Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1959, p. 3

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synopsis low pressure area whlch moved northward from New York state is bringing snow accompanied by strong winds over most of Ontario Consider able drifting is expected in the central and northern regions whcre several inches of snow fiell Sunday Thastormis ex jpccted to move into northern Quebec Tuesday Snow is fore cost to continue across Northern Ontario with partial clearing ex pectcd in southern regions Lake Erie Windsor Occa sional snow today Cloudy witha few snowflurries tonight Sunny Tuesday little milder Tuesday Eastern Niagara Lake Huron Georgian Bay London Snow to day Cloudy with snowflurrics Tuesday Colder tonight Winos northwest 30 today west 20 Tucs day Eastern Lake Ont rio Hali burtoni Snow today loudy with few snowilurries Tues ay Colder tonight Winds northerly 34 today west 20 Tuesday Trenton St Catherines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Céiiipiléd at nboii by mtokr Ahltlbl PIPCX Algoma Steel Aluminium Alberta GI Atlas Steel Bk Mdnh II Bank Bell Tel CD Brazilian am on RC Power Gdn Bk Ill com 57 Cdn Breweries 149 CPR Canada Semen Dis lni on Mountbatten it was INDUSTRIAL OntPaper4 Consumen Gns song uom Found Harden Forms Home on Hudson Bay Min lnip Tobacco in Acce at Ni lczll rov 1052 Club Loblaw Pin BEST NORTH OF TORONTO it Pupils Dad To bay Charge 0n Teacher ronouro CP Tobacco store operator Louis Gerston said today he will lay assault charges against an unidentifiedteacher at Enriscourt Public School who allegedly hit his 12yearold son over the head with school bell MixiGerstan said his son Ron nie told him he was hit with the bell when he turned his back on teacher who refused hlm per mission to go to the lavatory Mr Gerston said he found Ronnie with blood oh his head and neck when he was sum moned to tlicschool by Principal William Walling He quoted Mr Walling as saying Ronnie had geleln injured with school Mr Gerston said in an inter view he drove his son to hospital where two stitches were required to close the cut Princessg Will llci As Bridesmaid DONDdNiReuterslLPrincess Anne nineyearold alighter of the Queenwil act as bridesmaid im the first time next January atthewedding of Lady Pamela announced today Lady Pamela younger daughlt ter of Earl and Countess Mount batten is msrrying interior dec oratornavid Hicks Toners sTonlrfimcrs Flynn Collier 5b Barri inofForlvH Nornndu 455 Nor not No Moore Carp Pacific rm rem Pips one NstGnl be lioysl mill at Low Co Salndn 5h simpsoni Steal of Ca TonDom air rxnni enn Plpo 241 Trader sin 21y Texaco 551 Union on 16 rain 67 Walker new 28 MINING a7 sulllvnn Geno Mines camp chtm Gunnlr Can North Cons Denison con mill Carl Mention Now Myl paragon 52 formatl investment runs All Condim 98 am ltarnAddlson erltlmu New Eosco oldstrelm onuniiin Quemont Sher colnon United Oil Wait Amule wuuey North American Supervised Growth BONDS eovnnNMENr or CANADA als Asked lose our 99 1961 994 9659 Bid Asked 10085 556 ioiz ions passe 4951 sin on Land PROVlNClAl GUARANTEE in mun 9550 sou 15 oxrlinro mu An iii loss Elli in rim ronoNro ocnnxanNca industrial inn141 Colds up Moron lions woui up 39 New YORK slocx EXCHANGE AVERAGES tsunami Utilities In lic 10075 continued fromvpsge one common momma The terminal with ritlrnaln door boarded up by cardboard to keep out the windwhich often rocks the smsll islands is shabby but colorful sets rooms with large wooden ceiling beams creaking with age and high bar boasting everything from Clnxnnao to Canadla Club and to serve the evil potions thick haired dorkskinncd Portuguese 0N nominees SURPRISE onions ANnnonnr Hundreds Welcome Santa At Stayner Occasionnl rain on dull after noon made an unseasonsl setting for Stayners annual Santa Claus paradebut the parade itsell was oiia high stanrard iin as one citizen remarked it was bet ter than the driving snow oi years More The usual crowd of delighted excited children aged anywhere from two to about 75 lined the main street oi the Sirncoe town for it good hour before the par ade started if there wasa little problem in seeingeveryone under four feet got free place at the front There was the usual parking deadlock but at snout 230 when two police cars followed by two cm COUNCI By JIM GARNER Examiner Staff Reporter Members of Barrie City Coun cil may well be glaring at each other during tonights regular meeting And if anybody stands up to make speech others will doubtless be smutterings about electioneering For this is the last meeting be fore the elections good con night couldhave quite an effect on the voting It will be eresting to note how many members of the pub lic will taketlris last chance to see what their electedrepresen tatives do in council The pub lic interest to date this year has been scarqety ovciwhelming This may be tribute to the news servic provided or it may be our pubh indifference How ever tbe plain fact is that there have been no more than half dozen people all year who have made an appearance in the pub gallery through interest Even those who attended as members of delegation orlsup porters otsoineissue have us ually left asgsooo as their busi nes was concluded This de spite ithe invariable statement from the chair assuringthem they were welcome to remain Supposing then couple of citizens or few alderrnanic candidatesturn up at the coun cil chambers at 730 tonight What will they see and hear THOSE BYLAWS The agenda shows 13 bylaws Most of them are due for final readingsOne for the opening of HenryStreet west to Highway 400 gets its first and second reading What the general public never findsvutrbecauseritnevertakes the trouble to go and see is that the legislation officially read out three times is normally read onceand taken for granted the other couple of times This is good timesaving device which could be much im proved bylnew legislation at the 5° provincial level What would happen ifsomehody contested courtcaso on the grounds the bylaw wasnt read out three times The bylaws to be passed to lines of cheer leaders have into View The cheer leaders who pert odically tried some fancy criss cross marching were closelyvfoi lowed by Stayner fire truck Then came the main body of the paradedowns bands viot age cars new cars men in top hats bodies festooned with masks probably in stores since liallowacn more cheer leaders and as the main body ofthe paradea scila of floats repre senting nursery talesall gorg eously and originally decorated Those responsible for the floats must have spent good deal of time and thought coin Hold Lasi Meeting Before Election night include amendments to the zoning plan borrowing 824500 for purchase of land for indus trial sites authorizing sanitary sewers ton liffin Street and No siderond authorizing paving oi the service lane beaveen Dun lop and Collier acts putting in water main on No sideroad amending the subdivision control bylaw and borro ing various sumsof money to $134 tentious issue brought outto 5w RESIGNATIONS There are couple of resigna tions tonight Both are from candidates for the 196061 city council Murray Millswho hopes to be back next year as an aldennsn quits the parks board James Hart candi date for mayor offers his re signation from the suburban road commission to which he was appointed Iva few months ago Only four committee reports are shown on the agenda They are from the public works in ance fire and tratfic andgeli oral government committees Committee reports usually take most of councilsdehatingytime so unless somebody is looking for platform tonights meet ing should be one of councils shorter sessions Next Schedule Bi curling Club The list for the next schedule Will be up at the Barrie finding Club toriight The schedule will start after Christmas on Jan 1960 for the OKeefe Trophy Those wishing to take part should put their names on the list at once The them will be curlfi BLIZZARD STOPS SHIPPING SAULT srlI MAniE Ont CF Ablizznrd that dumped four inches of snow on theSault ste Mariearea caused aship3 plng dela during the weekend in the iv Marys River The United States Coast Guard stopped all shipping during the night but improved weather after daylight Sunday resulted in theresumptlon of traffic Jousting up Youre always welcome calving and constructing thch The parade was thejbest the town has bad in the 10 years it has held such on event said citizenwhohnsscenniioithern And it is generally reckonedto be the best north of Toronto At the tallt came the person to seeSuntashlnself andCph Reg Wilson of swner OPPls to be congratulated on the way be managed to anongowith the benevolent old man to be in Stayner for the afternoon After all his schedulogets heavy around this time of year The parade was strictly community effort but chief uedlt must go to the Businm mens Association under John Bells organizing band who spent lotyof time arranging it Local service clubs and in dividuals also lent alarge band in assembling and thinking up the floats of which there ware upwards of In Car Near Ca Camp Borden soldier drin ing home Friday after mess function stuck in the mud while taking $th cut Saturday morning two teenagain found him dead of carbon monoxid poisoning Sapper James Segriff 29 Traffic Lights Control Walkers Today is the last day oerigh way Traffic Safety Week and Barrie City Police Chief Edward Tschirhart has few words to say to jaywalkeis One of the last two rules for the week is will never take any kind of chance when walkv ing across asstreet or on high way cant Chief Tschirhart pointed out this morning there are still too many laywalkers and unfortun ately in this city there are no laws to touch themexcept at intersections where there are traffic lights if pedesti an rllsobeys red light he can iek up ticket said the Chief today Also motorists should remem ber ii pedestrian is in the crosswalk when the lights change to green and amberhe still has the right ofway And pedestrians should re member also if the lightschango to green and amber beforethay startthey must fir make sure all traffic is stopped before they move off And the lastrule fortholwaelo MWLDL drivmg every minute Im on unorsr Alumni tom swam oouioi nm rs Hm with friendly smile and an en couraging one more wont hurt you While the riflemen ate heartily and we wandered in the fresh warm breezes outsido the build ing in an effort to shake the quenslness from oiir stomach litter the tossing trio groups or three or four natives sat at the tables orderlngwioa and too spicy hamuand eggs HOPES TO RETURN Captain Butler told us while we sat at table in the lounge of his hopes to get back to Can niin for Christmas after the ro Waterford Oni the vehicle and its while goln down Hill near yevole could not prevent log off the slippery road nno ills ditch reported Vlctorta HarbourfiPP Coast om Heels Therewere no injuries or charges laid Police saidmost of the Christ mas trees were salvaged Teenagers Find Soldier Dead mp Borden was found head half miiewest of the Canip Borden golfclub at 10 am Saturday An autop sy by Dr Van Potter of St Michaels Hospital Toronto found the soldiers death to be caused by inhalation of carbon monoxide fumes Slipper Segriff whose unit was 24 Works Company Royal Carr adian Engineers Camp Borden is survived byhis widow two daughters aged fourvand two and an eightmoothold Segriff is expecting another dilld The Segrilfs live at RR Angus Li Watts and Corporal Sheppard of Camp Bordermov ost detachment investigated the accident The funeral service was sched uled to take place this afternoon at Trinity Chapel Camp Borden iron ciiriisllvmsw GiviNc Selection oi rowan reels nonnnvc SUPPLIES AND HARDme BALL PLANING Mm 60 Hayfield at impasse DORlANv motion occasions use MEN JOKE DEBITATE tattoo of troops to the brigade area was finished He hoped for plane about two days before Christmas and lie hoped for it completely for 853151 cd by sergeantmajor manned passingthrwgh opera tionsottbaforcuonthowaylo Germany since October and how over tough Butler may have been he was homesick For here marathon 9000 miles from home With nothingto do but go into the nearby town oi Pris once in while he had lots of time to thInkofhoma and the snow falling and the store wind cws decorated for the Christmas season as wAsLoNaLY Here was aran so anxious to talk about home it hurt to listen but be had job to do be had troops to accommodate on their way to NATO and he had to be there But be was lonely About two hours beforea troop plans came into the base at Lajos Butler and his assistant housed in double room in the American Oificers Club would climb out of the sheets run down to the restaurant and ord er meals for 28 or so or what ever may be and see the troops through their twohour refueling up Vital but lonely work No BACKING our boy from Calgary afarmer led from Saskatchewan all sat on our North Star and meditated about what awaited them in Ger iii 41year being charg Stlcet Barrie asihesded on Anne when he was in sion withthe rightllroht John Swan was driving an English Reids rar wasalso off parked car owned by Al bert Buchanan to 785 Saskat shawan Boulevard Camp Bor en wished lhey were berm again with their girl friends andtelnt lvu but by tbejlmethny landed there wasnt and that would have backed out ofvhls job At 430 Azores tim alter hefty meal andhy those of us unable to seat sip or two of the thick Portuguese wine the call came over the loudspeaker all CaoodlnnArmy personnel bound Germany board Flight 1720 And after boarding stuffing our cars full of cotton batting and holding our sickness con talners close at hand we entered into the spirit of the hop from the Azores to Shannon Ireland six and half hours away Tomorrow We visit the il home of the Dragoons in Ger many recently cl Camp Bordi Cheating Exists In Umversities TORONTO CP Cheating on daytoday assignments well on ganlzed by studcn fratelnltles egrists in every Cans univer sity hicGlll Un mity physiol ogy professor said Sunday Dr Arnold Burg appearing on the CBC television program Fighting words said heiagreed completely wilha quotation that organized cheating is part of student culture It is very well organized there is no doubt of it Dr Burgen said But it doesnt ei CATCmNG THE SPIRIT The festive spirit in whichit is the fashion to decorate with colored lights is gradually spreading througbtha commun ity With the main streets and civic buildings iniBarrie and Al iandale already gay with colored lights private enterprise has il luminated giant ties on Tor onto Street tall pine tree on Grove St is annually decor aged with lights by Ralph We th and is visible each night homes and schools on ead with their Christ ons is Kimono morons mum in Bradford st GI FOR II RISIMAS Boys have great fun Bridgesdmneu helieemsisljanlgcnlsne hundreds of models 1qu kinds are built from cosy twfalloWlmtructinns MECCANO is anal4 neeringfor boys By adding accessory outfits It fusci FOR CHRISTMAS vilding with MECCAN fact MECCANO MAGAZINE Rania usaui rorlrclli planI llllpy rollroudr Moscano modal building and alhorhebbluilnu Meccmo MAGAIINE uuylsennmihmson pmlnnu from your omMECcmolmo King so wm reroute MECCANO FANO 5515 in vow Wolf3

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