Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1959, p. 13

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BRADFORD LUMBER AND CRATE co are mans MARKET For Phone VBRADFORD BR 10 Farm Supplies 10A Livestock to Sale wanna no and At Line Anna PW 551 IdAaua nm Io racouu old no Paul Penman no pie Maple RR Earle rammmmnn cuvu houmigneo In weeks old Pann PA was IoAaooa Amm cow one in 1s rury dunno mmf alter an IMaua IoAaa nuhisrennn Yorkshire noon Ill 5901 monlhl old from AJL Saw Ben tinas Steen Bradford lbone Cooksiown soars lOClmplements COCKSHUTI FARM EQUEMm SPECIAL SAL Power takeoff camainer mm 1710 sr comoinu reg was 59 Suithen uses sun use Tractor nion Macrosanew IAd7lfl lDOiMlnTflJS lOEPoultry Chicks ALB Pallets ltdHing to lay sYfJIIIiE villa5an Shulafl no r0 mged mm PIGEUNS Port SillE nu breeds Aim hobbit Nautilus and Guine Iowi Phone If diflltufrnugfl ox EIIISimmonx lAMortguge Loans rmST MORTGAGE wanted Minimal win he paid Goad rui ereaces Apply Cox B7 Barrie liti amlnur iiAce moments In and and rough cold and insured Commentl and residonflll money Ioanud an Barrie More cl exis In Ill1 Jun PA 68504 16 Personal HYPNOTISM It you suffer imn insomnia In of conndence excessive moldu eating or drinklnm omouonni or nervous disorders undosiranio hub iu or luck or peace of mind the be overcome Pree consuitn II DAY on EVENING PHONE PA oosti ISIott coLD WAVES or Homo roman enu etc done in your own home by experienced tlccncod hairdress or Phone PA esssz 1582427 6A Womans CorneI TROPICAL BEAUTY SALON 18 MARY ST SPECIAL PRICE ON CHRISTMAS gt Cookstnwn Schoc PERMANENIS WITH NEW BEST soLImONs OIL TREATMENTS TINTS ETC PIIONE FOR APPOINTMENT PA b35534 isAIIIsii FURNISHED Room Ilheas suPPlle Downtown area 46 Ma Ic Ave PA Mon EA BED SITTING Room with separate em old um Astronaut Scott Carpenter one of seven men being train ed for space flight moves his nrms to test the mobility of full pressure suit being devel BEETON Mrs liawton and Mrs Edgar Ritchie spent Saturday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Thornton spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto gt Mrs Butlci spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Smith of Rexdale Mrs Hammell and Hilda visited friends in Barrie on Tues day Mr and Mrs James Watson visited friends in Barrie on Fri day Mrs Thomas Stafford nd Mrs Hawton attended the WMS meeting held at the home of Mrs decision at Newton Robinson on Tuesday afternoon Dec Dr It and Mrs hicKelvey arrived home on Sunday evening beds Would suit bullnesa ladies outline Phone PA 89583 ldAddati uni SITTING noon witniinsns supplied rangeitn and Irig black from five PointS Business um PA 83550 IaAdmo l8CéBOOrders Wanted nooM arm aoann for gentleman in Allandala vrnn Phone PA osaov Hem riooIvI ANDBOAIID for one Cen tral IocatlonRcaannuble Phone PA 34924 Incm6 noon AND noun or single Fore son Good meals clean brght sia weekly Phone pa gt IIICMEQ Ali wsmi comfortable room nosrd available Central Ilea senbit rates PhonevPA ozosz Incom ROOM ANI nuAItD for women or girls Large clean room with separate beds Laundry Inoiuded Em end Phone PA Mun 11308185 18DROOm and Board Wanted mum would like roomvand houd In duiathome with acious comfortan room and god homo cooking Phone PA $5164 on lthlln nonales 20 Tender lENDERS received by the under tot1a art pupils in Three largo quawill In roouired Approxim ater In mllesoneWay route Pleua tender on per mile oasis Contract to run or period of three years VFO further into iinn contact COLEQiIairman on ONE HE Indianas Application will he recuivedim caretaker for the new Cookstown School containan nlIIc ronma Ar rllcatlnm to be received not Inter hln Dec 16 1959 pply COLE gtChoirman COXWORTiI Secretary iiiho FLOWERS 0m 2PIECE LUGGAGE SETS LEATHER BOUND$1895 Lovely gilt toi the lady on your list EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER $5050 very helpful pm ior ihe Homemaker CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 3433 Euyilclil St PA aims PA 56438 GIFTS AT GLANCE F011 EVERYONE YARDLEY COSMETICS THE GIFT EVERY WOMAN APIRECIATES WE STOCK CAMERAS FLASH RULES AND ACCISSDRIES SLOANs DfA PHARMACY 120 PENETANG ST PA 85407 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AND PLANTS CHOICE SELECTION or AZALEAS POINSEIIIAS MIXED POTS AND CUT OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS AMELE PARKING IIALILITLES NURSERIES 409mm to BLAKE srs Opposite Nuv Dominion storo rue PA ossui HOUSECOATS BEZZANTf oped for use by thevprdjcct Mercury trainees The suit is prototype designed to protect astronauts from heat and pres sure conditions expected to be from two weeks holiday spent with friends In Cicarwatcr Flor ida Miss Evelyn Munns oI Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Van der Moor Mr and Mrs Cranston spent Wednesday with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Fowler spent Wednesday with fgiends in Tori onto Reeve and Mrs Letts visited with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Baker of Barrie on Sunday Eric Camplin of Guelph Don ald Swindley and Paul Hawton of Toronto were home during the weekend Mr and Mrs Don Watson of Orillin spent the wotdread at the home of the latters parents Mr and Mrs Earl Stewart Mrs Cainplin Mrs Dale Patsy JudyTommy and CHRISTMAS GIFTs TIIAT IvonieN APPRECIATE MOST SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES BLOUSES SWEATERS SKIRTS HIGHEST QUALITY IIIERCIIAN DISE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES LENAS LINGERIE 58 DUNLOF ST PA c2921 LINGERIE liOSIERY Shop These Stores For Best Christniqs VOues SAVE YOURSELT HEADACHE our GIrTs ro SUIT MOTHER AND DAUGHTER wmsour Ami wonnirs FOR THE am or THE HOUSEHOLD FILTER cum HEALTH UNIT THE ONLY CLEANER WITH THE errsz FILTER ONLY grill QUEEN rivexsaacs or Aernovm GOOD IIOJSEKEEPINGL CSA PARENTS MAGAZINE TODAYSHEALTH AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION BY IJRINGING THIS AD 10 OUR STORE YOU WILL RE CFJVE cane FILTER QUEEN SALES iizr siAvLI AVE PHONE PA adaaz ZBé Invéstigated OTTAWA CPIMr and Mrs George Bracken of our unno tlek Outshtooday asked Dr Smirk Lawson chief coroner of 51 CANADIAN rum Londoa Oat Nelson Collin Hart fll rethed Unlversity of Western Onmio botany professor andprominent in amateur ath etics TrainRiviera Que Col Raoul Pellerin 78 honorary cold nel of TrialsRiviera Regiment lllICB 1945 Whitby OnLMra Dry den one of Canadas bestknown child welfare workers Otiah Archie McDinrrnld 79 retired oSistant dominion llSTRONilUT IN PBESSUBE KIT encountered during flight The tests are being conductedat the Navy Air Material Centre Philadelphia Marilyn spent Tuesday in Bar rie Mrs Cecil Reynolds at Thursday with friends lnjarrle Mr and Mrs Clayton lieuchaII of Woodbridge spent the week end with relntives in town Mr and Mrs Wright vis ited relatives in Barrie on Fri day Mr and Mrs Norman Mall hews of Collingwood spent the weekend with Mrs Wig gins Miss Carr returned home on Saturday from St Michaels Hospital in Toronto and is im proving nicely at her home LIVELY GIFT GRANBY ueCPA Illne monthhld polar bear has been donated to the Granby Zoo by Raymond Alain Roman Catholl missionary in the north The gt nLn CHRISTMASXII brought the zoos polar bear total to four WALKERS THE STORE SANTA BELIEVES IN Girrs ron EVEKYMEMBIZR or mun FAMILY AND ran YOUR HOME WARKERS or BARRIE DUNLOPC Baum ED BALFE LFURNITURE GISTiTEMS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES Lamps Hassocks Mirrors End 321 Itugs Occasionab OhaIii 12 BAITIELDST Nextnnlnor to The Examtnr 8300 TO DO MAID $598 Perfect for the hosted on your Christmas list liROTOACTION SCENIC LAMPSSSBS To add decorator to in any room SCOTCH LACE TAB CLOTHS as 1o was no on 50 ca your Christmas dinner up GRAHAVMKAND FLEMING Isio nuaan St PA 03345 sel Tables Pintiorm hookers Sont TRAY SERVING TABLES Willldd that specialltunch to lronorner TorontoMrs hramwcli ColeSn Salvation Army colonel and an ottlcor for years Montrealdame Loveys 47 public relations officer for the Texaco Oil Company In Montreal Nelloa ILCnlierbort Extcr 92 oldest living member of the Order of Railroad Telegraphera in North Amerim New YorkBernard Goldstcin 70 Polish resistance leader dur ing the Second World War who helped organize militia which resisted attacks by gangs of and semites BARBIE HOBIICULTURAL SOCIETY By JEAN GABLE The annual meeting of Barrie Horticultural Society was held in Library Hall Wednesday Dec Past President Parsons praided due to illness of Presi dent Hervey Summary of the societys work as presented to the meet ing was as follows 12 executive meetings nine public meetings live flower showy membership M3294 sponsoring of cleanup campaign ablrd house com petition for juniors also pho tograpbic competition with 211 entries sponsoring of school grounds contest poster contest and Christmas decoration con test and sponsoringof decora tion days in Barrie Union and St Marys cemeteries Public planting was centred around public buildings city hall library federal building community house Royal Victoria Hospital police budding also the rockery at Central Colleg iate Nelson Street lookout Owen Street gore and two little beds on Collier at Cleppertoii Streets Miss Rowe showed treasur ers receipts of $455822 and ex penses of 3435637 In addition the year book ac count was $52070 and also in ation of thetour committee of 5200976j The tour committee operated with surplus utmost and the year book was published with surplus of 56955 In spite of increased earnings the socie would look funds to carry on if it had not earned DETROIT AHImmigration officials moved today to send 21 seamen of the impounded Greek ship Theodoros back to their native countries or aboard other ships Lawyers for the crew 19 of them Greek and twoCuban be gan taking depositions from them Monday The 21 have filed suit against the Ships owners seek ing $50000 in back pay bonuses and transportation costs The Theodoros was seized in Lake St Clair Nov under United States district court order obta by creditors Held at De troit ts$350000cargo of wheat was transferred to another ves vessel files Panamanian and is registered to Ermou poli Maritime Company Walter Sable district direc tor of imnjiigration said the men On in to have police lav diction of the trllflemtiuth of their son Christopher reven yearold grandson of former Pm ressivn on er votive leader John Bracken Mrs Bracken said she woke to Dr by phone lie nld she should apply to AttomeyGcn eraiKelso Roberta coroners Jury Thursday ruled the boy contributed toblI own death when struck by II auto July near his home But Mrs Bracken sly chi want the case reopened for these three reasons The parents should have been notified of the inquest it available witnesm Should have been called The lengthy time lag between thedceth and the inquest wan strange In Toronto AttorneyCeneral Roberts said he is awaiting re port on the situation from an 0t tawo Crown attorney ammo liiND 1112an Tucson names insi 5531 Sims ZIDfédtli you want me to help Ihbyouwmildntwslttitlltaac at urbootu lotofitheseuolia consider Pleci To Remove Obstacle TO MY Reservoir addition was the business oper WASHINGTON AP The United States Supreme Court was considering today plea from the NOTESw approximately 5205 net by draw for £25 voucher won by Mrs Orval Amhenu of Pepe tang Christmas door swag won by Mrs Enid Coupiand turkey won by Mrs It Black and Christmas cake won by Mrs The society has liaison of ficer on the parks board Mrs Harold Hill entered the wild flower essay contest for the society cross of croeuses six feet by four feet has beén planted on the slope atTrinltyChurch 1300 tulips are planted at city hall 89a tulips at Owen Street gore and the planter at the fed eral building is full of crocuses Mr Parsons speaking for the president expressed warm thanks to all committee chair men for work well done The January meeting will have two very much travelled people Mr Phippen and Mrs Phippen as Speakers letter has just arrived from the Ontario Horticultural As sociation announcing that John Clark has been appointed first vicepresident of the Ontario as sociation Hewea secretary for many years Game is the new secretary and fieldinim for the Department of Agriculture The Ontario Horticultural As sociation intends to publisha newsletter with ideas and events about the 200 societies in the province This should certainly be welcome news The1960 Ontario conventiou will be at the Royal Connaughi Hotel Hamilton March 1041 US seeks To Retule seamen Of Greek Ship To Native Lands will be flown to New York Wed nesday or Friday if all deposi tions can be obtained In New York the crew will be expected to find jobs on other ships or the US must pay their fares hack to their own countries The ships first officer Enta phios Charalabites 32 testified in court Monday that he didnt know who the TheodorosAs owners ywere but that he hadiheard they were US citizens of Greek ex traction ing in New York FIGHT DISCRIMINATION WINDSOR CWWindsor will join SL Catharines in asking the Ontario government to pass legis lationprohihiting racial and re ligious discriminatiouin apart ments and multiple dwelling units motion to this effect passed city II il Monday night lliiliifl ifii THE OLD HOME Town By Stanley Federal Power Commission to re movethe in legal obstacle to construction of reservolifion in dihn load in western New York state SolicitorGeneral Lee Rankin told the courtMonday that the 115 Congress had authorized use of acres of Tuscarora Indian hen it directed the com mission to license the Niagara power project in 1057 The Tuscaroras told the court that Congress gave no such au thority Rankin Arthur Lazarus coun rselfor tho lndians and Thomas Moore counsel for the New York State Power Authority ar gued the case before the court for more than two hours The court look thematter under ad visement TRIBAL RIGHTS INVOLVED The Appeals Court has ruled that before the Indian land could WORL ROUGH HONEYMOON TOMS RIVERS NJ AP Alan Edwards of Bayport NY had some rough sailing on his honeymoon Monday He was fly ing his light plane with his new bride when snow driven by high winds forced him to land in small field Edwards sent his wife home by bus and said he would try to finish the flight when the weather improved TRAIN KILLS MAN ASHBURN Ga APFarmer William Goodman 51 walking along railroad siding in the darkMonday night caught his foot in the tracks and was killed by freight train before he could freehimself George Wilson engi neer of the freight said he saw the man in the beam of the l0€igt motives headlight and that he was struggling to free himself He wise unable to stop in time ADMITS flABBINOS MILWAUKEE AmA husky linearold boy dropped seven4 inch dagger on police ser geants deskMonday night and admittedstabbing to death his aunt and cousin Officers said the boy Donald Bethards admitted stabbing Mrs Raymond Erick son 44 and her daughter Ruth Ann 14 but gave no moiiye UBUGSWORKED OUT CAPECANAVERAL Fla AP The UnitedVStates Navy success fully fired Polaiis submarine missile for the second straight time Monday Navy sources said the two consecutive successes apparently mean that engineers have worked out the bugs that causedtbree straight failures in September anductobe RESISTANCE LEADER DIES NEW YORK AP Bernard Goldstein Polish resistance leader during the war died here Syrian re Monday He was7tl When Hitler be med for reservoir the power commission had to find that its use would not Interfere with tri bol rights under old treaties The commission has said that the lands use would interfere with Indian rights but that such rut ing was not needed in this case Lazarus contended that the 1383 acres are not needed for the project He said the state power authority has made provision to build dikes 15 feet high to in crease thc reservoirs capacity it they lose this case Rankin argued that 60000 acrefoot reservoir is needed for optimum development of the Ni agara Rivers resources and this could onlybe accomplished by using Indian land as other land in the area was unsuitable from an engineering and economic standpoint The oral arguments climaxed almost two years of legal battle for the Indians NEWS IN BRIEF helped organize the Palishbund militia whlen resisted and by gangs of anti semities Ilo came to the United States in under the sponsorship of the Jew ish labor committee VOLCANO anurTs AGAIN lIILO Hawhii APlThis big islands Kilauea volcano resumed its fiery eruption Moudfiyiorvthe sixth time since Nov 14 pouring tons of molten rock into the smouldering lava lake lot its crater The fire fountain spew ed lava andrbouiders to more than 1100 feet Sunday theb subsided At pm Monday it shot lava up to 200 feet LABOR LEADER HONORED BONN Reuters George Meany president of the AFL CIO Monday was awarded the West GernIan Cross of Merit with star and sash by Chancellor Adenauer The award is the high at West Germany can bestow on foreigner FIRE IN CAR PLANT WOLFSBURG Germany AP fire raged through halfmile took power In Germany Goldsteln long areaof the Volkswagen fac tory Europes largest automo bile plant for 127 hours today Company officials estimated t1 damage at 1000000 marks $233 000 or more three nearby towns joined Wolf burg and Volkswagen firemen in battling the blaze BAN ACTORS MOVIES DAMASCUS Syria Reuters The Syrian ministry of culture and national guidance Monday banned allmovies of actor Ed ward Robinson throughout the of the United Arab view at his Lionistcctiv es Firemen from my AN EXAMINER WANT Ao PHONE PA 82414 src

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