circle of people rule also musr an nasvrrin soy leer debtod tortbo Dcpartmuit of Na tlonai Defence which through Comp Bordeu Public Relational Officer sateeny Humour made trip possible Mr Korcok has been fully accredi as mobs run war Emblems Doubts Mqving To Germqnfy MEAN noncoa Examiner Staff Reporter Among the thousands of peopl le moving to Germany this year tojoin Canadas Fourth Brigade for NATO duty are hundreds of families currently coughhup in the upheaval of moving Hundreds of housewives aro asking how to pack vacuum cleaner or delicatc china Hus bands are wondering whether bottle of something shouldnt be taken along on the ship for med icinalpurposes and kids are speculating about the length ol the German hockey season what the little league teams are like and how much can they get for wife Jeanne late oLCnmp Bord EVERYTBFSG GOES an autographed picture oiRock et Richard Captain Eric Roles and hi en left Barrie Nov 20 for voyage to Soest Germany with typical array of problems and doubts In tho two weeks before their depnrhire the Roles family park ed over iooo pounds of clothes BARBIE LIBRARY Greecendq CRESCENDO by Phyllis Bentley This is an ingenious story which has aplot worked out cleverly to illustrate an idea in the opening lines an old man Francis Freeman states Every moment of the worlds history is product of all pre vious moments He goes to say Most of us are inextricably entangled with our fellow humans Our every action has its consequences in their lives Every small ynlgar ity or shabby act he believes makes the history of the world little blacker Hissoninlaw Peter Trahier dimgrus with him saying that some acts have no relevance to life as whole He says further that JEometinies minute scruples must be waived for the public good Inï¬his own case Peter be lieves that it is in the public interest that he should be elect ed to the town council instead of his oppoan mean mind ed and dishonest man Th afternoon Feter had left his office where he sold auto licences couple 0fml11lle early in order to oatchan in fluentizl alderman he saw pass tug along the street The old man declares that this was breach of trust on Peterspart whereas Peter claims it was more important to the welfare of the communty that he should leave than office at that mo ent From here the the reader throng series of smallact Peters trust sets off trnuble Which touch quite munity and finally mes hack tragically toPeters wn house hold If is all worked out clev and belicvuhly Peter himself is ole of the more interestin charact era but theauthor lilies enter vividly into the livesglf varie ty of people for out she makes the reader fe lively Instance unhappin aliemted onlyson Richard scholery lightly lame school he attracti Doro etagedesigner in his youth in conclusion this is well patterned novel which tells gondstory is peopled with in teresting characters and illusb rates an interesting idea liHE CHARCOAL HORSE by Edward Loomis The action of this compell ing storyiakeslaoeinanArnrv prison and is forced on two characters Osgoo dand Gillespie The former is new prisoner and the story is build up on the influence and effect he has on Gillmpie who is negative character without any moral or =intellectual convictions We are neither given any back ground of their lives nor ills eription of place or time and the result lSVthat all attention is concentrated on Gillespies character the pressures to which he is subjected and his reactions to these whichhaye fart reaching results The appearance of drawing onthe washroom wall starts off theanguish and fear in Gillespie and when the two prisoners are detailed to clean the Colonels room Gillespie breaks family picturg and his uncertainty as to whither he should own up and take the commences is vividly created Osgood tries to ltell him what it is right to do but so careful is Gillespie to hep out of trouble at all costs Ihat he lets the Colonels harmless orderly take the blame Events ndw move inevitably towards aclimair which is oil appall ing and distressing then the story closeswe gather that Gillespie is back where hestarted from neither thinking nor feeling but ready to do as heis told without courage or conviction even after such soulsearching ex 99mm Edward hurt Trend May Cut Loonin has written brilliant nave FarmNumbers fronomo CPlThe trend to wards leigen farms and greater mechanization may reduce Dn tnr arm population by half thetyear 12000 Agriculture mister Goodfellowsnid Friday an teryiew lie aid the province now has about 80000 real fendersthose who earn livingtfrom the land By 2000 the province only 40000larmcrs wh as much as now er and other effects into seven dishes on iron vacuum clean trunks and odd numbers of suitr cascs According to wifedeanno that was quite job But packing is only part of the upheaval The rest ially CAN our seamen Sou David is wasnt too dist turbed about moving especially after he wrenched promise from his other that he would be when in italy in 1960 to view the partial eclipse David is hiterest ed in astronomy But his hrother Pot in was harder to convince If it wcrmt that weguniumt eed him that they would have lit tle league hockeyl dont think he would leave said Captain Roles gt Accompanying Pat will be one trunk stuffed with nothing but hockey equipment Wile Jeanne since she is orig inally from England will be quite close to home and at ï¬rst didnt think she wouldmind mov ing was looking forward to it until we began to pack she or plained WAS IN EGYPT Shifting around the world is nothing newvto Captain Roles since he spent year in Egypt recently gt The Roles dont expect to have too much trouble adjusting since most oiCaptein Roles Transport Company have preceded them to Soest and thus they are ct ingto meet many of th old friends The others shodld have pav ed the way for us said Mrs Roles The rotation has been going on full blast for months and thou sands have gone over to replace the ones coming back They will he stationed in Ger many for two to three years and how they will become accustom ed to this land across the seas only time will tell STILLFOREIGN Though the Brigade areazis Canadian cnlnny it is stilla for eign country with people that speak astrenge tongue How they will fall into the way of life and how much they will enjoy themselves and their new country is still to besaen but after they settle intoheirquart SATURDAY cums iroxr Mime rctorhdat are and large cast ring forflhe Big Circus lMPERlAL mam Gary Cooper Rita Bayworth van Heflin Tao Hunter in Calneto Cordurn 0DD FELIDWS on Cole lier Street is again the scene of dflflCBsfliflfllg at BARRIE ARENA the me Will he there 11 830 to 103011 PUBLIC LBRARY pm and whyibuy book Browsidg plriust are he ever NORTH COLLEGIATE get in your seals hykflz20 hear famous duo piano team ofJa LvwcinndArth leipore who tumbled New York tie in good tim TORONTO tnn Tbronto by 1100 extraaduriog Shturdays Gwynp para here Another 00 will begatthe nnadlo Nn tionnlExhlbitlong un 01 the gum being heldthir the CNES dl errand beglniilving their new roles as ambassadors perhaps their anticipation doubts and ideas will crystallize into uphi tcdor reorrerpondentby the Department gt Born in Montreal in 1987 Mr Xorcok moved toBrndlord with his family in 1950 lie was edu cated at Bradford High School where he was president of the Studentr Council and studied radio television and jolnnallsm at the Ryuson bulimia of Tedr hology in lhronln Ho Joined the citynews staff of The Examiner June 111 Korcoks assignment in addition to featuring camp Bor dcn men and their families to delve into the joys and prob lems of Canadian forces serving in Germany His transportation is being provided by the Royal Canadian Air Forre heaving Trenton Monday mor ning he will fly to interslob Germany He goes with the troop toDuaseldorf then on to Soest Home and Werlwhere the Fourth Brigade 311 maligned About 5000 troops in all orein lemmasï¬ves soc girlsgopas Fin girls open tolall from ions Morewiil be heard from the Rules shortly theareo He leaves on the jour ney Dec 15 sonny com 3qu Grafton Street In Oldxilublin glass roof overs quarter mile of Grafton Street in old Dublin and charging up the cost to all the shops Its grand scheme to be sure but very much doubt if theyll ever be doing it From Grafton street youd raise yoursï¬e youll see fine pillar as tall as ever youd wontynnd perohed on the top likeness of the English LordNelaon Now thenugusn are long gone with their me and Tans and not body in old Dublin would favor being reminded of those times unless of course you 1112 bands 11011123 WA Mun um Camp Borden High school Froniflwvew beginning there has bear some association bet ween music Mid military evolu liner and it is not surprising mime unce century fostered the gm wind and drum groups Bnnds which were attributed ar being the forerunners of pre sent day groups the concert and Frederick Ktnglwls XIV itheGmt in particular were arm TQNIG The duopiano team Whit tcmore and Lowe form Barrie Commtmily Concert Associa tions second attmctign this year tonight at North Celine into auditorium warriors of hostoricnl note who loved the fascinating hypnotic check of the drumming and ion inree associated with seventeen th century turmoil of battle and pump of victory Brltish regiments likewise employed bundsmen though supported by private regiment al funds whilst the Scots were content with their pipes Andso all in all eighteenth By The camp Borden Players Camp Borden Players pro duction of Arsenic And Old Lace took to the iootllghts last night and can be seen againto night with its 35 players design ers carpenter and helpers Producer and director of the well known mysterycomedy is Capt Alphee Bloke former member of Windsor Theatre Guild While this ishis first try at directing lllength play he is wellversed stogecraii hav ing been associated with amet eur productions since ol days Arseulcs Abby Brewster in Mrs Noonlc Potter veteran of much acting experience in Eng land where she took leads in such productions as Nocl Co wards gay romp Biithe Spirit The play illbe first time experience or cant Joe lohn ston however as he steps on as Teddy Brewster An active sportsman Cap Johnston is now serving in the RCAMC School Longtime munher of Play were meme todehate the subleotwitli him so theres what youd call unanimous feeling against the Englishman sitting up there even higher than on Donnell himself But the good people of Dublin cant agree onlwho to put up in his place so hes still there and likelytp be for goodmnny years yet to come Do women the cam shopkeepers would agree on such project as glass roof if they havent even got rid ofNelaon yet avunonn smear Anywayfernfton ion grand street without roof and it is my favorite street in the wide world It more unless begins ntthe bridge over the Lilies River My grandfather whose people came from the no ch was always saying that the ellor the Litrey ne of the sights of Dublin and most people start 11 Grafton at good jogging trot 1m to put it behind em Youll out be passing tne misalignment where theres more girls thanyoud care to count cal culating and ï¬guring about the Sweeps and such with nobody ever knowing how muohof the money ever gets tothe hospitals themSelvea Then theresan open space with the Bankof Ire land onone side and it guarded by gloomy column and snooty silkenclad lackeys the like of whichgyou never saw andon theother strong ironrrailing and adarlr covered passageway meoonorvmns If you go through there and cross overthe cobble stones ii may he theyll let you into Trinity College Library and give you peek at the beautiful Book of Kellsrwlth all its illuminated pages Back is the very be the corner theres green bench It spot all Dublin for watching the theyfnre with country sh comp xions wotneedijngpelnt at alland smiling eyes and bouncing steps and smartly tailored tweedy clothes Take yourself away though andcomealong to see the shops if your pockets arejingllngand theres some prgttytrinket in your mind You might chooses breech of Connemara marble or perhaps another made of morons justilike Brian Beths harp itself nunnnvsnnrmsns If opd sitawhilei called El toutzyou me It eglasa ere Lt Tommy Tomllnson of the RCASC School appears as Mort imer Brewster An old hand at amateur theat rlcals Mrs Belly Badfield is Marthe Brewster She has work ed with popular English oper etta company members of the Players for the past three years Miss Pet Smith plays Elaino HarperA secretary with the Royal Codnd inn School of infantry she has played leads in at least three prcvious productions at Borden NEWCDMERS Three members of the ROS of are all newcomers to the stage lSgt Donny Seguln Jonathon Brewster Sgt Herb Wilson Brophy and Felix Carr iers the dual role of Mr Gibbs and Klein The part of Dr Eiruteln be ing taken by Lt Sandy Law rence in his first appearance with the Camp Borden Players lnRalah Egypt heiwrole and helped to directrthe Rafah Re mnfmunc iconumf altrunner NW in century classicnl Europe was doomed to be rudely awakened by the marinas of war comm Pwed by housing oercussl on in struments complete with new boss drummers adorned inleopald skins aswns the custom of the day shrieking fifer and other weird iatro menu all expressing their var moods with vivid latices in the call to sun or victorious Ml Toward the end of the era however the madness subsided and headmaster began adding newer andmore instruments to their groups More band music was being composed This then was the birth of the concert ver sion of bands one change of title 03th to Concerti was subtle break away so not as to mislnform lay listeners who had the me orewon rightly so too that Military Bands played mostly marcivtypo music and who were owned by the military Even today the breakaway is incom Its realm Old Lace plcte for in England one still hear of the Bournemouth mm aranndflwhfchls fine con cert hand in ectunlrepetoire yet ownedby the Municipal Board of the City of Rome mouth lhen name growth In the United States great strides were made in respectJo ize and sound Some bands symphonic concert bands nowl had over 100 performers and used oellosend basses strings by the score This indeed was hold experiment carried out by young conductors arranger and composers ellkeall stri for the great new sound of con cert band which blossomed with the twentieth century Todeys concert band is there fore platform ensemble pm renting music of high calibrc and importancestill dimm hut forever cndeavoring to cater to public in this great field of lisetgpmg pleasure and entertain in view of 66 Canadian Army stage show produced for memb era of the United NetherEm ergency Farce 01 Sale Of Pork To City 01 Toronto TORONTO CPLThe militia Mimlcipel Board Friday ap proved the sale of Chorlcy Park to the city of Toronto for $100000 The estate is the onetime resi dence of the provinceo lieuten antgovernors Mayor Nathan Phillips has been trying for two years to gat the federal government to done ihe $elastlelilre estate to the dly or The estate covers about adoun acres overlooking the Don Valley Parkway in suburban north BoseI dale it will be usedfor park de veiopment worm Ronni ro romance Robert Mitchum and Julie London pursues violentand romance in vmotionvpictine based on To Lees bestselling novel in technicolor it starts at Barrie Imperial Theatre maxi WEdlt nesdo Winds Rains Lash Florida Beach lirea ST PETERSBUR Fla AP Winds up to miles an hour and heavy rain lashed the Tampa Bay area Friday night Boats were swamped windows smashed and many residents were without electricity for sev eral hours The resort communities along St Petershurg bench were ar uthit Most boatswere into protectedareas but two chbin cruisersone 40end the other 26 feet long were sworn ed waves in 16 lMPEIRIAL Gilli COOPER HAW 1i IM VAN HEFLIN TAB UNTFI so ï¬yeariddgmanaionh him into disrepair sits on theestnte lnlsllitwaevaéetedinnnew nomy move after housing the Crowns provincial representative forzzvyearl Last Showing TONIGHT