Bastluirslieftodliamdel IIERESWHYVIEWISAVIT My Pliu IL IIIIIIClLIIIWll III Punt 56 Nylon ensure twice the RunSolt Safe Warning Time possible onli with Nylon see Nevada Test results posted in your local Canadian Tire starel My Flu el mittmm Potynturamoothridtng comfort lulu or lulu min to hold tread rm from Iquirm and achieve almost double ihc mileage of many other tires FILM is the revolutionary new cord developed by Du Pont for the longermileage tires like biasbelts and radials Provides softerthansteel ride Wont kink like lCCl or fall like glass under severe compression And its fewer pounds mean lCSt unsprung weight per wheel resulting in less lrnntend wean All olwhich adds up to turret are and we believe one of the best tire aluci III Ill North America Prnveii minimll IURNPIIU SIANIIMU lWIN Plt erllN TWINFLY NYLON IlAIIWAl For hit stir iv 2+ WWW Kevlar Flbre Belted WHITEWALL WIDETRACK E78l4l735llll mm iristit Slammertil Illa14 assiii GlBl5l325115ll 3600 H78l5 l3 377l ytlailb in in IS at Budget lllllllltll lunl Illnl III ll l5 Ill li minia Imami WIth are ENAMEL lull lllll INSlAill Sclirnder nlir ll an it We rriiiit iriiiall an Isnt neu iinlm it wheel Slit 37301655me OUII BElTDGLASSTHE PERFECT EXAMPLE lolly Pliu rI Itmnunir IIIVII IJu Porn 56 Nylon instead olthc generallyused body plies on mosl new cars lm lleltl lnr mra trcnglh erlrn mileage WIDNMCK SIZE that l+2 cunllrucltan in our BeltOGlais provides aunderlrend plies for extra itrength and extra lnlmm salely Tlinl double up the VldCWlll plltS tool annulus14y That hadi plies of Du Pant at Milan give twice ll Runboll Sale Warning Timt tree the Nevada Mauian Dererl Text math pllRlCLl in the tire department of our ylttreil Naturally llln construction is cmllier In ml 35ml mall and is seldth altered for ale elsewhere Iel FlaM WW alone at our famous valuepitched prices Your BIBMIIISMI alight extra coil repreicnts an investment that Will 7311 355m pay alimony rimcmvcr more treadr Its more my FlttSiirsasi 7i mic ItiL Lila15W NIBtsunami Jilllitaasisi til15min roman WI III leII Elm Ill Till WIWDIR rum BSlDNG cram lly IIIIIISIIR WIDE lHACK NYLUN mi INl WHIIIIMIL SIN at more ll WI nlui Itll lltflrml SIZE tumi mini lllllll no AllIJiEll Mi Mi IUlil ll rm lllilil HM Hil it int im Illllllilr IHI nllr wi iiir yqu arrii ii in ll lm IDIIIL me you mail 1ND me It mu lll 1H nin Aurlulk um it Itll IIIE CONTENDER 4PLY POLYESTER SAFE 99 LONG0RD WIDEIRA laina it realm tierad tires on new rm ill 15 ii rl tllilll ivminma Discount lot Cash on all IIIBS lll lieu til Bonus Cuiiponl iii Irorlit Terms available but disc ricaa do not apply InuvihN MINI rl