Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1959, p. 4

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ti examine by Canadian sincerit Ltd is annals rue casino PAGE IOU mar Nov on Cyrillic Argues Sepcirciiionn From Countv 01 Sirhcioe Severaltimes each year Oriiiians are informed by one person or another that it would beto their advantage for the town to secede from Simeon County comments The Oriliia Packet and Times The reasons advanced for such step are many but usually centre about the charge that the County Council is inter ested in this town only as its largest source of municipal revenuep that it draws heavily upon oriliia for funds but gives little in return that Barrie by becoming city has found itself in much more fortunateposition than it svoroccupled as the county town The argument thus presented serves to illustrate the manner in which On tarlo city and county organizations have been drawing steadily apart during re cent years in government in coopera tion and in fraternity Whether or not the reasons advanced in favor of Oril iias withdrawal from the county are valid is not the main point and any an swer to them can best be advanced by County Council spokesmen What is of concern is the manner in which such separations eiscwherehave tended to draw firm line bemoan the urban and the rural dwellers surely an unhealthy situation in any country con tinues The Packet and Times Over the years county councillors have seen massive annexations remove much of their population assessmentand re sponslbiiity They have seenthe centrali zationoi powers by provinclairand fed eral governments grow to the point where county representatives are ieft with feeling of futility Is it any won der that many such men are wondering if county councils are becoming useless and county boundaries valueiess This of course is not necessarily so and solid arguments can be advanced in favor of large county system adminis tering highways bridges suburban roads and schools rather than the far from satisfactoryv procedures made necessary by the sprawling suburban growth of recent years It is true that this particu OPP SponsorSdielleontesi Ontarlo Provincial Felice nevechease theiréfforts topromote safetyand acci dent prevention onthe highways Theirs is not merely the job of investigating 90 ldcntstiiey would muchprerer to fore stall or prevent such accidents wherever possible Now the provincials in all 17 of their districts throughout Ontario are spon soring appntestwitha $50 prize in each district andyer grand prize or site to the person whosesafety suggestions are con sidered the best among those received from the entire 11 districts Thcrules of the contest are simple Opinions of Other Newspapers our on ranPoison St Thomas TimesJournal Richmond Hill lawyer Plakton com plains in the Toronto Star that the police sum mon only witnesses who will ensure aconvlc iar problem ismore acute in the vicinity of the largerentres of population than it is in Simcoe County but alreadybthe symptoms are becoming evidenthere and another decade of growth such as that lust completed must necessarily force both towns and counties to seek some solution to the problem or lapse into two separate antagonistic entities It would seem evident that throughout the province reexaminatlon of the sidet ing municipal system of government has become necsssary Towns and cities that havelabandnned the county system wouidbe reluctant to reenter it without provision for ample representation on thecounty council as well as numerous other concessions and tho ironing out of dimcult points that have been accuse of past friotion But if sound working arrangement could be deviseda more integratedsystem of government would be the result and both urban and rural areas should profit from the elimination of overlapping services and other ills so prevalent today Difficulty would undoubtedly be en countered in bringing urban and rural thinking into line but this should be much less pronounced than it was halfcenturyago for improved com munication and travel facilities have done much to break down thebarrier that existed in Se days when communi ties were virtua isolated one from an other Cityandcounty members on an ex panded county council should he in position to work tolar better advantage by close contact than through intermedi ate boards as they must now do which inevitably leave all too much opportunity for misunderstanding and friction The mannerinwhlch township and town representatives were able to work together in bringing new industry to Orililc should amply illustrate the ad vantages and possibilities inherentin this type of looperation andLolearly indicate how it can be extended to even largerdclds You merely write in lispvwords or less some concrete suggestifinvfor promoting highway traffic safety Entries in the No district must be mailed to the Districtplnspector Ontario Provincial Police Barrie and must be postmarked not later than 12 noon Wednesday Dec It isto be hoped that there will be good response to the contest in District No which includes the Simcoe County area and throughout the province it is worthy contest and one which gives citizens chance to air their views and share with the OPP the effort tomake and keep the highways safe talli conviction but to present such information ssmay be favorable to the accused That is an aspect of legalprocedure which we have heard many judges stale We have even heardrcrowa Attorneys themselves make Hie same statement to juries in presenting their cases The duty of illi swm MYSTERY or lanes sy raraics NICHOLSON immm riariouauy fUniichIiimuomeflmmbihtbe spectacular headlines ly But oo l1 Mikdiinfiii notlpociacular value it lllnd feudalo be butlltlle him even lathe mainstream Thirvoluniaryupoclaliou as sovereign Itltes ll dedicated the martian military peace mulerfaiprorress and human ins not world gavcrm can use only moral tussle in man to achieve its almstbrougbout worldAlalr excepdnnit can exercise force if happened wltbiforca lis members voieto raise an inter national army to rsslore peace or check aggression But ord rpolreir in its open forum the General Assembly do influence nauuns policies and has per formed by its specialized agen LIFE Peaceful coexistence Is Real Threat Facing NATO by narrow MORRISON Canadian Press StaffWriter PaulHenri Speak has put his finer on what appears in be the real threat facing theiNorih Al laniic alliancethe danger that peaceful coexistence East and West may lbad to grade ual disintegrauonof the lacoun try defence pact The NATO secretarygeneral is convinced peaceful coexistence is slowly becoming reality mainly because atomic developments and the alertness of both sides of the Iron Curtain have almost ruled nutmeg Sayéohlrwsst MONTREAL ca John McConnell publisher of the Montreal Star who has just re turned from sixwcck tour of Russia and the Far East says be as struck by the absence war talk in lh nahfies be Some of the impressions gathered during the tour1w outlined in The Star today the first of series of four articles Mr McConnelb wrote that talk of apthirdecrldwar is peculiar to the western hemis phere He added liaviu circle the worldiI am struck by the ab some of war talk elsewhere even in places which might be ill the possibility of any clear corned where did he side Relelsn statesmen who reported loNATQ legislators in you last week is equally cut military vieiory on either convinced that Russia can switch whenever it is lo heradvuntago to do so To let dowli the Western guard during periodoi peaceful co existence might prove to be mil itary suicide Andyct at the vwhcn NATO cornmandels are crying for more equipment and men there ll thought in Washing ton and elsewhere that perhaps the burden of European defence costs might be switched more to some The TalksiOifWar lhc breeding groundsbf on flictn in Japan lloag Kong Thailand in ladle and hell sin ounevervheard th word men ioned So far as on thatlh cold war ladle is iii dc worried about China and the border puts bulao one thinks vii will mean réalouibreak cl warpChina has been life worlds question mark Mr McConnell said that no find anything comparable in Hitlers tense prowar Germany found nothing to frighten melikethat Instead it deal of relaxed friendliness my decpjeeling as illusions Parle Bonn and London than to Washington audioilawa Look out eys Speak know the Western world well enough to know the moment pub lic opinlon has true or false feeling that the danger of wai is growing fainter the first concern will be tocut down drastically on the military effort This laud deniably aproblem which is be fore us and danger whichls staring us in the ace The problem of ATO is that it was born out of Western fear of Communist attack It visual ized other functions such as greater economic co opersiion among the NATO powers but decade of experience has shown it was mainly in fho military field that NATO flourished and this because of great financial support by theUlllted Stakes The fearof Cbni unlstin sion was the Vcernea binding the NATO members together Now willithe advent of peaceful coexistence the Wesl suddenly finds itselfas Speak slatedin perlpd of hesitation and vacil lation NATO mayneed shew reason for exisiciice The thought that it may provide the seed of abroad connmic alliance apparently has only limited support inside the alliance Also givenJimitedsup can and the uniied states port lsthe suggestion by Speak that NATO should spread itself bit to encompass the problems underdeveloped areas in Af irica Says Spaa Economic ria tionailsm is today the last refuge of all selfinterests end of all fits do ameliorate rnankinds The United Naiions uormllly meet in plenary sessioaonoe year when eachof lhemembcr nallons may send five reprcseala five and fivealternate repre sentaiives as well as official oh servers to the General Assem bly The litb session of the assem bly is now in progrcss running typically from September to De somber in its regular annual meeting At the same time the lcvca main committees and varia ous minor committees are meet ng WORLD ELITE MEETS When the General Assembly ad iouraspmemberhatlons mainiain nucleons permanent representa tionof diplomats audspcciailsts here for the work of the UN al ways coutinues through the ecu ity Council llie specialized sgeu else and various other subsidiary bodies The permanent rspreseulaiioas are always swollen by the arrival of diplomats parliamcnlsrlaas and citizens for the assembly and they are upgraded for at least part of the assembly by the pres ence of the foreign ministers and oiher world famous statesmen Typically Canada maintains an ambassador hcreltbroughout the yearbutfor the assembly opca ingfiour foreign minister Hon Howard Green was present while sevéral parliamentarians anon room 11 Village rum marinas noon Special London England Lorreapoudent for The Barrie Examiner ponuoui An unusual made by an amateur film unit in the little Dorseishire village of Lytdiett Minster is being sent tobe shown to audiences there It is religious film eniltled Voice in the Wilderness made in color with the ordinary foikof theyvillage shown as the actors and actresses its pro ducer Madeline Lady Lees has been invited to take the film to Canada and the United States by religious organizations there and it will have its first Canad ian showing in Ottawa The dust of her with the film is lineagesFor iambic appointed as representaqu or ohmyen and our foreign serv ice staff we prosper it vacuumd in 113116de condemnedsic an early death when the Senate of the United Slain refused to ratify ibat coup iryl membership in the intervening in years our powerful aclgbborr gpeat the flrli two decades Ibuaoiog interns liooal commitments wlih results dhislrous ls the world and palm ful to its own taxpayers then do voted the next two decadsf to slicmpliag to correct the harm tbus accomplished Today of all the membercallous of UN lhe Unllcd Siaics can and generally dong exert the most influence for THE BILLWHO PAYS wit costs approximately film 000 to operate the Unli Nav tions this year The bill consists twoihirds of salaries The ex pense isdlvided between the 82 memberf nations who are as sessed according to formula which gives weight to their abil ity to pay Thus the chief supi porter is USA who coalrlbuics 317300000 Russia with the Ukraine and Byelcrussio pays $80000005 Britain 54000900 France 5500000 all in round figures Thea ruled as the world fifih richest nation comes Cam ada wilh contribution of $1500 000 followed by indie with $1400 000 and Italy wltb $900000 Conlt iribulinas are graded down to the minimum of $20600 which is paid by in nations such as Haiti Paraguay Liberia Laos Jordan and Nepal in addition to these contribu tigns to cover the actual office operation of UN membertnatlons also subscribe to help backward nailous and deserving internm fiscal causes These plus our in ternal staff costs bring our total expenses relating to our member ship of UN uplo figure in ex cess of $8000000 this year which more exactly amounts to 53 cents for each Canadiana modest and very worthwhile expeadllur Comeszo Canada plays John the Bapust as boyc Jesus Christ is portrayed as manby the village doctorPeter Cbown who is six feet seven inches in height The role of Jesus as chlldis filled by baby Julian son of acowmaa The only profeésional sssoclat edwlih this film it its dirs actor Roy Gora of Boume mouth wbnhas sis gone with the film to the United States and Canada la addition to the copy which has crossed the Atlantic ther are six copies of the film in con stunt use iaBritain and one has been sentlo Hang Kong Others are now being made to meet the demand which has arisen from otherparis of thqi world lien and make no attempt to summon any oiher witnesses The lame client was acqumgd in those who take part in the prosecution is not to being borne one of its admir obtain avcoavictlon by suppressingevidence fav fJenelt31aperseeu Willowdsle police court so that the case against the man must have been weak in any case The lawyer feels that if the police had taken steps to obtain the evidence of an independent witness his client might not have been put to the trouble and expense of court proceedings After couri proceedings were closed the lawyer askedthe police officer who laid the charge why he did not call an independent witness and the officerre plied that acting on instructions fromhis superior he did not do so because ihe independeals ovid Erica would not have helped him obtain convict on We are inclined to agree Witbllaxtoa that it is not the dutyof the police officer to simply work for conviction but as ulstadian of public order to present all available evidence Crown Attorneys are so instructedor should be When they presents case in court their duly is until call only wrtaessrs who would help the police ob Authorized accentuat gt Port cine Imam ohm commoners and Statutefrfloliflayg rr1 wanes Publisher and oeuuu mi wanna Business Minus =crir sunscreens Paragraphically For mankind there will be no boon gtIn making visits to the moon orableto the crown but to prmentall the facts as they know them Tbat should include tbe policeofficerviho brought the accused into court costume in wuvren iiiloose Jaw messiah Some interesting moves were made by bu ers inthis disfilct lssfwinier to overcomethe traditional winter slump falconstrucion One en terprising builder for example used plastic covers toensble outside work to continue de spite cold weather Such efforts should be en ccuraged The building industry is Canadas biggest employeroi labor and consequently the industrys activity or lack of if has direct in fluence on the wellbeing oftbe whole commun 5w An apple daywilikeep the doctor away saystld Sorehead and so in some cases will bum oreclitratin everyone is waitin clothes to come all But she will foul them alti is going to remains fine whole for her some upstanding young lady She has doffed few garments but not enough to cause noticeable Its enoug rilake Jane turn somersaulis in her grave Daily Mirrorpcomic strip and anyone who lmew laae Wouldex pect young Paitito air her snels only with disgustingTor delight fol regularity Jane did little else WEARSTHIN Eut spokesman for The Mir ror says this business is finishe It began to wear thin he say We needed freshyoung yap proachlleucePafil Jane perhaps the war most famous stripper who spent years cavortipguiThe Mirro waswriitenoff when sb finally ropes to eorgie 5h was with bed slands and ship they They use i11 Rémaxinweu Clothed youog thing of is has beea around two months now and Her shipHOMc strips were passed around the trenches groupof British submariners trapped on the bottom dur the war was given advance copies of Jane when ihe subs captain ex pected disaster He was supposed to passithe strips out eachday courtesy of The MirrorWhea the subiudkiiy surfaced the Strips were passed around and the navy had atwoweek jumpoa VctlierrJane readers Patti is Janessuccesscr in flie Soldiers never foriaveihst sub marine captain um ooav rumor persisted during the war that the day Jarie siripped completelyshe normally lied few strings attachedtbs Allies would invade Europe Sure enough onJune enmi Jane stood before the war naked After the war she was credited with helping Labor win the 1945 genferal election ticipate directly but supported Labor and Jane aeve disputed editorial policy No one sverrknewdan last name But lust in limbo first name in London and everyone new the sillsg he didnt par The Mirror éd two or out act in gLoiidnnl when her sister stripped down to in Bikini type outfit Patti was well and frilly shocked In the old days ofJane the sister would seem weiland truly guwued Pattis author incidentally Is wamanuAad Mirror spok man says she has no intention creating another Jane shame He indicates the oVer pretty we says initial public reaction ew strip is going Diei Govt inquiry OTTAWA CF Prime Min ister Diefepbaker hasgivea fresh impelus to reparis that the gov eramentyisplaauiugto set 19 ro commission to inquire into ili bolefield of government operations AiOman gt Canadian Chamber ofCoinmerce proposed an independent inquiry Wednesday ben they presented the chamber5 annualbriefly the cablpetLatpr Mr en alicr told reporters tliatllie proposal xhaustivelyex Diefenbaker said the dele ation gaVs very strong sup been cleared delegation rom the ere who prefersrto remain anon ymous oice in thewildemess in which coo villagers take part as principalspr as extras in crowd scenes was shot throughout in color on the local bills and beathimid whlclimakes real istic background for the Biblical story of St John the Baptist cumm OBERAMNEERGAU perls who have seen this film are freely predicting that it will make Lytcbett Minster the Oberdmniergau Britain script the cinema There are plans for further religious pro ducticns assoon as the financial budget for this first film amounting to about £2500 has It has been community e14 fort Lady Lees herself put up some of the fooney by her car and colleclion ct andy Sir John lees five ugbters Valid grand children all appear on libs screen Her sohlhomas was the cameramsn Estate gar deaersgamekeepe local trad esuien and crafts all have their rel PLUMBER S0N Schoolmaster Donald appears asJoseph leper Jolm Allawsy 12year oid son of the village plumber hasurged lboiieedfor an in ouiryysimiiar to that made in the Unitedsiates some years ago by former president rt Hoover to ensure economic and Tourist Potential Greaterhi Canada OTTAWA ice and day with Resources Minister Alvin Hamilton declaring that Canada hasnt even begun to achieve its tourist potential Mr Hamilton addressing the conference for the second time ssidhowever that thevgatliering had demonstrated a5most couraglag thingwe are putting to the problem He rel rated remarks he made attireopening of the conference Monday that the Trans Canada Highway coupled ith Ame cans natural desire to see Alaska the is could mean ahonm for travel age port left by her late hus pm routes le mg Wedn lJe by BIBLE THOUGHT Vcrily ly serum you That ye shall weep and lam but the world shall rejoice an ye lblillbe sorrowfulhut you narrow shall beturncdinio lo 20 We are not prom edxemp arguedllist taxes are too high ahdurged in reduction in govern expenditures lklyss do from the common sorrowsl butifswc stein GodsE

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