THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW in the Barrie am tltth tum have mum in but year Because the entertnmtin W0 to twhsdt are Agent on the increase lad at times shortage at mtgnee lands people have bomme atn to when to tittrthast In our ma tltu tn ttti below the storm House ceS otlt never be int 1th than they are right now era are very an th tattllh lots avnllahle tn Bar and um are atathtttte Rte boned by builders Ind velupers and the ttIt ell the lots to mdlwluals entt their own ttntw ttnr Bame tutti wt they would have dietnct Ian 1n the ttotttatM Wer at the city appmed are the end ol thtenttttr 1974 it is am not fully ppraved and It ont he more than one year mm today mow the tint bMttitltl put in tor the mt home this extn ma wt be pasted on to the ultimate Muse at the doetlmg The increase In lot ms lone became of tntemt and thawed servicing casts be at least stttttt Uur pltPlti unnml does not mm lo undetstand sunle econonuo ts cost because ol wasted time to creases ao must the end pm By taking almod two yam to tentattvely approve the Bay Club lmted on Dunhy St the Interest rates the new amt levies the increased mt in band lug metenatt have lncrused to the point when the my on mm rents required to return reasonable pntlt to the con lmtnr would be so high that no one could afford to RitaHe mm For IIer WNW 1h WW pat the lti ntnch makes the mien presvnt tot al unleaatltla the ml at April over 900 listings have been promoted through the name Rut am Board wtth In avenge price of mmxtnutel 340000 This lIl eludes lots mac businesm housing And onto again must impress arm you it you are matemplattng honing property so DOW as it will never be human nan bailin Member my room wttlt llliI on lhI nl beam 5M1 mm and mm rem Emmi mmletely yrolmhmalty llttntwd n1 htrull mini Nu on my ant tam tat meatten taunt Im an an immune and to lmm mu tee tamed lmotl must till My 131 aw in price again as it is right now mm am APPMLMU Duh st town In mice Big Boy EstatesBARRIE UNLAKESIMFUE tatGolthaven EstatesGilford LiANKtN DEVELOPMENTS DETACHED HOMES Living and dining Room Fireplace Garage Broadloom throughout and bedroom Wa baths Rocroation room large kitchen with turniture tinished cabinets Minimum at 75 frontage monumemmr GOVUNWNl GRANTS UP Rt $2 tittlt ON SOME MODHS FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS Wit Hit IFIFD PUMHASHI tow ttthN RAtMtNt st WWW ittUNMAltOtt ON tut ttxAlONS WW mm ottttLStw mt 778961t VwmmmmWAVd