ANNIE IItlprmII mnIIIId It lent still In the We Ind lllll open Ithnr wore choked out It The dIy Town yole TIr IlnIl whltb man elm the Telln unmet In ldl PSAC when Inter re lumen to their MI romale plrkotI not up Inundny ll wet Land deal spurs development plan IIIItl mops Id lhe my development committee both pt nIuI they wanted IrldIy when Inpraumetey It Icret SIM Hollow rlvlne Mum nem IIII lIId not In the my to open rpm In return the drvo Tour Jelt Madden nT LeIItII Helm Developmenl rIn pIIn IubdtvIIloI with denxtty It tulle Itre he may um Itmt Ion Itncltdtn 36 ll 5m Helm will ll the dlIlrkl ml It Mn Road north at RotrnIn The committee mm Letltlemndhrdermlltu II to More mull Much mm Al reeult II III unruly menu tram It Inltr per urn to the company sold Mr lettvlen IILI denIII DTDDIIITV the Inuit mmnrehenolvr plIn Ior mmrmll III the cltv Inuit II lodIvI prtcee to The mollth It WM rem between man Ind ml II to IIIcM IlDlOlelly dwrl 0W Itm matme hn mu hope to net met vIrIety 3a mt IoInltnnsr mt mri in It mum III um ll e5 urn IrIIII man the wry 17 unites continued min if El eii iii IIrne mllltlll Involved In the proqu III only Mr they III In wpnrtunly to mntrnue Mr noun marlin The rlly It In pt deed II II Irm dl the developer had The hunt boundaries IIll be Is IIblnnrd then no newme pm unrated BIASONAILI SAW0 AI er Im amend If very reIInnIblr III all not committee IMnIbu litIII fag 52 Egg El If E5 he II unit per Icre MINI all below lhe My Iwroved units per Iarr tor the If Mr Mulder said he expected we at norm LXI the develop It ail ti Shipping tvcoon Onassis dies in hospital at 69 PART III mm INTI puu mun ItIr unnm died hen tort In Imemnn IIoIleII unmarrile III In to OnuIII who enImIt the MI IIIII no nut em out trurn were reeprutnrv Ill 0nIIItI nuIIInd at IIK InIr Who Kearney Ito hId III III hIIddII IeIIIoIoIt In In oIrItIIn III III Imlden iruk out the Minn loren Degtnnrng nun notnlne Moe nnn Why DI Inutnnl lollune III III hquIdI ol InIllIIInI II outer II The town In IIIIIIpln Hut In llIIul no Mn nu mm NIIIIT one It Inc win mr OIIIIllrII IIINI III LIIAIII blunt The liniik It Mnnle LIIIII lle animal II It ur Immi Smut lIllIIII mm II llll Ml min ante Iktw Imam Krnm ll IIrrt DHIDIM Innn Italy on IIIInII on dent at In Inlml wt mm In IIMIIII unmi nu rm no It nnin In II rm Im 44 IrI ma mum rm lInHIIrI le IItInw ARISIOTLE ONASSIS um nun nn Iio Ixqu Iml nu IIIle till mom um um 11am II winu qu um new mrrwl II my zrv rn In IIAT IIIImIm Intu Mme IIInu Nut Mun III Irma nun pm Inn Ilv In bi Hi IIu Mmllw It Wu In own Wm In It IN In Mum In 1W II II III ll Al II nunwu no my In WW mi nI Imo len II III II nn mm mm II II Irn winnimr WW AW mu Mun II an II muonun Il mm It nu In rm enI New mm In All mum IIIIII II mi In In II Wu want TIrreuli mn III II II arigtnll mu In In Mono an Inn II Itrmvn mum IIIIllIIu The nIIInmI rI III Iwdltlyl an mun or eInInrI rmulul munIn In In IM III Mum Ina striking PSAC nesume negotiations utnu Wm Ind Toronto to terminal Altpun Ne nu the IllIIIIIun In IIM IItI Inday Alllemma It hell Iletlu Id SIIII JIM NR 01 Innuh use new Examiner unremmmmuwhn PSAC ennui Nave Sloth to meet loan to unm nIIIonIl enernl VIM WhamI Md no PSAC DENIM btl lltlledly WIN letter eurterr halted Illnteuddlvlrteelnum mothIIth IIIIhoIrt mm Tor mnttmutlon WI II the Buotvllle Irlned IaMI base We um wrkn In Quebec Cuy returned to Lbelr jobs It the nut office Ind InIrIIIIneI II VI DIIIIII SIWM Ilrlll unite II button Airport wII dtIthId booqu omnrlnl In part roetlmon on not Iron HIPC pthet IIrteI In Ottawa my anatom the NIllanII CInItII Comrntuton we wt nullln III the IlDIlM ol leII IIIIIt LIrtwey Men In an Men at like retirea the PSMI requut to Nll III MINIMUM l0 mule etched It but ll NM Ilrwt Improvement tax dispute could end in court battle mom UI FIrnIIn one at run hurt huIlmIInen ehu rotuud to Ibo Downtown Improvement Im we more IIIIII III of IN mun woman In mm tu But Boo mom emery III the Improvement nu board nunmrmnt IIlleued Mr run an Pint In proud the Mn Il Imple uppth the Mr mmd uni TM Im pIoIIInInI In men not QE manned It mm on rutn put cumrum IIy MIMI Herbert Purl IIII IIItIt mrrniwrnnn at 211 III In Im the IIIIIMIIIIIIV 1H um am not not pa IN mm tlw Wm It In Tum IIITIPV It lPIl hm III II II nut on nnnni am no In In ue II Intnrrtmmruni It II II In Inn Nina nuw In In burr In gt It It n1 Ile In Govt moves in pledge to revamp Senate anammspminpoo airmolt The mu lll To mi Inat InlllklllIIII min Ie LIITII Into IIIIIIIIIe IIII nul neon nut1 ma In rrnnndiw Inn IrIINIIINI TI IIIIII ID Mull we Itmiu Int1mm II win the wane In Ill in Mount Innuei II Mm In MIMI MP major TIIIIl III plIy Solet teIm ll Ila Nvl SoIolnllI IrmI Illr wxrlpn taken by Jerk lierner mi ol toUa any or John Ind runI ol pluer Iran urn plly IIIL nIIII emu Inur Sunday lotto Imullelmn at Tragedy cancels CoOp game MOSCOW MP IJIIIcIIII men tn mm In cloud mix room mm llnckay honnun sent rttv at WW Ind mild Clan LchIII MI IIIlntIneIl Ina Mun WWIMID PIll VISWI mtrlxeu Inrt the 8mm MIMI mum It Ir The mu Nhy lImI My II III In Solnlntkt PIrI would he 13 not llIerIIIH tnu IIn IIbrrnIth at lneletnt Ian cloud to Ill Illnllln while an Ich II Ill mum II Sulul dIy In whim went RIIIIIIII Inveetlutton ol III Lmldtl WWW mm In Im new to teeth on llxlk allrr rrtnn Inn one NIxIeI In WWW WI no In nrene Ildlrwx motel Mwm were nelrrml not and In mom II am mm It Andm Slamvoito Inrotttry lulled Ind InIureo durum In um Wm MM Ian FurlIx IIm helm III Nllmlil nm ream from Home tum WOIID mm II II nm In mm nurtng Ionr ltvr tin Id In Sorrel Mum TM MIIIIMII Ill athtIIIL III mm smut mnnuttrtory onIt II rInrellnd ll ourva urn them In no other pIIce tn plnv WW throw one Int we Illltl In mm not men turn II Hi Am mm See Ilse M1 tSpectIl hummer PM unexplained Ilnmpnle Inn nI Inlr aim Stamina lenrinl In Itan alrtr IIIIIIIITIIIllnl III IIArrIeteInI Alrl between Name Inilp LIILIII two Mun More Lb to Army he v1 ymDIWII In In enema lur now III It Ilttl Imtnmn Nu mid mm mm Owl may no WINK In In MI we II All mtur Aleunion mllllnn In If worth III mm en end NIIII Inn pet mi Mr Finn mutt llIuIM lt or III to run Ill AV mm Great Fighter Susan Hayward mama rkllnwn dies of brain tumor at ageSS rIrron rntmnwxw III II llr IIIIIIN he an unml lQlIIIIIIIm II IDI In III nnrrrr Inn ltllmw my It unit Im II and nnII IIIm Mm lmrm In IvIsrlv about Itll Int arr mm run pun II Imn SEE ALSO PAGES AND nII he II We llll Munro Irv win MIN IIII Ill IIIII AVWMMV ll Vt MI II Hr Iwmnxlm men VII Innun mo Ill Own II in no Amil lo put an my In Inno II It IIIIIlMII vnI It III liltnn Innn In III Innunw oi In AIHILIIILV Inna Il Inrr ImmIIInlmII HIM mu welt II to llll nI beet IvIIIIII IIIImI mom ran In InmI IL In II III III tunnm Moon In Mil llw rm It IIIIIIT mot miss mm In Molten mmru Slut II In Iqu An In to NS not lwlnr In II IInr Mk III II In In CAPSULE NEW Jury plans reopening Hearst case closer to Inromo tax of approval wt ulna and wrll lose 250 of Its store In emu nI rnII mint Kissinger keeping SyriI inlormed II mt INTIIL Im II nwm II min Inner In an II anti Portuguese ollicen Idmit rebellion INN AI In In In Igm nrm tut II Ill on WIch IIIIIII PTMI In ImxI LOW Imelli mm IM mm we ervw Inn MPH II In tn nu Mm mm In TIyurw um TIIITIT up Ho Ho II mt 3M mmummw um