katnmlmmh Muth will Mum It Will mime Ind IdIyI netdI bentnntnn In June The damn Inn Ortllln My the In Inrl tIII mlmnlll of OnIIII mumettdn dun but WWII dunk tI CI Former Elmvale pastor now serving at Orillia Dr Ann Lxh my Mull IMMMK Mllilll MAIN II In GRILLIA SIIIIt Tm minute at st AMMI Pm bytertnn church In IJnIVIle Rev PenIII II mt IIIocIIII enter III III plo ltnuntu OrlIIlI Pmnmrlu much wnlrn MI llIInry Itr In MI um In The enter Rev In new went to OrIIIlI IreIn Montrul III III lhl wound Id the III MIN nlI rnlnlner of III church Ior med van IlenIbIeI at IIII amnion Ind IIIIII on cIImnIly Ire prepIrtnl In ntuem III ntsnnlIl III the thvlulnn IIIIrIn In Jnl lI wen IIrIIIIIIIn IIIIIIIIII IIrw II III lIIr IIM uIIIrII tI lrIIIr Itu hull II ImtwtrrIIn III vanInIInr Intw In IIII wrnnnn III IIII llb IlMIllI mat IIIIIIIIIII to II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Intl IIII IrrIIlIIn III II the rrrerttmrpd the Human IIIIIIII IRIIIIIIIIII II II IrII It IIII II IIIIII II II IIIan mm Ilri It In lII IIIII II rIIIIIIn IIIII It IIII III III III III II Her II III In IIIII II In III IIIII III III HI II II Intk It IIVII III mayor In Imqu than Ina tart out In the witth nr VIN Alter church Imlnn In me It tIII romance Rev JNI IIIen mended DI Mr Gllllyrnry II mlnleter The lul lrr IreMed All to PIIlIttIlI Pmbmmn rtturttt In Toronto ln mi Ray Ihtlttttir burnt In IIyur nIIIIlIlry utter menu to mull Item IIw Lil Punt III WI he VIM sllatl the 7th rderItnr the Gen erII Anemny III the IIIIslIyIIII IIn rth In ennle ll MINISTER IrIIIIIII II II rm II III III II lIIrIII Ir HANK WINK new In nv lI TIIltI lIIIIItrI IIIIIIIIII we emu lee than lie Cutt Itlmnnm Ih ll IIIIIIIII Tut Thempsen IIan Rot JIIII IIIIIII lmtallnnttn I11 25h unl IIIn nInrltvII rude IInInnmII In II my VIII Indeed IIM the Mk burnt vault be em Id try the mernment mmlu stun Ind Illomtu It Unal ltm Ind hI public to know Ihl II III dqu Bet you Illa hm te rumnhet than full Ind Immune were dtmt In By the government IIIeII NInIrIIIv they In made In pmct the WW II IIII II myth mum up IhII my be InIbIrrIIIlnI Ind on wttteh It tum mtlany one ut lhen III the plnnnrm IExInIIm Ie devk need to keep It Plum mm II II enmpte one would III DISTRICT NEWS COUNTY GLIMPSES Ollo OLNCIL RADIO TOWEI otto STATION rsurtr 0m ROW Dle MN The IIIII unnmmry the 0th cow my hm ank Comet uly rimmed dedltnllnn III the men III N1 by Inn wort mt III III Iltrndul by the III IM mm Mm mm lot new real II tmIt Idetwolrhmumulomhmlm IIIIMI Mumhet nI IIrIIIMnt Iur mm lL mm Church Peel the MINI nut Slrnwe Irotn nee to no mu emu Itu It tent at III III Ittrmor UrtllII raw Geo men men IIIIean wucnmntm mm um m1 In dun Ml III IHMM Inter Ior run It me my Peek mIIur IIIIIIIIIII mm mt llI rr III IIIIII InIt IIr Evans explains tax credit plan III tItIIIIII II HI lll IIIHII Imtrvr It III II Ir III III II IIIIIII II It II IIIII IIIII It IrrIIr II It IIII II rt It III lII II IH II IIIII IIIIII III III III III Irrt II III II II It IIIr IIIIII It II II II III II II II It It III III II III III II It III II III In It II III III IIII In tended Int rI InIrIrII low II Inn Imr IIIIenI HYIYVVHIIII IM ltnrtml rurltr ll III IIII rut III lt rrtw IN II lV 1II llctltclirst In your block III he IlIlI III run around it Vim lt ImhIhmItlnlir III III II IIIIII III III VIII mu In tturl the mute Linn II P4 mRIlnx Ill NIP III II IIIIIIIIIII It In rr Ir Perm Ewrpnwnt mmtnnm lull In MILIIII WU 11er A1 HUIN It It In he put KIIIIewMI ILIII lIlNTRIIIN Rllll Mmr WW HILLHUIIIUII mm mummmsmtr lIIIll ttll tumy were ttmn mt lat III II In Illmne IIrllttlLdIIarII lIIIi It III trtIIt men It In plan IIIIIIIm tor the 11 pm um Ilnt emvtut Mann nIIIIx DIN PLANTIII Orlth N13 SlIlI The mm mm SoII And cm rm NILHIV yrrtemurl Aemnttun LI plen bI made ITIIrnr nlnnw 5inttlon be In II III Im MIIWVBII IHVIIINV In III IIUIIIIII WI In IHIUIL strum II IIII III II Electronic metal detector adds to harvester suler evrr III In III II III lI lll III lvlrlrr II II IIIII mun IIIIIIIIIIIIII II III III II IIII IIIIw M2 BROWN Le ELLISON Llll3l 7264527 HAIIORSCANDAL Rvnard says public entitled to facts gaggfgiiPiiEEEEEEEE trod ptIIImtIIIrI WWII1 meww An man the IIMI tutl ltrte Ill lNIrr mm III It ma net II II IIIan men III em Ill IN It mJIIIItIIr 4w STROIII tumntl III meet IIIIII rum elm mm In to hummer out nulIIy III an dummy Mild to ll Illfhn 1er 1mm Intim lrlll endow cm rnuld mu con urum IIIIIIII rIIWrI IItthnm lllr AI In um Inculllu In Im IIIIIIIII we IIIII townMt wmm It won irl III IrlrII II MIIII but vinmt tltvemn mm Umu rtyu It Ivntmnut Duwtltty mum III Manetd ante In III III III twat Int Irntxnrrrg new II llblll dry nutm mm urw IIn Ind mu IIIIIattIttrtI It cord thI It Dl III III the my mm on IIIr III my but every II Itm Front mm rvmtdl the tent nun rIIlo II downth Boatt mummenu Imu menu IM Dll rnlyn It Ilmr We ILII mtlutlhl In the IKIII II lelpt Name In rm pmrmt III Itrmrur II Men nut mm Iw II mmmut new Iup IVINIImIl IIIIPlI In lIItiII III AllIIlI newMI rrlltllt Irmu WWIIIII IIImm inkthudle mummnntmm lumlrlmmbm immuneInnate nhmmwmm humpme mnnmmmm trawlbible menum Milne mtmdmm Mintad mmmtmlmm WWIMIWMWM uman mtuhnbIuIWWIWKWN dddlmwtmmmw Immunearena Mm mgrIt III1mm Puhmhwlnnv tune the Mn IIan WWIIme In In my MIIIIIIIIIILIIMIIII WM II hm Iomuttnn In other IanI the many WIIertee In CutIla In 1M IunIIJIrIIr Ahtalthemlnrmutnntnetu mwmmllllmtm ntty HM hm IIIIIIIdIteyIur III were Mullen were up by mun IIIII It not the mun tntemt In mm Wm am II In other wrttr III In mmt nu It It urrm Iu build wlll Inturtd elm It Illa sIlIeI II mm mlmnnllun Pig feed trial with corn tests ELMYAIE my test Ime mu III pmdutlrl II ka IIIt huh Imam pan the lnttn MI Ind Ill mt warm II momII Illltllal III II onbonn mm In mun llt III Ilrlillll swat rm remntt Inwt IIrltunent and men In II many thnI comm Iwnnjllu Inmn Itdlteld Itm wuml ImnI wtzrm the II II Kurvlvtlt om at at extMn III II mm WW Anrttulluml Tecan III IIIItn IA lwlt utl Ittn Ind mom term Iew men age IonIIr we LIII helm IIluI at IA her the IIIIZI He went III In tent torn gluten meal IIIIII Ltle Ind IJJII put In It supertntentlent nl mum mt IIIw IIIllISII nl um Ilhdll III mm the Mt ur trtu It tmInIn In shamIII erx rII Intun Lite uni II In Irntrtndt ntlml lb Irrrrw IIIIINEI an unnamed II II lll pIIIII erlmvn he IIIII III elmlul by In mie and nut ItMNIIIAllW ttr IIInmet In IIIwn II untiman re emetnnnm Intern In um what Ilnplld III nut IIIIII III Mtirlol wee IJY Itll ttntt III Immmnnt IIIII McKnlalIl ol the toll III rnrulm Int unme nIInuIIr em 11mm Elton llllud mute Inun that III ton Tu my knowledge there ll my math pew IIIIII IIIII pIIMIIInII an the Ieetl The problem IbII the Own Inlvnlmaetnpermtmllw elm mull be manhunt In wemrtment mImMm Ind IIIII wt we ll men Inc an III mm enrt tr Im II MOONSTONE Sut In InIr nutty chelnnnn el nude rm InIrIrn ImoI mmut Iy Iontn ha 50th head of Mahala twnttl The nIIIIe nl llIllsdIk ml mum In In New In 1mm Ill eutmdlru UIIIun Jer met It Illmu mum at no Dllnallll bond Pmme III Itme MM In In Iran Ind thlot III Iwr In the III Madm Itwtlnn Hem Atm Muted meet wty rem ltutr Woodmw by datum mImIn INIIIII In ouI III the rrIrII rnIIInIIpIIItm In In mun It Ittotx thryur llmIl In mm Mum nuntterun under by III thnt II In tenndun Altl mm ymlm DI the IIItrutth InInII Iltrllnt lul loin lllt Lecture III mm sutth It ntup turn nun In men gtIllh Inme IIIOII In ewtne lamb III IIIWII IIIeInum Im been nmrrrtnutl IntI Iur um InolAL wt lZlMHLE SIIH Illn Iele ml IIIIIIIII ttIurIt Sorta wIII meant their lnltlIIl Ivrtu rumour In any tny Ind um um um ml It MW mam MININ Mm mm mw um Minutemen milInternet wmuu MWWh II IN Immmemmhvm Innu with Bombr Comm IIIIIIon to It ever In Ir WM mmImI mm IIIII lIYllnrMII mtt trmn Ill mung rylxll II new IitIIFI In new In rII IIIth IIIr The IttvI IIIIIrI Ind IIIIIumI Ianrtm IrIr Mr In lhlltltlmy wt mtluylwu MIMI NOW IN lHMlMNv brutm Inmod your own Niagara mom mm cum wen Its going to be beautiful 8rdelicious II bmut met II mum men newth II mum mum that mm IlIIIm III III III FM In Inuly Mum mmI III mmtw mt mm rumI II mm It mm In III mum MI tumnun IIII Imr It ImmeulinMlIIIHIM II we Nb mm IIIIIIIII I4III In tun IIII rul Ilnml um pm It mt we It In In mu