PAGE FOUR ablem Edi summer NOV mum RéiarclédChiidj all more Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd is Baylleid street Barrie ontesio Gets AttentionOri Monday What is mental retardation How no men is it What causes this unfortuna condition Could this condition happen in our family These are questions that the public ask On the other hand here are some of questions that the par ents ask did this happen to us Was it our fault is this condition heredi tary Is thereanything we could have done to preventit Will other children we may have be afflicted the same way Mental retardation is one of the most challenging problem of childhood and yet most of us know too little about it This is chiefly due to the fact that the public is general does not get exposed to these unfortunate childrenrhereis social stigma attached to them For tunately the question of mental retarda tion is now being brought into the open child who is mentally retarded is no longer kept behind closed window and locked doors Much can be done to help theSe children and their troubled parents Polio victims had spokesman in President Roosevelt and the March of Dimes began which supplied the funds for research These children have no one from their ranks to champion their cause Therefore the responsibility for them falls squarely on the shoulders of each of us In this enlightened society in wnich we live we are our brothers keeper However before these children are given the recognition and the help they deserve much will be required in educating the general public to this pro blem Now to get back to that first question what is mental retardation It is sublt normal intelligence due in most cases to defective or damaged brain The child AS EEOMB NEAES New Statesman As soon as you know an llbomb is on thewayi run out and paint your windows with mixture efgwhiiewash and curdled milk to deflect danger ous rays Soak your clntains and upholstery with solution of borer and sinrinh to prevent fire gecturer on civil defence reported in Reynolds awe SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK New York Times iiie plan for permanent New York Shake opeare Festival in Central Park refuses to die in the words of Robert Dowling chairman of the clhsens committee that has been working on the project the idea is to have monthly co ordinated and weilplanned Shakespeareleshval each year which will rise above personal con diets and individual considerations Mr bowling and his associates iookforward to the planning and administrati of such theatre by board of trustees or tothose supervising the work of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the public library They also hope that the plan might eventually produce departinent of cultural activities for the city of New York whose purpose will be to support further such cul tural projects in our city Sometimes it seems easier to carry out dreams ofthis sort in smaller cities than inour great metropolis Our eight million people cannot crowd into even the largest and freest theatre Yet VNews NOVEMBER as me November issue ofThe Examiner 70 years ago has an item headed Employ Local Labor in Sewer Project at Current Wages The contract wej signed and sealed with Keystone Contract ors Limited of Windsor successful bidders Mayor Robertson pointed out that labor would gt be furnished byibe Welfare Dept of Barrie and the Works Department according to conduct and odreiwisehpreference would residents of Barrie district gt concentrate of 33¢ per hour would be paid and contractors receive 75 per cent of the amount owmg each month as work progresses plus 15 par cent on completion and 10 per cent remain ing Within 90 days George Reid consulting engineer to receive per cent of the cost as his be given to fee Debentures of $80000 at is years were issued and $70000 borrowed from the Bank of Toronto TheCbinese citizens of Barrie set fine ex ample ln the correct Red Cross campaign With out myrrequest from otherorganizations The Opinions of Other Newspapers has reduced capacity for learning and cannot be educatedtothe same extent as anonnai person of the same age The mental growth and development of these children proceeds atn much slower rate than the normal child When they reach adult age they havethen only reached the mental age of aohild How common is mental retardation It is much largergprqblem than is gen eraliy realised Compare the frequency Of thiscondition with some other Well known chrome crippling defects and see how it stacks up Out of every thousand children born in Canada two will be blind three will be permanently crippled to some degree by polio three anda ban will develop cerebral palsy seven willrde velop rheumatic heart disease but 30 will be mentally retarded Yes this is ten times the problem that polio is The wor risome thing about this condition is that its no respecter of persons It may oc cur in any family It brings tragedy to the rich and to the poor alike What are the cauées Jrmental re tardatlon There are probably over 100 different causes for this condition In many cases the cause is as yet not known Modern medicine no longer regards mental retardation as the creation of evil spirits or the work of demonsnor is it considered family disgracebut condition that can be treated through scientific means Mondays Retarded Childrens Blitz Day for bonds in Barrie is time for all citizens to learn more about this prob lem and to learn how each one can lend support to the agencies at work battling the problem in their own community the opportunity should be there for thoseend they are great multitudewho are hungry or gunléuraloileï¬ngs they have not yet been able to rovrosanrranv anarncn Ottawa Journal Every Scotsman who moves overseas is pur sued by heather which is cheap easily packed and cosislittle in postage Many an immigrant boy finds himself amid loving stacks of the pur pleheoth in his newfound lodgings Lives thereasplltwifllléillï¬‚ï¬ dead that kg will deny hehtherL Of course not ut fortllose Who like their heather in discreetouantiiy there is lhe sound of rescue in Agricmtuzemparhnent rulings tobalt 44 shipmnts of heatheryatToronto andVancouver because the room had been starch in potatoes to keep them fresh Canade tolerant always does not mindhea ihcr but ebominates potatoes shipped from any country where serious pest ofpoiatoes may be found Potatoes from Scotland can enter legally only if they urny phytosanitary certificate which would be an awful lot of trouble to so to in order to keep bit of heatherfresh Dry unpotatoec heather is really no problem Thepurplextips soon fall off and the remainder drybrown stem is it only for burning whiff of huming heather is breath of the Highlands and then there is left room forthe new crop which willcome as fast as surlace mail can ytake ii in the Fall of another year of Former Yea Ohinae Patriotic Association of Barrie arranged canvass among local Chinese and as tangible result of their efforts Red CrossChairman Craig was handed cheque for sun as con tributed by 34 Chinese individuals and firms with amounts from $1 to $20 Dorlng the hunt of the Midland Club at Nair coot Vespras clerk and treasurer Coulis one ofibe clubs crack shots had narrow escape from being burned alive Standing on his runway for some considerable time on cold frosty morning he decided to build fire After wann keep lookout at the some time Suddenly he found that his heavy sheepskin coat was on fire Hlsbeltof cartridgeswith revolver hatchet and knife prevented him from getting it off and he started to run for the lakemo yards away It was too far and he rolled in the snow instead with success The rest of club coming along thought that hehad been attacked by pack of wolvs All returned home with their regular full coun Paragraphically Speakirlg The personwho turns loose and arms with the current willsoon get into deep water atantialiy correct glaflvaDGLLBosinm Manager germs Emmmnagl Editor Mnnlsin MAIu 102m patrimonyone Subscription nn Hslo by air so 31 mdnth 419 Unlverriw Ave 340 ml were oatmsmmvï¬gmn Hie amniononly Nemoon no warmth The Casualn gt we see you pro also reserved Whoa Fulï¬ll Pm keep De Gaulle from being An excellent start has been made on the project to wear Christmas to fraz zle before it gets here Farmore deplorable than the fact that IjVpieople consider the big majority of people boobs and suckersTaie strongin dicatlons that their evaluation is sub It seems Eisenhower and Macmillan have considerahie difï¬culty trying to too cool and Adenaur Iron overheating Haircuts are so high now that going that barber shopis almost as painful as goingtovthe dentist is medical scienceslipping7 It has been some weeks sinceithes added mcm érto the family otmiracle drugs EDMBIAD Till MASTER lull HE WEEKS News Death or Ex UN Qiiicidl Linked ToHungarv Revolt ny DAVID noWerinlz Canadian lrcss stair Writer Although Premier Khrush cllev blusters that people should stop worrying about the way Russian soldiers and tanks crushed the Hungarian revolt of 1956 wgare pr ud of it as feat he said during his 115 visit there are plenty of re minders to keep the memory strong gt One was the discovery Thurs day in New York park of the body of Povl BangJensen There was bullet wound in the right to mple and pistol nearby He was former Dan ish diplomat and one tinlo United Nations official who was fired from the UN last year be cause he reï¬ned to tell the names 018 Hungarian refugees talked of meetingbetween idinlsilcbcv Eisenhower Mac millan and dc Goalie will take place between April 25 andMay sl SCORCEEE Andrew Morgan told made train in Glasgow Thursday why he poured kerosene into mail box and set fire to it lled de cided that perhaps it would be better for his wife not to re ceive an unkind letter vhed mailcd Morgan drew three month jail sentence TOLL TAKE JUMPS No months ago automatic lollcollecting machines were installed on the Jacques Car tier bridge linking the island of Montreal andthe south shore of the St Lawrence River who had gi to secret testimony TransportMinister George mm liEPORT flotillanames Very Much Open by PAIBlCK NICHOLSON NEW YORK leelva months iron now the electors or the United State will choose new president to succeed exGenenl Ike Eisenhower who is not el igible in run for third fouryear formic the White House With boll parties courting the nonpolitical soldiu be twice won handsomely on the Republican ticket whichls roughly compar able to our Progressive Conserve tirequetAnow be has to try to implmrlent his pollcles in the face of an adverse Congrus situa tioliwhich cannot happen under our morereallstlc parliamentary Waieln Many liberals in the US be lieve that the success of Demo crat running for Congress last yearforecaste Democrat as president in 1960 Responsible Democrats hope that Adlai Ste venson famous as the egghood licked by Ike will carry and tri umph under their party banner close second to him is Senator Hospital invMonireal Wednes day night and two doctors and an orderly were injured when they were buried under avpile of rubble that crashed from ceiling Dr Marcel Dusserault the most severely minied suf fered fractured skull No pa iienis were hurt but they were moved elsewhere it was caused by natural gas said Capt Cecil Rows of the Montreal arson sound but it Weavnot the fault of the gas cdmpany or its employees In vestigations were continuing PROGRESS AT GENEVA After week of talk muons Americad British and Soviet scientists at Geneva Russia fi nallyagreed Tuesday to the program to be followed in re viewing ways of detecting un John Kennedy controversialas Roman Catholic able as cam paigner REPUBLICANS COULD But the distant race is very much open both as to party and as to candidates Even Democrats admit that progressive Re publican could triumph across the USA in 1960 just as Progres sive lory swept one opposing party to disaster and two to de sfructlon across Canada in 1958 The professional politicians in the Republican camp believe they have winner in VicePrcsldent Richard Nixon ibo 4eyearold Quaker from California Sportsloving Nixon spent four student years sitting onihe sublt siltutes bench on the edge of his college football field fishes al ready werrrled the substitutes bench outside the White House for seven years hoping for the ele vatlon which would automatically follow the onceleared death or reilralrlent of lke Next year he hopesto win in his own right but is more likely to perpetuate his football failure He is not the darling of the QUEENS PARK vï¬n bugle ill choice pros oh well be on ion of death As in her of the House uni American villas committee to years are his enthusiasm so far dunno his prudence that may Democrats today biuerlyxrecaii how be virtually smeared their party as Communists This woldd prevent him attracting many crossover votes in the presides till election THE PEOPLES CHOICE Recently dark horse has come forward as possible runner in the White House stakes This is very personable and obviously competent working politician Nel son Rockefeller who last year bucked the strong Democrotlc tide and demonstrated immense valorappeal by lnlsesiing the Democratic Governor of New York State Avereliliarrimon He has not yet expressed his ioteo lion but be is now actively tul ing the temperature of the water prior to plunging into the attempt to exchange bi 350000 year job as governor far the $100009 your job as president Before becoming chief execu tive of the most populohs slate wlih population approaching Canadas thriving in an area matching Newfoundland island the 51ycurcld Baptist with the famous name had wide adminis trative experience in Washington He served as assistant secretary chalets under Roosevelt as epr cial assistant to President Elen hower as under secretary of health education and welfare He now is seizing ovary oppor tunity to deliver major speech to expectant audiences he is throwing out some statesmanllke and thoughtprovoking ideas hint ing thattills is not the time for the leader of the West to have more of the same in govern meat enloyed hearing his pen auaslva argument in favor of PanAmerican economic union the evcnhially inevitable ban gaining lever against the Euro peaoCommoo Market and the logical stabilizer of LatinAmer ican unrest Should Be Rules In Facing Women politics haveihe knack olbao DON OEEARN on the uprising BangJensen said that if their names were divulged families and friends might suifer re prisais at the Communists hahds He was despondcnt for time after he was fired and the police believed that dismay over losing the UN job caused him to tokehis own life But his wife said that he had been Bees gave the interesting news Tuesday that in the first two months with the machines rev enue increased $150000 or to per cent Before most people had time to work out how many more cars that would mean it was revealed that Clements superintendentof bridges was warned by gunman last Ault gust to stop installing the mac derground atomic tests Russias move was conces sion The Soviet scientists had been insisting that the study now going on was designed to delay work on treaty banning all kindsof nuclear tests The following dayuie Rus sians unexpecth said they were willing to abandon vetol mowers er ymon an Canadian School of Practical mum at Nursing reportedly centers on re The main requirement marks the minister made to Pressed suit steady use of the delegation from the school hairbrush and charming smile But there are some who can bggeregm amï¬gé $23 even come out all rigljt at closer quarters ing but one can imagine them is on me Premier Frost And the incident causes one to wonder whether perhaps there And Nahum bulk should not be set of ground mower and be 9V9 lure devious course this chines or else Guy Beeudet Eh if EEStwes WWIS laid for cabinet ministers who in good spirits recently FEAR FOUL PLAY Some associates feared foul play may have been involved There were reports that Bang Jensen had received new in formation about llungary re ceotly And although he had been missing since Monday morn ing an autopsy showed that he did not die until Wednesday morning The police concen trated investigations on what happencd in be interveningifl ing back in Weve shut it hours Also on Monday the UNs steering committee over strong Communist objections recom mended another General Asa semny debate on Hungary The assembly agreed to schedule debate perhaps next week Jim his hands he decided to warm his back and UMM METABLE Dates for the EastWest sumI mit confcrenca were being dls cussed ill ihe worlds capitals this week French andGennan sources indicated the much Montreal port manager was also thrcafened tillees promised an investiga on PLANE HITS HOUSES Claude Helwig veteran pilot with Trans World Airlines Called the control tower at cages Midway airport soon after taking off beforedawn nlesday We just got fire hell on engine Number Were comv dawn Minutes later the fouren gined cargo plane plowed through four homes and an apartment house beyond Lheedge of the airfield Helwig had missed the runway by about three blocks Pieand his crew of two were idiledalong with eight other persons in homes smashed end sprayed with flaming gasoline nosrlranpxrliosmn An explosion shook St Luke sion is set up to enforce ban on nuclear weapons tests SMOKING AND CANCER The weight of evidence shows that smoking isva principal fac tor in the growing increase of lung cancer says Dr Leroy Burneysurgeongeneral of the United States Clgareis filtered or unfli tered are particularly as sociatcd with the increase Burney said Thursday best wayf0 avoid lung cancer isto stop smoking Dr Buroey himself admits to smoking cigarsnnd pipes ALUMINUM TO CHINA company mail revealed Thursday that AluminumCom pony of Canada has sold about hall of what he says be expunsed 5300 tons ofaluroinumto Com munist China this year That is about one per cent ofAlcans annual output ls they want more wéwnli supply it the informant said have to interview delegations of womeoly NEED ARMDR These rules would be for their protection coast the hardest demands of public life surely must be to ask minister to interview group of women And they need at least some re strictions in the way of armor As weail know onejnan cant The really handle one woman once you with get into thefieldr of reason diha inevitable end is frustra on To ask man to handle dozen or more at one time should be beyond any call of duty And at the very least there shouldbe an automatic rule that from all records and not be used againstbim any way somehow As in private life some men in in his reasoning than they are The late Col from Kennedy used to add touch by working on their sympathies lacing his remarks widl some good lob stories But for those who cant do this there is peril indeed There is Dr vDyrnond at the moment short while ago there was Education Minister Dr Dunlop kiodIY senior man He apparently got so frustrated the moths of Jimmy Bab ineizhe verb kicked her out of his office Cest la femme cest la guerrei swimwear Thou shalt lovethy neighbor Is thylelf Matthew 2239 To do this we must first love God and look upon others in the same way God looks at them irrrrns To EDITOR nouns Gasman or MACEENZIE Toronto Nov 25 1959 T0 TheEdltor The Barrie Examiner so In the article in recent is one of The Examiner by Patrick Nicholson entitled Epitaph Makes History Footnote there pro statements which cannot go unmallenged One can under stand the appra al of Premier llennett by the notalways diSl interested Beaverbrook but cer jtain statements in this article are subject to correction Folklore generally has smeared Bennett as the cause of the worldwide depression of 1929 norIfon the drought on the prairies lie had his qualities but earns into office when the times were out of joint Hefaiied however to recognise the depth of the depression when he prom lsed to euro unemployment at once andagninwhen he boasted that be wouldhlasths waynlnio foreign markets Lllnnd of irienmhipwillrget you then the prepared brief they foundthat th Canadian delegetion made little preparation for it This conference was about to break up without any agreement and only at the last minute when Sir Edward Benny was hastily summoned from Montreal to lend his help was any agree meat reached gt The comment in this article that on the passing of Macken eKing he left the sceneio ridiculed by public jokes disparaged by historians is say the least of it both and contemptibie libel whole public life was mark broad humanitarian spir Old age pension clll allowances Linternational tions in the field of eco he was past master Hi agreement with the States and the war recor government idely ed in highquariers It will be many long til Canada has states his calibre with his fore the trail along which should follow in thedevel lfhcr nationhood in be right and as an integral the British Commonwealth Yours JQHN C0