IormosIpopuInrNorIIIAmericuncars MINDMASTER mufers are quality conslmucd to gut protec Iion against dangerous exhaust fumcsI Each mufer has spcoally designed inncr components and sound chamltrs Io minimiu powrr mbbmg bark pressurc Expcn lnSIaI Ianon availablc chlral Exmll Clmmm um Pontiac lull xix kylmlm mm IIEAVY WIY SIAM 59 49 99 Plus Plus Plus lnsIaIlaIIon InsIIIIaIIon Installamon AMI LI LYSIIIIIIEIWTM MASTER LawIIIculoImImmmIaI sum uuwnurv or AmmcanauIIIch uMII Gummsan Mm Gulunm km 0min MIIII IIIII It IHEAVYDUTY MGM qus Iusr us STANDARD all And 173 III VI II In IIISIIIIII Im MT IIIIIIIIII II magnum IIIII IL nund QUINN13 IVsFYIIIINI I495 NOTE Above lIsIIIIgs IIO IIaI IIuIIIda Dual Exhaust av SIaIIaII WI Use your Canadian Tire CREDIT CARD Ema If wuiiIAuomm III 340 WHEEL ALIGNMENY with Engine and Suspension AMIYSIS formost popular cars III III 95 III 95 mm Wand BIYIIIe SIIOGS DISC Brakes Ham what we III lml Much Im IIva 99 mm IMM DIII III nsonnms MINNIMII IM II4II RHIII MN 99 WW IY In EXTRA Lash Bonus Coupons on aII parts gt gt vaI III II II Lumlmw mnI In III IIII II III 85 HIM MIN II IIIIIIINIOPII WW