info serene reg ounnrsruax WWW70 intonation LSadatas Left MeenoTheWeI Nasser Behind ass is rteE ii as up sri 53 333 rig Eli E5 of it fig ti 535s 55 iii in iii 355 it ii it it at 3355 En 23 is 5E iii gr 55 EE ins 37 Eigirii is Ea as Be my Death Calmlv lphrznwgrtornerdinthachinken hatchet anh lumen lih Dread up bpsln chickens came the nicheIITPhynd marman wan ronorm CPi kkoiamlndiltbelnuennd ln hkim naturism nit roars conunr guns mum in St at Coiborne St onus Ont Canada 1E1 Tilly barred law from PADDTI Al the std Published oy Thomson Newspapers untied Wm nwnmmudyw Maya Wm atonoarasasm 1m roan Marshall Publisher and General Manager er is is 38 is Canadabecame henkiuis ansoiihnse Wilwhwhnlnnsda ltbein the inalienable right of tree people to be innrmed on every matter ruave tar cumming Of the and Old lrlsh whisky at pu interest iron as inlay sources as possible every irec rson in 1min huh milrt lord bow It burned my lip free society has the right to punlish and to pactisa 2pm iree of tw TuNM In other 11 prohibitions permits and restrictions Such Freedom the Free is both hm hm my ow In that chilly sotnmn night the men requisiio and tho distinctive hallmark of tree society mrumtatlve attics in Cur Asthqseiiherewilhaldlsd ueMFA awn Mk ml Willi mmnwmm Tmtnlzi pram gm mm hm hm muedghshed in lbw Some 01 the foreign tinkers at me so aomwiui is To Replace The strike Almost daily we are news at some new strike or labor dis toinCanadnmdseoftmasnot ts one in which the third party the general public will be hardest hit It seems today that no building project no public service not even our ocls an escape major disruptions caused by strikes One icon that some day the only thing left moving in Canada will be giant ckct line and while the nation oars isasier everyone will be still bat tling over the last pcrmy There are occasional signs how ever that some sense might be restor ed to tho labormongcment scene that we might iind other means of settling disputts other than direct damaging and ofttn violent confrontation Happilr sumo oi the major initia tives In th direction have come irom the unions which iodly hava more con trol over our economy more power to iced or toll inflation than either govern ment or business The unions have had diiilculty ad justing to ihblfv rolohwhlh demands more reopens ty cy ava been fighting still the bitter battles against the big bosses of the 1930 Perhaps it was George Moany pus idcnt oi AlirCIO who made it respec table or unions to give up little mil itancy when he stated that strikes are nnoutmodnd tool for settling labor dis pu cs Another bagelul note came recent iv from McGrcgor chairman of the Canadian Railway Labor Assoc lotion who has told federal labor min ister John Munro that union chicis aro willin to meet him to discuss reform oi co cciivo bargaining procedures Mr CANADAS STORY with McGregor said union leaders would even consider Mr Munros pmpossis for voluiary arbitration or combination of mediation and arbitration instead oi strikes He agreed that the delays db ruptlons and monetary waste caused during the 14month railway negotia tions which were seitlcd by arbitration Jan id show that its necessary to dc velop more rational system of roach iig just settlement than strike no on This is startling comment coming from the leader of group at railway unions which have caused some of the resort publiclydamaging strikes in Can its heartening too to see that union and management in Torontos construction industry have marked an historic turnabout in their standoff relationship by getting togcthtsr to dis cuss job safety iho Toronto construction scene has been that oi some of the worst and most violent strikes in Canada At times state of war has nxisted between unions management and strikebreaks To have union and com leaders sitting down at the thrombi and agreeing on anything is major break through Perhaps it can lead to more sfnslble approach to contract negotia one The continual mund oi strikes that has plagued Canada is road to ruin or this coining The search for an al rne vo as the confident both sides is difficult one But hopeiully with the Mperl tion of union leaders such as th altomaiivo can be found Fort Carlton Threatened non nowmn hatiiotomr lad tomsmdtecont ll turned mdditiue when Wu daisy of Althou thonhwrst atomization aiit Wbmmumzemmmw 11 Mimi mi toil Tusomt ol Conan tpsnod ml havllord tun EML Into the business ply In llit commercial mull it securities minn 931 short period each Many others are content sinilt gly to establish presence in nilm iifi ans secono Ioilclliru business no No MOVES MADE How long can this eras continue to exist my Thats up to the iodersi ov ernrnent limits in Canada or min under the sathorlt of the federal Bank Act which red every in years At the 191 mlmtnolnmes were me ta hankere aciivi es In Canada which had eslrled for several years cvo then eliboads on smelter scale than today Since their activities are bslt coming more open end more controversial the government could hardlv Imore the banks et the next ntisrprdkdl the Bank Act In 1m liul the problem his not keep that long Ontario ha THE PAIR TiliiT PM The Daily rum Ind nines Ind The Northern lasers Guide has alter combined readership In Slmcoo Colin t7 North Ontsrio Cotsnty and Smith blusth estima ted at nearly tam it you buy an advertise ment in tho seht and mac you can have It re peated in the Northern Buy rfl Guide for just pennies more per column inch Main new by Hills the Packet and Times ldvertit his department It ruins lire they look so mo started to uncut my boon Twas then lot lrirht For Paddys hand reached up ind shbrd the bottle iron ll lie placed it to his cold blue liondln manner that was an lgdidat Ito until the booze had sinied dhwn his three One mouthiul he had let or me rig head be an to lost ed back bottle and little wink once more it made rar stop Ind think lthoa of all the times ond had nod ant and the bad And now to see poor Paddv deed it really made me sad Better FOreSts FromSuper Trees NANADIO no it Mstas in Brithh Odinnhtn ltooh my lastLion drink that nisht the sin Padgmnro placed the battle In and he look It to his rum And aeverto this day have once touched drop of drink Rememberth Paddys drab him bend recalling Plaid ll you should pass old Paddys Jrngte on dark and lonely Ami heat dmtmsw NW Althea he died amid rose up engthrr drink to take eghladdy had load time im as washout nonenynneindtlnaes welcomesbtterstetheeditw Mkrnwhuhrf usmmmnuw ed tieever ll mueeted no names may he Ised In tbsppa THE PICK OF PUNCH ma hum mums Itl mu pchm now loopr caused some gs Seiigiiigsi Via stain is Egg ii i5 it his ticMileage Rates System Makes rzpiiili ii Timi sumcmauu Car Rentals More Popular MONTH OF Despite increases gasoline prices and partly beceiuo oi the nomllo no rates system more people In to car rental coin panics for tens rtstion John Campbe president of Avis Transport oi sheds but says that pass ty because of in hhii mm en new Wilma Nil cars INA Va However he said niuredsy that the aomlieaxe rate tenuintroducedinAii Ll hr and new standard on hoot the rental industry Is re mitku for the increase In ess One reason is that people are more Interested in radio money on car rentals Ih know the extent oi the linen Ill be conunltment involved Whereas In tlu past the vari an oer motel races and oerv ices made it almost impouth is to predict costs customers now onl have to worry about alluiill ills of up dc DC on the size at the car and Incline One result at the gasoline price inmates has been prel crrace or inicnnediete end small cars blr Campbell said Supplying small cars has minor problems mainly because oi delays in de livtr Renting car ls fairly easy it ou havent drivers iieetglej owever are rev steps to allow to avoid oltlelis when comparing company rates driven shall mete rare they compare similar can some companies group diilerent classes of cars under one rule bell id 15 dizth with unlim ltodmilrsse is the cutest way seven to determine total cost ilo suggested that when driv lns between lvro cities and leav the car In city other than the one you rented the car enoulro about the de or ttNliy chute llrn at companies will pay ior repairs or breakdowns should repairs be needed darii the trip and company rep rman unreachable the driver should pay the cost and the company will reimburse the to tal cost oi repairs when the tar Prduinsnainst cop ren ted cer durin the summer westeods shoal rent the ear lpecliyia exactly what they want we loadsnee It thump holidays men trip overseas rentinl car in most countries Is easy in Canada except that in most Eu ropean countries nits include the but daily chem plus ndlemcharst gang Daily Packet Times man Hum Ix learn mun menus asst or estms unripe at until tine mli it1 Pandora Department more clue mall summon No ms 13 Mlnlll Mill Iii our 71 Mill Rune AME MAW Illllnlll Cmmi ml In NI slotlam Mi tl Prlll anowns Ell IHM rennetn Press is estimle entitled to Ins use Iov whammy all and dispatch In ihl lied to or he Auoelsi outer onl else the la Ivbl me therein nvllmmo NATION Anumo II to rm items MONYIIAL All seinert snow MireI dashes Mm low solo70c week Iivree min slush rm om lbs cm molt we run as ml by men on mm In erIII not served enter urea ler six months ovelln it mm year ll hrion lmml mlinrll Of ll I3 Kllll mm ii Show mitt new fit nu ma aim the nthTI semi this winpen HEY KIDS N0 YOU CAN AFFOID lllAl TRANSISTOR RADIO stm may 495 14 Ritchie Mould APPLIANCE Is TV 21 West st 011111 lOTWi