ilgkiYi But Medi special to TheEnmlner AN KORCOK Stall Correspondent LAJES AZURESMild semi topical breezes sweptythe raid Atlantic Azores ands this even ing as our Star inadedrwith or the Que 0wn Riiles men enjoyed short break ll the long trip doin the Fourth Canada an infantry Brigade in Vorthern Gcr Konroir The long illghlwasonly pre lude to the clutlesto belaccd by these young lads from across the Dominic their two or three year ion stint in the NATO loirc FROM LOLD aasvhno As our planewound its way over the sormy seas to IboAz ores and thénée to England and Gulcrsloh Germany the attit udes of tth young men chang cd from loud bravado as cviden ccd out of Trenton to the ap prchcnsion oi strangers nearing foreign land This is the first of series of Moles writienby cer Lain itinerant scribe scholar and gentleman Mlluu Kon coir oi The Barrie Bunk fner currently upon pil Eflmuxe to Germany to ob serve certain Canadian war rlors cacamped there Mn Korcoli designated specisl courier carries seasons grcelings rent the comman jlll It Camp Borden Brlg adler Purves 950 CD gt F7 What were these men Ihink gl flow were they reacting to the prospect of spending severai defending the Western world from war icli might ncvorcome or whi might come tumorrdw But whatever their innermost thoughts the men of tbeQueens Own ï¬llies piaycd poker told tall tales atewith gusto that we could not summon up espec ially alter reasonably hardy ght over stormAtossed Atlan tic sea and on the whole make out as if in truth this was just another job to be handled by the CunadianArmy The first thing upon landing in tare IS Captain Butler of the Army Service Corps and meal order ed by the captain wh consist cd of chicken vegeta les and wine and the finest of Portuguese fare on the mild island 800 miles all the coast of Salazarsftepub POST CARD STAMPEDE And almost immediately after downing the meal the men al most to one stampeded for the post card counter where pictures of bulls the island surroundings the blue ocean or casks of wine in an ancient cellar were bought for dime each and mail cd out to relatives mothers girl friends or imbibing buddics in the maritimes or the prairies The air base at the Azores is manned 90 per cent by Ameri can Air ansport erv Troops bu the islands are still watched carefully by blue hel meted somewhat shabbily dres sed Portuguese Area Police which make sure that civilian passports and visas are present ed before footis taken out of Se agedlooking airport termite Fortunately Captain Butler tookus in hand and shuffled us into the American coffee bar for coke without showing pass ports Turn to page three please the Azores was greeting by bidni Karma Youth RED Alta CWRoi crt Raymond Cook 23 Saturday told crowded Supreme Court trial hcrc kill his later Cooks fa er slopmother and live youugfbroihels and sisters were loun dead in grease pit behind the tetherhome June Dclcncc counsel GiflurdMain in surprise move during Satur days holiday sitting of the court called Cook to testify His first Question was Did you kill your father Ray Cook Replied Cook Nos cer tsinly fdiiint It stile econd time Cooks deniaifnlthe mime had been heard the odilitroomliEariier in th triaiï¬which started last Repeats just didnt do it RCMP quoted Cook as saying Cook spent most of the hearing Saturday tracing his movements from the time he was released June 23 after serving two years lorrflieltat Prince Albert ja He appeared cairn and spoke in clear steadyvoice He Will com plete his testimony and be cross examined today TELLS 0F MOVES Cook described his movements June 26 When he left Stettlerfor Edmonton to trade in the family station wagon on new car He said his family was making plans to go to British Columbia and buy garage business What was the condition of your family when you left Mr asked They couldnt have been hap pier said Cook Were they alive Ceriai sir replied Cook Tell Iiseen Forweek Manitoba lirSaskatchewan National SaleD may end with toll of le hs higher than re corded are 1955 campaign As oi idnight sunday night Canadia pilation showedai fataliti across the coutry the first six days Safe in wee sponsored by the Chadian Highway Safety ti Alberta BritishColum bia vi The daytoday this year Nfld Que Ont enema ini rw rrssroi 8674 POINTS IN 5ONEG1lMl2 BERKELEY CaiifAP+ Remember the crazy phone hoothflhwding season Well now We have claim for the worlds titbasketball game45 hours Two student dormitories played that marathon contest Friday through Sunday using more than 200 substitutions total otone hour intlmehut and piling up total 0674 points Plane Damaged 200 At Trenton In Police Probe TEENTON GP More than 200 servicemen and civilians have been questioned by RCAF police here in connectlon with two cases of damage to Dakota aircraft The aircraft was reported unlit tole Nov 25 when electricians cnrtylng Buï¬a utine inspection discovered Milt aï¬fbflectrlcal res apparently cut Almostthroe days iglï¬hruk was required to replace the dam aged wires On Dec similar though less extensive damage inside the fuselage was dlscovercd in the same airplane Group Captain Williams commanding officer of the RCAF station hcre described the loci dents as malicious damage 1t wasuralning outside but these young artists in the making were too absorbed in their work at the Barrie Saturday to notice that In the Ont Highways lire WetTo Slushyr TORONTO CP The high ways department reports high ways in Southern Ontario are bare and wet to slightly snow covered and slushy with the visibility only fair in tho Hamil ton and Owen Sound districts Highways in Muskoka and Northern Ontario are snowrov cred to snowpacked to slushy Visibility is at times in the Cochrane district In the Sudbury area there are three to four inches of snow and highways are snow covered to snow packed Highways Sault Ste Marie area are sno pery it places la Northwestern ways are be foreground is Barbara Loy 3L0NDON torisir rig At as to or humid high to centrebare to lured by the anas and were expected to reachport more Disclose Royal LONDON ReutersiA leading British radio commentator has disclosed private game which Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip sometimes play while driv ing in Royal Tour processions First theytune in on radio commentary of their drive on the car radio turned down low Then they try to spot thecommentator in the crowd then theyfind him the Queen gives him personal smile or nod and then they wait tovsee the effect on his microphone tech niqlle often he dries up com pletely or fluffs his line withex citement The commentator John Snagge wr ting in an illustrated book our lloyai Family justpublishod vised the game as long ago as CouncilheganlastltleSday Dec Man all rods at mid ght tonight iiisk Al same stage in 1M8 the L3 eouatsioodat Eortydhree Persons were kille in traffic mis T0 31 113135 duringthe ven days Heemeqeee kaNheoeeg aneeoumeojop neonuooec closesHe an NAME coyG NERAI PRETORIAilReu tslulustice Ministerl Charles Swart Sunday NElVIDundlandOo1=rince Ed night was appointedlrgoyernor ward iriandti Nova Sch carat of SouthAfrica msuc New Brunswick ssiontoihelate Ernest Jan Quebo 1149 Ontario 19 15 TONQNJL AP State police reported that the Repubhcan Senator George Aiken of Vermont of wo companions were found dead today the weedi ag sftheir light plane wbibhcrashed gManch Forces T05 Slab boson tReuters The huge Su naiin Uaio ot MineMili andrSmeit itsb to prevenï¬chnoges in the union Mill ouoced oday referend an members of local in meta As Iké AP siasticvPakistanis shrieked tu ident Eisenhower as he arrived onihe first Asian stop of his 22 000 rnile journey in uest peace Grinningmith diellgh the American president stood erect in the back of white convertible and wavedtothe colorfully clad Pakistanis acked along his route into Pakistans largest ty Each tim the American tor wavedh hat the crowds re sponded with deli tedkroars of was decorated for carnival inhoiior ot first visit by airAmeiican presi ent host of streamers ofevery color of therainhow added to the br liance of the soon The American visitor got the full flavor of Karachif Thefirst part of his route took him pa in new industrial area rkera andrtheir lam es cheered him ng Then the road crossedauor tidal cliynging penethating stench There Eisenhower saw aniocred Maire Announcers Fluff Lines hereisays the royalcouple Alei Kaancai ELHVOR Hundreds of thousands of enthu bl multuous welcome today to Pres andshovedtheir way into the flats with lah Fishing trawlers and freighters sent out urgent distress the Baltic North Sea andwest ern Atlantic us stance Five3 ships were in trouble around the British coast Twelve men were feared to have been gt than day late Game On Tours 1951 when the Ga thenvPrin cessElizabeth an her husband mgde tourh Canada naggeiw as Wmd many hand lf northern Scotland Royal mi Bag53375 chicc otlgr storm deaths he once raisedithe matter with reported in Brim the Queenl He told her You know Maam radio reporters hereare quite nonplussed when you smile at them it puts them completelyi offtheir stride The Queén gave what Snagge described as delicious smile and added YesI thought it would Snagge took it as clear hint that shewas doing iton pdrpose in Toronto during the 1951 tour Prince Philiptold Snagge he had heard the commentary Snagge gave from roof during pm cessionthroughrthe cityt waves ammo streets the shin of ack eils behi latticed bali conies indicated thatMosieni women in putda seclusion were watchingEisenhower Thousands of Pakistanis pushed broad orner square near the United2 States Embassy where the president and his host Pres ident Mohammad Ayah Khan changed from the automobile to stately red and gold presiden tial coach drawn by six spanking black horsesnThea lthe majestic slow procession made its way to the presidential residence where Eisenhower make his head quarters for histithourstay Karachl was strung with col oredlights on all sidesAs night fell resembled city ado ed for Christmas Th preside thi it stop on 11 so morning audience invitoin with Pope John andfa 17hour night on in Ankara Ankara where an estimate 300 b1 cliisterof slumshocks still pe crass by them mbars indie housi Moslem refugees from 000th 700000 turnsdout biggest ever ven more ps in trouble men Big Atlantic iinerswcre bat German lls in high seas ThofAllantic gates with winds All of them sought reported to have reached more of Ferndale pu toucha to her Chris la the background Frank phy 16 of Barrie is cri of his idea of the Natfvi srene More pieturesof this Mbuntoiri Cut Off Outside PRINCE RUPERT BC CF days of torrential rains and galeforco winds have all but isolated three bustling commu nities in northwestern British Columbia One man is dead and another severely injured Nearly cut off from the outside world was Prince Rupert fish ing aiid textile pulp centre of 10 000 the aluminum centre of Kitilt mat also with population of 10000 and Terrace is hunbcrin centre of 2400 The storm which began Thurs day night dropped live inches of rain on the area 400 miles north of Vancouver Kitimat had rec ord our inches The winds reached 55 miles an hour Slides rumbled down moun tains severing road rail and telegraph links Only micro wave telephone system com last summer was in oper rTeiracc 95 milcs east at art group on page SHlPS DISTRESS Batter Liners Freighters Off Oporto Portugal 17 Poitn lantic gales and mounltsainous seas guese seamen were fearedlost gaboardthehigllaiiolvn To 1d othcrboals rescued from the JAMton West freighter Secvogel which some sank off southern Sweden Flooding was reported in many parts of England and southeast coast resorts were hammeredby than 100 miles an hour and seas to have towered over at it high delayed six liners The Cunard liner Carinthia ar drowned after hurricaneflorce rived in New York Sunday night winds drove their tr from Liverpool 35 hours late alter steaming at reduced speed for were more than 116 hours The united States LheWoilds fastest liner was due in Nev kjatcr today fivehour scheduleflhcFrcnch lin leETIESISD was due in New York today some eight hours late The Cunarder Queen Mary and the HollandAmerica iincs Bot terdam are due in =Ncw York Tuesday both about 24 hoursilato The Queen Eiiiabetli ex pected to be delayed arrivmg at Cherbourg France today and Southampton ngl early Tuesday gt The Braomar Castlewas forced to heave to all Dungeness south eastern England euroute to Lon don Meanwhile widepsread floods over southwestern England fol lowed Sunday nights storms hurlingpréfabricated houses Rupert said itisnt anything to get really excited about it hapl pens here all the time We can expect at least two of these storms each winter BURIED IN MUD Killed whenburicd in mud slido near Stewart no miles northeast of here was Edward Shade 34 of Stewart compa nion Dave Menogehllo also of Stewart was found halfburied at the edge of the slide llc suffered undetermined injuriesv Beat UpPolicé In Teen Dance lire Charged TORONTO CP ilwo police officers were knocked to the floor and kicked at teenage daneo in suburban New Toronto Satur daynigbt Const onald Driver collapsed from kick inthe lath which shbttered his nose kick lathe opened fivestitck thelclt eyelet Coast Da Thapollcemeii oripald duty in uniform were breaking fish the attack olioe closed the The with assa Emmett of day night Unexploded Mines Hamper Rescuing FltEJIJS France Mullers The hazards o£unexploded war time Germam minesodded today to the dangers asrescueworkers continuedrto search for the bodies of victims ot the Frejus flood disaster Interior mi sily spokesmen in Paris Sunday night puttho num ber of hndiesso recovered at 323 with 256 ident ed So had been washed up on 11 era beaches 45 miles away Officials fear the death toll may reach 500 The mines wereuncovered in the area devastated last Wednes day whenthe huge Malpasset Dam burst sendingmilllons of tons of water down the valley in tire15000 popul on Erejus and near villages prevent emic Relief supplie continue to pour in from all over the world expected to be Damage was expecle the 5100000 mark The fire broke ut Track maintenance equipment andharness forthc horses was also stored in the onestorey barn Most ofthe horseskilled men 831 the floods