vbr my antral mm urban onemun to no if New 011 Market Not Likely CALGARZ CPI Cu dian PetroleumAssoei on said today there is little indication Canadianproducerswill find in creased markets for oil in 1060 In an yearend statement as sociation General Minager John Proctor said decuneinrév1 nous toproducers and govem moot agencies will bcrcflected in reduced exploration and as velopments tnioso unless addi tion mark are developed mi ly is 48 per cent lo poteoti Mr Proctor said however in vésirhent in facilities should amount to 3300300300 In odditlonabout $150000000 will bo spent oncoristruction of natural gas pipelines in Alberta alone it LC in Toss TO HELP perverts Christmas cheer goes this year to Chinese refugees in Hong Kong from members of Barrles CQntralUnited Church congregation The churchs HM group has organized Spot Russian Plane 0n Floe HEYKJAVIK lccland lieut ers United States Navy plane Friday spotted tween gined Russian plane crashed on Christmas tree selling project and the prufits will be sent to the Rev Timothy Turn of the Churchï¬l Christ in Hongl Kong Mr Tnm visited Dril lia this summer Abovelohn5 on lccfloe 160 miles northwest of Iceland The plane apparently crashed recently since it was not covered by snow The wreckage was spotted deep in onlcctield and it would be difficult if notjmposlsible to reach it ship atthis time the year modem enrichm i5 stung tree bo Mrs Ross Bailey who is ac companied bytiny daughter Margaret Also in the picture is illc president Pntltlclnd den Examinen Photo The Soviet plane crashed in side the area covered by their Inndic air traffic control But the control had no knowledge of the plane and there wasspeculutio here it might have been one secret flight Theré was no immediate indi cationof what happened to its occupants Modernieiéctricappli Wonderful natural gas export permit cur5 rently bciorc the National En ergy Bo receive government The Alberta oil and gas con servation hoard estimates that during thenext so years 51000 000000 cubic feetof gas it be discovetedin Alberta in ad dition to current known res ves of about It that amount Minesing PU Slate 0t Officers The following officers have been elected for Minesing Local 112 Farmers Union president Harry Adams vlcerprcsident Clair Prie sccretnrytreasurA vatieuthatw 13 be able01 please everyone on your Christinas Est gwillalwaysrbelrérnemherediforrgiï¬s modern antihistamines Ehat ironwork famflyrapd friends the safe deanmodern way ve ancesr Seriiiee pleasurebeeauseltheyré so easy Soinexperrsive ojoperate Threeeach better elé Clark Priast Mrs Fred Penman Mn Harry Davis cards Mr and Mrs Mervin ITraliek Mr and Mn rem Muir music liarrytAdams Leo Cavan lu Education director Fred Penn son organizational Mel Priest Gerard Moran resolutions Mrs Met Priest Federal and provincial legislai ttve directors Frank Coughlin Homer Belcourt Magnates Helps Students TORONTO CP Education and charities will be the pixie benefactorsof the will of mining magnate James Rattray who died in September The ruidue of the estate suit Jcctto annuities for relatives few friends and servants got1 into the James Rattray Me morial Trust to be administered for educational and charitable purposes its gross value isbe lleved to be consideran more than $2000000 The estate was estimated at $2405562at preliminary probate Friday Mr Refluxa graduate of Queens=University was vice president of Ken Addison Gold Mints ns University receive $10000 for scholarship fund to bring promising Scottish students toanada it will ï¬nance stu dents inta course ofthefr own choice and wtllAbe named for Mr Rattrays father Rev James Rnltray Trustees AlfredHarry Segu broker and Leonard Brockington eceives90000 can guusjfor heavens sake We were hunting Jackrabbits Jointly the largest cash benefit in the will Grand Duchess Olga Mrs lit Knulikovsky referred to in the will as my friend Her grand daughter lonin thI get $2000 with stipulation the money must not he paid to her other under any circumstances Moomdmm SchemeCouid Zia museum GARREISON 50 AFN When the harvest inoonshines on South Dakota the effect on farm teenagenisnt always what tbe expetted lacai other reports this dialogue when her teen age daughter came home quite late Would tellme where on earth you vebeen Wbtimotlior think you can guess htoybel can but fd like YGU to tell met was with the our he gels was moonlight Concert growing You tell me right now what you did in exasperation Well you The furs primethisrtlme of Year bring about 75 cents Another $10000 was leftto the Empty Stores VANCOUVER CF Attor Myï¬enerai Robert Bonner has laughlngty warned particlan of Vancouvers liquor letter craze that the scheme could empty the liquor slurs before Christmas fAccording to some calcula tlpnslve made we wiiilhave runoutcf liquor by the time you getthelattcr to 6000people he told the Vancouver insurance Agcnts Association Thursday tAridlt you get tittail before Christmas well never be able replenish stocks and theretl queues at the liquor stores The chainletter liquor scheme which spread through Greater Van uver Iikewildfire alter some enterprising west Van couver midents started it 11 days ago had all but petered out Eriday forllnek of new particl pants mammogram can Medical Association Jumps says there is insufficient evidence to warrant the assumption that cigaret snaking is the motor factor in the increasein lung cancer Journal editorial said that although the studies reveal relationship between cigaret smelting and uncer that seems more than coincidental they do not explain why even when smoking Patterns are the same castrates are higher among men than among womenand among urban than among rural popula tons George novice nm ensom eonsrnuenon urn MONEY FOR Lownsr summoning you QUALIFY STANDA GuannNrnnn YEOU RATES av ILABLE IF no roueyconrnnc YEAR Rojunnfwonw HORSE nwrruuzz ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE The wheelHorse SilBliliBi Ni Ihe0nly Add Garden TractOr With sy chm ed 16eutting in Clear name or The ma lined Sp tial an tie oil ghtcornpactunit Within aznswam from to ma hi ownliinevgrinds leaves gives lawn invisiblecompost every detai Easy keep clean Heavy allvsteel body on rugged steel chasis Takes Worst kind shmén Adjustable lifttype draw has handy leverx for guick easy coupling andiraising or lowering of most attaching tools rowan Husky quickstarting hp reduction to produce lenty of reserve power Mutfler lures exclus UnDrluewith sliding geartransmis on genuinegear dittere super pr or reduction gears in Driv unit all moving parts in eluding cross shafts high speed on tric tion baa ngs andhardened steel precision gears run in oil king in red enamel iinish standard equipment usual ime Use itin summer for light grad lnglevyelhng and filling jobs 42 wide ad ustabletoG angling positions Skidscan My adjusted to desired heigh Canbe Jilted to travelposition by tractor liftlever 5PEED5 Four gear shift selections in clude reverse Fingertipthrottle ontrol permits any speeds up to mph CLUTC ed with brake pedaltsl for easy onepedat operation Assures easy change of gear speeds and smiiothtakeotf Clutch is aut omatically disengagemwhen brakrpedal depressed BRAKE Posttive smooth twolwheel brakes Brakes can be applied simul taneously as clutch pedal isdepresse Provides saieroperatio on bills and ter races sTEEittNG tra large steeungwheelq fa gives positive control easy handling on every job Genuine gear differential permits sharp easy turn 25 iNNIsriI sr M66531 Automatic clutch control coupl