Irv hit Well all that huh no nttornItlvs hot to bring tho Itslomta lo oondtulon Hotover ho Iddrd hurl may to who ham in Izlpmhlion ior Unitul stator State SKMIIY llmry Klssinxtrl orlorls ln OXIDE ID mil toms Di the Sues rm ml 311th Ichahtkd icr Fob it In lllpnl and hot sun tiny In Cairo IIan Milk he mmo oi Algerian Ind Llhnn INT WWImTwilnid thenmlnidonumerpedod thIhIIIntIrnomentInDtkoLI tomoonnrwnnhnmml III III nldndnnd IWI Wad bywm XIII lid our was In um nmston metno INwh AIAhIInnldlhomoanz will and Illmom muddtdaibdl OTTAWA The minor lty uhenl omnment Insdo Ithour rultch in Mr Irt no poiky my In rs mood Dhrt might hale been total Hell in the Cerium 1hr Won rludied Ira ming New Dammlc Psrty lwort illicit are the rairma out the Imh medal to vote down commute sna candrod motion board on the viesrold Idersu mad Ac VIA Veterans Allllrs Illnistrr Dsniel MachnIltl dotivrrln lhv cman Idlns In day lm debl owed to rerkl gourmet plans to ttantnIte tho nct March as Iin nid only lut week In rxtsnslou ol the legislation noun he untur llilltd Ind lumprilio In amino position be met In ND obiccllon Ind won Its support in the nu The motion In attested In to too Bill ND um Dnvid bowls wnrntd that rntlrw must rt null In Mdnullon oi the pro rIm hDI momben Ioud not the government manly tryIn to no hrtnthinx time he nld An ND arty wotul In no Illernnttw to brtnr to its own Dorman tidmo motion ll th was the can TALK MEN Tho MC onan do ol In MW Elin moomunumm man tnid thn lr H5 lr ND llotno Adar My Elmira Prlmn Trudnu and Common House under All then IronirnlLr the delutod Oxn nrrrstuo motion Ishd or at mt tho some contusion that Innomcui by Mr nsBtmnsiderstion cl lb pin in end the tenor ind program meussltwnupmmt In issue at contidm tho rotuqu Ins towed to bar nln still the ND to ensure mmnwons mama I1 to torSrd Prim mutt Ind lllr not how Matt on mm election the molten sponsor by Jack hllrshnlL Will rctcrans nilnln ctllk vol based on imnu caption gr lurid In Noranhtr by anlro no Idwcnto ok implored ponslm Ind relerlns bandits The Nowmbrr rDotlan us routine resolution Ind was lauded by Ian llama Ituodsy Wendi little cade primarily to un baros NDP when Ind III cementum mm It In ouwlhllitwouldnsolzlnn Inrlous chnlknp In tho mm But th ND canton In xovwlu InIlIr IoDkJr riotIr outbound Mr Mr II tin prim hr men New Abortion lrl Rgatatims Stayi TORONTO CPD nodth lt nmxnnt aimed at mtrdmmnhllllcrtohtlhs tmwretmtooororo legishttuu thorlllnot rmalpooplsuhoJDtooo go much wwwmmpsmtt Illowlhymldston orddcthnmwhomm MIWDMW Itmlorthmrnidmhtmu man no oohrItAcr Ede lawlnr lNDPTo Sam at those mum hl WNW Nu Dolmdidnoluhttotothdrpub mums Mom operation mob mumYm Anumbcr those All lrlme Min will only mil cattueulnywhon the lawn um Harold Iiwn mom to the Item ol comm 11 moth maximum No Easy Access To Nixon Files III in lo Iopplo lithium pm short ol mlloril or he is It tho opening oi Pnrlnrncnt labor for ornmont or rtlh min Ell Iln wind down in ml DIM no to tho country with tho uo that promises to wln him Inon Illlon tollro common humt Ibo Itntozy MMJWII withdi from tho Europan Comm llartDt Elihu wthoa remains pom It tho hood at minort Oattienien Neetl Higher Pricos Tolncrease Production Whelan WINNle it Axrlcuh turn anmmgtm on rt ro covl hlthor prim ll ihsy In to tnmm production But It tho who time cIItlsmcn uy tannin heel bud must be re ducrd ll thoir Industry Is to thrive llr helm Ilid in Windpe Tuesday that hart prim my lncrcuo so to to tcnll pound lie Inld nacho wall by union and lerdlvt operntorl hm born hit by tho inrtnhillty ol the boot mutielItnd thotr prohlom Iltoct consumers Thl mlnlstsr Isld Americrnt taking over no to per mt ol the Canadian boot Inor rot and Canadian bod prim have to Improvo to antic cIItlI operators to my In business CAPSULE NEWS Urges llcuon Against OII Compantes WASIINGNN AP M0 Prosldonl limo Mow med boat mutual lotion to outwith ell amnion It he told hm Imam on the American motohm nursmtsum summit II em mm mm lmoymot tomrunner in utva 19 Nliblck St Johns Returning To Normal moms snow ll W9 arm coalition IlInt led to doolmtlm at unto Dl amtrem Tiour Die In ILII Troilic Accident El maroon CPIFol people were turd tId doom Inltnzd today in min at mutual Irhu Inwle last too which In new oil on Britains mnln nortth hlrhuly Three Pickett Shot In West Virginia cIIARImoR wv tAPJIhm picket ml in McDoonl county at one the Iotlhorn Wort Vir ntn coal minoI cloud by gasoline protest MIMI wld lootac llwnnllli demy thattn Iain live Dem euro tho Kryxtom No min at Imam matador Cool nr llmlil More mum Nwa rind llrn orwtod lrom wt IE may IIIIIIIde lorries Attempting To Get Pros Noltni SYDNEY Nd IOPIIlltlllng wmn oi tho heavlut cl Humberto III yours ihm Ononthnn National lorriestwo viilI Immune and Mil with mt tt todo in not two nml promo to this mtENAcllmhlsinmdnlha terrlu In our Instr with mums lI ruling mllco was to toutoirlIlldfMl In an elodlooowo rndirol punks In borl tour platlonn except tho to Dental new tmnt tor Britains memhmhlp In the Eur Economic Gormnu IIILy then kt the British public win on them This won diimt Moon In Consorvatlvo under Edwonl lionth when government took Ilrtlrln into the mmay Thom It want It to My thorn But It It tho one issue that tho Opposi tion Is not him to tom on clottloo on beam opinion polls luvs monk shown to Mr oi the ll Ith Mm Common llnrhnt mom lhn polh also show that unfitshot Britons hdlovo the food cos no will Into to main mornbrn ship in tho Gammon llIrket since ma An election ought on tho issue at tho Oom mon Norm probably would prodtzo Inothor Labor govern ment and in with the Isle maturity It Imds to to Ihud wtt vtho radial pronurns it has pm Isido Illliwoman Queiiioned In Shooting the Ilqaublic ol lrolnnd gum tlmttt woman supporter at RM run or test senator dospllo stainhoot by Proieatnnt Himnull thIl thy kllkd the irrhlltor ltlnrlo DnIrnm hotnowllo In her mums mu the only Dw oon rmrlzd Irrottod thus in In tho Inmclon inin thn death tl Smutx Vlillstn Billy dent at tho imvlrlonsl Slnn lcinptho political Inn at tho ontlwod lliAs Provisionnl Thu IIIA told It Ind nothing to do Milli Um dmlh ollllox taken by amp ot Imvrd men hum ltiotxts larmlfnuxo in conA Hartman Anti tho Ul ltmnrs PM atom ttmrst In North em uolnrd it now For Ilnl killod him when Ito ro olstod Intention ttIIt sumo lrloh security Ith Ill Illll thlnl tho llIA wu responriblo Duntnrt Art roucoln For Mr DNmm il vlmpml WASHINGTON CPI the White House has MUN twth It will mist Motor ro quosl by tho Homo Dl llopmrn tatlvor luditdnry commlltco tor Ilnl tapo Mills or docu montl Tho ol PIuiIkut Nixons Aides thott Mdny flatly Rizal the connrrueol move to obtain Mideast Wotugnir tnpo mornings But oi counsellor llryco and press Isom tnry ltomld mphr rnsdo clur leona Itroon lion to llllinl tho commtteo Imlirrr Itcd to Whitehorse tiles ln worets motions with ro Sharp Rise In Gr Leads Cost OI Li OTTAWA CF Another sharp rise tn mn prices led on per cent riu in living com in lubrunry omintlng the lnltlon rm to In Imcar lnxly lonior onto than last youI mm rKDrd stnliotlu Canada Wild today Grocrrles cllmhtd to crnt last month Ind Inc ti sharply higher prim lor heal potntocslnd moor products It ultl All other nu III csle writshowl on trunk portolldn henlthqsmnsl csro motleorondnzorcr IzDi Ilvonentht at one per cent hl her the room raid ll Mil on per cent higher ltogrrutom ldAD Air Conn man In oper ations worn mrmnl moon tho country today dospllo Iirlxn ivy morn thIII no passenger Isthll It IIlIIo rillrt ln Onlqu Ind tho Ilarillmns llo told hrlot delays nurrcd baton two nwu cotdtl dopart Rom ltslllhx and my Ms broom tho out wu rlvoo no advance Illrllllll tho handlsn Airlino Eur you Auodltion tint ltI numbers would not show up or IlIy thlllr hmdocnlo to which llir Canada Operations Normal Despite Passenger Agent Strike llnrlm ontl limit do th wmto Home poal mun ml UMP MM routIN rsns mm Blasts Mar Venezuelan Inauguration OARAUAS Qt Blast which damasrd two as pipe line which Caracas brougln lner ol nantd guerrilla tlvtty In Vcnmrln lollowinx tho lnnuzurntion o1 Prrsldrnt los Andros Pom Inth sources uh lloIIIi Guam Ioltllor was In luml oh the tint oi tour ex plosions rl through two D1990 islns night Ihout 30 Inian IIIH tho new rah dart lorrnrr Interior minister who rrIoltd down on mnlllrs om walrus it It should llnd tho nutorloi museum to mm It lrnponchrmnt Inmdry In million tho luv olilrlols raid the mittenhem mill my om thtlo liaise Isms or do lino what it outdoor impendi ohln nllonm out My whnt AW cllic WM in vmlgnn ocery Prices ving Increase than onr cIrlirr ooh lng the to pot sot InlLIt rat that man economic Inshsts Thom vnd mmmmwroug 10M hitNllltrnldhotsni remotemm miniserch can hndsn reroua SUDBURY wornIn who ditd in Genrrli llotpltsl Irlor taking Irma overtime mltht hm rmmml had rho rocelvol oxygen medical drum expert tostillrd Neath Dr Stewart llIotML senior physlrlsn It Ihn Mtloatlon Rn Irnrch Foundhtlan clinical In Ilttulo Toronto told thl inquiry Into It hospitsl deaths Lint LI Hull Mallard 81 had mired nitrous osldo at tho hosdtal it would only have In tho early 1960s was worn in It the nstlonsl Congress hnvo tired rid lor Itll Living costs rose Id per root In Ill lm lilo FnhnIIry Intranet broom tho moments con Iumor win nder up to 150 horn 1576 tor JArIuIry Tho ilxuro moans it tort more per work Inst month to pry lor typicnl llrnily living writ That In It morn than tlIo month balm III Iron than your miter and $6920 more than tin mu period on which tho iraton II hosed WAWA Parliament bly will be ooktd noon to Diortnino whether Iorooto Northmrn ol the World Football Mm or my other US loot bsll tram vrtl ho Illmml to 0111 III Canaan II with Minister ltlnm LDIondo laid Tucstlo ho will morn Mid to rob not that action tIltnn to provrnt this mrrrm and drrlslon could be tnrdo In two wrclu Tho minister loht rcporicrs ho proton that prohibition nlnlnst ho WFI or the National IDot baii beszu NFL be done through irzlsintlvo nIronI llo told tho Commons carllor that rovision ol tho Brtllsh North tries Ad Mid ho IIst llr Lnlondu whore orllollo malts him mlnLIlcr sport motto his rnmnm alter In hounlmt meeting with Toronto huslmtsmso John Barrett in mannavol tho Northmn Saint John Ind llondon um nlstI Ilicclrd as worn ihr Oll tarlo romntuntllts ol North tiny Sault Ste Ilarlo Sudbury Tlmmins and Thunder tiny on lundny mo songcr Izontl Mnnlml Toronto hum what thI union uld rm urles ol oountryMldo rolIt E11 may prfnlceslmlhlntk oi pm can Union And Air Connlll om all went to ronow contrsd tIlltI today In Vonnouwr Tho passenger oxchll hnrwllo litteu reorrvnllono Ind chltk bor mmltlton worn um Boullanl ol ntorly Val No uqu meeting wrro Icth Ind no prorrm was Mortal Mr Mt declined to con ml on the motion thopl to Isy tho Nurlhmcn will ho play In lootbatl and that ho htu Ipcnt more than 00000 on tho loom Ind hos contruttd com mitments or another million lolormod mm nIhl lir DWI In brlcl contradicted the mtnlslrrn oilrepented ro moris that government Dollry mmhtz turtlsn teams has been known rim ms The hrlol rrporlod to have sold the Northmrn would swronloo that mollznllon pa nwnts trots Toronto Argonnur Mums Doom It wouwnot so undu 1m lml tor the nut to 31m And the sources laid the To ronto loom promlrtd lo xlvo up in aim LhI Invmui or Lh Im in out or am ho gwum my Isl Milton it tho so tam Drug Overdose Fatality Revival Possible With Oxygen Expert Theresa was given mtdlcsi no JIILV chiran mutilation 19 In one ol Mr Will room Liter lound to ho omitt Ing rum oxide from Wm wnll oulltls Dr Illnch said her 1th was consistent with the In hninlion ol nitrous orldo but not consistent nith nitrous Dxldo In halation only Ilo sold to Igkl with an Air Inny report Dr Bernard rrr that the womans blood contained mom than lethal Amount ol the tint Darvon Commons May Decide Fate Of FL Here CH that part ot lls traner covering tho mt ol Canada WOULD IIUIH IVEET llr Idhndo who bellows tint Us loam playing In Conndn would hurt the CPL wtlmluly tho smaller wmia trn slut told reportm Phllilnlll will turn to do cldo whtihcr lt wanlI in mp Comdiun lootball Illvo or whether on to he Math 01 colonlu Ito had told John chlcnbahrr IPC Prince Abe in tho Comma that ho could mo 6w lion Bl pl tho RNA Mt whlth that with pot oi PIrlIh Intat Indlu ability lD mtktr lIwI lot that pom order no good rmrnmrnt ol Cannon hlri Dletoubnitzr said later thats tho manlort Imwor lvo ovor heard and that It showed that htr Lnloodn was mum dwlmu

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