hmylhisthonhhlayors Elected io Qiiice nimcmmmtlrnnaa rutChAPrbve Enterprlsmgï¬Ã© In StraggLJL Mgé OTTAWA cPlDutcbflmml German immigrants modal Waterlood nines nuer grants who arrived in Canav as in farmsI mpg mil Woodsgck Mn3emadct1e$anineyeardpeï¬odlrrnfl$ ginr Ihmem gm 03h moreweep 15m mummiï¬ themSVl to on terms so term 35 mu mnmï¬mmd 13 OK Fire TTC Men no of ammo Toronto hdeci It in British mnom Cm Mulde flmdmmwmrhn Altair Minister Warranties said some Toronto raidenls OMAR PREFERRED MaudXV the Ontario government or the 33 new immlxflnts may bohemianhoods giving i11erebasboenintemaldineat who became terms Metropolitan Toronto the power with the flvo nun minim boughthultedtams honwdimdgmembenottbeloriorahnostayear 33an termlm or lieYul whgï¬do WW Most of anaemia imml grantanhoset themse lves up in businas alsoselected Ontario Toms total MSï¬bought orréntod bus ous rotlwlclt MINER Manly leit and Jasper Miner sons of the famed con servutinn worker Jock Miner continue their fathers work on the bird sanctuary near Kingsvitle Ont tewmiles southeast oi Windsor on Lake Erie Canada and blue geese on their northsouth migration like those in the background oirahis composite photo rest and eat at the Miners Ken Smith oi the LondonFree Pross photographed these birds at time when 14000 were resting in the sanctuary enact Two Mamas AmprlonRohertM Simpson CampbélllordF Rutherford CapreolJlarold Prescott CobaltFulton Purdy CollingwoodG Bruit ConistonMéuriee aeaucnemln DunnvllloDavld Featherstone DurhamMiss Marlon Calder ForestGordon Tumbull Fort Francesqieseph Living stone KenornC Borzoi RemingtonArthur Cullen Mount ForestDouglasBrandon MidlandCharles Parker New LiskeardWlliiam Burr NewmarketJames Otten OukvllloWlllinm Anderson PerkbillDonnld Gooding Prestonloo Snider Southamptonviii Burrows St MarysJames Timms TrentonJames MacDonald chhwoodFrnnk Dennis WhitbyStanley Martin HEART ATTACK DEATH MONTREAL CP James Loveys 47 public relations oili cer tor Texaco Oil Company diedMonday oi asbeart seizure Women Win Council Seats by Many Community Votes ay one CANADIANraess Mrs Bernadette Smith who was woodstocks first woman mayor in 4952 swept back into office Monday alter lapse of two years Mrs Smith wiie of Michael Smith defeated sitting mayor and old opponent George La Flair by about 100 votes Mrs Smith held the mayornlty from 1952 to 1956 and before that had served on city council The town at Durham also got new woman mayor Miss Marion Calder MANY ON COUNCILS Many women Won council seats throughout the province They included Helen Moiiatt at Cbatbam the citys tirst woman alderman Others are Mrs Doris Acheson Lindsay who polled the most votes of the six councillors elected Mrs isabelPost Oril lie Ruth Donahue Sarnia Mrs Lena Fisher Cobnurg Mrs Ce cile Bechard Wallaceburg Elvis Lowell Guelph Mrs Anna Hughes Waterloo and Mrs May Mooney Godericll Not allthe women candidates howevergtasted victory At Strat at Bellevllle She was trying tain did not so reelection Mrs Evelyn Moorelost in her bid or the ofï¬ce hyn substantial ma jority to Meier Councillor Etiie McCabc was defeated inbcrbid or reelection for her ï¬fth term DEPUTY TAKES OVER lwowomen played part in elections at the Sudbury area townships of Drury Denison and By THE CANADIAN PRESS TOWNS AuroraLelarence Davis Bowmanviile4idney Little ChelmsfordJoseph Gratton CoboulgJohn Keenan EmberChester Mawhinney licspelerRobert Barber MiltonArthur Desjaldine MorrishurgGordon Thom NewmarketAlexander Hands SouthamptonHarvey Mahon lValkertonIrwin Lobsinger fordwhere Mayor Moun WallaceburgDonald Lee Pï¬drrnon mason CHATS To wannlwonxlsn WinterWindsjUp Huge Airiliti In west Canaddtias Exploration Wintelrhas ended one of the largest airlift operation in the history of Western Canada gas explorath For more than eight inopth Iiaperial Oil Lilnted flew in supplies and men operate its deepest natural gas probe Ziamile deep hole justnnrth of theBlazea River bout 106 miles southwestoi Edmonton FormerhAC ser shown here ul Ofhis the to ng toJlm baldL other at tbewell loaded up McLeodof ealgary flights at thesit through tbe bush Then the arieratttoo oier but than 618 hours in the air and carried 1478000 tons of freight and 870 passengers Some sup plies were flown froijdmon ton but most come from Draylt ton Valley Buck Creek and Edsonlocated an inset map About threequarters of the supply tonnage flown to the sltewas mud manufac turod substance needed tolub ricate and seal the wallsot the drill hole ito began ag llutsum ehatd ails to much now winter has again made the trans mm by trucks Graham although neither con tested an ofï¬ce and one spent election day in hospital Returning otlicer MrsSelma Nyysola was injured in kettle accident and deputy Mrs Frank Falzetta took over The deputy knew the ropes however as she had been an understudy to the job orJour months Mrs Fal zetta becomestown clerk Jan succeeding Mrs Nyysoln who has announced bu retirement Voters InOntario Elect Reeves For Towns Villages Townships VILLAGES coinageAllan sun Erie BenchD McGeorge Grand BendJames Dalton llensallqiohn Henderson Lions HeadMrs Tessie Groig Newburyql McNaughton PaisleyK Muir Sutton WestWilliam Sellers ThedtordKenneth Ross West LorneLloyd Elliot ITOWNSHIPS AslliieldAndrew Ritchie BalfourE Bradley BlizzardRene Guiliet BrantArthur Leitso BrantfordHugb MacLacblan CaledoniaJinn Lavigne CapreolRaymond Chenier Colchester SouthM Atkinson CuirossMiehael Fischer DarlingtonGamet Rickard DowlingDoran Bunions DruyDenisonGrahamJ Blue EgremontEdward Shier EuphrasiaRussell Hill GoderichWalter Forbes GreyCliflord RDunbar HanmerAlbert Gravel HayV Becker HopeStewart Gray KorahHorold Webb LoganWiliredrKrauskopt MaidenThomas Dufour MooreCharles Young MesaCalvert Reyclatt NiagaraHarry Dawson Nissouri West ercy Junes Onondagkw am Wren PelbamJohn Secord RaysideMrs Malvina Labine Sandwich South Edward Du mouehclle SeymourAlec Linn South DumiriesW Hamilton South WalslngharnErL Alward StanleyHarvey Coleman TarcntorusFred Bennett TackLen Baird ThessalonRoy Seabrook ThoroldMelvin Swalt Tilhury WestW Buchanan Waisingham Nor Ralph Leighi WatersCharles White WhitchurchG Richardson Williamshurg onald Kyle Williams EastGordon Brown WillonghbyRohert Hexi Yarmouth Doualdyflutgess Voters In Preston Choose To BeCity Panama or voters in corporation as city in pal elections Monday to favor oi Preston becoming Ontarios dist city were 2152 voters Only ssl were opposed Presion has population 01 aproximately 10000 RAIsE MAYORS PAY CALGARY cmcity douncil Monday voted Mayor Harry llays soooopay lncreasede the mayorsplea that he didnt want the money The crease brings the may salary tosazjooo including ll unease allowance $44000 Mayor Hays wealthy rancher and business man who was electedptwo months ago said he would donate the in this town strongly backed its in and in small us esses than new nouns otbet new Canadians Iigures provided by thelmml gratiou department show there 5032 immigrants helped in settl log on arms in the period more than 674W centor 3334 were Dutch or 3257 aided in estab lishing smell busilmses 759 or about 23 per cent were mm the Netherlands During the period 43 German immigrants or £7 per centol those aided ived assistance from the department in beoo in isrtners total at 661 Card mans or 20 per cent setthem sclvesup as independent but inane in the province allowed by 140 in 30 and 5a in Manitoba similar antennae was shown for Ontario bytbo 6451 Gor mans wbotbocame businessmen total $396 settled in Ontario 140 in and 56 in Manitoba loessmem department otftclaisaid the ray AN ammo wanr no ï¬gures involve onlyimmlzrants rooms PA m4 Forfour ammonites allianqu at mean nuggco up Sleighs Aluminum ammo heavysteel runner nd bumper Naturlrcalour plywood deck wltn Re and GNnn xlu 698 sin 749 stronrlunnluum Toboggans an extradeep runners to am good control md trnlzht line running It Inlet Sturdy pull PM an 5M 798 Hz size 9987 flIL size 1193 Steering slrnn Ski Flyer Ld Slurdy wood runners 75 steel shoes Hardwood deck in Natural ï¬nish xi 649 42 all 729 Vanished mrowooa Toboggans ww built or selected grade wood orhard 335 smoothly salsa au sun 359 ut rlu 539 wt Illa 695 size 895 Aluminum will Saucers so much fun it turns and sninsl Smootblyfollcd odors lundlcs Llehtwclxht easily hauled or carried ligMgnow hill About Wheel unluzln style Model service Stations Has handn enth elcv later to In con to parking urea on root us gas pump station didm earn more 11 attendanu many other accessories or colour rul smoothnutshell me and plastic About 16 10M 13 wide 299 hi nionv snarl Kindergarten 3Piece Sets Legs well braced smooth hardwood in natural vnmtsmd on lslu Colouiml decal on tabletop For ages to lo years 998 Set Extra Fhilxl each 293 Iinlr Pin Hockey Game teams NJIL eoloursl Playm can ivnt completel aroun 29355 shoot score ele Indicator lights up when goal is scored About 13 35 21 Less gatterielu 1393 Comtllnatton en Rifles Pull Ifllsar bear rico rnet whine apart use pistol5 turbine pistol with lone barrel rifle sights or complete rule ms ejecting nuueu About an loud Enrons TOYLAN orilcm without 18 Prams Pretty Arctic White body Autumn White use bulstery +bow hood storm run clear pllS tic ndshleld 56 wheels with rubber Lines For ages up to years noel yonnines nudwooo Rockers Splendid or reading or watchmen TV Well braced evenly balanc ï¬ntslle ede Smootle nlourrut decal on he Approx 21rhigh sent 1m mm floor Bach Eoys and Girlsy Tlicycles New design Handle bar is chromium plated hu coloured grl and knuckle Sunnis tubular steel rrume more head In dur nhie highvzlnss green and White enamel lront Wheel or ones to it an ages so to 1995 Eo lrém Wheel lor am as to 2150 593 gt 399 ruesnAYst THURSDAY 23oi 101 33ogpm