New treatment 53138 effluent ii 51 Ir 5E 53 it 32 iii PE as F5 re 78 E3 in PE if set it iii 35 int no me Iuh HORN DC CHIROPRACTOR 55 35 E5 331133 it tr 55 Joule Hebraic Welt lihrd ltd lhie your Teachers should decide on staff coordinator TORONTO lCP TIMI mould be Lllowad to dwell who no become leather and who unnot uyr Jung Heed ordlutor at In litterim My nv the stoman Oatuta 5w orxtery School Tuchm Feder 5E rum to literIntee at edu catlon landMl M811 ULIVEY The report In bleed no runny at new my Ichoal tuthm pliu rammle tnnrrnr contacted by the Mn The dtleutu related rec ornmeridrtinn titi member ublisn mtoaet cuminnon way at riterim nu dem educationJ Achievement Marmot Wilma pmrdent ot the Tomato tuchm Ind their man of the federation tr myth committee said the centre of lhe report in In put in alumina inch in con lral of tin quality of what eel en in KMll The Dmitnu net rtIumom lllMIYdl throw importer up to when Iemr county beam of ediutton were Kl reimbuin new tr lru ecul Ind Itudent lniufm more duticuti CALI9 NI AEIION Mr Reed and lb Iludy rllll on tonrurs to and tin min their minim on holldly attendee down It the March meet lllt WW Inlllltllc Jun Cmeble we lhe RUM lltb the Institute Ode vr Collect followed by brief terrier Mn Gertmd prevented the report of Immune committee with to ltutIUld in Mrll Intel Uro plrytnr rent lol Ind lovely lunch ters We seem to the only body The mom report released Ierierislv thin in rt mm durlnl the wulend ntd turn an Ihonld be allowed to con durt mum mmtutlom tor new when stroller to Mr cum now conducted by the In Social of Upper Ide for would Ivaers We need to control the ivy ot penan we lrttlnl lnlo tucm Mr Hue uid sini mum minernetleii and wi once led no tin of rubyecu rm teacher innt rnIdr pillcry The report Illa want formal guidance clam tor Itu trolliiiilarly those in Giedu not in The traction otrrl ltqu to tnrmte memtwrrhip In to SI pay rent to rats Planet for Itrtkt erponue lttludln rperiel lrv ot star eIcM from the rumnt to Bali tm duriiu the nut Klimt year will increase to per 11M of salary tram The Iumment vintth la in mi or went Ilriku in dinrltoi Thunder Bly Tiniirkrminn Ind trim The lOltllltlllM utim uriti iI equru Iboiit moon we MM when Iliad Iii remit Mi pei rent of their nu Hitey lentil of Crvemon mt In Illltlllll at ran 31 JohnI Church on satur mom Aprtl 12 ll on the NWICOI at mom of the Coupler Club ll protect for 50th anniver He told dolrutu rt AM fedor ItlonI tourdey Annunl IWW hly tnet provinctl educntirrii is tilltlu product urt etton in the tomleIncl at teacher tum The turner learned report recommendlion ramptilrory when yam ot our reboot pert of Muskrat threat to Dutch dikes llllltl itl Vlllt of maritime til the it Club to Good Ulmlrl Nunlu Home curled oil It Petrtrkr them we re in in II lIrnll mm not eontnotnlu her Gilly Mullen IE nor am preeentul min um item for ltltlnl tmro nian Ind Multan ner irortuoed billed Io Ion hairdo Thu chem aim the lit lcltool credit Iyttem wittulod in mi Ill tItlum be re port mind It and ediunon rt llct row lllu iimie liarn amt lt Brevoont burinterim to my and Ellroltn JIM vitnton in tll rule on in birth Av il lltl it in IR or no liiEilr ilirm lent1 nintiist the sen li am nJiI iii airsii ntixertu twain ntha xi lrlullr ram at iv or writ Humor uni li IN Hi ii NEW IN lUWN em lJlrl we m4 trill ii lliiinr llhlhl can more ui0uWd Li at MM rm mi mu IFrrN lllllt am iVi was rm li llii iii ll ilili iilllllllli liyE UAYFIEED MAll BAPliiE Ellflll llltt liliiilil ltt iiiziiiiis Ath RAIDWARE BUSthSs ii ViINilw vita OWONUNW anii satiritrivni MNEHW Serums ti im Wtrlii it yiii yiiiri Mllttt Prudential iir itrm intoimeiiou In wiiiiAM BllJflly tit twat OntarioTax Credit is $376 Whats yours li lilixiliicliiil luiisiiiiirr ltli Got your fairshaio of Ontarios $375 millionTax Cmdits 554$ gm 15 72 is it lift 3631 BY PPOYNTMENT PHONE TIN agesen sags lilaiitt Et lttlr tilt xii iiyrittr tli it llll lliiliiiir iiilil llt llisllliltiii liliiilii sink llllilrili till