ï¬ldctioif time is not only around thecornerfbutits less themerweck away Candidates for publicomce propertoo making promiseseiid not too easily takenin by election prom 15s judge person on what hehns done More tpthe point weve been hearing theta low of the candidates are going to mentionxflights at Queens Par ror softball purposes ï¬erdrc this goes too er and bolero womany pros pectlve public ogrlcials jump on the lights band let us so the picture clear The men resiionaible ior the big pose is lights at Queens is Les Jolliife running tor council in Ward litre did more than talk about it persuaded the Recreation Committeeto call sting of interested parties to discuss the situation Itwns Joillriewho hedthe plans prepared twesI Joulue who presented the iirst estimebeofith ights ï¬t was Joiliiie who presented this reporter oranyone elsewlth the first signs or progress Les Jollifie is here real veteran or theOity or eer Me But in the short time hes been here heamede hispresence ielt and all for the go lights are erected at Queens Perk Joilirie will is the men deserving od the main plaudits The maI persons working with him deserve their share We only write this bit because wefvo heard that other persons were going to jump onldghte Band wagon ror election purposes We prefer to give credit when with due And While with candidates whove helped give the resldents of this community someonterteinment WB hould mention Mrs Dorian Parker running in We Doriansbeen fine soitloeli player executive an booster tor manyyears Her organizational ability ssbe lasts spyone rInen Iio JUSMNMEB Those nht looknow say curling is an old one gameWell agree in the same sarcastic cm the statemen d8 usually made but we sag that old gents tekexpgtiet the recent Baryeerold was agar ohm rm Bancroft hcemwlfcgueglew ha Sm Marauders oi with the versily OBMOVBI the Barrie our ears were filled 1w months ago youd eat to discontinue the if Orrilliia Rink Plays In Quarter Finals SARN1A CPiPloy in the 31st annuallrnperiel bonspiel at the Serbia Curling Club Monday was dominated by outnitown rinks Only one oi the clgbi host club 3lt deprecated risks with skipper sysadmin This advancedpastjhe inosdmihursday the in in the omensscé uarierflnelsky ii Green ï¬eldoi Slmco Noll Gregory oi Lindsey Baillie of 01 llihii Gord IGilbeIrt of Cbathem ii lIhilpoi Ioronio and Nelson Brown of Detroit Gilbert has the same rink which won the bnuspiel last year The 5615b des Wednesday at Ronllilckerds lgglon Ban tomsocoer club continues in be it the head its class in this part 01 the province Picksrd end his allstar team nowuNG mo Masons Scores Hy Rolls flapper Non Strikers Cracker Challengers Alloy Cats Nevcrluzera Siragglers Bombers Jets Stewarts Lunch chhurda Queens and Drones strikers 2Spltiirce Mnrgs Clarkeand Clarke Clarkson standing Stewarts Lunch 57 Dlehnrds 55 Clerkson 49 Cr ck ers 48 Naverluzcrs 46 130m rs 45 Stragglere 41 any Rolls 40 Queenssnd Drones so Spldirea 85 Clarke sndClnrke 34 Alley Cats 32 Challengers 31 Toppers 29 Non Strikerszii leie 29 Non Strikers 27 Murgse Bob lfliowles of Crackers had the high scores single at 304 and triple or 756 ST MARYS Scores Saints Goofers Nulla Bonn Nit Wits Phil Hess Hi Fives Standing Nit Win an Nulle Bonsai Hi Fives 28 Plilllles 28 GonfelsIZB Saints 24 Taeconn bnd the mens high scores of 806 andI707 Kyte had the ladlee high single of 262 llazcl Murphy had the top triple ofsiii LADIEBICITY scares Clarke and clone Jacksons Queeneiles ii Non rla Vinu Driiwood idea Taiiersslls Moors Lake side Busy Bees RM SinndingLQueencites 53 Clarke and Clarke 55 Lakeside 49 Nor ris 48 Jacksons iii 19AM Viau 43 Busy Bees 35 Driftwood 27 itldoore as Giles iii ietterssiis IAllce Couplandhnd the high single of 279 Dolly Jones had the top triple oi 369 iern Csmpbéilvhns the sea sons blghslngleial 380 Mac Flears 767 is top triple The league has turkey Itoll scheduled for Dec 18 can pm mens MAJOR Legion Copaco BBAR week otskeover as football coach andrgeaeral manager of the MontrealAloueiies of iheBig Four Football Uiliolil Stewarts Wholesale semim Lunch Corner Cup nerd Slandln Legion sell 37 Stewarts Wholesale 30 stew at meeting included Cliff Varcoe other persons Phil anb Ken Bhlkvvell Doug Hedg Torr mar wm art Lunch is 53 Copauoli ohms and top triple of 778 are pictured above Jack row lei to right Pickerd Clare Shepherd Conrad Mar loney Ted Cnemers Roy At kinson David Reynolds Jim Thompson From Larry Fish By JOE sorcerer MlAMl BEACH an AP Bianch Rickey was expected to day to voice public rogrct over what he regards as major litmus baseballs indecisive stand on ex pension The president of the embryo Continental League received with mixed feelings Monday night the announcements of the American and National leagues that they are not considering expansion at the present time Their re affirmation to favorably consider the new leagues application for or league status if it gets eight cities and meets other speciï¬ed requirements didnt ap pease Hickey am disappointed but not it surprised he said The decl alone announced by the two leagues are the same as before We had hoped for definite stand onlthe part of the majors The National medait clear if has no thought of expandingfihe American is playing the eexhe guessing game it has pluyed in recent months edges it is not leeslhleIfo expend IaIt Iths present ithestehs iosdd eitpnndlnghi the future mess consannNcs While it acknowl as not given up the idea of Rickey did not indicate what rebuttal or action if say he would take at todays scheduled press conference following mating with William Shea founder of ihenew league and homeless cpi There wasnt much by for Bronco Horvsth and his bigtoe miseries judging by the way his pliiï¬uers points last week in the National Hockey League scoring race gleefully picked up The slim centreof Boston Bruins mlssedons of hlsteoms three games because at his toe miuryiiis scoring output in the other games was one goal Bronco is still aoliingtha pace with 35 points made up of 21 Corner Cupboard Cec ram ordinates ingié MENd Mason LADlES now vm Scores Shreddies Cheerios Variety Chipmunks MI smoke to Beaver 41 Wild to so era 80 INING TROPHIES its five founding members liar incrimin To iPetes To or Bob Nelllw Willie Plan egan Pai Quinn Don Alida soa Glen Courtney Absent when picture was taken were Dennis Scsndrett Allen Brandt sad Allister Heston The Nanonal and American Leagues decided on closing joint meeting todaypinstead 01 Wednesday as originally planned The majors had no intention of meeting with he Continental League Not everybody interpreted the majors actions as an obstruch in the path ofthe Continental leagues rocky road to big le recognition Commis alouer Ford Erick calledihe au noun menu green light for the aided iiveteam circuit the two established ma jor leagues took dim View of immediate expansion tbeAmen lcen made it plain it desired ex pazlslon but did not went to try one ceomNs VIEW We cant take the position we never are going to expandst Joe Cronin American League resident We believe expansion inevitableWe discussed the possibilityof go toniifeéluiia at this time but at is impossi ble without the National League We also do not think it is feasi ble to go toio iesmswitb the National remainingot elghl4 Cronin made it clear that the consideration of American League cxpenslon should not de layIthe Continental League in go ing forwsrdwith the completion of its organization end making the necessary arrangements to fulfil the requirements to quellly as lhird Vmejo Littleismpcthr For Ailing Bronco goals and 11 assists but the NHL official statistics today show his load has dwindled in live from seven pain of week ago cordial of Detroit Wings 1godsend Bethgete at New york angers each counted one goal and two assists and re melded deadlocked for second place Howe now has 14 goals and re assists and ssthgate iMo count UP ow NOTCEES Bobbyhull young Chicago Black Hawks winger came up with six pointsfour goals and two assiststo bouncefiom such place in lane occupancy oifourih Bobby now has piled up is goals and 15¢assistsï¬ior 29 points Jean Bellveau oi Montreal Concdiens and vic stasiukof Bostoneach cked up three points Bell ea ntvvo goals and one assist and stasluk with three assists Thpy dropped from fourth plsce deadlock in imh Béliveeli nowhosa 1413rsc0fd and Stasiuk MB for 21 pain with Loops AttitudeI enema Bsrrle Flyere stertJofisbt their myup the QEA denimI ladder today and conï¬nue with three more touchstone More the weekend lsout Tonight tbe down Guelph to piawIEyddie Bushs unduly floundering blit mores Aller big Within To route week ago today Bills lost to the Flyers and similar Coach Eddie bsiiveof Coi lingw was as angry as coach can be for dropping the guns to the Flyeu Hadrian voice was lieiuvl all the way from Hamilton when tlejubs scored the winning goal with just second left to play in the gin boys lip on Church Teams See Action Collier zbhmd st Joseph and Central and Emmanuel BtGllupl ediovthleln hockey games played at the arena yesterday Tom St John Ler Knowles and Mike Sanderson scored the Collier goals Perri Sioaaor had two 01 Centrala goals Lorne Send and Terry Long bsd singles George Lewis got two of Emma nuelst Giles markers Gerry Mchters and John Smith had singles Flue lumslu SLUGGED COP INIAGARAFALLS Optic ioronlo wrestler Gene Ki nlski 80 was fined $99 Monday for assaulting policemendur lng about in ihelocnisrene Oct 19 Crown Attorney Table For restell earlier had asked the com or penalty that would show wreeillnlvprornoicrs that ihey cannot excite the tempera of patrons Klniski who pleaded not guilty protested that the con viction and deprived him of his right to defend himself This means anyone can come up and hit me be said The court was told tbree wIeks as that K310i Len Ith to ass thrown wad of paper at him when Constable Robert Gillies asked him to tenure to the ring he hltihe oilicer with his elbow and forearm Bills Scorers Are Pressed TORONTOin Rod Gilberl and ilnemete Jean liaielleboih of Guelph Bilirnores oi the On iario Hockey resoclntion Junior series continues to lead the merrowv the lame ioniphtor else Ed die and the Biliarore fans ai ihougb one uni the Fiyen keepvuyiboloodvork card lIoveInoihlug better than rap rle crowd pinglisp Balms and his charts Sunday allotnoon lianverJo liaple Leaf Gardens and Ilomorrow night fr Pelee genie wiih St Michaels Col come loiown hungry or loge slalom It was the Colle viciory jrblsis another club glans who overtookjuie loelll um been some short end while ibey Fly rs were idle gihéacoremihealg ingbganIiIesI iist weekend am uteyi wen oea handle late is Broekville L5 biouidmmrfv lick Hullomvi CNdlm lnio second why not first No one will forgetthe rugged at the Majors expense playoff series these clubs had But first things ï¬rst win last spring All of their games to date have been similar felt and tough all the way Thus farfhis year Flyers have 24 edge in games with both viciloriu coming inthe Peieehome rink Then on Friday the wild bui adept Iioromo Marlboro pay their second visit Ginready leading the league thelhukes myoder continual fire from tbe rest or the league because ofdheir roughpisy lose NEW geiliiino Sheofier iouniain penIESZQE soreness CAUIIDGE FOUNTAIN PM would cool then downconaidf Iellably Plyrefhave Iliad lends can once needy so tinyin before fine Bar sweet Foircwlos in this ru would nationally be the wee eet FOR can mun EXTRA IN SERVICE uirmsiusn MQIOES us Bradlord Sr Heres genuine Sheaï¬er qualityin real fountain pen dramaticallynew immulirra modern hooded pointto gleaming chrome oepi loads like rifle withcartrldgea ofSkrlp writing fluid Choose now escrow P0 Comes with two reï¬lls Carry span pool 49 owr um um uncommon est on new Sinm FIsmI manor Ilneirna Penal gauginuhmi msichln II sesame co occasions Mosh enormous league in both scoring depart manta alternearly six weeks of competition But Dave Kenn and Jim Pa pin have narrowed no Gilbert alter 17 games has accumulated 15 goals and 26 as slsis 41 points while Estelle has points on largoals and it asslsis leon centre for St Michaels College Majors Vbolds one point edgioveriappln and has hand He has 15 goals nndcii assists and is third lor onto Msrlboroe Papan has mi and nine assists Olilcielhstailsiiei relcanIeid to dnrwnlo inclu Sun ays games show Wayne Boddy and Weiner Connelly of Peterborough Psteswithzaendalpoinisre ctively pSet Michaels heimlndei Jerry Cheevers who has ledhis d9 partimni since the as stoned has e141 goalsagslnal ageIelier is games Hannah 75 samerad soon Barbers CLIFF BARBER Israelith Across Roan lidweI Buyilhe New shaefier Pen at ALLANoAILe nRuGSII Ease lid Buy Sheaiierienatg CALDWELLDRUGS so Mr afloat Team iITheAlllicw sheaiferia at II CUSDENS Punemncv 14 pump at Wu in dress commoner out Rs on can Guelph tonight would be Jul